
Featured researches published by Ali Benomar.

Science | 2014

Exome Sequencing Links Corticospinal Motor Neuron Disease to Common Neurodegenerative Disorders

Gaia Novarino; Ali G. Fenstermaker; Maha S. Zaki; Matan Hofree; Jennifer L. Silhavy; Andrew Heiberg; Mostafa Abdellateef; Basak Rosti; Eric Scott; Lobna Mansour; Amira Masri; Hülya Kayserili; Jumana Y. Al-Aama; Ghada M.H. Abdel-Salam; Ariana Karminejad; Majdi Kara; Bülent Kara; Bita Bozorgmehri; Tawfeg Ben-Omran; Faezeh Mojahedi; Iman Gamal El Din Mahmoud; Naima Bouslam; Ahmed Bouhouche; Ali Benomar; Sylvain Hanein; Laure Raymond; Sylvie Forlani; Massimo Mascaro; Laila Selim; Nabil Shehata

Neurodegenerative Genetics The underlying genetics of neurodegenerative disorders tend not to be well understood. Novarino et al. (p. 506; see the Perspective by Singleton) investigated the underlying genetics of hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), a human neurodegenerative disease, by sequencing the exomes of individuals with recessive neurological disorders. Loss-of-function gene mutations in both novel genes and genes previously implicated for this condition were identified, and several were functionally validated. Analysis of hereditary spastic paraplegia genes identifies mutants involved in human neurodegenerative disease. [Also see Perspective by Singleton] Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) are neurodegenerative motor neuron diseases characterized by progressive age-dependent loss of corticospinal motor tract function. Although the genetic basis is partly understood, only a fraction of cases can receive a genetic diagnosis, and a global view of HSP is lacking. By using whole-exome sequencing in combination with network analysis, we identified 18 previously unknown putative HSP genes and validated nearly all of these genes functionally or genetically. The pathways highlighted by these mutations link HSP to cellular transport, nucleotide metabolism, and synapse and axon development. Network analysis revealed a host of further candidate genes, of which three were mutated in our cohort. Our analysis links HSP to other neurodegenerative disorders and can facilitate gene discovery and mechanistic understanding of disease.

American Journal of Human Genetics | 2012

Alteration of Fatty-Acid-Metabolizing Enzymes Affects Mitochondrial Form and Function in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia

Christelle Tesson; Magdalena Nawara; Mustafa A. Salih; Rodrigue Rossignol; Maha S. Zaki; Mohammed Al Balwi; Rebecca Schüle; Cyril Mignot; Emilie Obre; Ahmed Bouhouche; Filippo M. Santorelli; Christelle M. Durand; Andrés Caballero Oteyza; Khalid H. El-Hachimi; Abdulmajeed Al Drees; Naima Bouslam; Foudil Lamari; Salah A. Elmalik; Mohammad M. Kabiraj; Mohammed Z. Seidahmed; Typhaine Esteves; Marion Gaussen; Marie Lorraine Monin; Gabor Gyapay; Doris Lechner; Michael Gonzalez; Christel Depienne; Fanny Mochel; Julie Lavie; Ludger Schöls

Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) is considered one of the most heterogeneous groups of neurological disorders, both clinically and genetically. The disease comprises pure and complex forms that clinically include slowly progressive lower-limb spasticity resulting from degeneration of the corticospinal tract. At least 48 loci accounting for these diseases have been mapped to date, and mutations have been identified in 22 genes, most of which play a role in intracellular trafficking. Here, we identified mutations in two functionally related genes (DDHD1 and CYP2U1) in individuals with autosomal-recessive forms of HSP by using either the classical positional cloning or a combination of whole-genome linkage mapping and next-generation sequencing. Interestingly, three subjects with CYP2U1 mutations presented with a thin corpus callosum, white-matter abnormalities, and/or calcification of the basal ganglia. These genes code for two enzymes involved in fatty-acid metabolism, and we have demonstrated in human cells that the HSP pathophysiology includes alteration of mitochondrial architecture and bioenergetics with increased oxidative stress. Our combined results focus attention on lipid metabolism as a critical HSP pathway with a deleterious impact on mitochondrial bioenergetic function.

American Journal of Human Genetics | 1999

A Locus for an Axonal Form of Autosomal Recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Maps to Chromosome 1q21.2-q21.3

Ahmed Bouhouche; Ali Benomar; Nazha Birouk; Angélique Mularoni; Farid Meggouh; Johann Tassin; Djamal Grid; Antoon Vandenberghe; M. Yahyaoui; T. Chkili; Alexis Brice; Eric LeGuern

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a heterogeneous group of disorders that affect the peripheral nervous system. Three loci are known for the autosomal dominant forms of axonal CMT (CMT2), but none have yet been identified for autosomal recessive axonal CMT (ARCMT2). We have studied a large consanguineous Moroccan ARCMT2 family with nine affected sibs. The onset of CMT was in the 2d decade in all affected individuals who presented with a severe motor and sensory neuropathy, with proximal muscle involvement occurring in some patients. After exclusion of known loci for CMT2 and for demyelinating ARCMT2, a genomewide search was performed. Evidence for linkage was found with markers on chromosome 1q. The maximum pairwise LOD score was above the threshold value of 3.00, for markers D1S514, D1S2715, D1S2777, and D1S2721, and it reached 6.10 at the loci D1S2777, D1S2721, and D1S2624, according to multipoint LOD-score analysis. These markers defined a region of homozygosity that placed the gene in a 4.4-cM interval. Moreover, a recombination event detected in an unaffected 48-year-old individual excludes the D1S506 marker, thereby reducing the interval to 1.7 cM. In addition, the P0 gene, an attractive candidate because of both its location on chromosome 1q and its role in myelin structure, was excluded by physical mapping and direct sequencing.

Neurology | 2006

Mutation analysis of the paraplegin gene (SPG7) in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia

Nizar Elleuch; Christel Depienne; Ali Benomar; A. M. Ouvrard Hernandez; X. Ferrer; Bertrand Fontaine; Djamel Grid; Chantal Tallaksen; R. Zemmouri; Giovanni Stevanin; Alexandra Durr; Alexis Brice

Background: Mutations in the SPG7 gene, which encodes paraplegin, are responsible for an autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). Objective: To screen the SPG7 gene in a large population of HSP families compatible with autosomal recessive transmission. Methods: The authors analyzed 136 probands with pure or complex HSP for mutations in the SPG7 using denaturation high-performance liquid chromatography and direct sequencing. Results: The authors identified 47 variants including 6 mutations, 27 polymorphisms, and 14 changes with unknown effects. In one family from Morocco, compound c.850_851delTTinsC and c.1742_1744delTGG heterozygous mutations were shown to be causative. This family had complex HSP with cerebellar impairment. Progression of the disease was rapid, resulting in a severe disease after 8 years of duration. Also detected were 20 families with one heterozygous mutation that was not found in a large control population. The mutations produced highly defective proteins in four of these families, suggesting that they were probably causative. Direct sequencing of all exons and reverse transcription PCR experiments demonstrated the absence of a second mutation. However, the p.Ala510Val missense substitution previously described as a polymorphism was shown to be significantly associated with HSP, suggesting that it had a functional effect. Conclusion: SPG7 mutations account for less than 5% of hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) families compatible with autosomal recessive inheritance. Cerebellar signs or cerebellar atrophy on brain imaging were the most frequent additional features in patients with SPG7 HSP. Rare nucleotide variants in SPG7 are frequent, complicating routine diagnosis.

Journal of Medical Genetics | 2005

Mutation in the epsilon subunit of the cytosolic chaperonin-containing t-complex peptide-1 (Cct5) gene causes autosomal recessive mutilating sensory neuropathy with spastic paraplegia

Ahmed Bouhouche; Ali Benomar; Naima Bouslam; T. Chkili; M. Yahyaoui

Background: Mutilating sensory neuropathy with spastic paraplegia is a very rare disease with both autosomal dominant and recessive modes of inheritance. We previously mapped the locus of the autosomal recessive form to a 25 cM interval between markers D5S2048 and D5S648 on chromosome 5p. In this candidate interval, the Cct5 gene encoding the epsilon subunit of the cytosolic chaperonin-containing t-complex peptide-1 (CCT) was the most obvious candidate gene since mutation in the Cct4 gene encoding the CCT delta subunit has been reported to be associated with autosomal recessive mutilating sensory neuropathy in mutilated foot (mf) rat mutant. Methods: A consanguineous Moroccan family with four patients displaying mutilating sensory neuropathy associated with spastic paraplegia was investigated. To identify the disease causing gene, the 11 coding exons of the Cct5 gene were screened for mutations by direct sequencing in all family members including the four patients, parents, and six at risk relatives. Results: Sequence analysis of the Cct5 gene revealed a missense A492G mutation in exon 4 that results in the substitution of a highly conserved histidine for arginine amino acid 147. Interestingly, R147 was absent in 384 control matched chromosomes tested. Conclusion: This is the first disease causing mutation that has been identified in the human CCT subunit genes; the mf rat mutant could serve as an animal model for studying these chaperonopathies.

Annals of Neurology | 2005

Mapping of a new form of pure autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia (SPG28).

Naima Bouslam; Ali Benomar; Hamid Azzedine; Ahmed Bouhouche; Michito Namekawa; Stephan Klebe; Céline Charon; Alexandra Durr; Merle Ruberg; Alexis Brice; M. Yahyaoui; Giovanni Stevanin

Pure hereditary spastic paraplegias are characterized by isolated and progressive spasticity in the lower limbs. We mapped the spastic paraplegia 28 (SPG28) locus to chromosome 14q21.3‐q22.3 in a Moroccan family with autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia. Affected patients experienced development of progressive spastic gait during childhood and required help walking in their early 40s. Nine additional hereditary spastic paraplegia families were not linked to this locus, demonstrating further genetic heterogeneity. No mutations were found in exons of GCH1 and SPG3A, two genes from the candidate region involved in movement disorders. Ann Neurol 2005;57:567–571

Journal of the Neurological Sciences | 2002

Clinical comparison between AVED patients with 744 del A mutation and Friedreich ataxia with GAA expansion in 15 Moroccan families

Ali Benomar; M. Yahyaoui; Farid Meggouh; Ahmed Bouhouche; Mohammed Boutchich; Naima Bouslam; Abdelhaq Zaim; Michèle Schmitt; Halima Belaidi; Reda Ouazzani; Taı̈b Chkili; Michel Koenig

Fifteen Moroccan families with a phenotype resembling Friedreich Ataxia (FA) were studied. Seven families (13 patients) had the 744 del A mutation in the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP) gene, characteristic of ataxia with vitamin E deficiency (AVED). The other eight families (16 patients) had GAA expansions in the first intron of the frataxin gene. The clinical differences between the two groups differed. AVED caused by the 744 del A could be distinguished by head titubation, lower frequency of the neuropathy and slower disease progression, decreased visual activity and retinitis pigmentosa, which has also been associated with a His(101) Gln missense mutation in the alpha-TTP gene. The neurological disorder associated with vitamin E deficiency can be improved by the alpha-tocopherol treatment.

Journal of Medical Genetics | 2014

KIF1C mutations in two families with hereditary spastic paraparesis and cerebellar dysfunction

Talia Dor; Yuval Cinnamon; Raymond L; Avraham Shaag; Naima Bouslam; Ahmed Bouhouche; Gaussen M; Meyer; Alexandra Durr; Alexis Brice; Ali Benomar; Giovanni Stevanin; Markus Schuelke; Simon Edvardson

Background Hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP) (syn. Hereditary spastic paraplegia, SPG) are a group of genetic disorders characterised by spasticity of the lower limbs due to pyramidal tract dysfunction. Nearly 60 disease loci have been identified, which include mutations in two genes (KIF5A and KIF1A) that encode motor proteins of the kinesin superfamily. Here we report a novel genetic defect in KIF1C of patients with spastic paraparesis and cerebellar dysfunction in two consanguineous families of Palestinian and Moroccan ancestry. Methods and results We performed autozygosity mapping in a Palestinian and classic linkage analysis in a Moroccan family and found a locus on chromosome 17 that had previously been associated with spastic ataxia type 2 (SPAX2, OMIM %611302). Whole-exome sequencing revealed two homozygous mutations in KIF1C that were absent among controls: a nonsense mutation (c.2191C>T, p.Arg731*) that segregated with the disease phenotype in the Palestinian kindred resulted in the entire absence of KIF1C protein from the patients fibroblasts, and a missense variant (c.505C>T, p.Arg169Trp) affecting a conserved amino acid of the motor domain that was found in the Moroccan kindred. Conclusions Kinesin genes encode a family of cargo/motor proteins and are known to cause HSP if mutated. Here we identified nonsense and missense mutations in a further member of this protein family. The KIF1C mutation is associated with a HSP subtype (SPAX2/SAX2) that combines spastic paraplegia and weakness with cerebellar dysfunction.

European Journal of Human Genetics | 2006

Autosomal recessive mutilating sensory neuropathy with spastic paraplegia maps to chromosome 5p15.31-14.1.

Ahmed Bouhouche; Ali Benomar; Naima Bouslam; Reda Ouazzani; T. Chkili; M. Yahyaoui

Autosomal recessive ulcero-mutilating neuropathy with spastic paraplegia is a very rare disease since only few cases were described up to date. We report in this study a consanguineous Moroccan family with four affected males with this syndrome. The disease onset was in early infancy, with spastic paraplegia and sensory loss leading to mutilating acropathy. Electrophysiological studies revealed a severe axonal sensory neuropathy, magnetic resonance imaging ruled out compression of spinal cord and biological investigations showed decreased levels of Apo B, total cholesterol and triglycerides. A genomewide search was conducted in this family and linkage was found to chromosome 5p. Analysis of recombination events and LOD score calculation map the responsible gene in a 25 cM genetic interval between markers D5S2054 and D5S648. A maximum LOD score value of 3.92 was obtained for all markers located in this candidate interval. This study establishes the presence of a locus for autosomal recessive mutilating sensory neuropathy with spastic paraplegia on chromosome 5p15.31–14.1.

Human Genetics | 1997

Refinement of the locus for autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type II to chromosome 3p21.1-14.1.

L. Krols; Jean-Jacques Martin; Gilles David; Nicole Van Regemorter; Ali Benomar; A. Löfgren; Giovanni Stevanin; Alexandra Durr; Alexis Brice; C. Van Broeckhoven

Abstract We have previously mapped the gene for autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type II (ADCAII) to chromosome 3p12-p21.1 in a region of 33 cM by using four families of different geographic origin. In this study, we analysed the families with nine additional simple tandem repeat markers located in the ADCAII candidate region. An extensive clinical evaluation was also performed in the Belgian family CA-1 on two probably affected and seven at-risk individuals by means of ophthalmological examination and magnetic resonance imaging. Based on informative recombinants, we were able to reduce the ADCAII candidate region to the 12-cM region between D3S1300 and D3S1285. Furthermore, haplotype analysis among the families suggested that the most likely location of the ADCAII gene is within the 6.2-cM interval between D3S3698 and D3S1285. Because of the documented anticipation in ADCAII families, we also analysed family CA-1 with six polymorphic triplet repeat markers located on chromosome 3. None of these markers showed expanded alleles.

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