
Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2015

Analysis of Compatibility of Contemporary Residential Housing in Nis with Current Standards in the Republic of Serbia

Slaviša Kondić; Milica Živković; Milan Tanic; Aleksandar Kekovic; Marjan Petrovic; Nikolay Vatin

Contemporary housing in the Republic of Serbia is significantly influenced by political and social changes, at the end of XX and the beginning of XXI century. Drastic increase of poverty, as a consequence of these changes, reflected on housing market. Reduction of apartment size, and lower construction quality were primary methods of reducing apartment cost. These cost reduction strategies induced numerous problems in the exploitation of apartments. In the last few years the attempts were made to regulate housing market by new legislation. This paper analyses compatibility of existing housing units, constructed in this period, with new Standard. The objective of the paper is to determine the extent of deviation of from new legislative in order to evaluate the need for the reconstruction as well as for potential correction of the Standard.

Architecture. Construction. Education | 2018

Adaptive reuse of industrial heritage-case of the textile factory “Kosta Stamenkovic” in Serbia

Aleksandra Kostic; Aleksandar Kekovic; Danica Stankovic; Branko Turnšek; Milan Tanic

In order to enhance preservation practice of industrial heritage buildings, this paper attempts to investigate and to present applicable patterns of conversion of old factory buildings. Main focus is put on the conversion of the former textile industry complex „Kosta Stamenkovic“, situated in the city of Leskovac, in Serbia. With the intention to return the former architectural glory and to activate new function, it has been necessary to implement set of urbarchitectural intervention in accordance with the current legislation in the field of protection of cultural heritage. The general intention of this paper is to explore the opportunities and importance of adaptive reuse of industrial heritage in order to enable the sustainability of the urban centres culture, history and economy, and to form the reputable patterns.

Arhitektura i Urbanizam | 2017

Contemporary moment of residential architecture at the global level: HOUSING 15

Vladana Petrović; Aleksandar Kekovic; Natasa Petkovic-Grozdanovic; Mirko Stanimirovic; Marjan Petrovic

„Да су архитектонске изложбе незаобилазни и значајни део у развоју архитектуре уверавају нас изложбе чија пракса датира још из првих деценија ХХ века Париске изложбе (Salon d’Automne), на којима су изложена и три манифестна изложбена пројекта Ле Корбизијеа, затим Берлинске изложбе у другој половини ХХ века (Interbau 1957, IBA 1987), на којима је промовисана постмодерна кроз обимни подухват урбане обнове, до друге деценије ХХI века и Венецијанског бијенала 2014 (La Biennale di Venezia) са темом Сто година ,модернитета” (проф. арх. Дарко Марушић, цитат из увода каталога HOUSING 15).

Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering | 2007

Most significant buildings of the moderne style multi-family housing in Nis 1920-1941

Aleksandar Kekovic; Zoran Cemerikic

The paper presents the buildings of multi-family housing which were designed and constructed in the spirit of the Moderne movement, in the period between two world wars, that is 1920 - 1941 in Nis. The Moderne movement which was dominant architectonic movement in Europe after the world war I, quickly gained followers in Serbia, and thus in Nis, both the architects and investors, because of its functionality and building cost-efficiency. The representative housing buildings in Nis, which were designed in the spirit of the Moderne, exhibit some aspects of development of these structures, that is, influences of the preceding styles and an inherited building model on the formation of Serbian, that is, Nis Moderne and its significance for the development of the city of Nis in the later period. .

Cities | 2017

The spatial comfort of social housing units in the post-socialist period in Serbia in relation to the applicable architectural norms

Natasa Petkovic-Grozdanovic; Branislava Stoiljković; Goran Jovanovic; Petar Mitkovic; Aleksandar Kekovic

Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering | 2014


Milica Živković; Aleksandar Kekovic; Slaviša Kondić

Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta | 2018


Vladana Petrović; Nataša Petković; Branislava Stoiljković; Milica Živković; Aleksandar Kekovic

Procedia Engineering | 2016

The Possibilities for Conversion and Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Facilities into Residential Dwellings

Nataša Petković-Grozdanovića; Branislava Stoiljković; Aleksandar Kekovic; Vera Murgul

Procedia Engineering | 2015

Resurgence of Indoor Environment of Preschool Building

Danica Stankovic; Milan Tanic; Alekandra Kostic; Svetlana Vrecic; Aleksandar Kekovic; Nikola Cekic; Vojislav Nikolic

Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering | 2013

Remodeling of the interior of preschool institutions in the context of improvement of ambient value and quality of space

Vojislav Nikolic; Aleksandar Kekovic; Danica Stankovic; Milan Tanic

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