Alexander Wanner
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
EPL | 2014
Andreas Malecki; Guillaume Potdevin; T. Biernath; Elena Eggl; Konstantin Willer; Tobias Lasser; J. Maisenbacher; Jens Gibmeier; Alexander Wanner; Franz Pfeiffer
Here we introduce a new concept for x-ray computed tomography that yields information about the local micro-morphology and its orientation in each voxel of the reconstructed 3D tomogram. Contrary to conventional x-ray CT, which only reconstructs a single scalar value for each point in the 3D image, our approach provides a full scattering tensor with multiple independent structural parameters in each volume element. In the application example shown in this study, we highlight that our method can visualize sub-pixel fiber orientations in a carbon composite sample, hence demonstrating its value for non-destructive testing applications. Moreover, as the method is based on the use of a conventional x-ray tube, we believe that it will also have a great impact in the wider range of material science investigations and in future medical diagnostics.
Journal of Applied Crystallography | 2008
Thomas Erbacher; Alexander Wanner; Tilmann Beck; O. Vöhringer
The experimental analysis of near-surface residual stresses by X-ray diffraction methods is based on measuring the spacings of lattice planes while the inclination ψ with respect to the surface plane is changed stepwise. A characteristic feature of conventional techniques is that the penetration depth of the X-rays is altered as inclination is varied. By simultaneously varying three different goniometer angles in a particular fashion, both the penetration depth and the measuring direction can be held constant while ψ is varied. Thus the normal and shear stresses can be derived from the sin2ψ plots by means of standard evaluation procedures developed for gradient-free stress states. The depth profile of residual stress is then obtained via Laplace transformation of the results from several stress measurements carried out at different penetration depths. In the present paper, the feasibility of this experimental approach for characterizing the strongly graded, non-equiaxed stress state existing at a machined surface is demonstrated. The results from constant-penetration-depth measurements on the ground surface of an engineering ceramic are compared with those from conventional sin2ψ measurements.
International Journal of Materials Research | 2006
G. Garcés; Giovanni Bruno; Alexander Wanner
Abstract The evolution of residual stress with plastic pre-strain was studied on a squeeze-cast, 2D-random short-fibre-reinforced metal matrix composite (aluminium/Saffil®). The plastic pre-strain was applied in three different modes: (1) uniaxial compression parallel to the fibre plane, (2) uniaxial tension parallel to the fibre plane, and (3) uniaxial compression normal to the fibre plane. The mean deviatoric residual stresses in the aluminium matrix were analysed using neutron diffraction. A major outcome is that the residual matrix stress is controlled by the load transfer to the fibres during deformation of the composite and reverse matrix plastic flow during unloading. The interplay between matrix and fibres depends strongly on the loading mode, and so does the evolution of the residual stresses as a function of pre-strain. This could be rationalised in a unified way using an Eshelby model.
Journal of Materials Science | 2011
Siddhartha Roy; Alexander Wanner; Tilmann Beck; Thomas Studnitzky; Giinter Stephani
Mechanical properties of cellular hollow sphere structures are studied in this work. The material was fabricated by coating the metallic powder slurry on expanded polystyrol (EPS) spheres, drying, forming under compression, debinding, and final sintering of the spheres to each other. Longitudinal elastic wave velocities were measured using ultrasound phase spectroscopy while compression tests were carried out up to a homologous temperature of 0.6. Dependence of the relative Young’s modulus on the relative density is similar to conventional open-cell foams. Compression stress–strain plots show the three stages of elastic deformation, plateau, and densification. With increasing temperature the overall level of the compressive stress–strain plots shifts to lower stresses. The hollow sphere solids show slightly better high temperature strength in comparison to the base metal. However, due to the considerable scatter in the experimental data points, this improvement seems to be insignificant. Structural observations on samples deformed to within the plateau region clearly show the heterogeneous progress of deformation.
Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design | 2011
Jens Altenkirch; Jens Gibmeier; Vladimir Kostov; Arne Kromm; Th. Kannengiesser; Stephen Doyle; Alexander Wanner
Solid-state phase transformations and the evolution of thermal and elastic strains in novel low temperature transformation (LTT) weld filler materials in the near surface region are monitored in real time by means of an innovative experimental set-up at the PDIFF (powder diffraction) beamline at the synchrotron light source ANKA (Angströmquelle Karlsruhe) at the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology). The key components of the diffraction set-up are two fast microstrip line detectors, which enables the strain evolution to be followed as a function of time and temperature for a 0.5u2009s counting time. During controlled heating and cooling cycles, as well as during near welding cycles, the martensite–austenite–martensite phase transitions are analysed. The transformation kinetics are monitored during resistance heating of small chips of the pure LTT alloys and during gas tungsten arc welding of simplified LTT welds using a specially designed welding rig for in-situ studies on the diffraction instruments. Under the mechanically unconstrained condition allowing free thermal expansion and shrinkage, the LTT alloys are found to exhibit decreasing transformation temperatures Ac and MS and increasing phase fraction of retained austenite for increasing Ni content. The strain evolution during welding reveals increased compressive stresses upon welding, which is attributed to the martensite formation upon cooling, which counteracts the thermal contraction strains. Comparison of the transformation temperatures reveals higher values than in the pure LTT alloys, but no variation between the different alloys. On the one hand, this is attributed to preferred grain orientation affecting the diffraction measurements and the determination of the transformation temperatures. On the other hand, it is possible that with the different chemical compositions of the LTT alloys and the mechanical constraints during welding, the evolution of the residual strain and stress may vary and result in counteracting affects with respect to lowered martensite start temperatures.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2012
Vladimir Kostov; Jens Gibmeier; F. Wilde; P. Staron; R. Rössler; Alexander Wanner
An in situ stress analysis by means of synchrotron x-ray diffraction was carried out during laser surface hardening of steel. A single exposure set-up that based on a special arrangement of two fast silicon strip line detectors was established, allowing for fast stress analysis according to the sin(2)ψ x-ray analysis method. For the in situ experiments a process chamber was designed and manufactured, which is described in detail. First measurements were carried out at the HZG undulator imaging beamline (IBL, beamline P05) at the synchrotron storage ring PETRA III, DESY, Hamburg (Germany). The laser processing was carried out using a 6 kW high power diode laser system. Two different laser optics were compared, a Gaussian optic with a focus spot of ø 3 mm and a homogenizing optic with a rectangular spot dimension of 8 × 8 mm(2). The laser processing was carried out using spot hardening at a heating-/cooling rate of 1000 K/s and was controlled via pyrometric temperature measurement using a control temperature of 1150 °C. The set-up being established during the measuring campaign allowed for this first realization data collection rates of 10Hz. The data evaluation procedure applied enables the separation of thermal from elastic strains and gains unprecedented insight into the laser hardening process.
Materials Science Forum | 2013
Vladimir Kostov; Jens Gibmeier; Alexander Wanner
The effect of processing atmosphere on the microstructure and residual stresses are studied for laser surface hardening on steel samples of grade AISI 4140. Samples were hardened in air, vacuum and inert gas atmosphere (Helium) by means of a stationary laser beam. A high-power diode laser (HPDL) system was used in combination with a custom-designed process chamber. Residual stress distributions in lateral and in depth direction were analysed after laser processing by means of X-ray diffraction according to the well known sin²uf079 - method. X-ray residual stress analyses were supplemented by microscopic investigations of the local microstructure. The results indicate a widening of the compressive stressed region in lateral as well as in depth direction by surface hardening in inert gas atmosphere compared to laser surface hardening in air or vacuum atmosphere. This is due to the local heating flux distribution during the laser assisted heat treatment which is strongly affected by the processing atmosphere an leads to an extension of the hardening zone when using helium as inert gas.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures | 2008
J.-M. Gebert; Alexander Wanner; Romana Piat; M. Guichard; S. Rieck; B. Paluszynski; Thomas Böhlke
Micro Computed Tomography (μCT) can be applied for three-dimensional characterization of structural features like pores in a non-destructive way. The resolution of the volumetric data depends upon the size of the specimen, its x-ray absorption coefficient and the tomography system used. With a commercial desktop μCT system we achieved a Voxel size of 14.7 μm on a carbon/carbon composite specimen, which was further loaded until fracture in a four point cyclic bending test. Based on this investigation we present a methodology for brittle materials to determine the initial pore distribution (pores down to a size of about 50 μm), the three dimensional stress-state and the fracture surface corresponding to the non-deformed microstructure.
Philosophical Magazine | 2004
Alexander Wanner; G. Garcés
A model for the creep of metal matrix composites multidirectionally reinforced by short fibres is proposed. The reinforcement is described by the effective stiffness tensor of a multidirectional arrangement of continuous fibres and the internal damage of the composite during creep due to fibre fragmentation is introduced by assigning a heuristic nonlinear stress–strain relationship to the fibres. Based on the model, the load partitioning between matrix and fibres is computed. The macroscopic creep behaviour is simulated for composites exhibiting different fibre orientation distributions and different heuristic nonlinear stress–strain functions. The computational results rationalize the creep behaviour of multidirectional fibre-reinforced composites. For a two-dimensional random orientation distribution, a good qualitative match between simulation and experimental results is obtained for compressive loading and for in-plane tensile loading. For loading normal to the reinforcement plane, the model overestimates the creep resistance. In this case, the formation and growth of cavities seems to govern the creep deformation of the composite.
Materials Science Forum | 2011
Vladimir Kostov; Jens Gibmeier; Alexander Wanner
The effects of laser surface hardening of steel samples on the microstructure and residual stresses were determined for single as well as multiple laser pulses. Samples made of steel grade AISI 4140 were hardened by means of a high-power diode laser (HPDL) system using either single or multiple laser pulses resulting in single as well as repeated austenite-martensite transformations. The hardening was carried out in a specially designed process chamber allowing laser surface treatment in inert atmosphere in order to avoid oxide scale formation. The residual stress distributions in lateral and in depth direction were analysed by means of X-ray diffraction for samples hardened by up to 27 laser pulses. Residual stress analyses were carried out by means of the sin²y- method. The results indicate the extension of the hardened zone in lateral and in depth direction with an increase in the number of applied laser pulses. This evolution is connected with significant changes in the local residual stress distributions.