
Featured researches published by Ali Kircay.

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems | 2008

Differential Type Class-AB Second-Order Log-Domain Notch Filter

Ali Kircay; Uğur Çam

In this paper, a new current-mode second-order differential type Class-AB log-domain notch filter is proposed. It is systematically designed using state-space synthesis method. The filter circuit is current-mode, Class-AB and differential type. In the circuit, the input and the output values, and dominant variables are all currents. Input and output currents are also differential signals. Only transistors and grounded capacitors are required to realize the filter circuit. Three cases of the second-order notch filter were obtained. The regular notch was obtained when omegan=omega0, the low-pass notch was obtained when omegan>omega0, and the high-pass notch was obtained when omegan>omega0. The center frequency, the notch frequency, the quality factor, and gain of the filter can be electronically tuned by changing external currents. Time and frequency-domain simulations are performed using PSPICE program for the filter to verify the theory and to show the performance of it. For this purpose, the filter is simulated by using idealized bipolar junction transistor models and AT&T CBIC-R (NR200N-2X NPN), (PR200N-2X PNP) type transistors.

Frequenz | 2006

A New Log-Domain Realization of Two-Integrator-Loop Biquad

Ali Kircay; Uğur Çam

This paper proposes a new log-domain realization of biquadratic filter, which is systematically derived using the two-integrator-loop and state-space synthesis procedure. The filter is constructed with two integrators and current summer circuit. This biquadratic realizes highpass filter, bandpass filter and lowpass filter simultaneously. The proposed filter has a simple structure and can be electronically tuned. PSPICE simulations are given to confirm the theoretical analysis. Index Terms – Two-integrator-loop biquad, log-domain filters, current-mode circuits, state-space synthesis

Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers | 2016

Electronically-Tunable Current-Mode Biquad Design Using MO-OTAs

Ali Kircay; Selim Borekci

In this paper, electronically-tunable, current-mode biquad is proposed by using multiple-output operational transconductance amplifiers (MO-OTAs). The proposed circuit has one input and two outputs. Without changing the circuit topology, low-pass (LP), and band-pass (BP) responses can be realized. The filter is realized by using two MO-OTAs, a single-output OTA (SO-OTA), a two-output OTA and two grounded capacitors. The biquad is designed based on first-order LP filter or lossy integrator blocks. The feedback block is applied to the filter circuit in order to obtain high quality factor values greater than 1/2. The center frequency and the quality factor of the LP and BP filters can be electronically tuned by DC current of OTAs. The total power dissipation of the proposed biquad is approximately 10mW at ±3V supplied voltage. The theoretical analysis is also confirmed with SPICE simulations.

Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers | 2013


Ali Kircay; M. Serhat Keserlioglu; Uğur Çam

In this paper, a new current-mode second-order square-root-domain general notch filter is proposed. The design is based on the state-space synthesis method with two subcircuit; square-root and squarer/divider circuits. In the circuit, the input and the output values, and dominant variables are all currents. Only MOS transistors and grounded capacitors are required to realize the filter circuit. Three cases of the second-order notch filter were obtained. The regular notch was obtained when ωn = ωp, the lowpass notch was obtained when ωn > ωp, and the highpass notch was obtained when ωn < ωp. The center frequency, and the notch frequency of the filter can be electronically tuned by changing external currents. Time and frequency domain simulations are performed using PSPICE program for the filter to verify the theory and to show the performance of it. For this purpose, the filter is simulated by using TSMC 0.35 μm Level 3 CMOS process parameters.

signal processing and communications applications conference | 2006

Log-Domain First-Order Multifunction Current-Mode Filter Design

Ali Kircay; Uğur Çam

A new log-domain first-order multifunction filter is proposed in this paper. The proposed filter is systematically derived using the state-space synthesis procedure from a corresponding block diagram. It provides lowpass, highpass, and allpass responses simultaneously for a single input signal. The filter circuit has a very simple structure, since it uses only BJTs and a grounded capacitor. It can be electronically tuned by changing an external current. The filter has a greater bandwidth due to inherently current-mode and log-domain operation. PSPICE simulations are given to confirm the theoretical analysis

Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers | 2017

The Design of Fifth-Order Butterworth Lowpass Log-Domain Filter for Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Receiver Using Signal Flow Graph Method

Tuba Nur Gul; Ali Kircay

In this study, a fifth-order lowpass log-domain Butterworth filter, which is appropriate for Bluetooth/Wi-Fi receiver, is designed with signal flow graph approach. The filter is realized by using a unique translinear integrator circuit. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modes are obtained without changing the circuit configuration. To change the mode of the filter, it is needed to change the cutoff frequency of the filter that can be electronically tuned by adjusting the external currents. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth receivers have 6MHz and 600kHz cutoff frequencies, respectively. Only BJTs and grounded capacitors were utilized to achieve the desired circuit. Lowpass log-domain Butterworth filter was simulated by using SPICE simulation program. A validated BJT and idealized BJT models are used to obtain simulation results confirming the theoretical analysis.

signal processing and communications applications conference | 2007

Design of Differential Type Class-AB Log-Domain Second-Order Notch Filter

Ali Kircay; Uğur Çam

In this study, a new current-mode second-order differential type class-AB log-domain notch filter is proposed. It is systematically designed using state-space synthesis method. Only transistors and grounded capacitors are required to realize the filter circuit. Three cases of the second-order notch filter were obtained; the regular notch, the lowpass notch, and the highpass notch. The center frequency, the notch frequency, the quality factor, and gain of the filter can be electronically tuned by changing external currents. PSP1CE simulations are given to confirm the theoretical analysis.

signal processing and communications applications conference | 2007

Differential Type Class-AB Log-Domain Third-Order Universal Filter

Ali Kircay; Uğur Çam

A new current-mode third-order differential type class-AB log-domain universal filter is proposed in this study. The design is based on the state-space synthesis method. The proposed filter can realize lowpass (LP), highpass (HP), bandpass (BP), lowpass notch (LPN), highpass notch (HPN), and allpass (AP) responses by changing external currents without any changes in the circuit topology. Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel filter responses of the third-order universal filter are obtained without changing circuit configuration. Also, several different Chebyshev responses can be obtained by changing external currents. The parameters of proposed filter are tunable. Only NPN transistors and grounded capacitors are required to realize filter circuit. PSPICE simulations are given to confirm the theoretical analysis.

signal processing and communications applications conference | 2005

State-space synthesis of a first-order differential class-AB log-domain allpass filter

Ali Kircay; Uğur Çam; Abdullah T. Tola

A first-order differential type class-AB log-domain filter is proposed. It is systematically derived using the state-space synthesis procedure. To the best knowledge of the authors, the filter is the first log-domain first-order allpass filter in the literature. PSPICE simulations are performed using both, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) and ideal devices to confirm the theoretical analysis. The small deviations in the gain and phase response from theoretical values are caused by the non-idealities of the BJT such as finite-beta, non-zero ohmic junction resistances, Early voltages. 1. Giriş Translinear filtreler, genlik uygunlaştırıcı akım modlu filtreler ya da üstel durum-uzay filtreleri olarak da adlandırılan logaritmik ortam filtreleri, düşük gerilim, düşük güç tüketimi, düşük gürültü, yüksek frekans uygulamalarında ve elektronik olarak kesim frekansının ayarlanabilir olması, tümdevre teknolojisine uygunluk gibi özelliklerinden dolayı son yıllarda literatürde büyük bir ilgi odağı olmaktadır. Logaritmik ortam filtrelerinde temel yaklaşım, BJT’nin üstel I-V karakteristiğine dayanmaktadır. Logaritmik ortam filtrelerinde, giriş ile çıkış arasında lineer bir ilişki olmasına karşın, işaretin işlendiği ortam tümüyle non-lineer bir ortamdır. Filtre gerçekleştirme yöntemleri bakımından da diğer filtre tekniklerine göre büyük avantajlar sağlamaktadır. Filtre fonksiyonunu gerçekleştirmek için sadece kapasite ve transistör kullanımı yeterli olmaktadır Logaritmik ortam filtre düşüncesi ilk defa Adams tarafından 1979 yılında ortaya atılmıştır [1]. Adams yaptığı çalışmada, diyot, kondansatör, akım kaynağı ve op/amp kullanarak birinci dereceden alçak geçiren logaritmik ortam filtresi tasarlamıştır. Adams, devresinde ilkönce giriş işaretinin logaritmasını almış, filtre işlemini gerçekleştirdikten sonra da çıkışta giriş fonksiyonunun tersi olan üstel bir fonksiyon uygulamıştır [1]. Adams’tan sonra 1990 yılında birbirinden bağımsız farklı iki çalışma yapılmış bu çalışmalar daha sonra logaritmik ortam filtreleri ile ilintilendirilmiştir. Tsividis ve Seevinck tarafından yapılan bu çalışmalar, logaritmik ortam filtrelerinin en önemli özelliklerinden biri olan işaretin sıkıştırılıp genişletilmesi ile ilgilidir [2],[3]. Logaritmik ortam filtrelerde dönüm noktası 1993 yılı olmuştur. Çünkü, Adams’tan sonra ilgi görmeyen logaritmik ortam düşüncesi Frey’in çalışması ile beraber bir anda ilgi odağı olmuştur [4]. Frey, sistematik bir sentez metodu geliştirerek BJT, akım kaynağı ve kondansatörlerden oluşan logaritmik ortam filtresini sunmuştur. Frey tasarım metodu olarak durum-uzay sentez metodunu kullanmıştır. Yapılan bu çalışmadan sonra logaritmik ortam filtreleri literatürde bir anda ilgi odağı olmuş ve ard arda bir çok çalışma hızlı bir şekilde yapılmıştır. AB sınıfı devre mantığı yükselteç devrelerinde kullanılmaktaydı. AB sınıfı filtre düşüncesi ise ilk defa Seevinck tarafından sunulmuştur [3]. Frey, Seevinck tarafından ortaya atılan AB sınıfı filtre yapısını logaritmik ortama taşımıştır [5]. Daha sonra Frey ve Tola tarafından AB sınıfı fark alıcı filtrelere ait genel bir teori ortaya konulmuştur [6]. Fark alıcı AB sınıfı filtreler sağ ve sol olmak üzere iki parçadan oluşmaktadır. Bu yüzden giriş işaretinin de ikiye ayrılması gerekmektedir. Giriş işaretini ikiye ayırmak için de farklı devreler geliştirilmiştir. İşaretin çıkışı sol ve sağ olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmakta ve bunların farkı alınarak çıkış işareti elde edilmektedir [6],[7]. Yapılan bu çalışmada da analog işaret işleme uygulamalarının en önemli blok yapılarından biri olan birinci 0-7803-9238-8/05/

Etri Journal | 2006

A Novel Log-Domain First-Order Multifunction Filter

Ali Kircay; Uğur Çam

20.00 ©2005 IEEE derece tüm geçiren bir filtre, durum-uzay metodu ile AB sınıfı fark alıcı türde logaritmik ortamda gerçekleştirilmiştir. 2. Fark Alıcı Birinci Dereceden Tüm Geçiren Logaritmik Ortam Filtresi Birinci dereceden tüm geçiren filtrenin transfer fonksiyonu aşağıdaki şekildedir, 0 0 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ω ω + − − = = s s a s U s Y s H , 0 1 > a (1) Denklem (1) zaman ortamına aktarılırsa, 0 ω kesim frekansına sahip tüm geçiren filtrenin sistem denklemi (2)’de verildiği gibi elde edilir. u a u a y y & & 1 0 1 0 − + − = ω ω (2) Denklem (2)’de girişin türevi olan u& filtrenin gerçekleştirilmesi için bir engel teşkil etmektedir. Durum denklemleri Companion formu ile belirlenmektedir. Bu yüzden u& denklemde bulunmamalıdır. Bunun için durum değişkeni x şu şekilde seçilebilir:

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