Amal Chandran
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Featured researches published by Amal Chandran.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2010
Amal Chandran; David W. Rusch; A. W. Merkel; Scott E. Palo; Gary E. Thomas; Michael J. Taylor; Scott Martin Bailey; James M. Russell
patterns and structures in polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs), around the summertime mesopause region, which are qualitatively similar to structures seen in noctilucent clouds (NLCs) from ground‐based photographs. The structures in PMC are generally considered to be manifestations ofupward propagating atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs). Variability of AGW effects on PMC reported at several lidar sites has led to the notion of longitudinal differences in this relationship. This studycompares thelongitudinal variability in theCIPS‐ observed wave occurrence frequency with CIPS‐measured PMC occurrence frequency and albedo along with mesospheric temperatures measured by the sounding of the atmosphere using broadband emission radiometry instrument on board the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics spacecraft. Our results for the latitude ranges between 70° and 80° show a distinct anticorrelation of wave structures with cloud occurrence frequency and correlations with temperature perturbations for at least two of the four seasons analyzed, supporting the idea of gravity wave‐induced cloud sublimation. The locations of the observed wave events show regions of high wave activity in both hemispheres. In the Northern Hemisphere, while the longitudinal variability in observed wave structures show changes from the 2007–2008 seasons, there exist regions of both low and high wave activities common to the two seasons. These persistent features may explain some of the observed differences in PMC activity reported by ground‐based lidar instruments distributed at different longitudes. The statistical distribution of horizontal scales increases with wavelength up to at least 250 km. We also discuss the possibility of atmospheric tides, especially the nonmigrating semidiurnal tide, aliasing our observations and affecting the results presented in this analysis.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2012
Laura de la Torre; Rolando R. Garcia; David Barriopedro; Amal Chandran
[1] Major stratospheric sudden warmings (SSW) occurring during Northern Hemisphere winter were identified in four runs of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM). Their characteristics are compared to those found by other authors using reanalysis data. The comparison shows that the frequency of occurrence of major SSW in the model is very similar to that found in reanalysis data, as is the occurrence of vortex splitting and displacement events. The main difference with respect to observations is that the modeled SSW are relatively longer lasting. WACCM simulates quite accurately some dynamical features associated with major SSW, despite the presence of outlier cases; however, the recently reported relationship between regional blocking and the type of SSW is only partially reproduced by WACCM. In general, the observed climatological and dynamical signatures of displacement SSW tend to be better reproduced by the model than those associated with splitting SSW. We also find that SSW in the model are often associated with an elevated polar cap stratopause, in agreement with recent observations. However, the simulations also show that there is not in general a close correspondence between major SSW and elevated polar cap stratopause events.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Jia Yue; Brentha Thurairajah; Lars Hoffmann; Joan Alexander; Amal Chandran; Michael J. Taylor; James M. Russell; Cora E. Randall; Scott Martin Bailey
Five concentric atmospheric gravity wave (AGW) events have been identified in Polar Mesospheric Cloud (PMC) images of the summer mesopause region (~82–84 km) made by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) instrument on board the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere satellite during the Northern Hemisphere 2007 and 2009 PMC seasons. The AGWs modulate the PMC albedo, ice water content, and particle size, creating concentric ring patterns. On only one occasion (13 July 2007), the concentric AGWs in PMCs were aligned with AGWs with similar shapes observed in 4.3 µm radiance in the lower stratosphere, as measured by Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). Coincident AIRS and Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer nadir measurements of 8.1 µm radiance reveal a region of deep convection in the troposphere close to the estimated centers of the AGWs in the stratosphere, strongly suggesting that convection is the wave source. The AGWs in CIPS on 13 July 2007 were ~1000 km away from the observed deep convection. Three other concentric AGWs in PMCs were 500–1000 km away from deep convection in the troposphere, while no convection was observed related to the wave on 29 July 2009. We perform a 2-D ray tracing study for the AGW event on 13 July 2007. The calculated propagation distance is much shorter than the distance between the AGWs in PMCs and the observed convection. The 2-D ray tracing study indicates that the AGWs in PMCs and in the stratosphere are probably excited by different tropospheric convective systems.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2016
Varavut Limpasuvan; Yvan J. Orsolini; Amal Chandran; Rolando R. Garcia; Anne K. Smith
Based on a climate-chemistry model (constrained by reanalyses below ~50 km), the zonal-mean composite response of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) to major sudden stratospheric warming events with elevated stratopauses demonstrates the role of planetary waves (PWs) in driving the mean circulation in the presence of gravity waves (GWs), helping the polar vortex recover and communicating the sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) impact across the equator. With the SSW onset, strong westward PW drag appears above 80 km primarily from the dissipation of wave number 1 perturbations with westward period of 5–12 days, generated from below by the unstable westward polar stratospheric jet that develops as a result of the SSW. The filtering effect of this jet also allows eastward propagating GWs to saturate in the winter MLT, providing eastward drag that promotes winter polar mesospheric cooling. The dominant PW forcing translates to a net westward drag above the eastward mesospheric jet, which initiates downwelling over the winter pole. As the eastward polar stratospheric jet returns, this westward PW drag persists above 80 km and acts synergistically with the return of westward GW drag to drive a stronger polar downwelling that warms the pole adiabatically and helps reform the stratopause at an elevated altitude. With the polar wind reversal during the SSW onset, the westward drag by the quasi-stationary PW in the winter stratosphere drives an anomalous equatorial upwelling and cooling that enhance tropical stratospheric ozone. Along with equatorial wind anomalies, this ozone enhancement subsequently amplifies the migrating semidiurnal tide amplitude in the winter midlatitudes.
Journal of Climate | 2016
Tao Li; Natalia Calvo; Jia Yue; J. M. Russell; Anne K. Smith; Martin G. Mlynczak; Amal Chandran; Xiankang Dou; Alan Z. Liu
AbstractIn the Southern Hemisphere (SH) polar region, satellite observations reveal a significant upper-mesosphere cooling and a lower-thermosphere warming during warm ENSO events in December. An opposite pattern is observed in the tropical mesopause region. The observed upper-mesosphere cooling agrees with a climate model simulation. Analysis of the simulation suggests that enhanced planetary wave (PW) dissipation in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) high-latitude stratosphere during El Nino strengthens the Brewer–Dobson circulation and cools the equatorial stratosphere. This increases the magnitude of the SH stratosphere meridional temperature gradient and thus causes the anomalous stratospheric easterly zonal wind and early breakdown of the SH stratospheric polar vortex. The resulting perturbation to gravity wave (GW) filtering causes anomalous SH mesospheric eastward GW forcing and polar upwelling and cooling. In addition, constructive inference of ENSO and quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) could lead to st...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2006
Diego Janches; Craig James Heinselman; Jorge L. Chau; Amal Chandran; Ronald F. Woodman
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics | 2009
Amal Chandran; David W. Rusch; Scott E. Palo; Gary E. Thomas; Michael J. Taylor
Geophysical Research Letters | 2013
Amal Chandran; Rolando R. Garcia; Richard L. Collins; Loren C. Chang
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2012
Titus Yuan; Brentha Thurairajah; C. Y. She; Amal Chandran; R. L. Collins; David A. Krueger
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2013
Amal Chandran; Richard L. Collins; Rolando R. Garcia; Daniel R. Marsh; V. L. Harvey; Jia Yue; L. de la Torre