Alexei Sorokin
Institut national de la recherche agronomique
Microbiology | 2005
Alexander Bolotin; Benoit Quinquis; Alexei Sorokin; S D Ehrlich
Numerous prokaryote genomes contain structures known as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs), composed of 25-50 bp repeats separated by unique sequence spacers of similar length. CRISPR structures are found in the vicinity of four genes named cas1 to cas4. In silico analysis revealed another cluster of three genes associated with CRISPR structures in many bacterial species, named here as cas1B, cas5 and cas6, and also revealed a certain number of spacers that have homology with extant genes, most frequently derived from phages, but also derived from other extrachromosomal elements. Sequence analysis of CRISPR structures from 24 strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Streptococcus vestibularis confirmed the homology of spacers with extrachromosomal elements. Phage sensitivity of S. thermophilus strains appears to be correlated with the number of spacers in the CRISPR locus the strain carries. The authors suggest that the spacer elements are the traces of past invasions by extrachromosomal elements, and hypothesize that they provide the cell immunity against phage infection, and more generally foreign DNA expression, by coding an anti-sense RNA. The presence of gene fragments in CRISPR structures and the nuclease motifs in cas genes of both cluster types suggests that CRISPR formation involves a DNA degradation step.
Nature | 2003
Natalia Ivanova; Alexei Sorokin; Iain Anderson; Nathalie Galleron; Benjamin Candelon; Vinayak Kapatral; Anamitra Bhattacharyya; Gary Reznik; Natalia Mikhailova; Alla Lapidus; Lien Chu; Michael Mazur; Eugene Goltsman; Niels Bent Larsen; Mark D'Souza; Theresa L. Walunas; Yuri Grechkin; Gordon D. Pusch; Robert Haselkorn; Michael Fonstein; S. Dusko Ehrlich; Ross Overbeek; Nikos C. Kyrpides
Bacillus cereus is an opportunistic pathogen causing food poisoning manifested by diarrhoeal or emetic syndromes. It is closely related to the animal and human pathogen Bacillus anthracis and the insect pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis, the former being used as a biological weapon and the latter as a pesticide. B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis are readily distinguished from B. cereus by the presence of plasmid-borne specific toxins (B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis) and capsule (B. anthracis). But phylogenetic studies based on the analysis of chromosomal genes bring controversial results, and it is unclear whether B. cereus, B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis are varieties of the same species or different species. Here we report the sequencing and analysis of the type strain B. cereus ATCC 14579. The complete genome sequence of B. cereus ATCC 14579 together with the gapped genome of B. anthracis A2012 enables us to perform comparative analysis, and hence to identify the genes that are conserved between B. cereus and B. anthracis, and the genes that are unique for each species. We use the former to clarify the phylogeny of the cereus group, and the latter to determine plasmid-independent species-specific markers.
Nature Biotechnology | 2004
Alexander Bolotin; Benoit Quinquis; Pierre Renault; Alexei Sorokin; S. Dusko Ehrlich; Saulius Kulakauskas; Alla Lapidus; Eugene Goltsman; Michael Mazur; Gordon D. Pusch; Michael Fonstein; Ross Overbeek; Nikos Kyprides; Bénédicte Purnelle; Deborah Prozzi; Katrina Ngui; David Masuy; Frédéric Hancy; Sophie Burteau; Marc Boutry; Jean Delcour; André Goffeau; Pascal Hols
The lactic acid bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus is widely used for the manufacture of yogurt and cheese. This dairy species of major economic importance is phylogenetically close to pathogenic streptococci, raising the possibility that it has a potential for virulence. Here we report the genome sequences of two yogurt strains of S. thermophilus. We found a striking level of gene decay (10% pseudogenes) in both microorganisms. Many genes involved in carbon utilization are nonfunctional, in line with the paucity of carbon sources in milk. Notably, most streptococcal virulence-related genes that are not involved in basic cellular processes are either inactivated or absent in the dairy streptococcus. Adaptation to the constant milk environment appears to have resulted in the stabilization of the genome structure. We conclude that S. thermophilus has evolved mainly through loss-of-function events that remarkably mirror the environment of the dairy niche resulting in a severely diminished pathogenic potential.
Genome Biology | 2004
Michael Rey; Preethi Ramaiya; Beth Nelson; Shari D Brody-Karpin; Elizabeth Zaretsky; Maria Tang; Alfredo Lopez de Leon; Henry Xiang; Veronica Gusti; Ib Groth Clausen; Peter Bjarke Olsen; Michael Dolberg Rasmussen; Jens T. Andersen; Per Linå Jørgensen; Thomas Schou Larsen; Alexei Sorokin; Alexander Bolotin; Alla Lapidus; Nathalie Galleron; S. Dusko Ehrlich; Randy M. Berka
BackgroundBacillus licheniformis is a Gram-positive, spore-forming soil bacterium that is used in the biotechnology industry to manufacture enzymes, antibiotics, biochemicals and consumer products. This species is closely related to the well studied model organism Bacillus subtilis, and produces an assortment of extracellular enzymes that may contribute to nutrient cycling in nature.ResultsWe determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the B. licheniformis ATCC 14580 genome which comprises a circular chromosome of 4,222,336 base-pairs (bp) containing 4,208 predicted protein-coding genes with an average size of 873 bp, seven rRNA operons, and 72 tRNA genes. The B. licheniformis chromosome contains large regions that are colinear with the genomes of B. subtilis and Bacillus halodurans, and approximately 80% of the predicted B. licheniformis coding sequences have B. subtilis orthologs.ConclusionsDespite the unmistakable organizational similarities between the B. licheniformis and B. subtilis genomes, there are notable differences in the numbers and locations of prophages, transposable elements and a number of extracellular enzymes and secondary metabolic pathway operons that distinguish these species. Differences include a region of more than 80 kilobases (kb) that comprises a cluster of polyketide synthase genes and a second operon of 38 kb encoding plipastatin synthase enzymes that are absent in the B. licheniformis genome. The availability of a completed genome sequence for B. licheniformis should facilitate the design and construction of improved industrial strains and allow for comparative genomics and evolutionary studies within this group of Bacillaceae.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology | 1999
Alexander Bolotin; Stéphane Mauger; Karine Malarme; S. Dusko Ehrlich; Alexei Sorokin
Lactococcus lactis is an AT-rich gram positive bacterium phylogenetically close to the genus Streptococcus. Various strains of L. lactis are used in dairy industry as starters for cheese making. L. lactis is also one of the well characterized laboratory microorganisms, widely used for studies on physiology of lactic acid bacteria. We describe here a low redundancy sequence of the genome of the strain L. lactis IL1403. The strategy which we followed to determine the sequence consists of two main steps. First, a limited number of plasmids and λ-phages that carry random segments of the genome were sequenced. Second, sequences of the inserts were used for production of novel sequencing templates by applying Multiplex Long Accurate PCR protocols. Using of these PCR products allowed to determine the sequence of the entire 2.35 Mb genome with a very low redundancy, close to 2. The error rate of the sequence is estimated to be below 1%. The correctness of the sequence ass embly was confirmed by PCR amplification of the entire L. lactis IL1403 genome, using a set of 266 oligonucleotides. Anotation of the sequence was undertaken by using automatic gene prediction computer tools. This allowed to identify 1495 protein-encoding genes, to locate them on the genome map and to classify their functions on the basis of homology to known proteins. The function of about 700 genes expected to encode proteins that lack homologs in data bases cannot be reliably predicted in this way. The approach which we used eliminates high redundancy sequencing and mapping efforts, needed to obtain detailed and comprehensive genetic and physical maps of a bacterium.Availability of detailed genetic and physical maps of the L. lactis IL1403 genome provides many entries to study metabolism and physiology of bacteria from this group. The presence of 42 copies of five different IS elements in the IL1403 genome confirms the importance of these elements for genetic exchange in Lact ococci. These include two previously unknown elements, present at seven and fifteen copies and designated IS1077 and IS983, respectively. Five potential or rudimentary prophages were identified in the genome by detecting clusters of phage-related genes. The metabolic and regulatory potential of L. lactis was evaluated by inspecting gene sets classified into different functional categories. L. lactis has the genetic potential to synthesise 20 standard amino acids, purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and at least four cofactors. Some of these metabolites, which are usually present in chemically defined media, can probably be omitted. About twenty compounds can be used by L. lactis as a sole carbon source. Some 83 regulators were revealed, indicating a regulatory potential close to that of Haemophilus influenzae, a bacterium with a similar genome size. Unexpectedly, L. lactis has a complete set of late competence genes, which may have concerted transcriptional regulation and unleadered po lycistronic mRNAs. These findings open new possibilities for developing genetic tools, useful for studies of gene regulation in AT-rich gram positive bacteria and for engineering of new strains for the diary industry.
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 2013
Marie-Hélène Guinebretière; Sandrine Auger; Nathalie Galleron; Matthias Contzen; Benoît de Sarrau; Marie-Laure De Buyser; Gilles Lamberet; Annette Fagerlund; Per Einar Granum; Didier Lereclus; Paul De Vos; Christophe Nguyen-The; Alexei Sorokin
An aerobic endospore-forming bacillus (NVH 391-98(T)) was isolated during a severe food poisoning outbreak in France in 1998, and four other similar strains have since been isolated, also mostly from food poisoning cases. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, these strains were shown to belong to the Bacillus cereus Group (over 97% similarity with the current Group species) and phylogenetic distance from other validly described species of the genus Bacillus was less than 95%. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity and MLST data, these novel strains were shown to form a robust and well-separated cluster in the B. cereus Group, and constituted the most distant cluster from species of this Group. Major fatty acids (iso-C(15:0), C(16:0), iso-C(17:0), anteiso-C(15 : 0), iso-C(16:0), iso-C(13:0)) supported the affiliation of these strains to the genus Bacillus, and more specifically to the B. cereus Group. NVH 391-98(T) taxon was more specifically characterized by an abundance of iso-C(15:0) and low amounts of iso-C(13:0) compared with other members of the B. cereus Group. Genome similarity together with DNA-DNA hybridization values and physiological and biochemical tests made it possible to genotypically and phenotypically differentiate NVH 391-98(T) taxon from the six current B. cereus Group species. NVH 391-98(T) therefore represents a novel species, for which the name Bacillus cytotoxicus sp. nov. is proposed, with the type strain NVH 391-98(T) (= DSM 22905(T) = CIP 110041(T)).
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 1998
Albert Bolhuis; Alexei Sorokin; Ml van Roosmalen; G Venema; Sierd Bron; Wim J. Quax; J.M van Dijl
In the present studies, we show that the SecD and SecF equivalents of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis are jointly present in one polypeptide, denoted SecDF, that is required to maintain a high capacity for protein secretion. Unlike the SecD subunit of the pre-protein translocase ofEscherichia coli, SecDF of B. subtilis was not required for the release of a mature secretory protein from the membrane, indicating that SecDF is involved in earlier translocation steps. Strains lacking intact SecDF showed a cold-sensitive phenotype, which was exacerbated by high level production of secretory proteins, indicating that protein translocation in B. subtilis is intrinsically cold-sensitive. Comparison with SecD and SecF proteins from other organisms revealed the presence of 10 conserved regions in SecDF, some of which appear to be important for SecDF function. Interestingly, the SecDF protein of B. subtilis has 12 putative transmembrane domains. Thus, SecDF does not only show sequence similarity but also structural similarity to secondary solute transporters. Our data suggest that SecDF of B. subtilisrepresents a novel type of the SecD and SecF proteins, which seems to be present in at least two other organisms.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2006
Alexei Sorokin; Benjamin Candelon; Kévin Guilloux; Nathalie Galleron; Natalia Wackerow-Kouzova; S. Dusko Ehrlich; Denis Bourguet; Vincent Sanchis
ABSTRACT We used multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to characterize phylogenetic relationships for a collection of Bacillus cereus group strains isolated from forest soil in the Paris area during a mild winter. This collection contains multiple strains isolated from the same soil sample and strains isolated from samples from different sites. We characterized 115 strains of this collection and 19 other strains based on the sequences of the clpC, dinB, gdpD, panC, purF, and yhfL loci. The number of alleles ranged from 36 to 53, and a total of 93 allelic profiles or sequence types were distinguished. We identified three major strain clusters—C, T, and W—based on the comparison of individual gene sequences or concatenated sequences. Some less representative clusters and subclusters were also distinguished. Analysis of the MLST data using the concept of clonal complexes led to the identification of two, five, and three such groups in clusters C, T, and W, respectively. Some of the forest isolates were closely related to independently isolated psychrotrophic strains. Systematic testing of the strains of this collection showed that almost all the strains that were able to grow at a low temperature (6°C) belonged to cluster W. Most of these strains, including three independently isolated strains, belong to two clonal complexes and are therefore very closely related genetically. These clonal complexes represent strains corresponding to the previously identified species Bacillus weihenstephanensis. Most of the other strains of our collection, including some from the W cluster, are not psychrotrophic. B. weihenstephanensis (cluster W) strains appear to comprise an effectively sexual population, whereas Bacillus thuringiensis (cluster T) and B. cereus (cluster C) have clonal population structures.
Molecular Microbiology | 1993
Alexei Sorokin; Emmanuelle Zumstein; Vasco Azevedo; S. Dusko Ehrlich; Pascale Serror
Three different lambda phage clones with overlapping inserts of Bacillus subtilis DNA, which cover the region from spoIIAA to serA, have been isolated. The nucleotide sequence of their inserts, starting after spoVAF and ending at serA, has been determined. A contiguous sequence of 35354 bp was established, including previously analysed overlapping adjacent regions. Within the newly determined sequence 31 open reading frames (ORFs) with putative ribosome‐binding sites have been found. Nine of them correspond to previously sequenced and characterized genes: spoVAF, lysA, sipS, ribG, ribB, ribA, ribH, ribTD and dacB. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the products encoded by the other ORFs to known proteins allowed putative functions to be assigned to seven of these ORFs. Among these are the following: (i) the ppiB gene, encoding a cytoplasmic peptidylprolyl isomerase; (ii) two pairs of signal‐transducers, one homologous to phoR–phoP of B. subtilis, encoding regulators of phosphatase biosynthesis, and the second to the fecI–fecR of Escherichia coli, which is responsible for the regulation of the citrate‐dependent iron (III) transport system; (iii) aroC and serA genes, involved in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids and serine, respectively, the function of which has beer: confirmed by constructing corresponding mutants with disrupted ORFs. The organization of putative operons has been postulated on the basis of the sequences of their transcription terminators, promoters and regulatory elements.
Molecular Microbiology | 1996
A Bolhuis; Alexei Sorokin; [No Value] Azevedo; S D Ehrlich; Pg Braun; A deJong; G Venema; S Bron; Jm vanDijl
Bacillus subtilis contains three chromosomally encoded type I signal peptidases (SipS, SipT and SipU), which remove signal peptides from secretory precursor proteins. In the present study the biological function of SipS and the regulation of its synthesis were analysed. Unlike the type I signal peptidase of Escherichia coli, SipS was essential neither for protein secretion nor viability of the cell. However, in the absence of SipS the rate of processing of several preproteins was reduced, and four of the seven major secreted proteins of B. subtilis were hardly detectable in the growth medium. Surprisingly, the processing of Bacillus amyloliquefaciensα‐amylase and the secretion of at least two endogenous B. subtilis proteins was improved in the absence of SipS. These findings indicate that the substrate preference of SipS differs from that of SipT and SipU, and that SipS is an important factor determining the efficiency of protein secretion in B. subtilis. SipS is transcribed in a growth phase‐ and medium‐dependent manner. In minimal medium, the growth phase‐dependent transcription of sipS is controlled by the DegS–DegU two‐component regulatory system, indicating that the expression of sipS is regulated by the same factors that control the expression of most genes for secreted degradative enzymes. Our observations suggest that B. subtilis can modulate its capacity and specificity for protein secretion through the controlled expression of sipS.