Alberto Figoli
National Research Council
Chemosphere | 2013
Priyanka Mondal; Subhamoy Bhowmick; Debashis Chatterjee; Alberto Figoli; Bart Van der Bruggen
Arsenic contaminations of groundwater in several parts of the world are the results of natural and/or anthropogenic sources, and have a large impact on human health. Millions of people from different countries rely on groundwater containing As for drinking purposes. This paper reviews removal technologies (oxidation, coagulation flocculation, adsorption, ion exchange and membrane processes) with attention for the drawbacks and limitations of these applied technologies. The technologies suggested and applied for treatment of As rich water have various problems, including the need for further treatment of As containing secondary waste generated from these water treatment processes. More efficient technologies, with a lower tendency to generate waste include the removal of As by membrane distillation or forward osmosis, instead of using pressure driven membrane processes and subsequently reducing soluble As to commercially valuable metallic As are surveyed. An integrated approach of two or more techniques is suggested to be more beneficial than a single process. Advanced technologies such as membrane distillation, forward osmosis as well as some hybrid integrated techniques and their potentials are also discussed in this review. Membrane processes combined with other process (especially iron based technologies) are thought to be most sustainable for the removal of arsenic and further research allowing scale up of these technologies is suggested.
Water Research | 2010
Alberto Figoli; Alfredo Cassano; Alessandra Criscuoli; M. Salatul Islam Mozumder; M. Tamez Uddin; M. Akhtarul Islam; Enrico Drioli
Arsenic contamination of surface and groundwater is a worldwide problem in a large number of Countries (Bangladesh, Argentina, Italy, USA, New Zealand, etc.). In many contaminated areas a continuous investigation of the available arsenic removal technologies is essential to develop economical and effective methods for removing arsenic in order to meet the new Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) standard (10microg/l) recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). In this work the removal of pentavalent arsenic from synthetic water was studied on laboratory scale by using two commercial nanofiltration (NF) spiral-wound membrane modules (N30F by Microdyn-Nadir and NF90 by Dow Chemical). The influence of main operating parameters such as feed concentration, pH, pressure and temperature on the As rejection and permeate flux of both membranes, was investigated. An increase of pH and a decrease of operating temperature and As feed concentration led to higher As removal for both membranes, whereas higher transmembrane pressure (TMP) values slightly reduced the removal achievable with the N30F membrane. In both cases, the permeate flux increased with temperature and pressure and reached its maximum value at a pH of around 8. Among the parameters affecting the As rejection, feed concentration plays a key role for the production of a permeate stream respecting the limits imposed by WHO.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | 2010
Agnieszka Dobrak; Alberto Figoli; Simon Chovau; F. Galiano; Silvia Simone; Ivo Vankelecom; Enrico Drioli; B. Van der Bruggen
Laboratory-made silicalite filled PDMS membranes were tested by means of concentration and temperature influence on the membrane performance in removal of ethanol from ethanol/water mixtures. This allowed studying the applicability of solution-diffusion model in the transport mechanism description. Experiments were performed by varying the ethanol concentration in the feed and temperature. Two types of fillers were incorporated into the PDMS network: commercial zeolite silicalite (CBV 3002) and laboratory-made colloidal silicalite-1. Obtained results were then compared with data gathered for unfilled PDMS membranes to examine the effect of fillers incorporation. Moreover, the comparison with novel block co-polymer based porous and dense SBS membranes was done. It was found that the solution-diffusion model was a good representation of ethanol transport through both filled and unfilled PDMS membranes, whereas the water flux did not obey this model due to the swelling effects. Incorporation of the fillers increased membrane stability and improved the selectivity. Performance of the SBS membranes characterized by a dense structure was found to be similar to the performance of filled PDMS membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science | 2001
Alberto Figoli; W.F.C. Sager; M.H.V. Mulder
In this paper, an overview is given on membranes with oxygen facilitated transport properties to enrich the oxygen content in air. Special emphasis is paid to recent developments of oxygen carrier systems and carrier containing membranes. Concepts leading to a structural evolution of supported liquid membranes are discussed in view of ion as well as gas separation processes. As a new concept, micro-encapsulated liquid membranes are introduced, in which a mobile carrier operates in the interior of liquid droplets that are encapsulated and dispersed in a solid polymer matrix and routes to prepare the new membranes described.
Separation Science and Technology | 2007
Alberto Figoli; G. De Luca; E. Longavita; Enrico Drioli
Abstract A novel type of modified polyetheretherketone (PEEKWC) microcapsules was prepared using a procedure which combines membranes with the sol‐gel phase inversion technique. An experimental and theoretical study was carried out to explore the fundamental aspects concerning the production of these polymeric capsules. By using a mono‐pore polyethylene (PE) film with a pore diameter ranging from 300 to 1400 µm the formation of PEEKWC microcapsules with different morphologies was performed. The capsule morphology, its shape, and size can easily be adjusted with changing parameters such as polymer concentration, solvent, and nonsolvent involved phases. The mean diameter of the obtained microcapsules, with different morphology, ranged from 650 to 2200 µm. The capsules sizes, obtained experimentally were compared with the droplet diameter derived by a balance force analysis along the pore mouth. The theoretical analysis permitted to understand the droplet detachment mechanism, occurring during this process as a function of the membrane and process parameters involved. This study analyzed the different morphology and sizes of the capsules and clarified the mechanism by which the capsules are formed as a function of the parameters involved in the process.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2012
Alessandra Criscuoli; Swachchha Majumdar; Alberto Figoli; Ganesh Chandra Sahoo; Patrizia Bafaro; Sibdas Bandyopadhyay; Enrico Drioli
PEEK-WC nanostructured capsules were prepared by the phase inversion technique and used as support for the coating of a manganese dioxide layer. The coating was done by a chemical treatment of the capsules followed by a thermal one. The presence of the MnO(2) layer was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), back scattering electron (BSE), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The produced capsules were, then, tested for As(III) oxidation in batch. The experiments consisted in treating 165 ml of As(III) solution with 1g of coated capsules at fixed temperature (15°C) and pH (5.7-5.8). In particular, the efficiency of the system was investigated for different As(III) concentrations (0.1, 0.3, 0.7 and 1 ppm). For feeds at lower As(III) content (0.1-0.3 ppm), tests lasted for 8h, while prolonged runs (up to 48 h) were carried out on more concentrated solutions (0.7 and 1 ppm). The produced capsules were able to oxidize As(III) into As(V) leading to complete conversion after 3 and 4h for feed concentrations of 0.1 and 0.3 ppm, respectively.
Separation Science and Technology | 2011
Qusay F. Alsalhy; Sufyan Algebory; Ghanim M. Alwan; Silvia Simone; Alberto Figoli; Enrico Drioli
Hollow fiber poly(vinyl chloride) membranes were prepared by using the dry/wet spinning method. Cross-section, internal, and external surfaces of the hollow fibers structure were studied by SEM. The pore size and pore size distribution of the hollow fibers were measured by a PMI capillary flow porometer. UF experiments of pure water and aqueous solution of PVP K-90 were carried out. The effect of the PVC concentration on the hollow fibers mechanical properties was also investigated. It was found that the PVC fibers cross-sectional structure was affected by the polymer concentration in the dope solution. In particular, reduction of macrovoids size was observed when increasing PVC concentration from 15 to 19 wt%. The pore size distribution of the PVC hollow fibers was controlled by adjusting the PVC concentration. Indeed, an increase of PVC concentration up to 19 wt% leads to fibers with sharp pore size distribution (the 99% of pores is about 0.15 µm).The pure water permeation flux decreased from 162 to 128 (l/m2 · h · bar), while the solute separation performance increased from 82 to 97.5%, when increasing the PVC concentration. The elongation at break, the tensile strength, and the Youngs modulus of the PVC hollow fibers were improved with PVC concentration in dope solution.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2008
M. G. Buonomenna; Alberto Figoli; I. Spezzano; R. Morelli; Enrico Drioli
In this work, polyvinilydene fluoride (PVDF) microcapsules were prepared by using combined emulsion and phase inversion techniques. With this method, microcapsules with different diameters and porosities have been obtained by just controlling the diameter of the membrane used during the preparation. Using a PVDF solution containing the oxidation catalyst ammonium molybdate (20 wt %), catalytic polymeric microcapsules with diameters ranging from 600 to 1,200 microm have been obtained. Characterization of catalytic microcapsules by means of SEM, BSE, and EDX analyses showed a uniform ammonium molybdate dispersion in the polymeric matrix. Catalytic microcapsules have been tested in the oxidation of aromatic primary alcohols to corresponding aldehydes. In the range 600-1,200 microm, the microcapsule diameter influences the formation of oxidation products: in particular, microcapsule diameters >900 microm slightly diminish the formation of aldehyde due to a beginning diffusion limitation. An interesting structure-reactivity behavior, induced by the interaction between the polymeric membrane and the substituted aromatic alcohol, has been observed.
Journal of Chromatography A | 2013
R. B. Gujar; D. Shanthana Lakshmi; Alberto Figoli; P. K. Mohapatra
Conventional phase inversion technique has been successfully applied for the preparation of the solid phase extractant (SPE), Cyanex 923 loaded polymer beads. Two types of polymer beads prepared by blending Polyetherether ketone with card (PEEKWC)/DMF with 5% Cyanex 923 (SPE-I, av bead size: 900μm) and 10% Cyanex 923(SPE-II, av. bead size: 1100μm) were evaluated for the uptake of actinide ions. The polymer beads were characterized by various physical methods such as thermal analysis, surface morphology analysis by SEM, EDAX techniques, etc. The polymer beads were used for the experiments involving the uptake of both U(VI) and Pu(IV) at tracer scale and U(VI) at milli molar concentrations from nitric acid feeds. The actinide ion uptake studies involved kinetics of metal ion sorption, adsorption isotherms, and column studies. The metal sorption capacities for U(VI) at 3M HNO3 were found to be 38.8±1.9mg and 54.5±1.7mg per g of SPE-I and SPE-II, respectively. The sorption isotherm analysis with Langmuir, D-R and Freundlisch isotherms indicated chemisorption monolayer mechanism. Column studies were also carried out using 4.5mL bed volume columns containing about 0.4 and 0.45g of SPE-I and SPE-II, respectively. The breakthrough profiles were obtained for U(VI) and the elution profiles were obtained using 1M Na2CO3 as the eluent.
Membranes | 2015
Tiziana Marino; Alberto Figoli
Water contamination with harmful arsenic compounds represents one of the most serious calamities of the last two centuries. Natural occurrence of the toxic metal has been revealed recently for 21 countries worldwide; the risk of arsenic intoxication is particularly high in Bangladesh and India but recently also Europe is facing similar problem. Liquid membranes (LMs) look like a promising alternative to the existing removal processes, showing numerous advantages in terms of energy consumption, efficiency, selectivity, and operational costs. The development of different LM configurations has been a matter of investigation by several researching groups, especially for the removal of As(III) and As(V) from aqueous solutions. Most of these LM systems are based on the use of phosphine oxides as carriers, when the metal removal is from sulfuric acid media. Particularly promising for water treatment is the hollow fiber supported liquid membrane (HFSLM) configuration, which offers high selectivity, easy transport of the targeted metal ions, large surface area, and non-stop flow process. The choice of organic extractant(s) plays an essential role in the efficiency of the arsenic removal. Emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) systems have not been extensively investigated so far, although encouraging results have started to appear in the literature. For such LM configuration, the most relevant step toward efficiency is the choice of the surfactant type and its concentration.