Alan K. Cooper
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by Alan K. Cooper.
Tectonics | 1991
John C. Behrendt; Wesley E. LeMasurier; Alan K. Cooper; F. Tessensohn; Anne M. Trehu; Detlef Damaske
The West Antarctic rift system extends over a 3000 × 750 km, largely ice covered area from the Ross Sea to the base of the Antarctic Peninsula, comparable in area to the Basin and Range and the East African rift system. A spectacular rift shoulder scarp along which peaks reach 4–5 km maximum elevation marks one flank and extends from northern Victoria Land-Queen Maud Mountains to the Ellsworth-Whitmore-Horlick Mountains. The rift shoulder has maximum present physiographic relief of 5 km in the Ross Embayment and 7 km in the Ellsworth Mountains-Byrd Subglacial Basin area. The Transantarctic Mountains part of the rift shoulder (and probably the entire shoulder) has been interpreted as rising since about 60 Ma, at episodic rates of ∼1 km/m.y., most recently since mid-Pliocene time, rather than continuously at the mean rate of 100 m/m.y. The rift system is characterized by bimodal alkaline volcanic rocks ranging from at least Oligocene to the present. These are exposed asymmetrically along the rift flanks and at the south end of the Antarctic Peninsula. The trend of the Jurassic tholeiites (Ferrar dolerites, Kirkpatric basalts) marking the Jurassic Transantarctic rift is coincident with exposures of the late Cenozoic volcanic rocks along the section of the Transantarctic Mountains from northern Victoria Land to the Horlick Mountains. The Cenozoic rift shoulder diverges here from the Jurassic tholeiite trend, and the tholeiites are exposed continuously (including the Dufek intrusion) along the lower- elevation (1–2 km) section of Transantarctic Mountains to the Weddell Sea. Widely spaced aeromagnetic profiles in West Antarctica indicate the absence of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the ice covered part of the Whitmore-Ellsworth-Mountain block and suggest their widespread occurrence beneath the western part of the ice sheet overlying the Byrd Subglacial Basin. A German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)-U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) aeromagnetic survey over the Ross Sea continental shelf indicates rift fabric and suggests numerous submarine volcanoes along discrete NNW trending zones. A Bouguer anomaly range of approximately 200 (+50 to −150) mGal having 4–7 mGal/km gradients where measured in places marks the rift shoulder from northern Victoria Land possibly to the Ellsworth Mountains (where data are too sparse to determine maximum amplitude and gradient). The steepest gravity gradients across the rift shoulder require high density (mafic or ultramafic?) rock within the crust as well as at least 12 km of thinner crust beneath the West Antarctic rift system in contrast to East Antarctica. Sparse land seismic data reported along the rift shoulder, where velocities are greater than 7 km/s, and marine data indicating velocities above 7 km/s beneath the Ross Sea continental shelf support this interpretation. The maximum Bouguer gravity range in the Pensacola Mountains area of the Transantarctic Mountains is only about 130 mGal with a maximum 2 mGal/km gradient, which can be explained solely by 8 km of crustal thickening. Large offset seismic profiles over the Ross Sea shelf collected by the German Antarctic North Victoria Land Expedition V (GANOVEX V) combined with earlier USGS and other results indicate 17–21 km thickness for the crust beneath the Ross Sea shelf which we interpret as evidence of extended rifted continental crust. A regional positive Bouguer anomaly (0 to +50 mGal), the width of the rift, extends from the Ross Sea continental shelf throughout the Ross Embayment and Byrd Subglacial Basin area of the West Antarctic rift system and indicates that the Moho is approximately 20 km deep tied to the seismic results (probably coincident with the top of the asthenosphere) rather than the 30 km reported in earlier interpretations. The interpretation of horst and graben structures in the Ross Sea, made from marine seismic reflection data, probably can be extended throughout the rift (i.e., the Ross Ice shelf and the Byrd Subglacial Basin areas). The near absence of earthquakes in the West Antarctic rift system probably results from a combination of primarily sparse seismograph coverage and, secondarily, suppression of earthquakes by the ice sheet (e.g., Johnston, 1987) and very high seismicity shortly after deglaciation in the Ross Embayment followed by abnormally low seismicity at present (e.g., Muir Wood, 1989). The evidence of high temperatures at shallow depth beneath the Ross Sea continental shelf and adjacent Transantarctic Mountains is supportive of thermal uplift of the mountains associated with lateral heat conduction from the rift and can possibly also explain the volcanism, rifting, and high elevation of the entire rift shoulder to the Ellsworth-Horlick-Whitmore Mountains. We infer that the Gondwana breakup and the West Antarctic rift are part of a continuously propagating rift that started in the Jurassic when Africa separated from East Antarctica (including the failed Jurassic Transantarctic rift). Rifting proceeded clockwise around East Antarctica to the separation of New Zealand and the Campbell Plateau about 85–95 Ma and has continued (with a spreading center jump) to its present location in the Ross Embayment and West Antarctica. The Cenozoic activity of the West Antarctic rift system appears to be continuous in time with rifting in the same area that began only in the late Mesozoic. Although the mechanism for rifting is not completely explained, we suggest a combination of the flexural rigidity model (Stem and ten Brink, 1989) proposed for the Ross Embayment and the thermal plume or hot spot concepts. The propagating rift may have been “captured” by the thermal plume.
Marine Geology | 1991
Alan K. Cooper; P. J. Barrett; Karl Hinz; Vladimir Traube; German Letichenkov; Howard Stagg
Abstract Sedimentary sections up to 6–14 km thick lie beneath many areas of the Antarctic continental margin. The upper parts of the sections contain up to 6 km of Cenozoic glacial and possibly non-glacial sequences that have prograded the continental shelf up to 85 km. We describe the Cenozoic sequences using two general categories based on their acoustic geometries. Type IA sequences, which account for most prograding of the Antarctic continental shelf, have complex sigmoidal geometries and some acoustic characteristics atypical of low-latitude margins, such as troughs and mounds lying parallel and normal to the shelf edge and high velocities (2.0–2.6 km/s) for flat layers within 150 m of the seafloor. Type IIA sequences, which principally aggrade the paleoshelf, lie beneath type IA sequences and have mostly simple geometries and gently dipping reflections. The prograding sequences are commonly located near the seaward edges of major Mesozoic and older margin structures. Relatively rapid Cenozoic subsidence has occured due to the probable rifting in the Ross Sea, thermal subsidence in the Antarctic Peninsula, and isostatic crustal flexure in Wilkes Land. In Prydz Bay and the Weddell Sea, prograding sequences cover Mesozoic basins that have undergone little apparent Cenozoic tectonism. Grounded ice sheets are viewed by us, and others, as the principal mechanism for depositing the Antarctic prograding sequences. During the initial advance of grounded ice the continental shelf is flexurally overdeepened, the inner shelf is heavily eroded, and gently dipping glacial strata are deposited on the shelf (i.e type IIA sequences). The overdeepened shelf profile is preserved (a) during glacial times, by grounded ice sheets episodically crossing the shelf, eroding sediments from onshore and inner shelf areas, and depositing sediments at the front of the ice sheet as outer shelf topset-banks and continental slope foreset-aprons (i.e. type IA sequences), and (b) during interglacial times, like today, by little or no clastic sedimentation on the continental shelf other than beneath retreated ice shelves lying far from the continental sheld edge. Ice streams carve broad depressions across the shelf and carry abundant basal sediments directly to the continental shelf edge, thereby creating troughmouth fans and sheet-like prograding sequences (i.e. type IA sequences). Numerous acoustic unconformities and multiple overcompacted layers within the prograding sequences suggest major fluctuations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The available drilling and seismic interpretations provide the following history: (1) Cenozoic ice sheets have existed in places near the continental shelf since middle to late Eocene time. (2) A grounded Antarctic ice sheet first expanded to the continental shelf edge, with probable overdeepening of the outer shelf, in late Eucene to early Oligocene time in Prydz Bay, possibly in early Miocene time in the Ross Sea, and at least by middle Miocene time in the Weddell Sea. (3) The relative amounts of shelf prograding and inferred ice-volume variations (and related sea-level changes) have increased since middle to late Miocene time in the eastern Ross Sea, Prydz Bay, and possibly Weddell Sea. Our analysis is preliminary. Further acoustic surveys and scientific drilling are needed to resolve the proximal Antarctic record of glacio-eustatic, climatic, and tectonic events recorded by the prograding sequences.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1976
Alan K. Cooper; David W. Scholl; Michael S. Marlow
The eastern Bering Sea Basin, composed of the Aleutian and Bowers Basins, is flanked to the north by Mesozoic foldbelts that probably represent zones of plate subduction in Mesozoic time. Present plate subduction occurs 400 to 1,000 km farther south, at the Aleutian Trench. North-south magnetic lineations that formed at an oceanic spreading ridge, probably in Mesozoic time (117 to 132 m.y. ago), have been identified in the Aleutian Basin. The orientation and age of those anomalies can be explained by reconstructing Kula-Farallon Pacific plate motions during late Mesozoic–early Tertiary time. In Mesozoic time, subduction of the Kula plate occurred north of the Aleutian Trench near the present location of the Bering Sea continental margin. At about 70 m.y. B.P. (Late Cretaceous), the zone of subduction shifted south to the present location of the Aleutian Trench, thereby trapping a fragment of oceanic plate imprinted with north-south magnetic lineations within the eastern Bering Sea Basin. A stable basin framework has prevailed behind the Aleutian arc since early Tertiary time.
Tectonophysics | 1999
Hans Trey; Alan K. Cooper; G. Pellis; Bruno Della Vedova; Guy R. Cochrane; Giuliano Brancolini; Jannis Makris
Abstract In 1994, the ACRUP (Antarctic Crustal Profile) project recorded a 670-km-long geophysical transect across the southern Ross Sea to study the velocity and density structure of the crust and uppermost mantle of the West Antarctic rift system. Ray-trace modeling of P- and S-waves recorded on 47 ocean bottom seismograph (OBS) records, with strong seismic arrivals from airgun shots to distances of up to 120 km, show that crustal velocities and geometries vary significantly along the transect. The three major sedimentary basins (early-rift grabens), the Victoria Land Basin, the Central Trough and the Eastern Basin are underlain by highly extended crust and shallow mantle (minimum depth of about 16 km). Beneath the adjacent basement highs, Coulman High and Central High, Moho deepens, and lies at a depth of 21 and 24 km, respectively. Crustal layers have P-wave velocities that range from 5.8 to 7.0 km/s and S-wave velocities from 3.6 to 4.2 km/s. A distinct reflection (PiP) is observed on numerous OBS from an intra-crustal boundary between the upper and lower crust at a depth of about 10 to 12 km. Local zones of high velocities and inferred high densities are observed and modeled in the crust under the axes of the three major sedimentary basins. These zones, which are also marked by positive gravity anomalies, may be places where mafic dikes and sills pervade the crust. We postulate that there has been differential crustal extension across the West Antarctic rift system, with greatest extension beneath the early-rift grabens. The large amount of crustal stretching below the major rift basins may reflect the existence of deep crustal suture zones which initiated in an early stage of the rifting, defined areas of crustal weakness and thereby enhanced stress focussing followed by intense crustal thinning in these areas. The ACRUP data are consistent with the prior concept that most extension and basin down-faulting occurred in the Ross Sea during late Mesozoic time, with relatively small extension, concentrated in the western half of the Ross Sea, during Cenozoic time.
Sedimentary Geology | 1995
Stephen L. Eittreim; Alan K. Cooper; Jacques Wannesson
Abstract The Wilkes Land continental shelf, similar to other Antarctic shelves, is underlain by thick sequences of steeply prograded glacial diamictons. On the outer shelf, banks that are shallower than 400 m are separated by broad outer-shelf troughs that deepen landward. The prograded sequences are found preferentially in these broad outer-shelf troughs. We propose that these outer-shelf prograding wedges were deposited by fallout from deforming till-layer transport beneath ice streams at times of ice expansion onto the continental shelf. Such deforming till-layer transport has recently been proposed to explain seismic observations beneath ice stream B of the Ross Embayment. Two prominent erosional unconformities with stratal truncations of more than 500 m indicate erosional events that overdeepened the shelf and provided the accommodation space to allow the deposition of these prograding sequences in front of advancing ice streams at times of past glacial maxima. The erosional events that produced these extraordinary downcuts were caused by erosion by ice that expanded onto a shelf with water depths far too shallow for flotation. These two particular erosional surfaces developed either on an initially shallow shelf, or from an extraordinarily high flux of ice, or both.
Science | 1985
Alan K. Cooper; Frederick J. Davey
Multichannel seismic-reflection data show that the Victoria Land-basin, unlike other sedimentary basins in the Ross Sea, includes a rift-depression 15 to 25 kilometers wide that parallels the Transantarctic Mountains and contains up to 12 kilometers of possible Paleozoic to Holocene age sedimentary rocks. An unconformity separates the previously identified Cenozoic sedimentary section from the underlying strata of possible Mesozoic and Paleozoic age. Late Cenozoic volcanic rocks intrude into the entire section along the eastern flank of the basin. The Victoria Land basin is probably part of a more extensive rift system that has been active episodically since Paleozoic time. Inferred rifting and basin subsidence during Mesozoic and Cenozoic time may be associated with regional crustal extension and uplift of the nearby Transantarctic Mountains.
Tectonics | 1992
Alan K. Cooper; Michael S. Marlow; David W. Scholl; Andrew J. Stevenson
Geophysical and regional geologic data provide evidence that parts of the oceanic crust in the abyssal basins of the Bering Sea have been created or altered by crustal extension and back-arc spreading. These processes have occurred during and since early Eocene time when the Aleutian Ridge developed and isolated oceanic crust within parts of the Bering Sea. The crust in the Aleutian Basin, previously noted as presumably Early Cretaceous in age (M1–M13 anomalies), is still uncertain. Some crust may be younger. Vitus arch, a buried 100- to 200-km-wide extensionally deformed zone with linear basement structures and geophysical anomalies, crosses the entire west central Aleutian Basin. We suggest that the arch and the inferred fracture zones in the Aleutian Basin are early Cenozoic structures related to the early entrapment history of the Bering Sea. These structures lie on trend with known early Cenozoic structures near the Bowers-Shirshov-Aleutian ridge junction and on the Beringian continental margin (with possible continuation into Alaska); the structures may have coeval and cogenetic(?) histories for early Cenozoic and possibly younger times. Cenozoic deformation within parts of the Bering Sea region is principally extensional, although the total amount of extension is not known. As examples, the Komandorsky basin formed by back-arc seafloor spreading, the Aleutian Ridge has been extensively sheared, and extensional block faulting is common. Sedimentary basins of the Bering shelf have formed by extension associated with wrench faulting. The Cenozoic deformation throughout the Bering Sea region probably results from the interaction of major lithospheric plates and associated regional strike-slip faults. We present models for the Bering Sea over the past 55 m.y. that show oceanic plate entrapment, back-arc faulting and spreading along Vitus arch, breakup of the oceanic crust in the Aleutian Basin at fracture zones, and back-arc spreading in Bowers Basin.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 1999
Michael A. Fisher; Thomas M. Brocher; R. D. Hyndman; Anne M. Trehu; Craig S. Weaver; Kenneth C. Creager; Robert S. Crosson; Tom Parsons; Alan K. Cooper; David C. Mosher; George D. Spence; B. C. Zelt; P. T. Hammer; U. S. ten Brink; Thomas L. Pratt; Kate C. Miller; Jonathan R. Childs; G. R. Cochrane; S. Chopra; R. Walia
A multidisciplinary seismic survey earlier this year in the Pacific Northwest is expected to reveal much new information about the earthquake threat to U.S. and Canadian urban areas there. A disastrous earthquake is a very real possibility in the region. The survey, known as the Seismic Hazards Investigation in Puget Sound (SHIPS), engendered close cooperation among geologists, biologists, environmental groups, and government agencies. It also succeeded in striking a fine balance between the need to prepare for a great earthquake and the requirement to protect a coveted marine environment while operating a large airgun array.
Marine and Petroleum Geology | 2002
Alan K. Cooper; Patrick E. Hart
We recorded high-resolution seismic-reflection data in the northern Gulf of Mexico to study gas and gas-hydrate distribution and their relation to seafloor slides. Gas hydrate is widely reported near the seafloor, but is described at only one deep drill site. Our data show high-reflectivity zones (HRZs) near faults, diapirs, and gas vents and interbedded within sedimentary sections at shallow depth (<1 km). The HRZs lie below the gas-hydrate-stability zone (GHSZ) as well as within the zone (less common), and they coincide with zones of shallow water-flows. Bottom simulating reflections are rare in the Gulf, and not documented in our data. We infer HRZs result largely from free gas in sandy beds, with gas hydrate within the GHSZ. Our estimates for the base BHSZ correlate reasonably with the top of HRZs in some thick well-layered basin sections, but poorly where shallow sediments are thin and strongly deformed. The equivocal correlation results from large natural variability of parameters that are used to calculate the base of the GHSZ. The HRZs may, however, be potential indicators of nearby gas hydrate. The HRZs also lie at the base of at least two large seafloor slides (e.g. up to 250 km2) that may be actively moving along decollement faults that sole within the GHSZ or close to the estimated base of the GHSZ. We suspect that water/gas flow along these and other faults such as ‘chimney’ features provide gas to permit crystallization of gas hydrate in the GHSZ. Such flows weaken sediment that slide down salt-oversteepened slopes when triggered by earthquakes.
AAPG Bulletin | 1976
Michael S. Marlow; David W. Scholl; Alan K. Cooper; Edwin C. Buffington
The virtually featureless Beringian shelf south of St. Lawrence Island is underlain structurally by at least 14 basins. Encompassing a total area of more than 300,000 sq km, most of the basins are either elongate structural sags, grabens, or half (asymmetric) grabens beneath the outer shelf. The regional trend of these basins is northwest, parallel with that of the continental margin. Two of the basins, St. George and Navarin, contain 7 to 10 km of Upper Cretaceous(?) and Cenozoic sedimentary strata. A major divergence in dip of beds in the upper half of the sedimentary section may reflect an abrupt shelf-wide change in the rate of sedimentation and/or subsidence, probably during the Miocene. The outer sub-shelf basement grabens and adjacent ridges (horsts) are bounded by high-angle normal faults that exhibit growth-type structure. St. Matthew basin, an elongate, southwest-trending feature of the inner shelf, lies along the offshore expression of the Kaltag fault of western Alaska. The Kaltag fault, like the Denali fault in southwestern Alaska, does not extend to the outer Bering Sea shelf but ends or turns parallel with the margin within the inner shelf. The inner shelf is underlain by a broad basement high, Nunivak arch, the seaward half of which is characterized by an arcuate belt of high-frequency and high-amplitude magnetic anomalies. This zone of intense magnetic anomalies along the shelf is probably the signature of a Mesozoic magmatic arc that extends from southwestern Alaska to eastern Siberia and consists of Jurassic to Cretaceous plutonic and volcanic rocks. We speculate that this magmatic arc resulted from oblique convergence and subduction in the Mesozoic between the Kula(?) and North American plates along the eastern Beringian margin. Folding and uplift in the area of the present outer shelf occurred contemporaneously with magmatism along the inner shelf. Plate convergence apparently ceased by the end of the Mesozoic or t e beginning of the Cenozoic. Subsequently, the foldbelt underlying the outer shelf was eroded extensively and rifted extensionally to form large, deep basins. On the average, the shelf has subsided more than 1.5 km. Subsidence and sediment burial of the eroded orogen formed the modern Beringian shelf.