Alistair J. P. Brown
University of Aberdeen
Trends in Microbiology | 2003
Frank C. Odds; Alistair J. P. Brown; Neil A. R. Gow
Clinical needs for novel antifungal agents have altered steadily with the rise and fall of AIDS-related mycoses, and the change in spectrum of fatal disseminated fungal infections that has accompanied changes in therapeutic immunosuppressive therapies. The search for new molecular targets for antifungals has generated considerable research using modern genomic approaches, so far without generating new agents for clinical use. Meanwhile, six new antifungal agents have just reached, or are approaching, the clinic. Three are new triazoles, with extremely broad antifungal spectra, and three are echinocandins, which inhibit synthesis of fungal cell wall polysaccharides--a new mode of action. In addition, the sordarins represent a novel class of agents that inhibit fungal protein synthesis. This review describes the targets and mechanisms of action of all classes of antifungal agents in clinical use or with clinical potential.
Nature | 2009
Geraldine Butler; Matthew D. Rasmussen; Michael F. Lin; Manuel A. S. Santos; Sharadha Sakthikumar; Carol A. Munro; Esther Rheinbay; Manfred Grabherr; Anja Forche; Jennifer L. Reedy; Ino Agrafioti; Martha B. Arnaud; Steven Bates; Alistair J. P. Brown; Sascha Brunke; Maria C. Costanzo; David A. Fitzpatrick; Piet W. J. de Groot; David Harris; Lois L. Hoyer; Bernhard Hube; Frans M. Klis; Chinnappa D. Kodira; Nicola Lennard; Mary E. Logue; Ronny Martin; Aaron M. Neiman; Elissavet Nikolaou; Michael A. Quail; Janet Quinn
Candida species are the most common cause of opportunistic fungal infection worldwide. Here we report the genome sequences of six Candida species and compare these and related pathogens and non-pathogens. There are significant expansions of cell wall, secreted and transporter gene families in pathogenic species, suggesting adaptations associated with virulence. Large genomic tracts are homozygous in three diploid species, possibly resulting from recent recombination events. Surprisingly, key components of the mating and meiosis pathways are missing from several species. These include major differences at the mating-type loci (MTL); Lodderomyces elongisporus lacks MTL, and components of the a1/α2 cell identity determinant were lost in other species, raising questions about how mating and cell types are controlled. Analysis of the CUG leucine-to-serine genetic-code change reveals that 99% of ancestral CUG codons were erased and new ones arose elsewhere. Lastly, we revise the Candida albicans gene catalogue, identifying many new genes.
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2006
Mihai G. Netea; Neil A. R. Gow; Carol A. Munro; Steven Bates; Claire Collins; Gerben Ferwerda; Richard P. Hobson; Gwyneth Bertram; H. Bleddyn Hughes; Trees Jansen; Liesbeth Jacobs; Ed T. Buurman; Karlijn Gijzen; David L. Williams; Ruurd Torensma; Alistair McKinnon; Donna M. MacCallum; Frank C. Odds; Jos W. M. van der Meer; Alistair J. P. Brown; Bart Jan Kullberg
The fungal pathogen Candida albicans has a multilayered cell wall composed of an outer layer of proteins glycosylated with N- or O-linked mannosyl residues and an inner skeletal layer of beta-glucans and chitin. We demonstrate that cytokine production by human mononuclear cells or murine macrophages was markedly reduced when stimulated by C. albicans mutants defective in mannosylation. Recognition of mannosyl residues was mediated by mannose receptor binding to N-linked mannosyl residues and by TLR4 binding to O-linked mannosyl residues. Residual cytokine production was mediated by recognition of beta-glucan by the dectin-1/TLR2 receptor complex. C. albicans mutants with a cell wall defective in mannosyl residues were less virulent in experimental disseminated candidiasis and elicited reduced cytokine production in vivo. We concluded that recognition of C. albicans by monocytes/macrophages is mediated by 3 recognition systems of differing importance, each of which senses specific layers of the C. albicans cell wall.
Microbiology | 1997
Brendan P. Cormack; Gwyneth Bertram; Mark Egerton; Neil A. R. Gow; Stanley Falkow; Alistair J. P. Brown
The green fluorescent protein (GFP) of Aequorea victoria has been developed here as a reporter for gene expression and protein localization in Candida albicans. When wild-type (wt) GFP was expressed in C. albicans, it was not possible to detect fluorescence or a translation product for the wt protein. Since this was probably due in part to the presence of the non-canonical CTG serine codon in the Aequorea sequence, this codon was changed to the leucine codon TTG. C. albicans cells expressing this construct contained GFP mRNA but were non-fluorescent and contained no detectable translation product. Hence a codon-optimized GFP gene was constructed in which all of the 239 amino acids are encoded by optimal codons for C. albicans. In this gene were also incorporated two previously identified mutations in the chromophore that increase GFP fluorescence. C. albicans cells expressing this yeast-enhanced GFP gene (yEGFP3) are fluorescent and contain GFP protein. yEGFP3 can be used as a versatile reporter of gene expression in C. albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the optimized GFP described here should have broad applications in these and other fungal species.
Nature Reviews Microbiology | 2012
Neil A. R. Gow; Frank L. van de Veerdonk; Alistair J. P. Brown; Mihai G. Netea
Candida albicans is a common fungal pathogen of humans that colonizes the skin and mucosal surfaces of most healthy individuals. Until recently, little was known about the mechanisms by which mucosal antifungal defences tolerate colonizing C. albicans but react strongly when hyphae of the same microorganism attempt to invade tissue. In this Review, we describe the properties of yeast cells and hyphae that are relevant to their interaction with the host, and the immunological mechanisms that differentially recognize colonizing versus invading C. albicans.
Current Opinion in Microbiology | 2002
Neil A. R. Gow; Alistair J. P. Brown; Frank C. Odds
Many fungal pathogens undergo morphological transformations during host invasion. However, the significance of this for fungal pathogenesis is not clear. Both yeast and hyphal cells have properties well suited to tissue invasion and evasion of the immune system. However, molecular control circuits that regulate morphogenesis also regulate the expression of other virulence traits. To establish the extent to which morphogenesis impacts on pathogenesis, it is necessary to characterise the morphology of the fungus at different stages and locations during the natural history of a disease and to untangle how gene expression is modulated at these stages. This review considers the role of morphogenesis in fungal infection and argues that no simple, universal relationship can be drawn between morphology and the invasive potential of a fungus.
Molecular Microbiology | 1994
Bernhard Hube; Michel Monod; D. A. Schofield; Alistair J. P. Brown; Neil Andrew Robert Gow
The opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida albicans produces secretory aspartyl proteinases, which are believed to be virulence factors in infection. We have studied the in vitro expression of seven known members of the SAP gene family in a range of strains and serotypes by Northern analysis. SAP1 and SAP3 were regulated during phenotypic switching between the white and opaque forms of the organism. The SAP2 mRNA, which was the dominant transcript in the yeast form, was found to be autoinduced by peptide products of Sap2 activity and to be repressed by amino acids. The expression of the closely related SAP4‐SAP6 genes was observed only at neutral pH during serum‐induced yeast to hyphal transition. No SAP7 mRNA was detected under any of the conditions or in any of the strains tested. Our data suggest that the various members of the SAP gene family may have distinct roles in the colonization and invasion of the host.
The EMBO Journal | 2001
A.Munir A. Murad; Ping Leng; Melissa Straffon; Jill Wishart; Susan Macaskill; Donna M. MacCallum; Norbert F. Schnell; Driss Talibi; Daniel Marechal; Fredj Tekaia; Christophe d'Enfert; Claude Gaillardin; Frank C. Odds; Alistair J. P. Brown
We have characterized CaNrg1 from Candida albicans, the major fungal pathogen in humans. CaNrg1 contains a zinc finger domain that is conserved in transcriptional regulators from fungi to humans. It is most closely related to ScNrg1, which represses transcription in a Tup1‐dependent fashion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Inactivation of CaNrg1 in C.albicans causes filamentous and invasive growth, derepresses hypha‐specific genes, increases sensitivity to some stresses and attenuates virulence. A tup1 mutant displays similar phenotypes. However, unlike tup1 cells, nrg1 cells can form normal hyphae, generate chlamydospores at normal rates and grow at 42°C. Transcript profiling of 2002 C.albicans genes reveals that CaNrg1 represses a subset of CaTup1‐regulated genes, which includes known hypha‐specific genes and other virulence factors. Most of these genes contain an Nrg1 response element (NRE) in their promoter. CaNrg1 interacts specifically with an NRE in vitro. Also, deletion of two NREs from the ALS8 promoter releases it from Nrg1‐mediated repression. Hence, CaNrg1 is a transcriptional repressor that appears to target CaTup1 to a distinct set of virulence‐related functions, including yeast–hypha morphogenesis.
Trends in Microbiology | 1999
Alistair J. P. Brown; Neil A. R. Gow
Candida albicans undergoes reversible morphogenetic transitions between budding, pseudohyphal and hyphal growth forms that promote the virulence of this pathogenic fungus. The regulatory networks that control morphogenesis are being elucidated; however, the primary signals that trigger morphogenesis remain obscure, and the physiological outputs of these networks are complex.
Nature Biotechnology | 2003
Chris F. Taylor; Norman W. Paton; Kevin L. Garwood; Paul Kirby; David Stead; Zhikang Yin; Eric W. Deutsch; Laura Selway; Janet Walker; Isabel Riba-Garcia; Shabaz Mohammed; Michael J. Deery; Julie Howard; Tom P. J. Dunkley; Ruedi Aebersold; Douglas B. Kell; Kathryn S. Lilley; Peter Roepstorff; John R. Yates; Andy Brass; Alistair J. P. Brown; Phil Cash; Simon J. Gaskell; Simon J. Hubbard; Stephen G. Oliver
Both the generation and the analysis of proteome data are becoming increasingly widespread, and the field of proteomics is moving incrementally toward high-throughput approaches. Techniques are also increasing in complexity as the relevant technologies evolve. A standard representation of both the methods used and the data generated in proteomics experiments, analogous to that of the MIAME (minimum information about a microarray experiment) guidelines for transcriptomics, and the associated MAGE (microarray gene expression) object model and XML (extensible markup language) implementation, has yet to emerge. This hinders the handling, exchange, and dissemination of proteomics data. Here, we present a UML (unified modeling language) approach to proteomics experimental data, describe XML and SQL (structured query language) implementations of that model, and discuss capture, storage, and dissemination strategies. These make explicit what data might be most usefully captured about proteomics experiments and provide complementary routes toward the implementation of a proteome repository.