Alexander Brobeil
University of Giessen
Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases | 2010
Alexander Brobeil; Michaela Graf; Sabine Oeschger; Klaus Steger; Monika Wimmer
Protein tyrosine phosphatase interacting protein 51 (PTPIP51) was identified as an in vitro interacting partner of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TCPTP). The full-length form of PTPIP51 encompasses 470aas and has a molecular weight of 52kDa. The physiological function is poorly understood but an involvement in differentiation processes and apoptosis has been suggested. Preliminary observations suggested differences in PTPIP51 expression in blood cells. To analyze a possible involvement of PTPIP51 in hematopoietic processes, we studied its expression in samples of peripheral venous blood (PVB), umbilical cord blood (UCB) and human bone marrow (HBM). In both, PVB and UCB PTPIP51 expression was restricted to neutrophil granulocytes. In HBM samples, besides in mature neutrophil ganulocytes PTPIP51 protein and mRNA was present in myeloid precursor cells of neutrophils. The expression of PTPIP51 in neutrophil granulocytes was corroborated by immunoblot analysis exhibiting different molecular weight forms of PTPIP51 protein. Anti-peptide antibodies, identifying specific regions of the PTPIP51 protein (C-terminus, N-terminus and aas114-129) revealed a distinct isoform expression pattern in neutrophil granulocytes of different sources. In PVB and UCB neutrophil granulocytes reacted positive for all three peptide antibodies. In contrast, neutrophils of HBM express solely an N-terminal variant of PTPIP51 protein, lacking the C-terminal and aas114-129 sequence. Immunocytochemical results displayed a strict co-localization of PTPIP51 and PTP1B in PVB and UCB. The interaction of both proteins was verified by a proximity ligation assay. Neither proliferating cells, as identified by PCNA immunostaining, nor apoptotic cells, labeled by TUNEL assay, displayed an immunoreactivity for PTPIP51 in HBM. In fact, PTPIP51 expression was restricted to myeloid precursor cells undergoing differentiation. In blood cells therefore, PTPIP51 expression is restricted to differentiating and mature neutrophil granulocytes.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | 2009
Philipp Koch; M. Viard; Albrecht Stenzinger; Alexander Brobeil; Claudia Tag; Klaus Steger; Markus A. Wimmer
This study demonstrates the expression of the novel protein protein tyrosine phophatase‐interacting protein 51 (PTPIP51) in mammalian brain tissue. Serial sections of the whole adult mouse brain were analyzed for PTPIP51 protein and mRNA by immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting, RT‐PCR, and in situ hybridization. Recent investigations by Yu et al. (2008) describe PTPIP51 as being capable of activating Raf‐1, thereby modulating the MAPK pathway. The role of Raf‐1, as well as of 14‐3‐3, in neurological disorders is well established. PTPIP51 expression was confined to neurons in the following structures: the piriform cortex and their connections to the anterior commissure, nucleus accumbens, paraventricular and supraoptical nuclei, neurohypophysis, superior colliculus, genu of facialis nerve, spinal trigeminal tract, inferior cerebellar peduncle, and cerebellum. In the cerebellum, a subpopulation of Purkinje cells and their dendrites was strongly PTPIP51 positive. Moreover, PTPIP51 was found to be colocalized with vasopressin and its transport protein neurophysin II in the neuroendocrine nuclei and their connections to the neurohypophysis. The data presented here suggest a role of PTPIP51 in neuronal homeostasis, axonal growth, and transport. J. Comp. Neurol. 517:892–905, 2009.
Cell and Tissue Research | 2011
Alexander Brobeil; Manuel Bobrich; Monika Wimmer
Protein tyrosine phosphatase interacting protein 51 (PTPIP51) interacts both in vitro and in vivo with PTP1B, a protein tyrosine phosphatase involved in cellular regulation. PTPIP51 is known to be expressed in many different types of tissues. It is involved in cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Nevertheless, the exact cellular function of PTPIP51 is still unknown. The present review summarizes our current knowledge of the PTPIP51 gene and its mRNA and protein structure.
Biomolecules | 2012
Alexander Brobeil; Michaela Graf; Moritz Eiber; Monika Wimmer
Protein tyrosine phosphatase interacting protein 51 (PTPIP51), also known as regulator of microtubule dynamics protein 3, was identified as an in vitro and in vivo interaction partner of CGI-99 and Nuf-2. PTPIP51 mRNA is expressed in all stages of the cell cycle; it is highly expressed six hours post-nocodazole treatment and minimally expressed one hour post-nocodazole treatment. Recent investigations located PTPIP51 protein at the equatorial plate. This study reports the localization of the PTPIP51/CGI-99 and the PTPIP51/Nuf-2 complex at the equatorial region during mitosis. Moreover, Duolink proximity ligation assays revealed an association of PTPIP51 with the microtubular cytoskeleton and the spindle apparatus. High amounts of phosphorylated PTPIP51 associated with the spindle poles was seen by confocal microscopy. In parallel a strong interaction of PTPIP51 with the epidermal growth factor receptor phosphorylating PTPIP51 at the tyrosine 176 residue was seen. In the M/G1 transition a high level of interaction between PTPIP51 and PTP1B was registered, thus restoring the interaction of PTPIP51 and Raf-1, depleted in mitotic cells. Summarizing these new facts, we conclude that PTPIP51 is necessary for normal mitotic processes, impacting on chromosomal division and control of the MAPK pathway activity.
Human Reproduction | 2011
Michaela Graf; Alexander Brobeil; Klaus Sturm; Klaus Steger; Monika Wimmer
BACKGROUND Dysfunction of cellular processes in the testes can lead to infertility, tumourigenesis or other testicular disorders. 14-3-3 proteins are known to play pivotal roles in cellular communication, signal transduction, intracellular trafficking, cell-cycle control, transcription and cytoskeletal structure and have been implicated in several diseases including tumourigenesis. Here we investigated the expression of the 14-3-3 beta isoform in healthy testicular tissues of humans, rats and mice as well as in tissues of Sertoli-cell-only (SCO) syndrome, intratubular germ cell neoplasia (IGCN) and classical seminoma. METHODS Samples of healthy and diseased testes from humans, rats and mice were analysed by immunohistochemistry. For PCR, human testis cell lysates were used. Immunoblot analyses of rats and humans healthy testes were performed. Duolink proximity ligation assay (PLA) and co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) were carried out to investigate interactions between 14-3-3 beta and vimentin in human, rat and mouse testes. RESULTS In healthy testes and SCO syndrome, strong 14-3-3 beta-positive cells could be identified as Sertoli cells. Furthermore, 14-3-3 beta proteins were detected in cells of the peritubular stroma. In samples of IGCN and classical seminoma, the malignant transformed cells stained positive for 14-3-3 beta antigen. Immunoblot analyses revealed the presence of 14-3-3 beta in healthy testicular tissues. 14-3-3 beta mRNA transcripts were detected in cell lysates of healthy human testes. Interaction of 14-3-3 beta with the intermediate filament vimentin was revealed by Duolink PLA and Co-IP. Co-IP experiments identified tubulin as another 14-3-3 beta binding partner. CONCLUSIONS Our data suggest that 14-3-3 beta expression is essential for normal spermatogenesis by interacting with vimentin in Sertoli cells. Additionally, 14-3-3 beta expression in malignant transformed cells in IGCN and classical seminoma may lead to tumourigenesis and cell survival.
Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2012
Alexander Brobeil; Manuel Bobrich; Claudia Tag; Monika Wimmer
This study investigated the regulation of 14-3-3β binding to PTPIP51 by the tyrosine phosphorylation status of PTPIP51. The tyrosine 176 residue is phosphorylated by c-Src. Up to now, nothing is known about the impact of such well-established phosphorylation events on the interaction profile of PTPIP51 with its partners of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. In human keratinocytes the PTPIP51 phosphorylation was varied by inhibiting the phosphatase activity, thus enhancing the phosphorylation of PTPIP51. Differential blocking of Src kinase family members (despite c-Src) by PP2 increased the activity of c-Src and the tyrosine phosphorylation of PTPIP51 at position 176, which is the substrate of c-Src kinase. The amount of PTPIP51 interactions with 14-3-3β, Raf-1, PTP1B and c-Src was evaluated and the resulting data were compared to an untreated control group. The increased phosphorylation level resulted in a sharp drop of the 14-3-3β/PTPIP51 and 14-3-3β/Raf-1 interaction. Besides the 14-3-3 interaction of PTPIP51, the interaction with the two MAPK modulators, protein kinase A (PKA) and diacylglycerol kinase alpha (DAGKα), are also regulated by the tyrosine phosphorylation status of PTPIP51. Additional immunostaining experiments were done investigating the functional implication on these interactions of the phosphorylation in apoptotic processes. In the pervanadate- and PP2-treated HaCaT cells, higher amounts of apoptotic cells were not detected as compared to the control group. The presented data confirms a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent interaction of PTPIP51 with 14-3-3β and Raf-1 in vivo and a tyrosine-dependent interaction profile with DAGKα and PKA. The non-interaction of PTPIP51 with 14-3-3 is not sufficient for triggering apoptosis.
Leukemia Research | 2011
Alexander Brobeil; Manuel Bobrich; Michaela Graf; Anke Kruchten; Wolfgang Blau; Mathias Rummel; Sabine Oeschger; Klaus Steger; Monika Wimmer
Protein tyrosine phosphatase interacting protein 51 (PTPIP51) is known to be expressed in blood cells with restriction to the myeloid lineage. All myeloid progenitor cells are PTPIP51 positive except for the myeloblasts. To define the expression of PTPIP51 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), we performed immunohistochemical experiments with peptide specific antibodies (C-terminus, N-terminus and aas 114-129) to PTPIP51 with samples of AML bone marrow trephine biopsy specimens. AML blasts reacted positive for PTPIP51 protein encompassing the C-terminal sequence. Healthy bone marrow displayed an exclusive staining for the N-terminal containing form of PTPIP51. Moreover, PTPIP51 protein was highly phosphorylated at its tyrosine 176 residue. Acquired confocal images of AML cells displayed an absence of PTP1B and revealed a co-localization of PTPIP51 and Lyn. Duolink proximity ligation assays (DPLA) corroborated an interaction for PTPIP51 with Lyn and c-Src. In AML blasts rarely an interaction of PTPIP51 with PTP1B and Raf-1 was seen. Furthermore, DPLA signals were also obtained for PTPIP51 and c-Kit in AML cells. Therefore, PTPIP51 was identified as a new signal molecule of the c-Kit signaling pathway. By the phosphorylation done by Lyn, c-Src and c-Kit, PTPIP51 is prevented to influence mitogen activated protein kinase pathway on Raf-1 level contributing to increased proliferation of AML cells.
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology | 2014
Alexander Brobeil; Philipp Koch; Moritz Eiber; Claudia Tag; Monika Wimmer
Protein tyrosine phosphatse interacting protein (PTPIP51) is involved in the modulation of the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway. Up to now, less is known about the regulation of this modulation. A recent study hinted to the phosphorylation status of PTPIP51 being essential for correct regulation of PTPIP51 function. In this study we investigate the phosphorylation status of PTPIP51 under the inhibition of the main interacting kinases and phosphatases of PTPIP51. c-Src was inhibited by Dasatinib, EGF receptor by Gefitinib, protein kinase C by staurosporine, protein kinase A by RpcAMPs and PTP1B by its specific inhibitor. Furthermore, a combination of PP2 with Gefitinib and RpcAMPs was used, respectively. The data were acquired for non-EGF and EGF treated HaCaT cells. All cells were analyzed relative to the subcellular distribution and change in the amount of tyrosine 176 phosphorylated PTPIP51. Furthermore, the protein interactions were assayed by duolink proximity ligation assay. HaCaT cells submitted to the respective inhibitor displayed a subcellular redistribution of tyrosine 176 phosphorylated PTPIP51 depending on the applied inhibitor. Yet, the amount of tyrosine 176 phosphorylated PTPIP51 remained unchanged by inhibitor treatment except for Gefitinib and simultaneous PP2 and Gefitnib treatment in non EGF-stimulated cells, but was elevated if cells were also EGF stimulated, in control and inhibitor treated cells. Interestingly, the interaction with EGFR, 14-3-3, Raf-1, c-Src, PTP1B, PKA and PKC was influenced by the application of inhibitors. Also EGF application resulted in a sharp drop of the PTPIP51 interaction with the MAPK pathway (e.g. Raf-1) in the control group. Summarizing these new findings, we postulate that PTPIP51 is regulated by its phosphorylation status combined with a thereby induced subcellular redistribution. In addition, the EGF receptor regulates PTPIP51 interaction with Raf-1 by its phosphorylation, thus preventing an overshooting activation of the MAPK pathway.
Pathology Research and Practice | 2014
Kristin Kunze; Ulrike Gamerdinger; Jacqueline Leßig-Owlanj; Marina Sorokina; Alexander Brobeil; Mehmet Kemal Tur; Wolfgang Blau; Alexander Burchardt; Andreas Käbisch; Georg Schliesser; Michael Kiehl; Andreas Rosenwald; Mathias Rummel; Friedrich Grimminger; Torsten Hain; Trinad Chakraborty; Andreas Bräuninger; Stefan Gattenlöhner
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are hematopoietic disorders characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis and progression to acute leukemia. In patients ineligible for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, azacitidine is the only treatment shown to prolong survival. However, with the availability of a growing compendium of cancer biomarkers and related drugs, analysis of relevant genetic alterations for individual MDS patients might become part of routine evaluation. Therefore and in order to cover the entire bone marrow microenvironment involved in the pathogenesis of MDS, SNP array analysis and targeted next generation sequencing (tNGS) for the mostly therapy relevant 46 onco- and tumor-suppressor genes were performed on bone marrow biopsies from 29 MDS patients. In addition to the detection of mutations known to be associated with MDS in NRAS, KRAS, MPL, NPM1, IDH1, PTPN11, APC and MET, single nucleotide variants so far unrelated to MDS in STK11 (n=1), KDR (n=3), ATM (n=1) and JAK3 (n=2) were identified. Moreover, a recurrent microdeletion was detected in Xq26.3 (n=2), causing loss of PHF6 expression, a potential tumor suppressor gene, and the miR-424, which is involved in the development of acute myeloid leukemia. Finally, combined genetic aberrations affecting the VEGF/VEGFR pathway were found in the majority of cases demonstrating the diversity of mutations affecting different nodes of a particular signaling network as an intrinsic feature in MDS patients. We conclude that combined SNP array analyses and tNGS can identify established and novel therapy relevant genomic aberrations in MDS patients and track them in a clinical setting for individual therapy selection.
Biomolecules | 2015
Alexander Brobeil; Fabian Kämmerer; Claudia Tag; Klaus Steger; Stefan Gattenlöhner; Monika Wimmer
The present study shows a new connection of protein tyrosine phosphatase interacting protein 51 (PTPIP51) to the nuclear factor κB (NFκB) signalling pathway. PTPIP51 mRNA and protein expression is regulated by RelA. If bound to the PTPIP51 promoter, RelA repress the mRNA and protein expression of PTPIP51. The parallel treatment with pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) reversed the suppression of PTPIP51 protein expression induced by TNFα. Using the intensity correlation analysis PTPIP51 verified a co-localization with RelA, which is also regulated by TNFα administration. Moreover, the direct interaction of PTPIP51 and RelA was established using the DuoLink proximity ligation assay. IκBα, the known inhibitor of RelA, also interacted with PTPIP51. This hints to the fact that in un-stimulated conditions PTPIP51 forms a complex with RelA and IκBα. The PTPIP51/RelA/IκBα complex is modulated by TNFα. Interestingly, the impact on the mitogen activated protein kinase pathway was negligible except in highest TNFα concentration. Here, PTPIP51 and Raf-1 interactions were slightly repressed. The newly established relationship of PTPIP51 and the NFκB signaling pathway provides the basis for a possible therapeutic impact.