Aliye Sari
Süleyman Demirel University
Laryngoscope | 2001
Orhan Gedikli; Harun Doğru; Gulsen Aydin; Mustafa Tüz; Kemal Uygur; Aliye Sari
Objective To investigate whether histopathological changes of chorda tympani might exist in patients with chronic otitis media without facial paralysis.
Journal of Laryngology and Otology | 2001
Kemal Uygur; Mustafa Tüz; Harun Doğru; Aliye Sari
Sarcomas of the larynx are extremely rare neoplasms that account for approximately one per cent of all tumours of this organ. We present a case of laryngeal chondrosarcoma originating from thyroid cartilage, characterized by an unusual long clinical course over 15 years without laryngeal symptoms or duplication of metastases, treated at the Süleyman Demirel University Medical Faculty, Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department.
Australasian Journal of Dermatology | 2001
Pinar Y. Basak; Şeniz Ergin; M Tugĝrul; Aliye Sari
A 70‐year‐old woman presented with a painful, red tongue with papules associated with xerostomia and systemic symptoms including weight loss, difficulty in swallowing and breathing, haemochezia and leg swelling. Biopsy from the tongue demonstrated amyloid deposits and, on further investigation, kappa chain disease was diagnosed. Primary systemic amyloidosis was diagnosed and the patient died within weeks of presentation.
Journal of Investigative Surgery | 2005
Canan Agalar; Erol Eroglu; Mustafa Sari; Aliye Sari; Cagatay Daphan; Fatih Agalar
Wound infection after prosthetic material implantation is a troublesome complication with an incidence of 2% to 10%. The effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) was studied in an experimental methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) graft infection model. Eighty adult mice were used. Under general anesthesia an abdominal incision of 2 cm in length was performed. A subcutaneous cavity of 2 × 2 cm in size was created. Polypropylene mesh pieces of 2 × 1 cm and MRSA solution of 0.1ml of 108 CFU/mL were used. G-CSF was applied systemically or locally in a dosage of 0.02 MU/30 g body weight. There were 8 groups: group I, wound + MRSA; group II, wound + mesh + MRSA; group III, wound + mesh + MRSA + G-CSF (ip, 48 h before operation); group IV, wound + mesh + MRSA + G-CSF (ip, 24 h before operation); group V, wound + mesh + MRSA + G-CSF (locally, into the cavity); group VI, wound + mesh (incubated in G-CSF solution for 4 h) + MRSA; group VII, wound + mesh + MRSA + G-CSF, ip, 24 h from operation; and group VIII (positive control group), wound + mesh + MRSA + Teicoplanin (0.03 mg/30 g body weight, ip, 1/2 h before operation). Three days after, animals were killed and incisions were examined for possible infection or abscess formation and wound failure. Meshes were removed; after vortexing and dilution, samples were incubated with 5% agar media. Results of bacterial incubation were evaluated 24 h and 48 h later. There were symptoms of wound infection and abscess formation in all groups except group VIII. In group VIII, MRSA was isolated in 7 events with a colony count below 103. Bacterial counts were above 106 (106–108) in all other groups. Thus, it was observed that wound infection could be created with this model, but G-CSF could not prevent the development of wound infection, whether it was administered systemically or locally. Teicoplanin decreased the number of colony-forming units of MRSA, and prevents wound infection in this MRSA wound infection model.
SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 1998
Aliye Sari; Özden Çandır; Halil I. Saraçoğlu
SuleymanDemirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 1998 Eylul; 5(3) Granuler Hucreli Myoblastom (Olgu Sunumu) Aliye Sari, Ozden Candir Halil 1. SaracogluARACOĞLU OZET Bu yazida bel derisi altinda bulunan benign granuler hucreli myoblastom olgusu sunulmustur. Tumor kas icine infiltredir. Bu nedenle tumorde malignite kriterleri tartisilmistir. ABSTRACT GRANULAR CELL MYOBLASTOMA (CASE REPORT) in this study a case of benign granuler celi myoblastoma under the lomber skin presented. Tumor is infiltrated into muscles. So the malignancy criterias of the tumor ar e discussed.
SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 1995
Erdal Kalkan; Galip Akhan; Hasan Rifat Koyuncuoglu; Gulsen Aydin; Hacı Kaymaz; Aliye Sari; Ahmet Dagtekin
SuleymanDemirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 1995 Aralik; 2(4) Intrakranial Kavernomalar (Olgu Sunumu) Erdal Kalkan Galip Akhan Hasan R. Koyuncuoglu Gulsen Aydin Haci Kaymaz Aliye Sari Ahmet Dagtekin Ozet Santral sinir sisteminin oldukca nadir gorulen konjenital vaskulcr malformasyonlar grubundan olan kavernomalar; epileptik nobet yakinmasi ile basvuran ve cerrahi olarak tedavi edilen bir olgu nedeniyle literatur isiginda gozden gecirildi.Anahtar Kelimeler: Kavernoma, kavernoz hemanjiorna, konjenital vaskuler malformasyon. Abstract Intracranial Cavernomas (Case Report) in this article we prcsented a patient \vith a congenital cavernoma which was a rare congenital vascular rnalforniation. Patient suffering from epileptic seizures have been operated. Key Words: Cavernoma, cavernous hemangiotna, congenital vascular rnalforniation.
Journal of The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology | 2000
Seniz Ergin; Pinar Basak; Aliye Sari
Archive | 2010
Mustafa Sari; Erol Eroglu; Fatih Agalar; Aliye Sari; Canan Agalar; Mahmut Bülbül; Kuzey Aydinuraz
SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 2002
Süleyman Kutluhan; Memduh Kerman; N.Nefi Kara; Ahmet Yesildag; Galip Akhan; Aliye Sari
Turkiye Klinikleri Tip Bilimleri Dergisi | 2015
Pınar Yüksel Başak; Vahide Baysal; İlkay Içke; Aliye Sari