
Organizacija | 2014

Extended Technology Acceptance Model for SPSS Acceptance among Slovenian Students of Social Sciences

Alenka Brezavšček; Petra Šparl; Anja Žnidaršič

Abstract Background and Purpose - IBM SPSS Statistics is among the most widely used programs for statistical analysis in social sciences. Due to many practical values it is frequently used as a tool for teaching statistical concepts in many social science university programs. In our opinion, motivation to learn and to use SPSS during the studying process plays a significant role in building a positive attitude towards SPSS which influences its usage at the professional level after finishing study. Design/Methodology/Approach - The aim of this paper is the development of the model for analysing the acceptance of the SPSS among university students of social sciences. The model is based on the widely known Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In addition to the traditional components of the TAM, six external variables were included. The model is tested using the web survey on the university students of social sciences from seven faculties at three Slovenian universities. Results - The evaluation of the questionnaire was performed. Descriptive statistics were calculated. The dependencies among the model components were studied and the significant dependencies were pointed out. Conclusion - The results of the empirical study prove that all external variables considered in the model are relevant, and directly influence both key components of the traditional TAM, ≫Perceived Usefulness≪ and ≫Perceived Ease of Use≪. Therefore, our model is useful to study the adoption and continuous utilization of SPSS among the students of social sciences. The obtained results are useful for educators, and can help them to improve the learning process.

Business Systems Research | 2014

Optimization of a Call Centre Performance Using the Stochastic Queueing Models

Alenka Brezavšček; Alenka Baggia

Abstract Background A call centre usually represents the first contact of a customer with a given company. Therefore, the quality of its service is of key importance. An essential factor of the call centre optimization is the determination of the proper number of operators considering the selected performance measure. Results of previous research show that this can be done using the queueing theory approach. Objectives: The paper presents the practical application of the stochastic queueing models aimed at optimizing a Slovenian telecommunication provider’s call centre. Methods/Approach: The arrival and the service patterns were analysed, and it was concluded that the call centre under consideration can be described using the M/M/r {infinity/infinity/FIFO} queueing model. Results: An appropriate number of operators were determined for different peak periods of the working day, taking into consideration the following four performance measures: the expected waiting time, the expected number of waiting customers, the probability that a calling customer will have to wait, and the call centre service level. Conclusions: The obtained results prove the usefulness and applicability of the queueing models as a tool for a call centre performance optimization. In practice, all the data needed for such a mathematical analysis are usually provided. This paper is aimed at illustrating how such data can be efficiently exploited.

Organizacija | 2016

Awareness and attitude towards Green IS in Slovenian enterprises

Alenka Baggia; Alenka Brezavšček; Matjaž Maletič; Petra Šparl; Hendry Raharjo; Anja Žnidaršič

Abstract Background: This study draws upon the use of Information Systems in support of achieving sustainability, known as Green IS. Furthermore, this study builds on the premise that Green IS offers the opportunity for organizations to act proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well as to mitigate the effects of global climate change and other environmental problems. Aim: In particular, this study aims to assess the extent of awareness among managers regarding the use and the acceptance of Green IS in Slovenian enterprises. Method: Using empirical data based on a large-scale survey among senior managers within Slovenian enterprises this study utilized several statistical methods (such as t-test, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression) to analyse the research questions. Results: In general, findings seem to suggest that institutional mechanisms might be a plausible explanation for differences regarding the attitude towards Green IS adoption. For instance, enterprises with at least one implemented sustainability related certificate expressed higher levels of willingness to use Green IS in order to facilitate the achievement of sustainable development. Moreover, the results of the regression analysis revealed that both Institutional Mimetic pressure and Internal Environment Impact has positive impact on Green IS adoption. Conclusion: The main conclusion is that the internal environmental impact is considered the most influential factor of the attitude towards Green IS adoption. The culture or individual perception of managers and employees play an important role in the Green IS adoption. Indeed, enterprises that have no intention of improving their environmental performance, but adopt Green IS by the means of seeking legitimacy among external stakeholders, cannot provide a sustainable improvement in environmental management.

Quality Technology and Quantitative Management | 2015

Stochastic Approach to Planning of Spares for Complex Deteriorating Industrial System

Alenka Brezavšček

Abstract An easily implementable stochastic model for planning the inventory of spare components needed for corrective replacements of system components is presented. The probability of spare shortage in a given time interval is chosen as the decision criterion. The model is based on the assumption that the system contains a great number of identical independent components subject to wear-out. It can be used to determine the minimal number of spare components needed at the beginning of the planning interval to fulfil the requirement for an acceptable shortage probability during this interval. Besides, the model enables calculation of the probability of spare shortage during a given time interval considering the existing inventory level at the beginning of this interval. The model contains a few constant parameters that can be estimated from the component field data. It also includes two time dependent parameters which are calculated using the renewal function from the renewal theory. A discrete approximation which enables relatively simple calculation of the renewal function for any peak-shaped probability density function is derived. Assuming that the probability density function of component failure times is described by the normal density function, the renewal process characteristics are presented in terms of component mean time to failure and corresponding standard deviation. The error of our approximation for the renewal function is estimated. The model is applied to two components of electric locomotives in Slovenian Railways. The results obtained show that even small changes of the level of spares in the existing inventory can result in considerable changes of the spare shortage probability.

Organizacija | 2011

Simple Stochastic Model for Planning the Inventory of Spare Components Subject to Wear-out

Alenka Brezavšček

Simple Stochastic Model for Planning the Inventory of Spare Components Subject to Wear-out We treat an industrial system which comprises of a number of identical components subject to wear-out. To support the system maintenance an appropriate inventory of spare components is needed. In order to plan the sufficient inventory of spare components, two variants of a simple stochastic model are developed. In both variants, the aim is to determine how many spare components are needed at the beginning of a planning interval to meet demand for corrective replacements during this interval. Under the first variant the acceptable probability of spare shortage during the planning interval is chosen as a decision variable. While in the second variant the adequate spare inventory level is assessed by taking into account the expected number of component failures within the planning interval. A comparison of both variants of the model shows that calculations involved in the second variant are simpler. However, it can only be used when the inventory of spare components can be planned for a relatively long period of time. The determination of an adequate number of spare components according to both variants of our model depends on the form of the probability density function of component failure times. Since the components are subject to wear-out, this function exhibits a peak-shaped form that can be described by different statistical density functions. Advantages and disadvantages of using the normal, lognormal, Weibull, and Gamma density function in our model are discussed. Among the probability density functions studied, the normal density function is found to be the most appropriate for calculations in our model. The applicability of both variants of the model is given through numerical examples using field data on electric locomotives of Slovenian Railways.

Business Systems Research | 2013

A Simple Discrete Approximation for the Renewal Function

Alenka Brezavšček

Abstract Background: The renewal function is widely useful in the areas of reliability, maintenance and spare component inventory planning. Its calculation relies on the type of the probability density function of component failure times which can be, regarding the region of the component lifetime, modelled either by the exponential or by one of the peak-shaped density functions. For most peak-shaped distribution families the closed form of the renewal function is not available. Many approximate solutions can be found in the literature, but calculations are often tedious. Simple formulas are usually obtained for a limited range of functions only. Objectives: We propose a new approach for evaluation of the renewal function by the use of a simple discrete approximation method, applicable to any probability density function. Methods/Approach: The approximation is based on the well known renewal equation. Results: The usefulness is proved through some numerical results using the normal, lognormal, Weibull and gamma density functions. The accuracy is analysed using the normal density function. Conclusions: The approximation proposed enables simple and fairly accurate calculation of the renewal function irrespective of the type of the probability density function. It is especially applicable to the peak-shaped density functions when the analytical solution hardly ever exists.

Organizacija | 2017

Markov Analysis of Students’ Performance and Academic Progress in Higher Education

Alenka Brezavšček; Mirjana Pejić Bach; Alenka Baggia

Abstract Background: The students’ progression towards completing their higher education degrees possesses stochastic characteristics, and can therefore be modelled as an absorbing Markov chain. Such application would have a high practical value and offer great opportunities for implementation in practice. Objectives: The aim of the paper is to develop a stochastic model for estimation and continuous monitoring of various quality and effectiveness indicators of a given higher education study programme. Method: The study programme is modelled by a finite Markov chain with five transient and two absorbing states. The probability transition matrix is constructed. The quantitative characteristics of the absorbing Markov chain, like the expected time until absorption and the probabilities of absorption, are used to determine chosen indicators of the programme. Results: The model is applied to investigate the pattern of students’ enrolment and their academic performance in a Slovenian higher education institution. Based on the students’ intake records, the transition matrix was developed considering eight consecutive academic seasons from 2008/09 until 2016/17. The students’ progression towards the next stage of the study programme was estimated. The expected time that a student spends at a particular stage as well as the expected duration of the study is determined. The graduation and withdrawal probabilities were obtained. Besides, a prediction on the students’ enrolment for the next three academic years was made. The results were interpreted and discussed. Conclusion: The analysis presented is applicable for all higher education stakeholders. It is especially useful for a higher education institution’s managers seeing that it provides useful information to plan improvements regarding the quality and effectiveness of their study programmes to achieve better position in the educational market.

Organizacija | 2017

Homecare Service Providers as an Organizational Form of Support for the Elderly: Establishment and Planning of Optimal Capacity

Polona Šprajc; Iztok Podbregar; Alenka Brezavšček

Abstract Background and Purpose: Different studies have highlighted health care allocation problems in Slovenia that indicate the increased need for homecare services for the elderly. It was also found that Slovenian municipalities differ dramatically in the availability of elder care services. A number of older people with diverse unmet needs for care remains. Therefore, the need for the establishment of an additional type of formal homecare services for the elderly exists. Design/Methodology/Approach: Although many positive effects of home elder care against institutional care are stressed in the literature, the results of many studies performed in recent years have indicated that accessibility of homecare for elderly in Slovenia remains scarce, and it is not equally accessible throughout the country. To mitigate this problem, a new organizational form called “elder homecare service provider” is indicated. The aim of the provider is to offer a variety of different services for the elderly (e.g. homemaking, social networking, transfer services, basic life needs, basic health services, etc.). The establishment of such an organization needs to be designed carefuly, while the unique characteristics and specific needs of the target population must be addressed to optimize desired outcomes. Results: The aim of the paper is to provide fundamental guidelines for the establishment of elder homecare service provider. All essential characteristics of such an organization are defined. To ensure an appropriate level of service quality, the primarly focus is oriented towards the planning of personnel team capacity. For this purpose, the service provider was described using the stochastic queueing model, which enables service capacity optimization considering different performance measures. The usefulness of the model was illustrated with a numerical example, which has shown that the results obtained provide valuable information for decision support. Conclusion: The establishment of a homecare service provider network would have many positive effects on society in general. The quality of the everyday life of the elderly is expected to be improved considerably, particularly in the rural areas where a lack of institutional care support is reported. Guidelines proposed in the paper together with the quantitave model for planning of its optimal capacity provide useful information, which are especially relevant in the preliminary phase of the establishment of service providers.

36th International Conference on Organizational Science Development | 2017

Introduction of a Lesson: A Guarantee of Motivation? The Significance of the Lesson Introduction for Learners’ Activation Level in Business and Economics Teaching at German Vocational Colleges

Olja Arsenijević; Marko Ferjan; Iztok Podbregar; Polona Šprajc; Alenka Baggia; Mojca Bernik; Alenka Brezavšček; Eva Jereb; Tomaž Kern; Davorin Kofjač; Jure Kovač; Gregor Lenart; Robert Leskovar; Damjan Maletič; Matjaž Maletič; Miha Marič; Gozdana Miglič; Vesna Novak; Uros Rajkovic; Vladislav Rajkovič; Matjaž Roblek; Marjan Senegačnik; Branislav Smitek; Marko Urh; Goran Vukovič; Borut Werber; Anja Žnidaršič

Konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti je konferenca z najdaljso tradicijo na Univerzi v Mariboru in vsako leto poveže studente, raziskovalce, gospodarstvenike in predstavnike javne uprave, ki delujejo na podrocju organizacije in managementa. Tema letosnje, že 36. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, je Odgovorna organizacija in se nanasa na sirino organizacije v njenem notranjem in zunanjem okolju. Odgovornost do zaposlenih, poslanstva, strategije, procesov, tehnologije, razvoja so samo nekatera izmed podrocij, ki jim mora organizacija slediti. Identiteta organizacije se izkazuje z njenim vsestransko odgovornim ravnanjem in kaže vrednost navzven pri kupcih ali uporabnikih storitev. V casu, ki ga živimo, smo vpeti v preplet tehnoloskega in socialnega napredka, ki nenazadnje rezultira v posamezniku in družbi nasploh. Ravnanje organizacije se ravno tako ne veže samo na delovanje v lokalnem okolju temvec zaradi globalnih razsežnosti ucinkuje tudi v mednarodnih dimenzijah. S temo konference želimo odpreti polje vprasanj in poiskati odgovore, ki bodo doprinesli k napredku organizacijskih ved. Materialni vplivi, komuniciranje, znanje in postenje ter nenazadnje ideal odgovornega ravnanja lahko kot pomembni dejavniki obvladujejo pogosto nemirne situacije v in izven okolja nasih organizacij. Ker smo casovno in prostorsko vpeti v vzorce, ki mnogokrat ne sledijo vec nasim preteklim izkusnjam, je nasa želja, da s srecanjem na konferenci stopimo v korak s casom in prepoznamo dobre prakse, izoblikujemo nove metode in se seznanimo z aktualnimi trendi, ki jih organizacije vsakodnevno živijo.Konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti je konferenca z najdaljso tradicijo na Univerzi v Mariboru in vsako leto poveže studente, raziskovalce, gospodarstvenike in predstavnike javne uprave, ki delujejo na podrocju organizacije in managementa. Tema letosnje, že 36. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, je Odgovorna organizacija in se nanasa na sirino organizacije v njenem notranjem in zunanjem okolju. Odgovornost do zaposlenih, poslanstva, strategije, procesov, tehnologije, razvoja so samo nekatera izmed podrocij, ki jim mora organizacija slediti. Identiteta organizacije se izkazuje z njenim vsestransko odgovornim ravnanjem in kaže vrednost navzven pri kupcih ali uporabnikih storitev. V casu, ki ga živimo, smo vpeti v preplet tehnoloskega in socialnega napredka, ki nenazadnje rezultira v posamezniku in družbi nasploh. Ravnanje organizacije se ravno tako ne veže samo na delovanje v lokalnem okolju temvec zaradi globalnih razsežnosti ucinkuje tudi v mednarodnih dimenzijah. S temo konference želimo odpreti polje vprasanj in poiskati odgovore, ki bodo doprinesli k napredku organizacijskih ved. Materialni vplivi, komuniciranje, znanje in postenje ter nenazadnje ideal odgovornega ravnanja lahko kot pomembni dejavniki obvladujejo pogosto nemirne situacije v in izven okolja nasih organizacij. Ker smo casovno in prostorsko vpeti v vzorce, ki mnogokrat ne sledijo vec nasim preteklim izkusnjam, je nasa želja, da s srecanjem na konferenci stopimo v korak s casom in prepoznamo dobre prakse, izoblikujemo nove metode in se seznanimo z aktualnimi trendi, ki jih organizacije vsakodnevno živijo.

IEEE Transactions on Reliability | 2003

Joint optimization of block-replacement and periodic-review spare-provisioning policy

Alenka Brezavšček; Alenka Hudoklin

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