Aline Kirie Gohara
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Food Science and Technology International | 2013
Sylvio V. Palombini; Thiago Claus; Swami A. Maruyama; Aline Kirie Gohara; Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Nilson Evelázio de Souza; Jesuí Vergílio Visentainer; Sandra Terezinha Marques Gomes; Makoto Matsushita
This study evaluated the fatty acid quantification, proximate and amino acid compositions, antioxidant activity, total phenolic compounds, vitamin E, and mineral contents of new amaranth (BRS Alegria) and quinoa (BRS Piabiru) cultivars which were produced in order to adapt these pseudocereals to the climatic conditions of central-western Brazil. They showed superior levels of protein and total lipids in comparison to their native counterparts. The lipid profile of the amaranth BRS Alegria was revealed to be better than those of other native cultivars. Quinoa BRS Piabiru presented a higher antioxidant capacity and phenolic content than the studied amaranth cultivar, but lower contents of tocopherols. All of the obtained results confirm that these new grains possess an overall amount of nutritional compounds that is better than those reported for many native counterparts of the studied samples. The employed analytical methods in this work contributed to a better understanding of the quinoa BRS Piabiru and amaranth BRS Alegria chemical compositions. Therefore, the diversity and quantity of all of the studied compounds in the samples denote the considerable importance of these grains for food science research area.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society | 2013
Lilian Maria Pagamunici; Aline Kirie Gohara; Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Paulo Rodrigo Stival Bittencourt; Alex Sanches Torquato; Weliton Pedro Batiston; Sandra Terezinha Marques Gomes; Nilson Evelázio de Souza; Jesuí Vergílio Visentainer; Makoto Matsushita
Celiac disease is defined as intolerance to the gluten proteins present in certain cereals used to prepare foodstuffs. We developed and performed physico-chemical, sensory, and nutritional assessments of three formulations of gluten-free cookies containing Linum usitatissimum L. and different levels of whole Chenopodium quinoa BRS Piabiru flour. No gluten was detected in the prepared cookie formulations. The crude protein and total lipid contents ranged from 85.58 to 97.55 and 121.69 to 166.19 g per kg of sample, respectively. The polyunsaturated/saturated and n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratios ranged from 0.85:1 to 0.92:1 and 3.08:1 to 4.38:1, respectively. Formulation C had the best alpha-linolenic acid content, lipid fraction nutritional indices and mineral content per portion, with excellent sensory characteristics. Multivariate analysis highlighted the effect of the concentration of quinoa on the nutritional and sensory qualities of the product.
Food Chemistry | 2014
Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Aline Kirie Gohara; Ângela Cláudia Rodrigues; Gisely Luzia Ströher; Danielle Cristina da Silva; Jesuí Vergílio Visentainer; Nilson Evelázio de Souza; Makoto Matsushita
A full factorial design 2(2) (two factors at two levels) with duplicates was performed to investigate the influence of the factors agitation time (2 and 4 h) and the percentage of KOH (60% and 80% w/v) in the saponification of samples for the determination of α, β and γ+δ-tocopherols. The study used samples of peanuts (cultivar armadillo), produced and marketed in Maringá, PR. The factors % KOH and agitation time were significant, and an increase in their values contributed negatively to the responses. The interaction effect was not significant for the response δ-tocopherol, and the contribution of this effect to the other responses was positive, but less than 10%. The ANOVA and response surfaces analysis showed that the most efficient saponification procedure was obtained using a 60% (w/v) solution of KOH and with an agitation time of 2 h.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society | 2013
Aline Kirie Gohara; Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Ângela Cláudia Rodrigues; Gisely Luzia Stroher; Sandra Terezinha Marques Gomes; Nilson Evelázio de Souza; Jesuí Vergílio Visentainer; Makoto Matsushita
A 22 full factorial design (two factors at two levels) with duplicate was performed to investigate the influence of the percentages of chia and azuki (the two factors) added to gluten-free chocolate cake on the mineral contents (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg , Mn and Zn). In the study, partially defatted chia flour and wholemeal azuki flour were used. The percentage factors of chia and azuki were significant and the increases in these values contributed positively to the responses. The interaction effect was not significant for the Ca, Fe, Mg and Zn responses. The principal component analysis (PCA) distinguished samples with higher content of chia by means of PC1, and PC2 separated the formulations with the highest levels of azuki from the ones with the lowest levels. Using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and response surface analyses, it was possible to conclude that the increase in mineral content was higher with the addition of 20% of both flours.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 2015
Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Aline Kirie Gohara; Eliza Mariane Rotta; Marcia Alves Chaves; Claudia Marques da Silva; Lucia Felicidade Dias; Sandra Terezinha Marques Gomes; Nilson Evelázio de Souza; Makoto Matsushita
BACKGROUND Hamburger is a meat-based food that is easy to prepare and is widely consumed. It can be enriched using different ingredients, such as chias by-product, which is rich in omega-3. Chemometrics is a very interesting tool to assess the influence of ingredients in the composition of foods. A complete factorial design 2(2) (two factors in two levels) with duplicate was performed to investigate the influence of the factors (1) concentration of textured soy proteins (TSP) and (2) concentration of chia flour partially defatted (CFPD) as a partial replacement for the bovine meat and porcine fat mix in hamburgers. RESULTS The results of proximal composition, lipid oxidation, fatty acids sums, ratios, and nutritional indexes were used to propose statistical models. The factors TSP and CFPD were significant, and the increased values contributed to improve the composition in fatty acids, crude protein, and ash. Principal components analysis distinguished the samples with a higher content of chia. In desirability analysis, the highest level of TSP and CFPD was described as the optimal region, and it was not necessary to make another experimental point. CONCLUSION The addition of chias by-product is an alternative to increase the α-linolenic contents and to obtain nutritionally balanced food.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society | 2014
Claudia Marques da Silva; Ana Beatriz Zanqui; Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Aline Kirie Gohara; Marcia Alves Chaves; Sandra Terezinha Marques Gomes; Lúcio Cardozo Filho; Nilson Evelázio de Souza; Makoto Matsushita
O oleo de perilla (Perilla frutescens) foi extraido utilizando n-propano subcritico e tambem pela metodologia oficial de Soxhlet, para efeito de comparacao. Objetivou-se avaliar a influencia dos fatores temperatura e pressao sobre a composicao dos acidos graxos (FA), atraves de um fatorial 2 2 completo em triplicata com ponto central. Ambos os fatores analisados contribuiram significativamente para o rendimento dos FA extraidos. As superficies de resposta indicaram que o aumento da pressao e temperatura permitiu maior extracao de acidos graxos omega-3 e poli-insaturados (PUFA), e uma melhor razao entre PUFA e acido graxos saturados (SFA). Atraves da funcao de desejabilidade, a melhor condicao de extracao com n-propano foi temperatura de 80 ° C e pressao de 8 MPa. A analise multivariada distinguiu a condicao otima no grupo de maior conteudo de PUFA, com destaque para o acido alfa-linolenico, enquanto a metodologia de Soxhlet caracterizou-se com elevado teor de SFA. Oil from perilla (Perilla frutescens) was extracted using subcritical n-propane and also the Soxhlet official methodology, for comparison. This work aimed at assessing the influence of the temperature and pressure factors on the composition of fatty acids (FA), using a full 2 2 factorial design in triplicate with central point. Both factors were significant for increasing the yield of extracted FA. The response surfaces showed that increasing pressure and temperature allowed the extraction of higher levels of n-3 and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and greater ratio values of PUFA and saturated fatty acids (SFA). According to the desirability function, the best condition of extraction using n-propane was 80 ° C for temperature and 8 MPa for pressure. In multivariate analysis the optimum condition was characterized by a higher content of PUFA, especially alphalinolenic fatty acid, while the Soxhlet methodology was characterized by high level of SFA.
Environmental Technology | 2016
Livia oliveira ruiz Moreti; Priscila Ferri Coldebella; Franciele Pereira Camacho; Milene Carvalho Bongiovani; Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Aline Kirie Gohara; Makoto Matsushita; Marcela Fernandes Silva; Letícia Nishi; Rosângela Bergamasco
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the coagulation/flocculation/dissolved air flotation (C/F/DAF) process using the coagulant Moringa oleifera (MO) seed powder, and to analyse the profile of fatty acids present in the generated sludge after treatment. For the tests, deionized water artificially contaminated with cell cultures of Anabaena flos-aquae was used, with a cell density in the order of 104 cells mL–1. C/F/DAF tests were conducted using ‘Flotest’ equipment. For fatty acid profile analyses, a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector was used. It was seen that the optimal dosage (100 mg L–1) of MO used in the C/F/DAF process was efficient at removing nearly all A. flos-aquae cells (96.4%). The sludge obtained after treatment contained oleic acid (61.7%) and palmitic acid (10.8%). Thus, a water treatment process using C/F/DAF linked to integral MO powder seed was found to be efficient in removing cells of cyanobacteria, and produced a sludge rich in oleic acid that is a precursor favourable for obtaining quality biodiesel, thus becoming an alternative application for the recycling of such biomass.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2014
Lilian Maria Pagamunici; Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Aline Kirie Gohara; Nilson Evelázio de Souza; Sandra Terezinha Marques Gomes; Makoto Matsushita
Food bars are consumed heavily, especially because of their practicality; however they cannot be ingested by celiac patients and present low contents of essential nutrients. The goal of this study was the development and physical-chemical, nutritional and sensory evaluation of a gluten-free food bar containing amaranth and linseed. Gluten fractions were not detected in the food bar formulations. Crude protein and total lipid contents ranged from 68.32 to 76.60 and 74.56 to 82.06 g kg-1 of food, respectively. The polyunsaturated/saturated and n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratios ranged from 0.45:1 to 0.55:1 and 1.44:1 to 2.50:1, respectively. Calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese and zinc were the principal minerals. Application of multivariate analysis enabled sample B to be distinguished according to its mineral and alfa-linolenic acid content. All food bar formulations had good sensory acceptance and high purchase intent.
Behavioural Brain Research | 2016
Cristiano Correia Bacarin; Jaqueline Godinho; Rúbia Maria Weffort de Oliveira; Makoto Matsushita; Aline Kirie Gohara; Lúcio Cardozo-Filho; Jéssica de Carvalho Lima; Isolde Terezinha Santos Previdelli; Silvana Regina de Melo; Matheus Henrique Dal Molin Ribeiro; Humberto Milani
We reported that fish oil (FO) prevented the loss of spatial memory caused by transient, global cerebral ischemia (TGCI), provided the treatment covered the first days prior to and after ischemia. Continuing these studies, trained rats were subjected to TGCI, and FO was administered for 10days, with a time window of efficacy (TWE) of 4, 8 or 12h post-ischemia. Retrograde memory was assessed up to 43days after TGCI. In another experiment, ischemic rats received FO with a 4- or 12-h TWE, and dendritic density was assessed in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. The brain lipid profile was evaluated in sham-operated and ischemic rats that were treated with FO or vehicle with a 4-h TWE. Ischemia-induced retrograde amnesia was prevented by FO administration that was initiated with either a 4- or 8-h TWE. Fish oil was ineffective after a 12-h TWE. Independent of the TWE, FO did not prevent ischemic neuronal death. In the hippocampus, but not cerebral cortex, TGCI-induced dendritic loss was prevented by FO with a 4-h TWE but not 12-h TWE. The level of docosahexaenoic acid almost doubled in the hippocampus in ischemic, FO-treated rats (4-h TWE). The data indicate that (i) the anti-amnesic effect of FO can be observed with a TWE of up to 8h, (ii) the stimulation of dendritic neuroplasticity may have contributed to this effect, and (iii) DHA in FO may be the main active constituent in FO that mediates the cognitive and neuroplasticity effects on TGCI.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2016
Aline Kirie Gohara; Aloisio Henrique Pereira de Souza; Sandra Terezinha Marques Gomes; Nilson Evelázio de Souza; Jesuí Vergílio Visentainer; Makoto Matsushita
Azuki beans are small red grains rich in several essential nutrients used in traditional dishes in Asia that, nowadays present many applications around the world. This work aimed at evaluating angularis and niponensis cultivars from south region of Brazil. Both cultivars presented proximal composition similar to literature and the majority fatty acids were 18:2n-6, 16:0 and 18:3n-3. All samples showed polyunsatured fatty acids prevalence and nutritional indices and ratios considered adequate for biological system maintenance of a healthy organism. The grains presented significant contents of tocopherols and vitamin E activity, resulting in a high contribution to the dietary reference intake. Significant contents of iron, manganese and zinc were also found in the azuki beans, and they are very important mainly due to their function as cofactors in metabolic reactions. Phenolic compounds and flavonoids corroborated with other studies and contributed to the antioxidant activity. The principal components multivariate analysis allowed distinguishing the cultivars, and the two principal components could explain 92.28% of data variance.