Alamta Singarimbun
Bandung Institute of Technology
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2016
Ni Ketut Lasmi; Alamta Singarimbun; Wahyu Srigutomo
The abolition of BBM Subsidize by the government causes increasing of its price, so a solution is necessary to find an alternative energy that is relatively cheap, environmentally friendly and affordable by all layers of society. Biogas is one of the renewable energy resources that are potential to be developed, especially in a farming area, because up until now, animals excrement is not yet optimally used and it causes problem to environment. In response to this, one innovation to do is to make an instrument which is able to mix biogas and air by venture pipe using the basic theory of fluid mechanic, in order to raise the use of biogas as electricity source. Biogas conversion is done by changing fuel in benzene 5 kilowatt genset to biogas so it becomes a biogas genset. The biogas pressure is controlled when it enters the mixer instrument so that the velocity of biogas when it enters and it comes out the mixer is the same, and it will gain different pressure between biogas and air. By the pressure difference between biogas in the mixer instrument, biogas goes to the burning room so that the conversion of mechanical energy biogas to electricity will happen, and it will be applied as light and societys needs.
Bulletin of Scientific Contribution: GEOLOGY | 2010
Cyrke A.N. Bujung; Alamta Singarimbun; Dicky Muslim; Febri Hirnawan; Adjat Sudradjat
This research was conducted at Pasir Impun Landfill Site which had an unperfect sanitary landfill system, so that the groundwater contamination occurred in the surroundings area. In order to minimize the spreading of leachate as natural, basement rock properties of landfill site could be an important factor. Generally, the basement rock of Pasir Impun Landfill Site had a good geological characteristic, eventhough there was a poor value of hydraulic conductivity between 10-4 - 10-5 cm/sec (>10-7 cm/sec; minimum value for a good landfill site). The good basement rock properties of Pasir Impun Landfill Site were (i) the basement rock had a deep groundwater table, (ii) a highly clay content in the basement rock which caused a rising retardation factor. Procentage of clay mineral (kaolinite) in the basement rock of this landfill site could be 87,22 %, with the value of retardation factor was 2,63. On the other side, the poor value of dispersion at the Pasir Impun Landfill Site showed that natural attenuation did not occure yet intensively. So, it could be predicted for 10 years later that the leachate plume will bigger than now, but still in 200 meter radius of leachate spreading.Research area is located in Ambulangan, Banjar regency of South Kalimantan province. The research is aimed to indentified and mineral inventory of Iron Ore deposit, as well as primary or secondary type ore deposit. Morphology of the area is generally covered by hilly volcanic terrain with elevation below 650 m above sea level, the drainage pattern is mainly sub-parallel. Litology of the study area is covered mainly by Cretaceous rocks consists of Sediment, volcanic and andesitic intrusion. The iron ore occurred as primary and secondary type deposit. The primary type is exposing as vein like structure of approximately 6 m width and 50 m long, where as the secondary type is exhibiting as boulder or lateritic soil. Chemical analysis of primary iron ore indicated the ore grade is about 66.37% and 62.99% for secondary iron ore.Metamorphic rocks in Bayah Complex included by Bayah mountain zone. Purpose of this research is to know characteristic of this rock with using petrography methods, that is, identify texture, structure, mineral contain, and metamorphic facies of the rocks. The result showed that kind of the rock is dominated by biotite schist, some actinolite schist, hornblend schist and chlorite schist. Almost all them have retrograde metamorphism, is characterized by biotite altered to chlorite and muscovite, hornblende to actinolite, and actinolite to chlorite. This proses probably associated by uplift processes in Eocene – Oligocene.The research area as administratively is located in Sukatani village, District Sukatani, Purwakarta, West Java Province. Based on the relief morphology, strato volcanic facies models and its lithology, geomorphology of Sukatani is strato volcanoes leg with radial drainage pattern. This area height of about 260-300 meters above sea level. Stratigraphy unit of research area is divided into two units, namely Tufic sandstones-Conglomerates, and Alluvium. The study is intended to determine the position and water resources at a certain depth below the surface and determine subsurface conditions. The study based on measurements of geoelectric method of geoelectric 1-D and 2-D configuration of Schlumberger. The results of study are in the form of rock resistivity values. They are interpreted in the cross-sectional shape and correlated with geological and hydrogeological conditions. Based on the resistivity value, distribution layer in the study area are classified into three packages, namely rock low resistivity layer ( 100 ohm-meters) are expected to act as a layer aquifug.Geoelectric measurements committed in an attempt to obtain the presence, depth, thickness, number and spread of the aquifer. From the interpretation of Schlumberger geoelectric method (Sounding) acquired seven units of lithology, three units are classified as permeable layer, and four units as impermeable layers. The layer that functions as the aquifer has a resistivity value between 200-400 Ωm which is interpreted as a breccia with component-gravel gravel unit, 100-200 Ωm which is interpreted as breccia matrix supported by granule-sized components peble unit, and 50-100 Ωm which is interpreted as breccia matrix supported with gravel-sized component unit. Distribution of the three rocks in the study area is dominated by a nearly breccia grain supported. While units with resistivity values above 400 Ωm and under 50 Ωm interpeted as an impermeable layer-semipermeable. Faults that developed in the study area has direction a northwest-southeast. Those fault caused the fracture system that developed on volcanic deposits in this area. Therefore the zone bounded by two faults are thought to have better porosity values as the aquifer is supported by fracture with a higher intensity in surrounding area.Lithology of Tanjung Formation from the oldest to the youngest layers consists of siltstone, mudstone, dan carbonaceous mudstone or sandstone layers with four coal seams. Strike of joint varied N28oE to N48oE, N188oE to N245oE and N284oE to N354oE, and dip of joint varied 52o to 88o (very steep). Weathering conditions of rocks at the surface are moderately weathered (WM) to slightly weathered (WS) stage, and some of this surficial soils are at highly weathered (WH) stage as top soisl. In the bor holes these kinds of weathering stages (WM and WS) are characterized by both law core recovery dan RQD. Sedimentary rock of layer the joint to formed rock blok is discontinuity plane (bedding plane dan joint). The classification system is according to Rock Mass Rating (RMR) after Bieniawski, 1973 to determine the Slope Mass Rating (SMR) resulting maximum angle of cut slope of the rock mass in a stable condition. Rock Mass Rating (RMR) of penetrated rocks of the Tanjung Formation in Bore Hole No. AW-1, AW-2, and AW-3 range from 35 to 70, 40 to 50, and 29 to 60 respectively. The class numbers of the rock mass are II and III in general, suggesting that yhe rock masses are stable (class II) to partially stable (class III), but in Bore Hole AW-1 and AW-2 at the depth ranging from 39.45 to 45.30 meters and 04.75 to 27.84 meters (3 rock masses) respectively class IV occur characterizing the instable rock masses.Foraminifera is a unicellular animal which has capability to form a test. Twenty samples of seafloor sediment Semarang waters are analyzed by using quantitative method. Every type of small benthic foraminifera test wall is counted. Based on foraminifera test wall analysis, there are 3 types of test wall: hyaline calcareous, porcelain calcareous, and agglutinin. The highest percentage of hyaline test is found in 24 meter, porcelain test is found in 37 meter, and agglutinin test is found in 51 meter. Hyaline test wall has the highest total individual, 140226 individual (59,45%). It shows that research area is shelf environment.Twenty sea surface sediment samples are taken for research. Research area is located at Semarang Water and lied on 109o38’08,53’’ - 109o 43’31,57’’ BT and 05o 30’00’’ - 06o28’46,02’’ LS. Benthic foraminifera is marine unicellular animal that very useful to determine environment. The purpose of this research is to determine the genus of dominant small benthic foraminifera in order to interpret the environment. Based on quantitative method, result of the research shows total of genera is 29 with 145335 individual. Six genera which occur in all over samples are Ammonia, Anomalina, Asterorotalia, Elphidium, Heterolepa and Quinqueloculina. Genus Heterolepa is small benthic foraminifera dominant with total percentage individual is 35.957%. Based on the dominant genus, the environment of research area is marine (neritic).Some expert mention that surface of recent earth is reflection of geological process that goes on at past. Some state in Europe are connecting study of geomophology with geography. It is known as physical geography, but some of state in Europe and America are includes geomophology as geological science branch. While in Indonesia, more uppermost as physical geography, because indirect corellation to activity of development, specially development of agriculture and urban.The southern part of Bandung area available some geo-tourism, both was developed or not yet. Wayang Mount area and surrounding are one another that fully developed not yet. That area has geological phenomena and natural preserve. The objective of research is supporting geological information available for tourism developing at Wayang Mount area and surrounding. Main theme of research is modeling of tourism development that cares with environment. Base on literatures study, Bandung area has potency and constraint in connection with area development. That two aspects cause environmental problem that necessary integrated management. Some methods are used to get data; among other are literature study, field survey, and laboratory analysis. Probabilistic approach is used for data analysis. Research result show Wayang Mount area and surrounding is product of Quaternary volcanic. It has gentle to very steeply with elevation about from 1,425 to 2,198 meters from sea level. The drainage patterns are sub-radier, sub-dendritic, sub-parallel, and sub-rectangular. Stream order from 1 to 5 with drainage density reach 8.3 km / square km. Lithology is product of earlier Pleistocene to Holocene volcanic. That lithology consist volcanic breccia, tuff, and lava. A part of them hydrothermal altered and weathered. Base on analysis of microscopic, geochemistry and physic-mechanic show rock and weathering result’s can studied with measured. The available of hot spring in Wayang Mount area is controlled by structure pattern and active tectonic. The tourism development at Wayang Mount and vicinity is supported by strategic location, some geological phenomena, exquisite view, etc. That area is suitable for geo-tourism and agro-tourism development. The constraint aspect in development program is complicated environmental problem. Those problems are Wayang Mount area is natural preserve and main water resource of Citarum River.Lithology at research area consist of sandstone, claystone and brecia which include to Halang Formation. Structure of geology is sinistral strike-slip fault with relative strike to southwest - northeast. Geomechanic analysis given a number of Rock Mass Rating and Slope Mass rating as follows: Rock mass rating is 55 to 66. RMR to foundation is 48 to 50. Description of class number is 3 (III), its mean fair rock. Slope mass rating given number of slope angle which is suggested to stable slope, as follows: According to Laubscher (1975) SMR is 55o. According to Hall (1985) SMR is 56.20o to 63.35o. According to Orr (1992) SMR is 64.49o to 71.71o . Environmental management is preventive effort of impact which attend with foundation design according to allowable bearing capacity and / or choice the architecture of building to safety. Monitoring can be conducted to condition of building (house, bridge, drainage etc.)Foraminifera live from shallow marine into deep marine. Environment itself has their own characteristic of foraminifera. Indonesia which is an archipelago country has highly foraminifer’s diversity. Research area is located in Jepara Water and is a part of Java Sea. Geographically, core-01 is lied on 05055’18.66” Latitudes and 110042’34.55” Longitudes. This research is done in order to know the diversity of recent small benthic foraminifera , so that, is there an environmental changes of core-01. Quantitative method is used on 12 sample sediment below sea floor with interval depth 50.00 – 50.55 meter. The identified recent small benthonic foraminifera are compound of 43 genera and 73 species. Based on research, there are changes of diversity genera, diversity species, and individual numbers of recent small benthic foraminifera. Those changes can be used as an indicator of vertically core-01 environmental changes.Administratively, Gekbrong area included into Kabupaten Cianjur region; this area is frontier between Kabupaten Cianjur ( Gekbrong) with Kabupaten Sukabumi ( Cimangkok), resides in Cianjur – Sukabumi roadside. Morphologically as centered bevel of Gunung Gede (Volcano mount foot geomorphology set) with inclination bevel of between 5 - 45 % and height between 400 - 1400 meter asl. River drift pattern grows in this area is sub-parallel pattern which mains to Cibeleng river, with relative Northwest – Southeast stream direction. Geology of this area compiled by pyroclastic and laharic rock; consisted of breccia, tuff, lapilli and laharic breccia from Gunung Gede, while laying below it are compilation between Cantayan Formation Breccias component with Upper Miocene age (Mttb), Cantayan Formation Claystone component with Upper Miocene age (Mttc), Resulting Deposit Of Eldest Volcano ( Qot) Early Plistocene age and Mount Gede Lava ( Qyl) Mid Plistocene age, Breccias and lava of Mount Gede ( Qyg) Late Plistocene age (Cianjur Sheet Geological Map; Sudjatmiko, 1972). Geoelectric investigation done on the basis of physical rock properties to electric current, where each different rock will have different resistivity value. This consideration depends on some factors, such as rock age, electrolyte content, rock solidity, number of minerals contained, porosity, permeability and others. Mostly applied geophysical exploration method in subsurface hydrogeology investigation is geoelectric method (resistivity method). This sounding type also called as Vertical Electric Sounding ( VES), aimed to study various rock resistivity to vertical depth below measuring points (measuring point). Geoelectric investigation result show that there are three rock packages based on distribution and contrast of resisivity value which are interval between rugged and fine clastic and shows more laharik process after compared to its geology condition, such as :a.First package is the topmost package which is phyroclastic rock found at interval depth of 0 until - 30 meter with resistivity value of < 50 Ω m , 50 - 100 Ω m and 100 - 150 Ω m. b.Second package, being volcanic rock package found at interval depth of 0 until - 30 meter with resistivity value of < 50 Ω m, 50 - 100 Ω m and 100 - 150 Ω m. c. Third package start t at - 100 meter depth, compiled by rock with resistivity value between 40 - 50 Ω m (lapilian tuff) and 50 - 100Ω m (lapillian matrix supported breccias).Bioclastic limestones from Baturaja Formation cropped out at Muaradua area, South Sumatera is a good object of research for studying microfacies of limestone. Based on the rock features under the polarization microscope of the bioclastic limestones taking from studied area could be predicted the limestones are predominantly deposited at reef-flank and back-reef local basin. The main components T-F-P test of the limestones showing a significant difference of the carbonate grains, terrigenous grains, and neomorphism materials between two depositional environments. The other side, matrix, cement, and rock porosity components have no significant difference.The studied area belong to Teluk Semanting vilage and Tanjung Batu vilage, Pulau Derawan District, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Coal Bearing Formation is Sajau Formation with the younger from Latih Formation at PT. Berau Coal mine, description is black, vitreous luster, subconcoidal fracture, very hard to soft, brown streak, is general resin and piryt and sometimes wood structure. Phisycal is based on Sub Bituminus B Coal. Outcrop is followed the folded wich North West – South East, the range of strike N300oE – N00oE and N120oE – N170oE. The dip of coal is 8oNE - 28oNE and 5oSW - 13oSW. Indicated reserve of coal at study area is based on resources calculating with make use of the regional geologic explanation has reached 136 million ton, This reserve belong to the middle of the big mining. Quality of coal at study area with the measured parameter is “inherent Moisture” =10,20%-14,58,8%, Ash = 1,10%-7,61%, “Volatile Matter” = 36,58%-45,49%, “Fixed Carbon” = 37,50-45,72%, “Total Sulphur” = 0,12%-2,86%, Calorivic value the range = 5.666 – 6.427 Kkal/kg.The ground water exploitation and the AMDK factory construction of PT. Investama at Darmaga and Pasawahan Village, Sub-District of Cisalak will raise effects towards the environment. Hence the needs of EIA study is very crucial to minimize all the effects that will appear in the future to support sustainable development.Stratigraphy of Ombilin Basin area was interesting for make some research. The research did use remote sensing interpretation to made geological interpretation map which is containing information about lithostratigraphic unit distribution in Ombilin Basin area. LithoStratigraphic of Ombilin Basin from old to young were Brani Formation, Sangkarewang Formation, Sawahlunto Formation, Sawahtambang Formation, and Ombilin Formation.Walat hills in the area of Sukabumi, has a pattern of east-west trending ridge. Hills line orientation is controlled by the structure of fold with is followed by formation of reverse fault. Both of geological structures is formed on the same tectonic period, on Plio-Plistocene. Position of the axis of the fold and reverse fault parallel relative to each other, based on the tectonic formation occurs in the same period, it can be classified as a pattern of thrust folds structure. Of some reverse faults that developed in Walat Area, the reverse fault whose position to northward is major reverse fault, so that by referring to the model structure of Boyer and Elliote (1982), it can be classified as a leading thrust system. This structural pattern is controling topographical differences of the hills with plain morphology in northern.Nowaday natural resources have to be optimalized for humanitarian welfare, It needed manajemen of mining effort that have the same with characterization of each natural resourses, then it needed to take inventory of appearance of natural resources itself. All the information of mineral deposits be fitured in Map that covered in Identification and Mapping Potential Mineral Resourses Work. South Mountained Zone is a Table Land which developed a triangle with its top at southern Bandung have direction west to east, from The Pelabuhan Ratu Bay until Nusakambangan. Width of South Mountained Zone is about 50km. This zone is divided into 3 subzones, which is Jampang Subzone, Pangalengan Subzone, and Karangnunggal Subzone. The research area is included in Jampang subzone that contain Pra-tertiary Rock and Tertiary Sediment and appears in western of this zone. The Oldest rock found at South Mountained Block West Java consist igneous rock, ultrabase, and basalt (Van Bemmelen, 1949) and Skish which appears in Pra-tertiary age (Mark, 1957). Endang Toyib (1975) comment that complex melange deposits which is consist in Ciletuh area are the oldest rock (Mps, Mgg, Mgp). Those rocks formed by ofiolith and metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock consist black clay that scraped and mixed tectonically.Thirty-five surficial sediment samples in Tambelan Seas were studied to identify foraminifera assemblages in the sediments as marine resources. Samples were collected from the strait to the open sea (<100 m), coral reefal (<12 m), sandy beaches and mangrove. Benthic foraminifera assemblages classified in 58 genera of suborder Textulariina, Spirillinina, Miliolina, Lagenina, Buliminina, and Rotaliina. Sub-ordo Textulariina was represented by genera Ammobaculites, Dorothia, Karreriella, Bigerina, Sahulia, Textularia, and Clavulina. Genus Spirilliina is included in the sub-ordo Spirillinina. Genera Adelosina, Nummulopyrgo, Spiroloculina, Agglutinella, Ammomassilina, Lachlanella, Quinquelo-culina, Miliolinella, Pyrgo, Triloculina, Peneroplis, and Marginopora were classified into Suborder Miliolina. Suborder Lagenina was represented by genus Lagena, Guttulina, Oolina, Fissurina and Glandulina; whereas Suborder Buliminina by genus Bolivina, Siphogenerina, and Reussella. Genus Cancris, Valvuli-neria, Eponides, Orbitina, Neoconorbina, Rosalina, Siphoninoides, Discorbia, Lobatula, Planorbulinella, Cymbaloporella, Cymbaloporetta, Gypsina, Epistomaroides, Amphistegina, Nonionoides, Heterolepa, Gyroidina, Hanzawaia, Pararotalia, Rotalia, Ammonia, Asterorotalia, Pseudorotalia, Baculogypsinoides, Calcarina, Elphidium, Parrellina, Assilina, and Heterostegina included in Suborder Rotaliina. Some broken milliolidae can’t be determined. Surficial sediments on open sea generally content a high number of individu as well as high diversity; Sub-ordo Rotaliina dominated. Benthic foraminifera are abundant on reefal, decreased on sandy beach, while are rare in magrove swamp. Benthic foraminifera near reef showed higher diversity than sandy beach and mangove swamps. Amphistegina lessonii was recorded on open marine and coral reefal sediments around Tambelan archipelago. Assilina ammonoides is typical species in open marine; Calcarina calcar in coral reefal; and in contrast, these species were not founded on the sandy beach and mangrove swamps. Abundancy, diversity and appearance of typical species were influenced environment factors as depth/bathimetry, water supply, temperature, sunlight intensity, substrate/sediment type, turbidity, wave and current. The study result is very useful as a reference of benthic foraminifera taxonomy in Indonesia.Characteristics of the river basin in Citanduy landslide prone areas are showing behaviors that can The study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of the sediment, particularly sediment texture, and the amount and spread of microorganisms (nannoplankton and foraminifera) at the seafloor surface sediments of the northern waters of Madura. Karaktersistik sediment analysis is intended to determine the sediment texture, as for the analysis of microorganisms to determine the abundance, genus and species or the dominant characteristic in this area and its relation to bathymetric position on the line pantai.Analisis dab dilakukanterhadap laboratory 15sampel seabed surface waters of the North Madura, with a depth range between 5-77 m. Based on sediment texture can be seen that the sediment is composed of clay, silt and clay lanauan pasiran, which generally contains shell fragments microorganisms. On the seafloor surface sediments can be determined 20 species of nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifera and 30spesies 16spesies Benton foraminifera, with an abundance of being. Abundance and diversity increased with increasing depth nannoplanktoncenderung and proximity to the shoreline. Abundance and keanekaragamanterendah around the northern coastline of the island of Java and Madura Strait. This is probably due to the influence of antripogenik in this area. Species that were found relatively evenly and always appear in each sample was Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa Oceanica. Gephyrocapsa is found predominantly in samples around the shoreline. Planktonic foraminifera abundance and diversity tends to increase with increasing depth and distance to the shoreline. Globigerinoides ruber is very common. Benton foraminifera dominated by Rotalina. The common genus is Ammonia, Quinqueloculina, Spiroloculina, Triloculina, Asterorotalia, Cibicides, Cancris, Elphidium, and Textularia Pseudorotalia, which tend to be more abundant at sites located in the north (away from the beach). Cibicides showed maximum abundance in the relatively distant from the coastline. Ratio of the total abundance of foraminifera plankton foraminifera tend to increase with increasing distance to the shoreline and depth.Balikpapan Formation (Upper Middle Miosen) consist of quarzite sandstone, silty claystone, and shale with marl as intercalation, limestone and coal. clay at Samboja as apart of Balikpapan Formation, consist of silt, clay and sand. Clay identification based on soil mechanic is clay with high plasticity (CH), illitic, very low permeability (K = 6,61E-08 to 1,48E-07 cm/sec), medium to medium-high activity (A= 0.55 to 0.91) Keywords: clay, soil mechanicThe research uses two kinds of microfossils for an aim to produce more precision, which Palinomorph as a main object and foraminifera as the support object. Pollen analysis has the main role in paleo-environment reconstruction, based on ecological characteristics plants association. Using palinomorph and foraminifera together in one research can only be conducted through sediments transition. Coals are included in the category, where coal samples were taken from Sungai Perian near Pulaubalang-Pamaluan formation boundary. From four samples that were analyzed (1R / claystone, 3R / claystone, 5R / claystone carbonaceous, and 7R / claystone) 53 genera and only 5 foraminifera species was founded. Both microfossils have yielded the same interpretation. The relative ages of the pollen indicator are from Middle-Early Miocene, and the relative ages of the foraminifera are from Late-Early Miocene. Based on the palinomorph and foraminifera data the research area was on regressions environment during the geologic period mentioned.The study is located at Bantarujeg, Majalengka, West Java where tertiary sedimentary rocks are exposed. The depositional environment is concluded as shallow marine – deep water. In a present day, the sedimentary rocks are deformed and create a steep hills extending from west – east of the study area as a result of fault and folding processes. In some of the study area, deformed sedimentary rocks feature is resulted by sedimentation processes called slump. Various deformation model and interpretation on study area is often confuse geological history interpretation of study area. The main cause of folding in the study area may be adjacent to sedmentation processes or tectonic processes.The study is based on structural interpretation on topography map, drainage pattern, and digital elevation model analysis (DEM). Field observation is conducted to measure structural feature and identify sedimentology and morphology aspects.Structural geology Bantarujeg is expressed by steep hills morphology extending from west – east. The morphology is controlled by rock strike with rock dip measured from 30o-60o. In the middle of the depression (valley), layer dip generally above 40o shows the area is a result of compression and related to reverse fault. Local fold and drag fold is also founded on the reverse fault zone and in other location slump structure and local drag fold also identified. In general, the study area is a result of compression tectonic regime creating fold and thrust belt followed by tear fault deformation.Chronostratigraphy in lower Kutai Basin is very interesting to do research, in this area borders of chronostratigraphy need Paleontology Zone data and global tectonic. Chronostratigraphy in lower Kutai Basin divided into four part : Interval N2-N3, N4-N8, N9-N13, and N14-N21.Igneous rocks forming will shows different chemical composition and mineralogy from one phase to another sharply or gradually. This research will study about characteristic of basement rock from Bukit Pagias granitoid complex for detail views. Bukit Pagias granitoid complex have different characteristic although its close each other. Its proved by petrographic analysis that shows different composition of mineralogy. From the color, its shows two kinds of granite i.e. gray granite/monzo-granite (Streckeisen, 1978) and red granite/granite (Streckeisen, 1978), in some part of the area, there are altered red granite and granite wash/weathering granite. The rocks in this area was fractured and filled with silica in part.Research at the Poso river Tentena – Sulewana segmen and Meko river, North Pamona district and West Pamona District, Poso regenc, Central Sulawesi Province. Rock there research area is river alluvial with the potential mining are sand and rock boulders, the mechanical laboratory of rock boulders of point load test result 207,005 – 744,797 Kg/Cm square, fullselment required for building material. Environmental condition of Poso river there are infrastructure for people housing, road of Poso – Tentena (Trans Sulawesi) and Poso Hydroelectric Power at the Sulewana village and the bridge, Meko river there are people housing and the bridge of Tentena Pendolo, and the forest and the many people garden. At the Poso river Tentena – Sulewana segmen sand can mine but the water level of river much be constant the water level of river much be constant until save the Poso Hydroelectric Power, at the Poso lake sand mining is problem with use the sump machin of sand until 20 meters depth, means the lateral pressure is not save to lake wall and to bellow the safety factor from 1,25 to 1,00 is critical condition, if there little tremble is sliding. At the Meko River there are bridge facility of road Tentena – Pendolo much be not disturb.Gunung Badak area, Ciletuh Bay, Sukabumi is area that has a rare diversity of rock at West Java region. Morphology of this area is interesting enough for one of the aspects of tourism, especially geological asptect (geotourism). This reveals the general geotourism potential in the Ciletuh Bay area. Method used in this study is a survey directly in the field and a review of some aspects of the geological literature Ciletuh. There are three groups of objects geotourism that can be developed in this area, namely: Amphiteater Morphology of Ciletuh Bay; Mandra Island; Manuk Island; Kunti Island and Lava pillows; G. Badak and G. Aseupan. Management and effective supervision are required to develop this potential to be geotourism, considering this area is part of Nature Reserve Cibanteng. Development potential to the south towards Ujung Genteng geotourism quite well developed for tourism towards the coast, and the green turtle protection.Nickel occurs in bedrock of ultramafic spread surrounding Jayapura to the west along the northeren beach of Papua, Occurs in layers of soil called Limonit and Saprolit where both are weathered of ultramafic bedrocks includes Peridotit, Harsburgit, Serpentinit, Dunit and Lerzolit. The geology of Jayapura including distribution of ultramafic and metamorphic rocks of Pra-Tersier age was uplifted to the land since the tectonic of Early Miocene to the present was subjected to some active tectonic characterized by steep and sharp morphology. From the result of previous investigations indicates that nickel grade are excellent and being prospective for industrial word especially in China. The highest obtained nickel grade reached 6 %. Fild investigation show the occurrence of DMP (Associated Minerals) in nickel area e.g. Iron (Fe), Cobalt (Co) and Chrom (Cr).Ombilin Basin is represent basin intramontane which limited by volcano-plutonic of Bukit Barisan and zona of Sumatera Fault system which representing a active strike-slip fault zone in west and metasedimen rock in. Form of fisiography Ombilin Basin show a hilly at part of edge of east-west until to north with precipitous morphology and level-off continent. Ombilin Basin basement is divided two part, that is structured basement by Mergui terrain and Woyla terrain. Eldest Basement of Ombilin Basin is Formation of Limestone crystallin of Silungkang (age Perm) which laid bare at Tanah Hitam which represent the part of Mergui terrains continent. Tectonism of Ombilin Basin is started at Paleogen related to peripatetic Southeast Asia tectonism which moving of India Block to northern. Early Paleogen, Ombilin Basin is formed with early motion of transtensional effect of strike-slip fault motion of duplex regional, that is graben part of northeast Ombilin Basin. Motion of strike-slip fault are Sitangkai fault and Silungkang fault where this faults motion result attraction style in the form of normal fault by terrace to left north-south. This fault pattern control forming of first basin cause to be formed its faults which instructing northwest-southeast, northsouth, and northeast-soutwest of west-east. Tectonostratigraphy Ombilin Basin is represent full graben with set of deposits syn-rift tectonostratigraphy and of post-rift deposits continue at mechanism of transgressive in the early Neogen.Volcano as high morphology feature acts as a good water catchment and recharge area. This area also has a volcanic deposition characteristic that changes within a near range, and usually has complex geological structures that effects the groundwater systems. The aim of this study is to identity the role of faults toward groundwater conditions, determine facies and shallow groundwater flow based on the water table. The study area is in a volcanic deposition aquifer system that is composed of lapilli tuff, volcanic breccias, and sand. The occurance of several springs with groundwater conditions are controlled by faults and fractures. Physical characteristics of the water comprises, EC=104μS/cm -490 μS/cm, TDS = 49 mg/L- 240 mg/L, pH 4,2 – 8,6, Temperature 20,4°C – 26°C, debit 0,05 L/sec up to 100 L/sec. Chemical facies of the water is divided into three types: Ca, HCO3, Ca, Mg HCO3 and Mg, Ca HCO3.The direction of the shallow groundwater flow generally follows the topographics features with a direction northwest-southeast.The northern part Cianjur based on the Regional Hazard Map of Mount Gede in West Java (kaswanda, 1994) is an explosion hazard areas. The rapid economic development, especially in the tourism sector resulting in increased occupancy, hotel or villa. As a result of the growth area of the building, and the increase of population, and transfer of land use, has resulted in the handling of the impact so that the necessary pre-disaster management in which one of them is a disaster mitigation. Determination of the level of risk is one basis for determining mitigation measures related to spatial planning. The main risk factors of natural disasters include volcanic eruption hazard factors, vulnerability and resilience. Factors will affect the hazard mitigation measures that will be done in the danger area. The primary hazard mitigation in the area would have been different in the secondary area. Thus the delineation is an important step that must be done before determining the level of risk. Determination of the spatial areas prone to natural disasters Volcanic eruptions, can be done with the mitigation measures related to spatial planning based on risk level.Most hydrogeologist often meet the difficulties for exploration on tle lava flow when groundwater flow within that channel not emerging or no sputed on the surface. While, in other view, depending on frequency, GPR can resolve objects down to the size of a few meters or even centimeters, and this geophysical reflection method with the highest resolving power (GPR) is also as well established tool for geophysical investigations of the shallow subsurface. Thus, it is not surprising if this approach is used at lava flow terrain, in the Subang area. The tim can directly recognized the secondary permeable zone to recommendate the icline drilling with high accurate. Therefore, in this case, the extra effort and cost involved exceed the maksimum benefits or effisien.Volcanic rock units of the Kalipalung, Kalibabak, and Lekopiko Formations are well cropped out at East Lombok area, composed predominantly of volcanic breccias. Grainsize analysis of selected volcanic breccias matrix show a similarity characters on the Kalipalung and Kalibabak Formation. On the other hand, a real difference founded between these formations with the Lekopiko Formation.Soil bearing capacity for shallow foundations usually have problem on expansive soil. Value of soil bearing capacity is low because soil variable have low value. To increase the value of soil bearing capacity, the soil quality to be improved, namely the stabilization of the soil through the addition of CaO. The Soil bearing capacity for shallow foundation with Saftey Factor = 2 and depth 1 M on the local shear conditions have increased due to the addition of CaO with the following equation: 1) Footing square shape: qa = 2,6631CaO0,6057 (R² = 0,937; R= 0,97); 2) Footing circular shape: qa = 2,7611CaO0,5933 (R² = 0,9369; R= 0,97); 3) Footing continuous shape: qa = 1,702 CaO0,6764 (R² = 0,9393; R= 0,97). Environmental management for shallow foundations are required to avoid the numbers are still high activity (A> 1) and the change of CaO by acidic rain water. Environmental management for the foundation starts with selecting Safety Factor, and building load should not exceed the allowable soil bearing capacity accordance with Safety Factor chosen. The addition of CaO should not be excessive, it is recommended ratio 15% CaO of the native soil to do optimal mixing.Gunung Salak land forms hills and valleys, composed of typical volcanic deposit that controlled by geology structures. The research was conducted in several stages, there are: references study, field study or geological mapping (observation of geomorphology or landforms, rock type and genesis, geology structure indication) as well as data analysis. Landform of southeast part of Gunung Salak can be devided into steep hill geomorphological unit that lied on high land, formed by Salak volcanic deposits, with radial drainage pattern; and sloping hill geomorphology unit with smooth contours that lied on lowland, formed by Salak and Pangrango mixing volcanic deposits. The southeast part of Gunung Salak foothills from lower to upper consecutively composed by pumiceous tuf volcanic deposit; laharic breccia; lapili and pumiceous tuf with paleosoil layer intercalations; and andesitic lava. Geology structure indications was difficulty observed because of thin soil cover and sloping dip of rock layer (<10o).Based on rock composition percentage of feldspar, quartz and rock fragment on Q-F-L triangle diagram, the sandstone provenance of Brani Formation is continental block, otherwise Sawahlunto and Sawahtambang Formations is recycled orogen. Qm-F-L triangle diagram shows the provenance of Brani, Sawahlunto and Sawahtambang Formations is continental block, Sangkarewang and Ombilin Formations is transitional magmatic arc placed in the Cretaceous orogen belt as a result of convergency of Mergui-Woyla microplates. Based on rock composition percentage on the Qp-Lv-Ls triangle diagram, the source for Brani and Sawahtambang Formations is mixed orogenic sand, Sawahlunto Formation is collision orogen and mixed orogenic sand, otherwise the source for Sangkarewang and Ombilin Formations is arc orogen where the zone of collision is the suturing of Mergui-Woyla microplates, Qm-P-K triangle diagram shows that Brani, Sawahlunto and Sawahtambang Formations have high maturity or stability from continental block indicated the source of stable micro continen (continental block provenances) as a part of Mergui-Woyla terrane, Sangkarewang Formation has low maturity or stabilityInventory of potency of iron ore mineral resources in Batu Besi Mountain Region, at the village of Masewe, Subdistric of East Pamona, Regenct of Poso, Provine of Central Sulawesi was sponsored by Energy and Mineral Resources Office of Region of Poso and conducted by Team of Geologists from Faculty of Geological Engineering, University of Padjadjaran Bandung. Iron ore mineral resources occur ultrabasic rock of Pompangeo Formation which is older than Cretaseous. Sevaral sample exhibit Fe content larger than 50% which have domestic and international marketing prospect especially in China
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Alamta Singarimbun; Sachio Ehara; Yasuhiro Fujimitsu
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi | 2011
Cyrke A.N. Bujung; Alamta Singarimbun; Dicky Muslim; Febri Hirnawan; Adjat Sudradjat
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Alamta Singarimbun
Jurnal Matematika & Sains | 2014
Alamta Singarimbun; Cyrke A.N. Bujung; Riva Choerul Fatihin
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Jurnal Matematika & Sains | 2013
Alamta Singarimbun; Gilang Satria Prayoga