
computational science and engineering | 1995

An introduction to wavelets

Amara Lynn Graps

Wavelets were developed independently by mathematicians, quantum physicists, electrical engineers and geologists, but collaborations among these fields during the last decade have led to new and varied applications. What are wavelets, and why might they be useful to you? The fundamental idea behind wavelets is to analyze according to scale. Indeed, some researchers feel that using wavelets means adopting a whole new mind-set or perspective in processing data. Wavelets are functions that satisfy certain mathematical requirements and are used in representing data or other functions. Most of the basic wavelet theory has now been done. The mathematics have been worked out in excruciating detail, and wavelet theory is now in the refinement stage. This involves generalizing and extending wavelets, such as in extending wavelet packet techniques. The future of wavelets lies in the as-yet uncharted territory of applications. Wavelet techniques have not been thoroughly worked out in such applications as practical data analysis, where, for example, discretely sampled time-series data might need to be analyzed. Such applications offer exciting avenues for exploration. >

Nature | 2000

Io as a source of the jovian dust streams

Amara Lynn Graps; E. Grün; H. Krüger; Mihaly Horanyi; A. Heck; S. Lammers

Streams of dust emerging from the direction of Jupiter were discovered in 1992 during the flyby of the Ulysses spacecraft, but their precise origin within the jovian system remained unclear. Further data collected by the Galileo spacecraft, which has been orbiting Jupiter since December 1995, identified the possible sources of dust as Jupiters main ring, its gossamer ring, comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 (ref. 8) and Io. All but Jupiters gossamer ring and Io have since been ruled out. Here we find that the dominant source of the jovian dust streams is Io, on the basis of periodicities in the dust impact signal. Ios volcanoes, rather than impact ejecta, are the dust sources.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998

Galileo observes electromagnetically coupled dust in the Jovian magnetosphere

Eberhard Grun; Harald Krüger; Amara Lynn Graps; Douglas P. Hamilton; A. Heck; G. Linkert; H. A. Zook; Stanley F. Dermott; H. Fechtig; B. A. Gustafson; Martha S. Hanner; Mihaly Horanyi; J. Kissel; Bertil Anders Lindblad; D. Linkert; I. Mann; J. A. M. McDonnell; G. E. Morfill; C. Polanskey; G. Schwehm; Ralf Srama

Measurements of dust coupled to the Jovian magnetosphere have been obtained with the dust detector on board the Galileo spacecraft. We report on data obtained during the first four orbits about Jupiter that had flybys of the Galilean satellites: Ganymede (orbits 1 and 2), Callisto (orbit 3), and Europa (orbit 4). The most prominent features observed are highly time variable dust streams recorded throughout the Jovian system. The impact rate varied by up to 2 orders of magnitude with a 5 and 10 hour periodicity, which shows a correlation with Galileos position relative to the Jovian magnetic field. Around 20 RJ (Jupiter radius, RJ=71, 492 km) in bound a dip in the impact rate has been found consistently. At the same times, reversals by 180° in impact direction occurred. This behavior can be qualitatively explained by strong coupling of nanometer-sized dust to the Jovian magnetic field. At times of satellite flybys, enhanced rates of dust impacts have been observed, which suggests that all Galilean satellites are sources of ejecta particles. Inside about 20 RJ impacts of micrometer-sized particles have been recorded that could be particles on bound orbits about Jupiter. (Less)

Planetary and Space Science | 2001

One year of Galileo dust data from the Jovian system: 1996

Harald Krüger; E. Grün; Amara Lynn Graps; D. Bindschadler; Stanley F. Dermott; H. Fechtig; B. A. Gustafson; Douglas P. Hamilton; M. S. Hanner; M. Horányi; J. Kissel; Bertil Anders Lindblad; D. Linkert; G. Linkert; I. Mann; J. A. M. McDonnell; Gregor E. Morfill; C. Polanskey; G. Schwehm; Ralf Srama; H. A. Zook

Abstract The dust detector system onboard Galileo has recoding dust impacts in circumjovian space since the spacecraft was injected into a bound orbit about Jupiter in December 1995. This is the sixth in a series of papers dedicated to presenting Galileo and Ulysses dust data. We present data from the Galileo dust instrument for the period January to December 1996 when the spacecraft completed four orbits about Jupiter (G1, G2, C3 and E4). Data were obtained as high-resolution realtime science data or recorded data during a time period of 100 days, or via memory read-outs during the remaining times. Because the data transmission rate of the spacecraft is very low, the complete data set (i.e. all parameters measured by the instrument during impact of a dust particle) for only 2% (5353) of all particles detected could be transmitted to Earth; the other particles were only counted. Together with the data for 2883 particles detected during Galileos interplanetary cruise and published earlier, complete data of 8236 particles detected by the Galileo dust instrument from 1989 to 1996 are now available. The majority of particles detected are tiny grains (about 10 nm in radius) originating from Jupiters innermost Galilean moon Io. These grains have been detected throughout the Jovian system and the highest impact rates exceeded 100 min −1 . A small number of grains has been detected in the close vicinity of the Galilean moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto which belong to impact-generated dust clouds formed by (mostly submicrometer sized) ejecta from the surfaces of the moons (Kruger et al., 1999e. Nature 399, 558). Impacts of submicrometer to micrometer sized grains have been detected throughout the Jovian system and especially in the region between the Galilean moons.

arXiv: Astrophysics | 1999

Observations Of Electromagnetically Coupled Dust In The Jovian Magnetosphere

Harald Krüger; E. Grün; Amara Lynn Graps; S. Lammers

We report on dust measurements obtained during the seventh orbit of the Galileo spacecraft about Jupiter. The most prominent features observed are highly time variable dust streams recorded throughout the Jovian system. The impact rate varied by more than an order of magnitude with a 5 and 10 hour periodicity, which shows a correlation with Galileos position relative to the Jovian magnetic field. This behavior can be qualitatively explained by strong coupling of nanometer-sized dust to the Jovian magnetic field. In addition to the 5 and 10 h periodicities, a longer period which is compatible with Ios orbital period is evident in the dust impact rate. This feature indicates that Io most likely is the source of the dust streams. During a close (3,095 km altitude) flyby at Ganymede on 5 April 1997 an enhanced rate of dust impacts has been observed, which suggests that Ganymede is a source of ejecta particles. Within a distance of about 25 RJ(Jupiter radius, RJ= 71,492 km) from Jupiter impacts of micrometer-sized particles have been recorded which could be particles on bound orbits about Jupiter.

Planetary and Space Science | 2006

Characterization of Jovian plasma-embedded dust particles

Amara Lynn Graps

Abstract As the data from space missions and laboratories improve, a research domain combining plasmas and charged dust is gaining in prominence. Our solar system provides many natural laboratories such as planetary rings, comet comae and tails, ejecta clouds around moons and asteroids, and Earths noctilucent clouds for which to closely study plasma-embedded cosmic dust. One natural laboratory to study electromagnetically controlled cosmic dust has been provided by the Jovian dust streams and the data from the instruments which were on board the Galileo spacecraft. Given the prodigious quantity of dust poured into the Jovian magnetosphere by Io and its volcanoes resulting in the dust streams, the possibility of dusty plasma conditions exist. This paper characterizes the main parameters for those interested in studying dust embedded in a plasma with a focus on the Jupiter environment. I show how to distinguish between dust-in-plasma and dusty-plasma and how the Havnes parameter P can be used to support or negate the possibility of collective behavior of the dusty plasma. The result of applying these tools to the Jovian dust streams reveals mostly dust-in-plasma behavior. In the orbits displaying the highest dust stream fluxes, portions of orbits E4, G7, G8, C21 satisfy the minimum requirements for a dusty plasma. However, the P parameter demonstrates that these mild dusty plasma conditions do not lead to collective behavior of the dust stream particles.

NEW VISTAS IN DUSTY PLASMAS: Fourth International Conference on the Physics of#N#Dusty Plasmas | 2005

Electromagnetically Interacting Dust Streams During Ulysses’ Second Jupiter Encounter

Harald Krüger; R. J. Forsyth; Amara Lynn Graps; E. Grün

The Jupiter system is a source of collimated burst‐like streams of electrically charged 10‐nm dust particles. In 2004 the Ulysses spacecraft had its second flyby at Jupiter and from late 2002 to early 2005 it measured a total of 24 dust streams between 0.8 and 3.4 AU from the planet. The grains show strong coupling to the interplanetary magnetic field: their impact directions correlate with the orientation and strength of the interplanetary magnetic field vector (namely its tangential and radial components) and they occur at 26 day intervals, closely matching the solar rotation period. Ulysses measured the dust streams over a large range in jovian latitude (+75° to −35°). Enhanced dust emission was measured along the jovian equator.

Cospar Colloquia Series | 2002

Charging Processes for Dust Particles in Saturn’s Magnetosphere

Amara Lynn Graps; E. Grün

We investigated the electrostatic charging behavior of submillimeter-sized dust particleslocated in Saturns magnetosphere. The charging effects we considered included electron/ion capture from the magnetospheric plasma, electron/ion capture from the solarwind plasma, the photoelectric effect from solar radiation, and secondary electron emission from energetic electrons. In our results we show charging times and equilibrium charges for particles located in different regions of Saturns magnetosphere. We find that charging in Saturns magnetosphere is not particularly sensitive to the dust particles material properties. The equipotential ranges from ∼−2 V at 3.5 R S , decreasing to ∼−5 V at 6 R S , and then increasing to ∼−1.5V at 10 R S . The charging time for one micron-sized particles is a few minutes, and for 0.01 micron-sized particles the charging time is 6 hours (or more). The latter is a significant fraction of Saturns rotation period.

Space Science Reviews | 2004

The Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer

Ralf Srama; Thomas J. Ahrens; Nicolas Altobelli; Siegfried Auer; J.G. Bradley; M. Burton; Valeri Dikarev; Thanasis E. Economou; H. Fechtig; M. Görlich; M. Grande; Amara Lynn Graps; E. Grün; O. Havnes; S. Helfert; Mihaly Horanyi; E. Igenbergs; Elmar K. Jessberger; Torrence V. Johnson; Sascha Kempf; Alexander V. Krivov; Harald Krüger; A. Mocker-Ahlreep; Georg Moragas-Klostermeyer; P. L. Lamy; Markus Landgraf; D. Linkert; G. Linkert; F. Lura; J. A. M. McDonnell

Geophysical Research Letters | 2003

Jovian dust streams: A monitor of Io's volcanic plume activity

Harald Krüger; Paul Geissler; Mihaly Horanyi; Amara Lynn Graps; Sascha Kempf; Ralf Srama; Georg Moragas-Klostermeyer; Richard Moissl; Torrence V. Johnson; E. Grün

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