Alessandro Marzani
University of Bologna
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2004
Francesco Lanza di Scalea; Piervincenzo Rizzo; Alessandro Marzani
This paper deals with the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves in adhesively bonded lap-shear joints. The topic is relevant to bond inspection by ultrasonic testing. Specifically, the propagation of the lowest-order, antisymmetric a0 mode through the joint is examined. An important aspect is the mode conversion at the boundaries between the single-plate adherents and the multilayer overlap. The a0 strength of transmission is studied for three different bond states in aluminum joints, namely a fully cured adhesive bond, a poorly cured adhesive bond, and a slip bond. Theoretical predictions indicate that the dispersive behavior of the guided waves in the multilayer overlap is highly dependent on bond state. Experimental tests are conducted in lap-shear joints by a hybrid, broadband laser/air-coupled ultrasonic setup in a through-transmission configuration. The Gabor wavelet transform is employed to extract energy transmission coefficients in the 100 kHz 1.4 MHz range for the three different bond states examined. The cross-sectional mode shapes of the guided waves are shown to have a substantial role in the energy transfer through the joint.
internaltional ultrasonics symposium | 2008
L. De Marchi; Alessandro Marzani; Salvatore Caporale; Nicolò Speciale
In this work a new time-frequency procedure for the extraction of multimodal and dispersive guided waves (GWs) from a recorded time-waveform is presented. The proposed ldquoWarped Frequency Transformrdquo (WFT) is based on a time-frequency domain tiling chosen to match the spectro-temporal structure of the different propagating guided waves by selecting an appropriate warping map which generates non-linearly frequency modulated atoms. The WFT transformation is fast, invertible, covariant to group velocity-delay shifts and, in force of the more flexible tiling, presents enhanced modes extraction capabilities. An application to Lamb Waves propagating in an isotropic plate is presented to show the potential of the proposed procedure.
Smart Materials and Structures | 2011
L. De Marchi; Alessandro Marzani; Nicolò Speciale; Erasmo Viola
A method for impact location in plate-like structures is proposed. The approach is based on guided waves dispersion compensation. Procedures based on dispersion compensation are usually applied to active monitoring techniques, as they require the knowledge of the time of impact to effectively compensate the guided waves dispersive behaviour. Unfortunately, this knowledge is not given in passive monitoring techniques. Despite this limit, the proposed dispersion compensation procedure is useful as it removes in the group delay of the acquired signals the dependence on the travelled distance. By cross-correlating the signals related to the same event acquired by different sensors, the difference in travelled distances can be determined and used to locate the wave source via hyperbolic positioning. The results show that the developed tool could pave he way for a new class of procedures to locate impacts in waveguides.
Smart Materials and Structures | 2012
Alessandro Perelli; Luca De Marchi; Alessandro Marzani; Nicolò Speciale
A strategy for the localization of acoustic emissions (AE) in plates with dispersion and reverberation is proposed. The procedure exploits signals received in passive mode by sparse conventional piezoelectric transducers and a three-step processing framework. The first step consists in a signal dispersion compensation procedure, which is achieved by means of the warped frequency transform. The second step concerns the estimation of the differences in arrival time (TDOA) of the acoustic emission at the sensors. Complexities related to reflections and plate resonances are overcome via a wavelet decomposition of cross-correlating signals where the mother function is designed by a synthetic warped cross-signal. The magnitude of the wavelet coefficients in the warped distance?frequency domain, in fact, precisely reveals the TDOA of an acoustic emission at two sensors. Finally, in the last step the TDOA data are exploited to locate the acoustic emission source through hyperbolic positioning. The proposed procedure is tested with a passive network of three/four piezo-sensors located symmetrically and asymmetrically with respect to the plate edges. The experimentally estimated AE locations are close to those theoretically predicted by the Cram?r?Rao lower bound.
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-transactions of The Asme | 2005
Piervincenzo Rizzo; Ivan Bartoli; Alessandro Marzani; Francesco Lanza di Scalea
This paper casts pipe inspection by ultrasonic guided waves in a feature extraction and automatic classification framework. The specific defect under investigation is a small notch cut in an ASTM-A53-F steel pipe at depths ranging from 1% to 17% of the pipe cross-sectional area. A semi-analytical finite element method is first used to model wave propagation in the pipe. In the experiment, reflection measurements are taken and six features are extracted from the discrete wavelet decomposition of the raw signals and from the Hilbert and Fourier transforms of the reconstructed signals. A six-dimensional damage index is then constructed, and it is fed to an artificial neural network that classifies the size and the location of the notch. Overall, the wavelet-based multifeature analysis demonstrates good classification performance and robustness against noise and changes in some of the operating parameters.
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | 2011
Paolo Bocchini; Alessandro Marzani; Erasmo Viola
This paper presents GUIGUW v0.1, a graphical user interface (GUI) for the computation of stress-guided wave dispersive features. The software exploits semianalytical finite-element (SAFE) formulations for the calculation of wave-propagation characteristics. The interface allows for the selection of geometrical, mechanical, and frequency-related parameters for the computation. Isotropic and anisotropic materials with linear elastic and linear viscoelastic rheological behaviors can be considered, and any waveguide cross section can be modeled. For each existing wave, the dispersive results can be represented in terms of wave number, wavelength, phase velocity, group velocity (for undamped waveguides), energy velocity, and attenuation (for damped waveguides). By simply working with the GUI, original results for guided stress waves can be obtained.
Ultrasonics | 2013
Matteo Mazzotti; Ivan Bartoli; Alessandro Marzani; Erasmo Viola
The paper presents a Semi-Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) formulation coupled with a 2.5D Boundary Element Method (BEM) for the computation of the dispersion properties of viscoelastic waveguides with arbitrary cross-section and embedded in unbounded isotropic viscoelastic media. Attenuation of guided modes is described through the imaginary component of the axial wavenumber, which accounts for material damping, introduced via linear viscoelastic constitutive relations, as well as energy loss due to radiation of bulk waves in the surrounding media. Energy radiation is accounted in the SAFE model by introducing an equivalent dynamic stiffness matrix for the surrounding medium, which is derived from a regularized 2.5D boundary element formulation. The resulting dispersive wave equation is configured as a nonlinear eigenvalue problem in the complex axial wavenumber. The eigenvalue problem is reduced to a linear one inside a chosen contour in the complex plane of the axial wavenumber by using a contour integral method. Poles of leaky and evanescent modes are obtained by choosing appropriately the phase of the wavenumbers normal to the interface in compliance with the nature of the waves in the surrounding medium. Finally, the obtained eigensolutions are post-processed to compute the energy velocity and the radiated wavefield in the surrounding domain. The reliability of the method is first validated on existing results for waveguides of circular cross sections embedded in elastic and viscoelastic media. Next, the potential of the proposed numerical framework is shown by computing the dispersion properties for a square steel bar embedded in grout and for an H-shaped steel pile embedded in soil.
Measurement Science and Technology | 2010
Xuan “Peter” Zhu; Piervincenzo Rizzo; Alessandro Marzani; Jerry Bruck
Ultrasonic guided waves (UGWs) are particularly effective in those nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring applications that benefit from built-in transduction, moderately large inspection ranges and high sensitivity to small flaws. This paper describes a method to detect cracks in large trusses that combines the advantages of UGWs with the extraction of defect-sensitive features to perform a multivariate diagnosis of damage. The proposed algorithm was applied to the guided waves propagating along one of the main chords of a dismantled overhead sign support structure. The probing hardware consisted of a data acquisition system that controlled the generation and detection of ultrasonic signals by means of piezoelectric transducers made of lead zirconate titanate. The effectiveness of the proposed approach to diagnose the presence of an artificial defect around the welded joint between one main chord and a diagonal member of the truss structure is explained.
Curved and Layered Structures | 2014
Erasmo Viola; Marco Miniaci; Nicholas Fantuzzi; Alessandro Marzani
Abstract This paper investigates the in-plane free vibrations of multi-stepped and multi-damaged parabolic arches, for various boundary conditions. The axial extension, transverse shear deformation and rotatory inertia effects are taken into account. The constitutive equations relating the stress resultants to the corresponding deformation components refer to an isotropic and linear elastic material. Starting from the kinematic hypothesis for the in-plane displacement of the shear-deformable arch, the equations of motion are deduced by using Hamilton’s principle. Natural frequencies and mode shapes are computed using the Generalized Differential Quadrature (GDQ) method. The variable radius of curvature along the axis of the parabolic arch requires, compared to the circular arch, a more complex formulation and numerical implementation of the motion equations as well as the external and internal boundary conditions. Each damage is modelled as a combination of one rotational and two translational elastic springs. A parametric study is performed to illustrate the influence of the damage parameters on the natural frequencies of parabolic arches for different boundary conditions and cross-sections with localizeddamage.Results for the circular arch, derived from the proposed parabolic model with the derivatives of some parameters set to zero, agree well with those published over the past years.
Ultrasonics | 2015
Marco Miniaci; Alessandro Marzani; Nicola Testoni; Luca De Marchi
In this work the existence of band gaps in a phononic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plate with a square lattice of cross-like holes is numerically and experimentally investigated. First, a parametric analysis is carried out to find plate thickness and cross-like holes dimensions capable to nucleate complete band gaps. In this analysis the band structures of the unitary cell in the first Brillouin zone are computed by exploiting the Bloch-Floquet theorem. Next, time transient finite element analyses are performed to highlight the shielding effect of a finite dimension phononic region, formed by unitary cells arranged into four concentric square rings, on the propagation of guided waves. Finally, ultrasonic experimental tests in pitch-catch configuration across the phononic region, machined on a PVC plate, are executed and analyzed. Very good agreement between numerical and experimental results are found confirming the existence of the predicted band gaps.