
Water Resources Research | 1994

A detachment-limited model of drainage basin evolution

Alan D. Howard

A drainage basin simulation model introduced here incorporates creep and threshold slumping and both detachment- and transport-limited fluvial processes. Fluvial erosion of natural slopes and headwater channels is argued to be dominantly detachment-limited. Such slopes undergo nearly parallel retreat and replacement with alluvial surfaces under fixed base level, in contrast with gradual slope decline for transport-limited conditions. The arrangement of divides and valleys is sensitive to initial conditions, although average morphology is insensitive. Dissected, initially flat surfaces in which downstream concavity is slight exhibit nearly parallel drainage, compared to very wandering main valleys when concavity is great. Steady state is reached after a cumulative base level drop approximately 3 times the final relief. Simulated valley systems are similar to those predicted by a previous model of optimal drainage basins. A critical value of slope divergence normalized by average slope gradient is a useful criterion for defining the valley network.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1994

Modeling fluvial erosion on regional to continental scales

Alan D. Howard; William E. Dietrich; Michele A. Seidl

The fluvial system is a major concern in modeling landform evolution in response to tectonic deformation. Three stream bed types (bedrock, coarse-bed alluvial, and fine-bed alluvial) differ in factors controlling their occurrence and evolution and in appropriate modeling approaches. Spatial and temporal transitions among bed types occur in response to changes in sediment characteristics and tectonic deformation. Erosion in bedrock channels depends upon the ability to scour or pluck bed material; this detachment capacity is often a power function of drainage area and gradient. Exposure of bedrock in channel beds, due to rapid downcutting or resistant rock, slows the response of headwater catchments to downstream baselevel changes. Sediment routing through alluvial channels must account for supply from slope erosion, transport rates, abrasion, and sorting. In regional landform modeling, implicit rate laws must be developed for sediment production from erosion of sub-grid-scale slopes and small channels.

Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1983

Channel changes in badlands

Alan D. Howard; Gordon Kerby

Stripping of the vegetation and soil from a 13-hectare site in Virginia underlain by coastal plain sediments created a rapidly evolving badland topography. Two types of channels developed: (1) sand-bed alluvial channels were graded to transport the bed material load supplied from slope erosion with available runoff, but they also generally eroded their beds slowly, and (2) steeper, bedrock-floored channels incised rapidly. In bedrock channels the erosion rate was proportional to the 4/9ths power of drainage area and the 2/3rds power of gradient. These exponents are consistent with a model in which the erosion rate is proportional to the bed shear during high flows. Due to rapid mass wasting and reduced runoff, the alluvial channels became as much as 50% steeper during the winter than the summer, with an attendant yearly cycle of winter aggradation and summer entrenchment. The gradients, their seasonal variability, and their downstream hydraulic geometry were consistent with the predictions of total load transport formulas for sand beds and high loads. The hydraulic geometry of alluvial channels in the Virginia badlands were similar to that on the Morrison Formation in the western United States.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2005

An intense terminal epoch of widespread fluvial activity on early Mars: 2. Increased runoff and paleolake development

Rossman P. Irwin; Alan D. Howard; Robert A. Craddock; Jeffrey M. Moore

[1] To explain the much higher denudation rates and valley network development on early Mars (>∼3.6 Gyr ago), most investigators have invoked either steady state warm/wet (Earthlike) or cold/dry (modern Mars) end-member paleoclimates. Here we discuss evidence that highland gradation was prolonged, but generally slow and possibly ephemeral during the Noachian Period, and that the immature valley networks entrenched during a brief terminal epoch of more erosive fluvial activity in the late Noachian to early Hesperian. Observational support for this interpretation includes (1) late-stage breaching of some enclosed basins that had previously been extensively modified, but only by internal erosion and deposition; (2) deposition of pristine deltas and fans during a late stage of contributing valley entrenchment; (3) a brief, erosive response to base level decline (which was imparted as fretted terrain developed by a suite of processes unrelated to surface runoff) in fluvial valleys that crosscut the highland-lowland boundary scarp; and (4) width/contributing area relationships of interior channels within valley networks, which record significant late-stage runoff production with no evidence of recovery to lower-flow conditions. This erosion appears to have ended abruptly, as depositional landforms generally were not entrenched with declining base level in crater lakes. A possible planetwide synchronicity and common cause to the late-stage fluvial activity are possible but remain uncertain. This increased activity of valley networks is offered as a possible explanation for diverse features of highland drainage basins, which were previously cited to support competing warm, wet and cold, dry paleoclimate scenarios.

The Journal of Geology | 1981

Geomorphology of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon

Alan D. Howard; Robert Dolan

Sediment supplied to the Colorado River within the Grand Canyon has been sorted into distinct deposits of three grain size ranges. The major rapids are formed by boulder deposits from side-canyon tributaries. As a result of a fourfold reduction in peak discharge when Glen Canyon Dam was closed in 1963, new fan debris may increase the gradient through some of the rapids by a factor of 1.8. Cobbles and gravel, transported only during flood stages, are preferentially deposited in the wider sections of the river as bars and riffles and are, for the most part, inactive during post-dam discharges. Fine-grain (largely sandy) terraces occur throughout the canyon, especially along the banks of the large reverse eddies above and below the rapids. The lower terraces are being reworked into beach-like shores by diurnally-varying, post-dam discharges. A slight net lateral erosion of the terraces has resulted. Prior to construction of the dam, sandy bed deposits underwent scour averaging about 1 m during spring floods, balanced by deposition from tributary sources during the summer. Downstream from rapids, decreased turbulence due to lower discharges has resulted in deposition averaging 2.2 m on the bed within the upper portions of the canyon. Differences in rock types along the river determine overall channel morphology. Rocks of low resistance result in a wide valley, a meandering channel, and abundant cobble bars and sand terraces. Narrow channels with rapids and deep pools are most frequent within the sections of the canyon where Precambrian crystalline rocks dominate.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997

Crater morphometry and modification in the Sinus Sabaeus and Margaritifer Sinus regions of Mars

Robert A. Craddock; Ted A. Maxwell; Alan D. Howard

Degraded craters in the southern highlands are indicative of an early martian climate much different than the present. Using a photoclinometric model, analyses of degraded crater morphometry have revealed the stages of crater modification and, for the first time, allow a quantitative assessment of the amount of material eroded in the highlands. Central peaks of fresh craters are removed early by degradational processes. The sharp rims of fresh craters also become rounded while the interior slopes become shallower. Continued degradation causes the crater rim to lower, and infilling produces a broad, flat crater floor. Contrary to earlier observations, the degree of rim modification does not appear to be dependent on the presence of ancient valley networks. During degradation, the diameter of the impact craters also increases due to backwasting. A simple algebraic model balancing the measured amount of infilling with that eroded from the interior slopes suggests that the crater diameters were enlarged by 7 to 10% initially, agreeing with prior observations. These models suggest that larger diameter (i.e., 50 km) craters were enlarged a greater amount than smaller diameter craters, which is opposite to what should be observed. To explain this discrepancy, a ∼10 m thick deposit, presumably aeolian in origin, must have been emplaced within the crater interiors following cessation of the degradational process. By the terminal stage of degradation, crater diameters appear to have been enlarged by 30%. In addition, a deposit ∼60 m average thickness must have been emplaced within these rimless craters to explain the discrepancy in crater enlargement. Because this deposit is contained only within the highly eroded, rimless craters, this material most likely originated from erosion of the surrounding terrain. The measured crater morphometry has allowed us to develop equations describing the amount of material eroded at any given stage of degradation. Applying these equations to craters within the Margaritifer Sinus and Sinus Sabaeus region indicates that an equivalent of ∼200 m of highland material was eroded and redistributed within the study area. Depending upon model chronology, degradation operated for either 400 or 600 million years, suggesting that erosion rates were on the order of ∼0.0003 to 0.0005 mm/yr. These erosion rates are equivalent to those determined for terrestrial periglacial environments. Two-dimensional simulations of some possible degradational processes suggest that fluvial erosion and deposition combined with diffusional creep come closest to producing equivalent degrees of modification through the range of crater diameters investigated in this study (20 to 50 km). However, these processes are inefficient at producing the amount of crater enlargement observed, suggesting that crater interior slopes may have also been undermined by sapping. These results imply that geologic processes related to precipitation dominated the early martian environment. Our working hypothesis is that this precipitation was due to the presence of a primordial atmosphere which condensed and collapsed (i.e., precipitated) into the martian regolith; a process which ceased during the late Hesperian/early Amazonian (3.5 to 1.8 Ga).

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms | 1997


Alan D. Howard

A drainage basin simulation model is used to interpret the morphometry and historical evolution of Mancos Shale badlands in Utah. High relief slopes in these badlands feature narrow divides and linear profiles due to threshold mass-wasting. Threshold slopes become longer in proportion to erosion rate, implying lower drainage density and higher relief. By contrast, in slowly eroding areas of low relief, both model results and observations indicate that drainage density increases with relief, suggesting control by critical shear stress. Field relationships and simulation modelling indicate that the badlands have resulted from rapid downcutting of the master drainage below an Early Wisconsin terrace to the present river level, followed by base level stability. As a result, Early Wisconsin alluvial surfaces on the shale have been dissected up to 62 m into steep badlands, and a Holocene alluvial surface is gradually replacing the badland slopes which are erocing by parallel retreat.

Water Resources Research | 1994

Early development of karst systems: 1. Preferential flow path enlargement under laminar flow

Christopher G. Groves; Alan D. Howard

Modeling of flow and solutional processes within networks of interconnected conduits in limestone aquifers indicates that enlargement occurs very selectively during the early stages of karst aquifer development under laminar flow. If initial flow paths are uniform in size, almost all enlargement occurs along a single set of connected conduits that lie along a direct path between recharge and discharge locations and are aligned along the hydraulic gradient. With a sufficiently large variation in initial aperture widths, enlargement occurs along the flow path offering the least resistance to flow, but since flow rates in laminar flow are proportional to the fourth power of diameter but only linearly proportional to hydraulic gradient, the preferentially enlarged set of fractures may follow an indirect path. Results disfavor earlier suggestions that nonselective cave patterns result from artesian flows (at least under laminar flow conditions) and that all passages should be competitive until the onset of turbulent flow.

Icarus | 1982

Stratigraphic relationships within Martian polar cap deposits

Alan D. Howard; James A. Cutts; K. R. Blasius

Abstract Deposits of layered ice and dust accumulate on the smooth and banded terrains of the north and south polar cap deposits, while erosion of equator-facing slopes of layered terrain expose these layers. Banded terrain occurs at exposures of irregular layers resulting from slight erosion of the feather edges of layers deposited on pole-facing trough walls. These deposits unconformably overlap onto adjacent layered terrain. Stripping of layers occurs in areas of strong, multidirectional wind, forming striped terrain . Local wind scour has also produced steep scarps with crescentic planform, often associated with dune fields positioned immediately downwind. Unconformities are common within layered deposits in areas of complex topography at the north pole. These indicate that episodes of deposition of 5–10 layers alternate with slight erosion of pole-facing trough walls. Troughs that strike north-south alternate between erosional widening and deepening and depositional infilling, creating multiple unconformities. Troughs near the equatorward limit of polar deposits increase in relief by deposition on adjacent smooth terrain and, locally, by erosional deepening. Troughs may migrate poleward, replacing the relief increase by depositional infilling when they near the poles.

Geology | 2005

Interior channels in Martian valley networks: Discharge and runoff production

Rossman P. Irwin; Robert A. Craddock; Alan D. Howard

The highland valley networks are perhaps the most compelling evidence for widespread fluvial activity on Mars .3.5 Ga. However, determining the hydrology of these features has been difficult owing to poor image resolution and the lack of available topographic data. New orbital imaging reveals 21 late-stage channels within valley networks, which we use to estimate formative discharges and to evaluate water supply mechanisms. We find that channel width and associated formative discharge are comparable to terrestrial valley networks of similar area and relief. For 15 narrow channels in basin-filling networks, likely episodic runoff production rates up to centimeters per day and first-order formative discharges of ;300‐3000 m 3 /s are similar to terrestrial floods supplied by precipitation. Geothermal melting of ground ice would produce discharges ;100 times smaller per unit area and would require pulsed outbursts to form the channels. In four large valleys with few tributaries, wider channels may represent large subsurface outflows or paleolake overflows, as these four channels originate at breached basin divides and/or near source regions for the catastrophic outflow channels.

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