Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso
University of Chile
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Featured researches published by Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso.
PLOS ONE | 2017
Claudio Correa; Dayana Vásquez; Camila Castro-Carrasco; Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso; Juan Carlos Ortiz; R. Eduardo Palma
One of the most characteristic and abundant amphibian taxa of South American temperate forests is Eupsophus. The ten currently recognized species of the genus have been divided in two species groups, roseus and vertebralis, but most of them, eight, belong to the roseus group. Recent phylogeographic and phylogenetic studies have suggested that species diversity of the roseus group could be underestimated. An examination of the literature shows that species of the roseus group exhibit high levels of variation in their external characteristics, particularly those used as diagnostic characters, which compromises their taxonomy and hinders their field recognition. High levels of variation were also observed in several new populations of the roseus group discovered in southern Chile (36°-40°S), which could not be identified to the species level by their external characteristics. On the other hand, the literature reveals a scarse karyotype differentiation and a high bioacoustic uniformity among the species of the roseus group. We performed a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial and nuclear genes to reevaluate the species diversity of the roseus group, including all the nominal species of Eupsophus and new populations. This analysis was complemented with three species delimitation approaches, General Mixed Yule Coalescent, multi-rate Poisson Tree Process and Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery. We favored a conservative delimitation of only four species for the roseus group, a result more consistent with the distribution of pairwise genetic distances, and the available chromosome and bioacoustic evidence. The four recognized lineages, which have nearly completely allopatric distributions, are named after the earliest nominal species that they include, but because high levels of phenotypic variation, they are not diagnosable by consistent differences in external morphology. We discuss the implications of this new proposal for the taxonomy and conservation of the genus, and the possible causes of the difficulty to estimate its species diversity.
Gayana | 2013
Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso; Mauricio Cid-Arcos
Callyntra Solier,1836, es un genero endemico de Chile, que contiene 17 especies descritas hasta la fecha. En este articulo se describe a Callyntra hibrida, una nueva especie de tenebrionido de la cordillera de la Costa de Chile Central.
Gayana | 2016
Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso
Callyntra Solier, 1836, an endemic genus of Chile and Argentina, contains 21 valid species. Through field sampling and review of material from the coast of the Regions V and VI, we find specimens assigned to C. laticollis morphologically differentiated from the assigned species. Also, their morphology differ from all other nominal species of the genus. Therefore, in this article we describe C. inconsiderata sp. nov. and discuss regarding the relationship with other species of Callyntra, morphological variability, sexual dimorphism and conservation.
Zootaxa | 2015
Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso; Mauricio Cid-Arcos
Callyntra Solier, 1836 is a genus mainly from Chile, with one species occurring in Argentina, which currently contains 20 described species. Recent explorations in the Andes Mountain Range in Chile, have resulted in the collection of specimens morphologically different from all previously described species. The aim of this paper is to describe a new species of Callyntra, discuss its relationship with other species in the genus, and highlight sexual dimorphism and potential conservation status.
Gayana | 2015
Viviane Jerez; Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso; Christian Muñoz-Escobar; Jaime Pizarro-Araya
Los insectos constituyen el grupo faunistico mas importante del planeta en terminos de riqueza y abundancia. Gracias a su potencial adaptativo y capacidad de dispersion, habitan exitosamente distintos tipos de climas y ambientes, sustentando la mayoria de los ecosistemas terrestres y dulceacuicolas del planeta. Hasta la fecha, casi un millon de especies han sido descritas, representando un 55,5% de la diversidad total conocida a nivel mundial. En Chile, el Quinto Informe Nacional de Biodiversidad (2014) publicado por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (MMA), bajo el marco del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biologica y la Aplicacion del Plan Estrategico para la Diversidad Biologica 2011–2020, presenta un total de 30.600 especies conocidas (2.036 vertebrados, 17.502 invertebrados), de las cuales 10.254 son insectos, representando un 33% de la biodiversidad total del pais. En comparacion a zonas subtropicales y tropicales, vemos que en Chile existe una baja riqueza entomofaunistica, esta presenta una alta singularidad biogeografi ca refl ejada en la composicion de especies y su antiguedad evolutiva, que constituye un testimonio de nexos gondwanicos. Lo anterior, denota un alto endemismo, gran numero de generos monotipicos y rangos de distribucion restringidos de muchas especies chilenas.Por casi tres siglos, generaciones de naturalistas han explorado los territorios de Chile continental e insular. Sin embargo, aun existe escaso conocimiento de nuestra biota entomologica. Diversos paises de Centroamerica y Latinoamerica (entre ellos Mexico, Colombia, Argentina y Chile) han realizado esfuerzos recientes para contar con inventarios actualizados de su biodiversidad y generar medidas de proteccion para las especies amenazadas por eventos como la perdida y fragmentacion de habitat, invasiones biologicas y la sobreexplotacion. En relacion a la fragmentacion de habitat, el cambio del uso del suelo seria el principal factor que ha ocasionado cambios en los ecosistemas terrestres naturales; la tala irregular del bosque nativo y su degradacion por la extraccion maderera con fi nes productivos, las plantaciones con especies exoticas, la deforestacion con fi nes agricolas, la mineria, la erosion y la urbanizacion, constituyen una de las mayores amenazas para la biodiversidad entomofaunistica de nuestro pais.Algunos casos dramaticos, corresponden por ejemplo, a la destruccion del habitat de
Anales Del Instituto De La Patagonia | 2013
Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso
RESUMENLos Cerambycidae son un grupo de coleopteros bien conocido, carismatico y de importancia economica en todo el mundo. En Chile, este grupo no esta exento de estas caracteristicas y ha sido relativamente bien estudiado. Sin embargo, a pesar de la importancia economica, los esfuerzos no han sido suficientes para el conocimiento del grupo y aun persisten problemas taxonomicos, registros dudosos y escaso conocimiento biologico. En particular, no existe una revision acabada de estos coleopteros en la region de Magallanes. Es por esto que el proposito de este trabajo es compilar, actualizar y entregar nuevos registros de longicornios para la region de Magallanes, complementando el catalogo con ilustraciones, datos sobre su distribucion regional y de las plantas hospedadoras. En la literatura se registran siete especies de cerambicidos para Magallanes: Oxypeltus quadrispinosus , Azygocera picturata , Neoholopterus antarcticus , Calydon submetalicum , Microplophorus magellanicum , Callisphyris leptopus
Neotropical Entomology | 2015
Fermín M. Alfaro; Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso; Carlos Muñoz-Ramírez; M Elgueta
The geographic distribution of the red cricket Cratomelus meritus Gorochov had remained unknown until now due to mislabeling and lack of new records. The aim of this short communication is to uncover and establish the actual distribution of the species on the basis of new records and discuss potential biogeographic hypotheses about its distribution.
Insect Conservation and Diversity | 2018
Christian C. Figueroa; Hermann M. Niemeyer; Marco Cabrera-Brandt; Lucía M. Briones; Blas Lavandero; Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso; Claudio C. Ramírez
The diversity and distribution of the genetic variation in forest phytophagous insect populations can be highly sensitive to forest fragmentation. This should be particularly evident for monophagous insects living on endangered host plants. The aphid Neuquenaphis staryi uses the tree Nothofagus alessandrii, commonly named Ruil, exclusively as a host. Nothofagus alessandrii is an endemic and endangered species whose distribution is highly fragmented in the unique Maulino temperate forests of the coastal range of Central Chile. Here, we provide proof of the specialist status of N. staryi and provide evidence on the genetic diversity and structure of their populations sampled on distinct remnant fragments of the Ruil forest. A sample representing 480 individuals collected from five fragments of Ruil forests revealed 147 distinct multilocus genotypes at six microsatellite loci. Clonal diversity and other genetic parameters were consistent with aphids reproducing by cyclic parthenogenesis and showed few signs of diversity loss. The genetic differentiation among populations was significant as evidenced by the presence of at least three genetic clusters, which are mostly explained by low migration due to geographic barriers that restrict aphid dispersion. Our results suggest that forest fragmentation imposes genetic discontinuities on a highly specialised phytophagous insect, which may have important implications for the conservation status of this ancient aphid‐plant interaction.
Idesia (arica) | 2014
Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso; Daniela Mardones
espanolSe da a conocer un nuevo registro de la mariposa de la col Pieris brassicae (L.) en Chile. Se extiende el rango de distribucion septentrional y es el primer registro para la Region de Atacama. EnglishDisclosed is a new record of the large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae) from Chile. The northern distribution range is extended and is the first record for the region of Atacama.
Anales Del Instituto De La Patagonia | 2013
Álvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso; María Vanessa Lencinas
Fil: Zuniga-Reinoso, Alvaro. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Ecologicas. Programa de Doctorado en Ecologia y Biologia Evolutiva; Argentina;