Alphonse C. Sterling
Marshall Space Flight Center
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Featured researches published by Alphonse C. Sterling.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2001
Ronald L. Moore; Alphonse C. Sterling; Hugh S. Hudson; James R. Lemen
We present observations of the magnetic field configuration and its transformation in six solar eruptive events that show good agreement with the standard bipolar model for eruptive flares. The observations are X-ray images from the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope (SXT) and magnetograms from Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory, interpreted together with the 1-8 A X-ray flux observed by GOES. The observations yield the following interpretation. (1) Each event is a magnetic explosion that occurs in an initially closed single bipole in which the core field is sheared and twisted in the shape of a sigmoid, having an oppositely curved elbow on each end. The arms of the opposite elbows are sheared past each other so that they overlap and are crossed low above the neutral line in the middle of the bipole. The elbows and arms seen in the SXT images are illuminated strands of the sigmoidal core field, which is a continuum of sheared/twisted field that fills these strands as well as the space between and around them. (2) Although four of the explosions are ejective (appearing to blow open the bipole) and two are confined (appearing to be arrested within the closed bipole), all six begin the same way. In the SXT images, the explosion begins with brightening and expansion of the two elbows together with the appearance of short bright sheared loops low over the neutral line under the crossed arms and, rising up from the crossed arms, long strands connecting the far ends of the elbows. (3) All six events are single-bipole events in that during the onset and early development of the explosion they show no evidence for reconnection between the exploding bipole and any surrounding magnetic fields. We conclude that in each of our events the magnetic explosion was unleashed by runaway tether-cutting via implosive/explosive reconnection in the middle of the sigmoid, as in the standard model. The similarity of the onsets of the two confined explosions to the onsets of the four ejective explosions and their agreement with the model indicate that runaway reconnection inside a sheared core field can begin whether or not a separate system of overlying fields, or the structure of the bipole itself, allows the explosion to be ejective. Because this internal reconnection apparently begins at the very start of the sigmoid eruption and grows in step with the explosion, we infer that this reconnection is essential for the onset and growth of the magnetic explosion in eruptive flares and coronal mass ejections.
Solar Physics | 2000
Alphonse C. Sterling
Since their discovery over 100 years ago, there have been many suggestions for the origin and development of solar spicules. Because the velocities of spicules are comparable to the sound and Alfvén speeds of the low chromosphere, linear theory cannot fully describe them. Consequently, detailed tests of theoretical ideas had to await the development of computing power that only became available during the 1970s. This work reviews theories for spicules and spicule-like features over approximately the past 25 years, with an emphasis on the models based on nonlinear numerical simulations. These models have given us physical insight into wave propagation in the solar atmosphere, and have helped elucidate how such waves, and associated shock waves, may be capable of creating motions and structures on magnetic flux tubes in the lower solar atmosphere. So far, however, it has been difficult to reproduce the most-commonly-quoted parameters for spicules with these models, using what appears to be the most suitable input parameters. A key impediment to developing satisfactory models has been the lack of reliable observational information, which is a consequence of the small angular size and transient lifetime of spicules. I close with a list of key observational questions to be addressed with space-based satellites, such as the currently operating TRACE satellite, and especially the upcoming Solar-B mission. Answers to these questions will help determine which, if any, of the current models correctly explains spicules.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
Sarah E. Gibson; T. A. Kucera; D. Rastawicki; James B. Dove; G. de Toma; Juan Hao; S. Hill; Hugh S. Hudson; C. Marqué; P. S. McIntosh; L. Rachmeler; K. K. Reeves; B. Schmieder; D. J. Schmit; Daniel B. Seaton; Alphonse C. Sterling; Durgesh Tripathi; David R. Williams; Mei Zhang
We present a three-dimensional density model of coronal prominence cavities, and a morphological fit that has been tightly constrained by a uniquely well-observed cavity. Observations were obtained as part of an International Heliophysical Year campaign by instruments from a variety of space- and ground-based observatories, spanning wavelengths from radio to soft X-ray to integrated white light. From these data it is clear that the prominence cavity is the limb manifestation of a longitudinally extended polar-crown filament channel, and that the cavity is a region of low density relative to the surrounding corona. As a first step toward quantifying density and temperature from campaign spectroscopic data, we establish the three-dimensional morphology of the cavity. This is critical for taking line-of-sight projection effects into account, since cavities are not localized in the plane of the sky and the corona is optically thin. We have augmented a global coronal streamer model to include a tunnel-like cavity with elliptical cross-section and a Gaussian variation of height along the tunnel length. We have developed a semi-automated routine that fits ellipses to cross-sections of the cavity as it rotates past the solar limb, and have applied it to Extreme Ultraviolet Imager observations from the two Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory spacecraft. This defines the morphological parameters of our model, from which we reproduce forward-modeled cavity observables. We find that cavity morphology and orientation, in combination with the viewpoints of the observing spacecraft, explain the observed variation in cavity visibility for the east versus west limbs.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Alphonse C. Sterling; Ronald L. Moore
We observe a slowly evolving quiet-region solar eruption of 1999 April 18, using extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) images from the EUV Imaging Telescope (EIT) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and soft X-ray images from the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) on Yohkoh. Using difference images, in which an early image is subtracted from later images, we examine dimmings and brightenings in the region for evidence of the eruption mechanism. A filament rose slowly at about 1 km s-1 for 6 hours before being rapidly ejected at about 16 km s-1, leaving flare brightenings and postflare loops in its wake. Magnetograms from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on SOHO show that the eruption occurred in a large quadrupolar magnetic region with the filament located on the neutral line of the quadrupoles central inner lobe between the inner two of the four polarity domains. In step with the slow rise, subtle EIT dimmings commence and gradually increase over the two polarity domains on one side of the filament, i.e., in some of the loops of one of the two sidelobes of the quadrupole. Concurrently, soft X-ray brightenings gradually increase in both sidelobes. Both of these effects suggest heating in the sidelobe magnetic arcades, which gradually increase over several hours before the fast eruption. Also, during the slow pre-eruption phase, SXT dimmings gradually increase in the feet and legs of the central lobe, indicating expansion of the central-lobe magnetic arcade enveloping the filament. During the rapid ejection, these dimmings rapidly grow in darkness and in area, especially in the ends of the sigmoid field that erupts with the filament, and flare brightenings begin underneath the fast-moving but still low-altitude filament. We consider two models for explaining the eruption: breakout, which says that reconnection occurs high above the filament prior to eruption, and tether cutting, which says that the eruption is unleashed by reconnection beneath the filament. The pre-eruption evolution is consistent with gradual breakout that led to (and perhaps caused) the fast eruption. Tether-cutting reconnection below the filament begins early in the rapid ejection, but our data are not complete enough to determine whether this reconnection began early enough to be the cause of the fast-phase onset. Thus, our observations are consistent with gradual breakout reconnection causing the long slow rise of the filament, but allow the cause of the sudden onset of the explosive fast phase to be either a jump in the breakout reconnection rate or the onset of runaway tether-cutting reconnection, or both.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Alphonse C. Sterling; Ronald L. Moore
We observe two near-limb solar filament eruptions, one of 2000 February 26 and the other of 2002 January 4. For both we use 195 A Fe XII images from the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) and magnetograms from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), both of which are on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). For the earlier event we also use soft X-ray telescope (SXT), hard X-ray telescope (HXT), and Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) data from the Yohkoh satellite, and hard X-ray data from the BATSE experiment on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO). Both events occur in quadrupolar magnetic regions, and both have coronal features that we infer belong to the same magnetic cavity structures as the filaments. In both cases, the cavity and filament first rise slowly at ~10 km s-1 prior to eruption and then accelerate to ~100 km s-1 during the eruption, although the slow-rise movement for the higher altitude cavity elements is clearer in the later event. We estimate that both filaments and both cavities contain masses of ~1014-1015 and ~1015-1016 g, respectively. We consider whether two specific magnetic reconnection-based models for eruption onset, the tether cutting and the breakout models, are consistent with our observations. In the earlier event, soft X-rays from SXT show an intensity increase during the 12 minute interval over which fast eruption begins, which is consistent with tether-cutting-model predictions. Substantial hard X-rays, however, do not occur until after fast eruption is underway, and so this is a constraint the tether-cutting model must satisfy. During the same 12 minute interval over which fast eruption begins, there are brightenings and topological changes in the corona indicative of high-altitude reconnection early in the eruption, and this is consistent with breakout predictions. In both eruptions, the state of the overlying loops at the time of onset of the fast-rise phase of the corresponding filament can be compared with expectations from the breakout model, thereby setting constraints that the breakout model must meet. Our findings are consistent with both runaway tether-cutting-type reconnection and fast breakout-type reconnection, occurring early in the fast phase of the February eruption and with both types of reconnection being important in unleashing the explosion, but we are not able to say which, if either, type of reconnection actually triggered the fast phase. In any case, we have found specific constraints that either model, or any other model, must satisfy if correct.
Nature | 2015
Alphonse C. Sterling; Ronald L. Moore; David A. Falconer; Mitzi Adams
Solar X-ray jets are thought to be made by a burst of reconnection of closed magnetic field at the base of a jet with ambient open field. In the accepted version of the ‘emerging-flux’ model, such a reconnection occurs at a plasma current sheet between the open field and the emerging closed field, and also forms a localized X-ray brightening that is usually observed at the edge of the jet’s base. Here we report high-resolution X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet observations of 20 randomly selected X-ray jets that form in coronal holes at the Sun’s poles. In each jet, contrary to the emerging-flux model, a miniature version of the filament eruptions that initiate coronal mass ejections drives the jet-producing reconnection. The X-ray bright point occurs by reconnection of the ‘legs’ of the minifilament-carrying erupting closed field, analogous to the formation of solar flares in larger-scale eruptions. Previous observations have found that some jets are driven by base-field eruptions, but only one such study, of only one jet, provisionally questioned the emerging-flux model. Our observations support the view that solar filament eruptions are formed by a fundamental explosive magnetic process that occurs on a vast range of scales, from the biggest mass ejections and flare eruptions down to X-ray jets, and perhaps even down to smaller jets that may power coronal heating. A similar scenario has previously been suggested, but was inferred from different observations and based on a different origin of the erupting minifilament.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Alphonse C. Sterling; Louise K. Harra; Ronald L. Moore
We observe the eruption of a large-scale (� 300,000 km) quiet-region solar filament leading to an Earth-directed ‘‘halo’’ coronal mass ejection (CME), using data from EIT, CDS, MDI, and LASCO on SOHO and from SXT on Yohkoh. Initially the filament shows a slow (� 1k m s � 1 projected against the solar disk) and approximately constant velocityriseforabout6hr,beforeeruptingrapidly,reachingavelocityof � 8kms � 1 overthenext � 25minutes.CDS Doppler data show Earth-directed filament velocities ranging from <20 km s � 1 (the noise limit) during the slow-rise phase, to � 100 km s � 1 early in the eruption. Beginning within 10 hr prior to the start of the slow rise, localized new magneticfluxemergednearoneendofthefilament.Nearthestartofandduringtheslow-risephase,softX-ray(SXR) microflaring occurred repeatedly at the flux-emergence site, and the magnetic arcade over the filament progressively brightened in a fan of illumination in SXRs. These observations are consistent with ‘‘tether-weakening’’ reconnection occurring between the newly emerging flux and the overlying arcade field containing the filament, and apparently this reconnection is the cause of the filament’s slow rise. We cannot, however, discern whether the transition from slow rise to fast eruption was caused by a final episode of tether-weakening reconnection, or by one or some combination of otherpossiblemechanismsallowedbytheobservations.Intensity‘‘dimmings’’and‘‘brightenings’’occurringbothnear to and relatively far from the location of the filament are possible signatures ofthe expansion (‘‘opening’’) of the erupting field and its reconnection with overarching field during the eruption.
Space Science Reviews | 2016
N.E. Raouafi; Spiros Patsourakos; E. Pariat; P.R. Young; Alphonse C. Sterling; Antonia Savcheva; Masumi Shimojo; F. Moreno-Insertis; C.R. DeVore; V. Archontis; T. Torok; H. Mason; W. Curdt; Karen A. Meyer; K. Dalmasse; Y. Matsui
Coronal jets represent important manifestations of ubiquitous solar transients, which may be the source of significant mass and energy input to the upper solar atmosphere and the solar wind. While the energy involved in a jet-like event is smaller than that of “nominal” solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), jets share many common properties with these phenomena, in particular, the explosive magnetically driven dynamics. Studies of jets could, therefore, provide critical insight for understanding the larger, more complex drivers of the solar activity. On the other side of the size-spectrum, the study of jets could also supply important clues on the physics of transients close or at the limit of the current spatial resolution such as spicules. Furthermore, jet phenomena may hint to basic process for heating the corona and accelerating the solar wind; consequently their study gives us the opportunity to attack a broad range of solar-heliospheric problems.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
Ronald L. Moore; Alphonse C. Sterling; Jonathan Cirtain; David A. Falconer
From Hinode observations of solar X-ray jets, Type-II spicules, and granule-size emerging bipolar magnetic fields in quiet regions and coronal holes, we advocate a scenario for powering coronal heating and the solar wind. In this scenario, Type-II spicules and Alfv?n waves are generated by the granule-size emerging bipoles (EBs) in the manner of the generation of X-ray jets by larger magnetic bipoles. From observations and this scenario, we estimate that Type-II spicules and their co-generated Alfv?n waves carry into the corona an area-average flux of mechanical energy of ~7 ? 105?erg?cm?2?s?1. This is enough to power the corona and solar wind in quiet regions and coronal holes, and therefore indicates that the granule-size EBs are the main engines that generate and sustain the entire heliosphere.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2011
B. O’Dwyer; G. Del Zanna; H. E. Mason; Alphonse C. Sterling; Durgesh Tripathi; Peter R. Young
Aims. We investigate the electron density and temperature structure of a limb active region. Methods. We have carried out a study of an active region close to the solar limb using observations from the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) and the X-ray telescope (XRT) on board Hinode. The electron density and temperature distributions of the coronal emission have been determined using emission line intensity ratios. Differential emission measure (DEM) analysis and the emission measure (EM) loci technique were used to examine the thermal structure of the emitting plasma as a function of distance from the limb. Results. The highest temperature and electron density values are found to be located in the core of the active region, with a peak electron number density value of 1.9 × 10 10 cm −3 measured using the Fe XII 186.887 A to 192.394 A line intensity ratio. The plasma along the line of sight in the active region was found to be multi-thermal at different distances from the limb. The EIS and XRT DEM analyses appear to be in agreement in the temperature interval from log T = 6.5−6.7. Conclusions. Our results provide new constraints for models of coronal heating in active regions.