Alvaro Romero Acero
National University of Colombia
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2014
Alvaro Romero Acero; Alejandro Marín Cano; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Builes
This paper presents a wireless detection system for explosive atmospheres in underground coal mines based on the following methods: triangle Coward and diagram Bureau of Mines, as an alternative solution to the problem that exist in the highly explosive atmospheres in mines. Mathematical analysis and the measurement of the concentrations of the combustion gases in the atmosphere is performed by wireless data adquisition system based on ZigBee, and treated by a programming environment LabVIEW through a SCADA module.
Guillermo de Ockham | 2013
Alvaro Romero Acero; Alejandro Marín Cano; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Builes
Resumen En este articulo se presenta un analisis de con -trol en variables de estado, aplicado al sistema no lineal pendulo invertido rotacional ( ROTPEN ), implementado sobre la plataforma NI ELVIS II , con el objetivo de comparar los resultados de los controladores regulador cuadratico lineal( LQR) y realimentacion lineal en variables de estado (RLVE) a fin de garantizar un mejor desempeno de estabilidad en el sistema. La representacion ma - Modelado, simulacion e implementacion de controladores LQR y RLVE al sistema pendulo invertido rotacional usando la plataforma NI ELVIS II * Modeling, simulation and implementation of LQR controllers and RLVE Rotational Inverted Pendulum System using NI ELVIS II platform Alvaro Romero Acero Alejandro Marin Cano Jovani Alberto Jimenez Builes ALVARO ROMERO ACERO. Candidato a Ingeniero de Control, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Integrante del Grupo de investigacion Inteligencia Artificial en Educacion, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Correo electronico:
2013 II International Congress of Engineering Mechatronics and Automation (CIIMA) | 2013
Alvaro Romero Acero; Alejandro Marin Canol; Julián Andrés Orozco Quiceno; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Bulies
Mining activity is considered the most dangerous job in the world, due to the significant number of human life losses, therefore to mitigate the negative impact of accidents caused by the concentration of explosive atmospheres (ATEX). It is proposed the integration of wireless networks, Wi-Fi and ZigBee, with embedded systems, for the detection of combustible gases in underground coal mines. In addition, the embedded systems have different communication protocols, which share information acquired quickly and intelligently, using devices based on wireless technologies, allowing obtaining great scalability, flexibility and reliability in the handling of the information. Keywords—Mobile application; communication standards; monitoring and control; wireless sensor network; embedded systems.
Prospects | 2016
Alvaro Romero Acero; Julián Andrés Orozco Quiceno; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Bulies
Julián Andrés Orozco Quiceno; Alvaro Romero Acero; Alejandro Marín Cano; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Builes
Archive | 2016
Alvaro Romero Acero; Julian Andrés; Orozco Quiceno; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Bulies
Revista UIS Ingenierías | 2015
Alvaro Romero Acero; Alejandro Marín Cano; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Builes
Revista Científica Ingeniería y Desarrollo | 2013
Alvaro Romero Acero; Alejandro Marín Cano; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Builes
Archive | 2013
Alvaro Romero Acero; Alejandro Marín Cano
Archive | 2013
Alvaro Romero Acero; Alejandro Marín Cano; Julian Andrés; Orozco Quiceno; Jovani Alberto Jiménez Bulies