
Featured researches published by Alfred R. Smith.

Medical Physics | 2009

Commissioning of the discrete spot scanning proton beam delivery system at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Proton Therapy Center, Houston.

M Gillin; Narayan Sahoo; M Bues; George Ciangaru; Gabriel O. Sawakuchi; F Poenisch; Bijan Arjomandy; Craig Martin; U Titt; Kazumichi Suzuki; Alfred R. Smith; X. Ronald Zhu

PURPOSE To describe a summary of the clinical commissioning of the discrete spot scanning proton beam at the Proton Therapy Center, Houston (PTC-H). METHODS Discrete spot scanning system is composed of a delivery system (Hitachi ProBeat), an electronic medical record (Mosaiq V 1.5), and a treatment planning system (TPS) (Eclipse V 8.1). Discrete proton pencil beams (spots) are used to deposit dose spot by spot and layer by layer for the proton distal ranges spanning from 4.0 to 30.6 g/cm2 and over a maximum scan area at the isocenter of 30 x 30 cm2. An arbitrarily chosen reference calibration condition has been selected to define the monitor units (MUs). Using radiochromic film and ion chambers, the authors have measured spot positions, the spot sizes in air, depth dose curves, and profiles for proton beams with various energies in water, and studied the linearity of the dose monitors. In addition to dosimetric measurements and TPS modeling, significant efforts were spent in testing information flow and recovery of the delivery system from treatment interruptions. RESULTS The main dose monitors have been adjusted such that a specific amount of charge is collected in the monitor chamber corresponding to a single MU, following the IAEA TRS 398 protocol under a specific reference condition. The dose monitor calibration method is based on the absolute dose per MU, which is equivalent to the absolute dose per particle, the approach used by other scanning beam institutions. The full width at half maximum for the spot size in air varies from approximately 1.2 cm for 221.8 MeV to 3.4 cm for 72.5 MeV. The measured versus requested 90% depth dose in water agrees to within 1 mm over ranges of 4.0-30.6 cm. The beam delivery interlocks perform as expected, guarantying the safe and accurate delivery of the planned dose. CONCLUSIONS The dosimetric parameters of the discrete spot scanning proton beam have been measured as part of the clinical commissioning program, and the machine is found to function in a safe manner, making it suitable for patient treatment.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 1993


James M. Galvin; Alfred R. Smith; Brian E. Lally

Abstract Commissioning measurements for a multileaf collimator installed on a dual energy accelerator with 6 and 15 MV photons are described. Detailed dosimetric characterization of the multileaf collimator is a requirement for modeling the collimator with treatment planning software. Measurements include a determination of the penumbra width, leaf transmission, between-leaf leakage, and localization of the leaf ends and sides. Standard radiographic film was used for the penumbra measurements, and separate experiments using radiochromic film and thermoluminescent dosimeters were performed to verify that distortions of the dose distribution at an edge due to changing energy sensitivity of silver bromide film are negligible. Films were analyzed with a scanning laser densitometer with a 210 micron spot. Little change in the penumbra edge distribution was noted for different positions of a leaf in the field. Experiments localizing the physical end of the leaves showed less than 1 mm deviation from the 50% decrement line. This small difference is attributed to the shaped end on the leaves. One side of a single leaf corresponded to the 50% decrement line, but the opposite face was aligned with a lower value. This difference is due to the tongue and groove used to decrease between-leaf leakage. For both energies, approximately 2% of photons incident on the multileaf collimator are transmitted and an additional 0.5% leakage occurs between the leaves. Alignment of the leaves to form a straight edge results in a penumbra profile which compares favorably with the standard technique of using alloy blocks. When the edge is stepped, the isodose lines follow the leaf pattern and the boundary is poorly defined compared to divergent blocks.

Medical Physics | 2009

The M. D. Anderson proton therapy system

Alfred R. Smith; M Gillin; M Bues; X. Ronald Zhu; Kazumichi Suzuki; Radhe Mohan; Shiao Y. Woo; Andrew G. Lee; Ritsko Komaki; James D. Cox; Kazuo Hiramoto; Hiroshi Akiyama; Takayuki Ishida; Toshie Sasaki; Koji Matsuda

PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to describe the University of Texas M. D. Anderson proton therapy system (PTC-H) including the accelerator, beam transport, and treatment delivery systems, the functionality and clinical parameters for passive scattering and pencil beam scanning treatment modes, and the results of acceptance tests. METHODS The PTC-H has a synchrotron (70-250 MeV) and four treatment rooms. An overall control system manages the treatment, physics, and service modes of operation. An independent safety system ensures the safety of patients, staff, and equipment. Three treatment rooms have isocentric gantries and one room has two fixed horizontal beamlines, which include a large-field treatment nozzle, used primarily for prostate treatments, and a small-field treatment nozzle for ocular treatments. Two gantry treatment rooms and the fixed-beam treatment room have passive scattering nozzles. The third gantry has a pencil beam scanning nozzle for the delivery of intensity modulated proton treatments (IMPT) and single field uniform dose (SFUD) treatments. The PTC-H also has an experimental room with a fixed horizontal beamline and a passive scattering nozzle. The equipment described above was provided by Hitachi, Ltd. Treatment planning is performed using the Eclipse system from Varian Medical Systems and data management is handled by the MOSAIQ system from IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc. The large-field passive scattering nozzles use double scattering systems in which the first scatterers are physically integrated with the range modulation wheels. The proton beam is gated on the rotating range modulation wheels at gating angles designed to produce spread-out-Bragg peaks ranging in size from 2 to 16 g/cm2. Field sizes of up to 25 x 25 cm2 can be achieved with the double scattering system. The IMPT delivery technique is discrete spot scanning, which has a maximum field size of 30 x 30 cm2. Depth scanning is achieved by changing the energy extracted from the synchrotron (energy can be changed pulse to pulse). The PTC-H is fully integrated with DICOM-RT ION interfaces for imaging, treatment planning, data management, and treatment control functions. RESULTS The proton therapy system passed all acceptance tests for both passive scattering and pencil beam scanning. Treatments with passive scattering began in May 2006 and treatments with the scanning system began in May 2008. The PTC-H was the first commercial system to demonstrate capabilities for IMPT treatments and the first in the United States to treat using SFUD techniques. The facility has been in clinical operation since May 2006 with up-time of approximately 98%. CONCLUSIONS As with most projects for which a considerable amount of new technology is developed and which have duration spanning several years, at project completion it was determined that several upgrades would improve the overall system performance. Some possible upgrades are discussed. Overall, the system has been very robust, accurate, reproducible, and reliable. The authors found the pencil beam scanning system to be particularly satisfactory; prostate treatments can be delivered on the scanning nozzle in less time than is required on the passive scattering nozzle.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 1996

Treatment planning for primary breast cancer: a patterns of care study.

Gerald J. Kutcher; Alfred R. Smith; Barbara Fowble; Jean B. Owen; Alexandra L. Hanlon; Marsha Wallace; Gerald E. Hanks

PURPOSE The 1989 Patterns of Care Study included treatment planning for early breast cancer. A Consensus Committee of radiation physicists and oncologists determined current guidelines and developed questionnaires to determine treatment planning and delivery processes used by the participating institutions (e.g., use of portal films). This article presents and analyzes the results of that survey. METHODS AND MATERIALS The survey included 449 respondents, distributed as follows: 136 (30%) from Strata I (academic facilities); 169 (38%) from Strata II (hospital based facilities); and 144 (32%) from Strata III (freestanding facilities). The treatment planning procedures surveyed included: whether individualized tissue compensators are used, whether inhomogeneity corrections are used in dose calculations, the use of computerized tomography, whether isodose distributions for external beam tangents and interstitial implants are generated, the use of lymphoscintigraphy, immobilization devices, simulations, portal films, etc. RESULTS The survey results demonstrated that out of 305 patients from Strata I and II institutions, 237 (78%) had simulated tangential fields. Consistent with this finding is that 76% of patients from Strata I and II institutions were immobilized, while only 51% of Strata III patients were. Moreover, only 18 out of the 449 (4%) of cases did not have any type of external beam dose distribution calculated--presumably, in these cases missing tissue compensation would be unlikely. On the other hand, 41% of the Strata II, 27% of Strata III, but only 19% of Strata I (p < 0.0002) cases received CT. Surprisingly, 19% of the Strata I, 35% of the Strata II, and 25% of the Strata III (p = 0.0011) patients received lymphoscintigraphy, perhaps reflecting the use of wide tangents to encompass the internal mammary nodes in these patients. In terms of optimizing treatments, 74% of Strata I, 70% of Strata II, and 78% of Strata III patients had wedges used on both tangential fields, although in 5, 12, and 14%, respectively, no beam modification of any sort was used. Furthermore, it should be noted that in 7% of the Strata I, 23% of Strata II, and 37% of Strata III cases there was no attempt to reduce the divergence of the tangential fields into the lung. On the other hand, if one considers the 135 (of 449) patients where matching of the tangential and supraclavicular fields was applicable, 41% of Strata I, 22% of Strata II and 46% of Strata III patients had those fields matched in a vertical plane, which would involve sophisticated alignment procedures. Quality control of treatment delivery was high: 97% of all surveyed received portal films at least once. The use of thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) to measure the dose to the contralateral breast was of little interest: only 4 of the 305 Strata I and II patients received in vivo measurements. CONCLUSIONS This national survey has established the patterns of treatment planning for early breast cancer. It shows a generally consistent approach-although a number of statistically significant variations have been identified.

Medical Physics | 2005

Benchmarking analytical calculations of proton doses in heterogeneous matter.

George Ciangaru; J Polf; M Bues; Alfred R. Smith

A proton dose computational algorithm, performing an analytical superposition of infinitely narrow proton beamlets (ASPB) is introduced. The algorithm uses the standard pencil beam technique of laterally distributing the central axis broad beam doses according to the Moliere scattering theory extended to slablike varying density media. The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of our computational tool by comparing it with experimental and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation data as benchmarks. In the tests, parallel wide beams of protons were scattered in water phantoms containing embedded air and bone materials with simple geometrical forms and spatial dimensions of a few centimeters. For homogeneous water and bone phantoms, the proton doses we calculated with the ASPB algorithm were found very comparable to experimental and MC data. For layered bone slab inhomogeneity in water, the comparison between our analytical calculation and the MC simulation showed reasonable agreement, even when the inhomogeneity was placed at the Bragg peak depth. There also was reasonable agreement for the parallelepiped bone block inhomogeneity placed at various depths, except for cases in which the bone was located in the region of the Bragg peak, when discrepancies were as large as more than 10%. When the inhomogeneity was in the form of abutting air-bone slabs, discrepancies of as much as 8% occurred in the lateral dose profiles on the air cavity side of the phantom. Additionally, the analytical depth-dose calculations disagreed with the MC calculations within 3% of the Bragg peak dose, at the entry and midway depths in the phantom. The distal depth-dose 20%-80% fall-off widths and ranges calculated with our algorithm and the MC simulation were generally within 0.1 cm of agreement. The analytical lateral-dose profile calculations showed smaller (by less than 0.1 cm) 20%-80% penumbra widths and shorter fall-off tails than did those calculated by the MC simulations. Overall, this work validates the usefulness of our ASPB algorithm as a reasonably fast and accurate tool for quality assurance in planning wide beam proton therapy treatment of clinical sites either composed of homogeneous materials or containing laterally extended inhomogeneities that are comparable in density and located away from the Bragg peak depths.

Radiology | 1975

The Response of a Human Malignant Melanoma Cell Line to High LET Radiation

Laurence F. Thomson; Alfred R. Smith; Ronald M. Humphrey

The response of a human malignant melanoma cell line in vitro to high linear energy transfer radiation was studied utilizing the neutrons produced by the reaction of 16 and 50 MeV deuterons on beryllium. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) relative to cobalt-60 gamma radiation was determined under conditions of complete oxygenation. The data indicate that the radioresistance ascribed to malignant melanoma in vivo is not an intrinsic quality of the cell but rather may be mediated by the in vivo environment.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 2000

The challenge of conformal radiotherapy in the curative treatment of medulloblastoma

Nancy J. Tarbell; Alfred R. Smith; J. Adams; Jay S. Loeffler

Despite more than two decades of investigation of the role of chemotherapy in the treatment of medulloblastoma, radiotherapy remains the most important adjuvant therapy. While the entire craniospinal axis is at risk, there has been growing interest in improving the dose distribution to the posterior fossa. The classical field borders for the posterior fossa boost have included the posterior clinoid as the anterior border, the C2 vertebral body as the inferior border, the internal occipital protuberance as the posterior border, and approximately two-thirds of the vertical dimension from the foramen magnum to the parietal vertex. The availability of MRI has eliminated the need of approximate bony landmarks to patient-specific anatomy. The opposed lateral photon approach has provided excellent coverage of the entire posterior fossa. However, the development of neurocognitive, neuroendocrine as well as ototoxicity late effects has challenged the radiation oncology community to reassess the current treatment techniques. Paulino et al. (1) report in this issue of the IJROBP their analysis of dose to surrounding normal tissue using conformal radiotherapy for the posterior fossa boost in children with medulloblastoma. This paper is timely as the radiation oncologists within the pediatric cooperative groups (now merged as Children’s Oncology Group) have been undergoing extensive discussion on the use and definition of such techniques. In fact, on the current intergroup low-stage medulloblastoma protocol, conformal techniques are allowed in place of the conventional lateral fields. In this series of 5 patients, opposed laterals (conventional technique) are compared with 2 different conformal techniques. One conformal technique utilized a pair of coplanar posterior obliques and the other used obliques and a vertex field. Both techniques actually improved the dose distribution over those for conventional techniques in terms of inclusion of the planning target volume and a lower mean dose to the pituitary gland. However, both conformal techniques gave a higher mean dose to the thyroid gland, mandible, parotid glands, and pharynx. Of interest, while the two conformal plans reduced the dose to the hypothalamic‐ pituitary axis and cochlea, the integral dose to the mandible and thyroid increased. This paper confirms some of the findings of Fukunaga-Johnsonet al. in their report of 5 cases last year in the IJROBP (2). However, in that study, while the dose to the cochlear was reduced from 100% to 68%, the dose to the pituitary actually increased from 48% to 68% in the 3D plan. These studies summarize the difficulty with conformal radiotherapy techniques including intensity modulation. The conformal techniques discussed deliver a superior distribution to the target dose with a significant reduction of dose to potential critical targets. However, the basic physical principle of dose distribution of photons (exponential loss of energy in tissue with increasing depth) leads to an appreciable integral dose distributed in nontarget tissue. This integral dose might result in serious late effects in a developing child or in an increase in the risk of late radiation-induced malignancies. In contrast to the exponential depth dose characteristics of photon beams, clinical proton beams have depth-dose distributions with a relatively uniform low-dose entrance region, followed by a region of uniform high-dose (the spread-out Bragg peak) at the tumor/target, then a steep fall-off to zero dose. Therefore, compared to protons, single beams of photons deliver higher doses to normal tissues/ organs proximal to deep-seated tumors, non-uniform dose across the target, and a significant dose beyond the target. This physical advantage of protons for single beams extends to multibeam treatments, including intensity modulation. Compared to photons in comparable beam configurations, protons have better dose localization properties. This is determined by the laws of physics and does not depend upon technique. The advantages of proton therapy may be particularly important for the treatment of pediatric malignancies such as medulloblastoma. In general, for comparable beam configurations, proton treatment plans have, on the average, a factor of 2 less integral dose than do treatment plans using photons. We find that for comparable doses to the posterior

Medical Physics | 2002

Dosimetry for ocular proton beam therapy at the Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory based on the ICRU Report 59.

W Newhauser; J. Burns; Alfred R. Smith

The Massachusetts General Hospital, the Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory (HCL), and the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary have treated almost 3000 patients with ocular disease using high-energy external-beam proton radiation therapy since 1975. The absorbed dose standard for ocular proton therapy beams at HCL was based on a fluence measurement with a Faraday cup (FC). A majority of proton therapy centers worldwide, however, use an absorbed dose standard that is based on an ionization chamber (IC) technique. The ion chamber calibration is deduced from a measurement in a reference 60Co photon field together with a calculated correction factor that takes into account differences in a chambers response in 60Co and proton fields. In this work, we implemented an ionization chamber-based absolute dosimetry system for the HCL ocular beamline based on the recommendations given in Report 59 by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements. Comparative measurements revealed that the FC system yields an absorbed dose to water value that is 1.1% higher than was obtained with the IC system. That difference is small compared with the experimental uncertainties and is clinically insignificant. In June of 1998, we adopted the IC-based method as our standard practice for the ocular beam.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 1995

Patterns of care survey results: Treatment planning for carcinoma of the prostate

Russell L. Gerber; Alfred R. Smith; Jean B. Owen; Alexandra L. Hanlon; M. Wallace; Gerald E. Hanks

PURPOSE Treatment planning has been defined differently at various institutions to encompass tasks ranging from the initial evaluation of the patient to the delivery of the treatment as well as a more narrow view, focused primarily on isodose computation. To evaluate the impact of much of the new treatment-planning technology that has become available, it is necessary to define and develop recommended guidelines for the treatment-planning process. METHODS AND MATERIALS The 1989 Patterns of Care Study (PCS) included questionnaires to access treatment planning practices currently in use for the entire census of oncology facilities in the United States. These questionnaires were developed by a consensus committee consisting of both physicists and radiation oncologists whose charge was to formulate a description of current treatment-planning practices. The description was based on the committees experience and knowledge of the treatment-planning process considered to be widely available and in general use, as well as a review of the literature. From the description of the treatment-planning process, a set of guidelines for treatment planning was developed for prostate as well as each of the other disease sites included in the PCS. Data from the study defined the general structure, methodology, process, and tools used by each institution involved in the Patterns of Care Survey Study. National averages for all of the variables were calculated with weighted averages, with the weights reflecting the sample design and number of patients in the different types of facilities. The data were stratified according to academic, hospital, or free-standing facility and were compared with the Consensus Guidelines for Treatment Planning of the Prostate. DISCUSSION Based on the consensus statement, the treatment-planning process was separated into the following categories: (a) Treatment-Planning Workup, (b) Treatment Plan Implementation, (c) Treatment Delivery, (d) Treatment Verification, and (e) Quality Assurance. The results from the survey were summarized for each category and compared with the consensus statement. CONCLUSIONS Although there is an increasing trend toward using computed tomography (CT) information to acquire individualized patient data, volume definition and localization are often completed in the simulator without the direct use of CT information (47%). As more sophisticated beam arrangements and blocking are used, one needs to look at the full three-dimensional (3D) volume to ensure that there are no marginal misses due to blocking and beam arrangement. Improved and more widespread use of immobilization devices is also required with conformal treatments and reduced margins. The results of the survey helped to identify and establish the standard of practice for treatment planning of the prostate as well as to provide documentation for better defining a complete description of the treatment planning process. Well-documented guidelines will provide more consistent treatment of patients, which should have an impact on outcome.

Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2008

Efficiency of respiratory-gated delivery of synchrotron-based pulsed proton irradiation

Y. Tsunashima; S. Vedam; Lei Dong; Masumi Umezawa; Takeji Sakae; M Bues; P Balter; Alfred R. Smith; Radhe Mohan

Significant differences exist in respiratory-gated proton beam delivery with a synchrotron-based accelerator system when compared to photon therapy with a conventional linear accelerator. Delivery of protons with a synchrotron accelerator is governed by a magnet excitation cycle pattern. Optimal synchronization of the magnet excitation cycle pattern with the respiratory motion pattern is critical to the efficiency of respiratory-gated proton delivery. There has been little systematic analysis to optimize the accelerators operational parameters to improve gated treatment efficiency. The goal of this study was to estimate the overall efficiency of respiratory-gated synchrotron-based proton irradiation through realistic simulation. Using 62 respiratory motion traces from 38 patients, we simulated respiratory gating for duty cycles of 30%, 20% and 10% around peak exhalation for various fixed and variable magnet excitation patterns. In each case, the time required to deliver 100 monitor units in both non-gated and gated irradiation scenarios was determined. Based on results from this study, the minimum time required to deliver 100 MU was 1.1 min for non-gated irradiation. For respiratory-gated delivery at a 30% duty cycle around peak exhalation, corresponding average delivery times were typically three times longer with a fixed magnet excitation cycle pattern. However, when a variable excitation cycle was allowed in synchrony with the patients respiratory cycle, the treatment time only doubled. Thus, respiratory-gated delivery of synchrotron-based pulsed proton irradiation is feasible and more efficient when a variable magnet excitation cycle pattern is used.

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