Alina Iacob
Georgia Southern University
Featured researches published by Alina Iacob.
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics | 2012
Diego Bravo; Edgar E. Enochs; Alina Iacob; Overtoun M. G. Jenda; Juan Rada
In [8] Salce introduced the notion of a cotorsion pair (A,B) in the category of abelian groups. But his definitions and basic results carry over to more general abelian categories and have proved useful in a variety of settings. In this article we will consider complete cotorsion pairs (C,D) in the category C(R-Mod) of complexes of left R-modules over some ring R. If (C,D) is such a pair, and if C is closed under taking suspensions, we will show when we regard K(C) and K(D) as subcategories of the homotopy category K(RMod), then the embedding functors K(C) → K(R-Mod) and K(D) → K(R-Mod) have left and right adjoints, respectively. In finding examples of such pairs, we will describe a procedure for using Hoveys results in [5] to find a new model structure on C(R-Mod).
Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society | 2012
Edgar E. Enochs; Sergio Estrada; Alina Iacob
Given a double complex X there are spectral sequences with the E2 terms being either HI (HII(X)) or HII(HI(X)). But if HI(X) = HII(X) = 0 both spectral sequences have all their terms 0. This can happen even though there is nonzero (co)homology of interest associated with X. This is frequently the case when dealing with Tate (co)homology. So in this situation the spectral sequences may not give any information about the (co)homology of interest. In this article we give a different way of constructing homology groups of X when HI(X) =HII(X) = 0. With this result we give a new and elementary proof of balance of Tate homology and cohomology.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | 2014
Edgar E. Enochs; Alina Iacob
We prove that if R is a commutative noetherian ring such that the character modules of Gorenstein injective modules are Gorenstein flat, then the class of Gorenstein injective modules is closed under direct limits and it is covering. We also prove that over such a ring the class of Gorenstein injective modules is enveloping. In particular this shows the existence of the Gorenstein injective envelopes over commutative noetherian rings with dualizing complexes.
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS | 2017
Sergio Estrada; Alina Iacob; Sinem Odabasi
We consider a right coherent ring R. We prove that the class of Gorenstein flat complexes is covering in the category of complexes of left R-modules Ch(R). When R is also left n-perfect, we prove that the class of Gorenstein projective complexes is special precovering in Ch(R).
Quaestiones Mathematicae | 2017
Lars Winther Christensen; Sergio Estrada; Alina Iacob
Abstract We study a notion of total acyclicity for complexes of flat sheaves over a scheme. It is Zariski-local—i.e. it can be verified on any open affine covering of the scheme—and for sheaves over a quasi-compact semi-separated scheme it agrees with the categorical notion. In particular, it agrees, in their setting, with the notion studied by Murfet and Salarian for sheaves over a noetherian semi-separated scheme. As part of the study we recover, and in several cases extend the validity of, recent results on existence of covers and precovers in categories of sheaves. One consequence is the existence of an adjoint to the inclusion of these totally acyclic complexes into the homotopy category of complexes of flat sheaves.
Communications in Algebra | 2017
Alina Iacob
ABSTRACT We prove that the class of Gorenstein injective modules is both enveloping and covering over a two sided noetherian ring such that the character modules of Gorenstein injective modules are Gorenstein flat. In the second part of the paper we consider the connection between the Gorenstein injective modules and the strongly cotorsion modules. We prove that when the ring R is commutative noetherian of finite Krull dimension, the class of Gorenstein injective modules coincides with that of strongly cotorsion modules if and only if the ring R is in fact Gorenstein.
Archive | 2018
Alina Iacob
Homological algebra is at the root of modern techniques in many areas of mathematics including commutative and non commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology and representation theory. Not only that all these areas make use of the homological methods but homological algebra serves as a common language and this makes interactions between these areas possible and fruitful. A relative version of homological algebra is the area called Gorenstein homological algebra. This newer area started in the late 60s when Auslander introduced a class of finitely generated modules that have a complete resolution. Auslander used these modules to define the notion of the G-dimension of a finite module over a commutative noetherian local ring. Then Auslander and Bridger extended the definition to two sided noetherian rings (1969). The area really took off in the mid 90s, with the introduction of the Gorenstein (projective and injective) modules by Enochs and Jenda ([1]). Avramov, Buchweitz, Martsinkovsky, and Reiten proved that if the ring R is both right and left noetherian and if G is a finitely generated Gorenstein projective module, then Enochs’ and Jenda’s definition agrees with that of Auslander’s and Bridger’s of module of G-dimension zero. The Gorenstein flat modules were introduced by Enochs, Jenda and Torrecillas as another extension of Auslander’s Gorenstein dimension.
Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University | 2009
Alina Iacob
Tsukuba journal of mathematics | 2005
Alina Iacob
Illinois Journal of Mathematics | 2007
Edgar E. Enochs; Alina Iacob; Overtoun M. G. Jenda