
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2018

Sustainable development goals as the basis of university management towards global competitiveness

Yos Johan Utama; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Muhammad Zainuri; Darsono Darsono; Budi Setyono; Widowati; Sapto Purnomo Putro

Sustainable Development Goals are international agreements of many countries under UN initiation that have certain goals and targets. Achieving these goals and targets of the SDG requires a broad and focused effort from various sectors including higher education. Some of the goals associated with higher education are education, sanitation, innovation and global partnership. Given that higher education is one of the main drivers of the progress of a country, it gives university opportunities to play a bigger role. In addition, the rapid development and changes that occur today also require universities to respond quickly and appropriately. This can be done by developing university management based on the principle of SDG. This paper provides a brief description of the strategies that higher education institutions can take, particularly in responding to the changing world and in achieving the target of the SDGs. Five strategis for the university to encourage faster achievement of the targeted SDGs are proposed, i.e. Improvement of higher education quality, improvement of higher education equity, improvement of sanitarian and environment, improvement of research and innovation, and global partnership.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018

Similarity microalgal epiphyte composition on seagrass of Enhalus acoroides and Thalasia hemprichii from different waters

Retno Hartati; Muhammad Zainuri; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Widianingsih; A Trianto; R T Mahendrajaya

The epiphytes are all autotrophic organisms that are permanently attached to rhizomes, roots, and leaves of seagrasses. The epiphyte is an important primary producer for the seagrass ecosystem and contributes significantly to the food chain. This study aims to identify the composition of microepiphyte algae on Enhalus acoroides and Thalassia hemprichii and their similarity levels of both compositions. The 20 leaves samples of E. acoroides and T. hemprichii were observed. The epiphytic microalgae which found on the surface of the seagrass leaves were scrapped, collected in a bottle sample, and fixed with 70 % alcohol and identified into genera. The relation of epiphytic microalgal genera to the location and species of seagrass was analyzed using similarity analysis. The Chrysophyta, Cyanophyta, and Chlorophyta epiphytic microalgal were found. There were similarity variations of the microalgal epiphyte in seagrass of E. acoroides and T. hemprichii and seagrass habitat sites. Morphology and seagrass life affects the abundance and diversity of the epiphytic microalgal attached to the seagrass and it may be associated with the epiphytic lifetime in the seagrass.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018

Conditions of Decapods Infraorders in Dead Coral Pocillopora sp. at Pemuteran, Bali: Study Case 2011 and 2016

Nenik Kholilah; Muhammad Danie Al Malik; Eka Maya Kurniasih; Andrianus Sembiring; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Christopher Mayer

Decapods are marine organism which have burrowing-life characteristic and tend to live in the hard coral, such as Pocillopora sp. Pemuteran district is located in West Bali with high marine biodiversity. In 2016 almost all of the coral reefs in this area have bleached. This research investigates the condition of decapods before and after coral bleaching in Pemuteran. Dead corals, Pocillopora sp., were taken from 8-12 meters depth in 2016. All organisms within those corals were collected and identified until infraorder and family level. Comparison was done with data collected in 2011. This study found 12 families with a total of 5 infraorder which are equal to the previous data. The number of individual has increased from 88 into 214 individual. The mean presence increased from 6.2875 ind/fam to 15.2875 ind/fam. While the density also increased from 23.68 ind/L to 42.09 ind/L. Uniformity and dominance indices for all infraorder is low. These results show that there is an increase of the density of decapods after coral bleaching event, but the diversity of decapods was slightly changed.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018

Biodiversity of Cryptofauna (Decapods) and Their Correlation with Dead Coral Pocillopora sp. Volume at Bunaken Island, North Sulawesi

Muhammad Danie Al Malik; Nenik Kholilah; Eka Maya Kurniasih; Andrianus Sembiring; Ni Putu Dian Pertiwi; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Munasik Munasik; Christopher P. Meyer

Decapod is known as cryptofauna which is also important component of coral reef biodiversity. Dead corals are one of the area which usually used by decapods to live. This research aims to observe the diversity of cryptofauna (decapods) and the correlation between the number of decapods with the volume of dead corals. Ten dead corals, Pocillopora sp., were collected at 5 m depth at Bunaken Island. These dead corals were measured their volume and all decapods found were counted and identified up to family level. The richness and abundance were analyzed using ACE (Abundance-Based Coverage Estimates) and Chao 1. The results show that there were in total 474 decapods from 13 families found within all ten dead corals. Xanthidae was showed as the most abundance family among all, with 161 individual. Diversity index of decapods was found at medium category with value of 2.01. Rarefaction curve based on richness and abundance showed an estimation of 13 families. The result also indicated that the asymptote stage was reached on the 10th dead coral samples. The correlation between decapod with the volume of dead coral were showed significant positive correlation (r = 0.673, p<0.05). This result provides benefits to basic knowledge about diversity of decapod which one of cryptofauna as component fauna have a habitat on coral reef ecosystem.

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences | 2015

Growth of Favia and Favites Coral Transplants Based on Polyps Number (Pertumbuhan Karang Transplan Genus Favia dan Favites Berdasarkan Jumlah Polip)

Diah Permata Wijayanti; Elis Indrayanti; Wandi Febrian Asri; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto

Budidaya karang melalui teknik transplantasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk menyelamatkan keberadaan karang terumbu di alam. Selain untuk diperdagangkan, karang hasil transplantasi juga dapat ditanam untuk memperbaiki terumbu karang yang rusak. Penelitian ini menggunakan ukuran dan bentuk polip Favia dan Favites sebagai dasar penentuan ukuran benih untuk mengurangi kerusakan koloni donor. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan transplan Favia dan Favites. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Dua ukuran polip dipilih mewakili ukuran benih kecil dan besar, yaitu 2 cm dan 4 cm. Penanaman karang transplan dilakukan di Teluk Awur selama bulan April hingga November. Pengamatan dilakukan tiap 2 minggu sekali. Analisa data menggunakan ANCOVA. Analisa statistik menunjukkan pertumbuhan kedua ukuran transplan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Pertumbuhan transplan Favia dan Favites ditandai dengan munculnya tunas intratentakular. Pertumbuhan transplan tertinggi dicapai transplan Favites ukuran 4 cm dengan kecepatan tumbuh 0.596 cm 2 .bulan -1 , sedangkan pertumbuhan terendah ditunjukkan oleh transplan Favites ukuran 2 cm dengan pertumbuhan 0.463 cm 2 .bulan -1 . Kata kunci: p ertumbuhan karang, transplantasi, Favia, Favites, j umlah polip Cultivation coral by using transplantation method is one attempt to alleviate corals collection in nature. In addition to be traded, the corals can be transplanted to repair damaged coral reefs. This study utilized size and polyps form of coral Favia and Favites to be transplanted to minimize damage of coral donors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the growth of Favia and Favites transplants. The research was carried out by experimental method using a completely randomized design . T wo different size of polyps i.e 2 polyps represented small size and 4 polyps represented large size were applied for each coral species . Research was conducted from April–November at Teluk Awur Bay, Jepara. The samples were observed every two weeks. Collected data were analyzed by repeated measurement ANCOVA. Statistical analysis showed that the growth of transplants did not show significant differences (P>0.05) between each genus and between 2 and 4 polyps. The growth of transplants have shown by extratentacular budding on Favia and intratentacular budding on Favites. T he highest growth rate of transplants was shown by 4 polyps of Favites at 0.596 cm 2 .mo -1 and the lowest by 2 polyps of Favites at 0.463 cm 2 .mo -1 , respectively. Keywords: Coral Growth, Transplantation, Favia, Favites, Number of Polyps

Bulletin of Marine Science | 2014

Advancing Biodiversity Research in Developing Countries: The Need for Changing Paradigms

Paul H. Barber; Ma. Carmen A. Ablan-Lagman; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Roberto Gs Berlinck; Dita Cahyani; Eric D. Crandall; Rachel Ravago-Gotanco; Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez; Ngurah Ig Mahardika; Kartik Shanker; Craig J. Starger; Abdul Hamid A. Toha; Aji Wahyu Anggoro; Demian A. Willette

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences | 2004

Skrining Bahan Anti Kanker pada Berbagai Jenis Sponge dan Gorgonian Terhadap L1210 Cell Line

Agus Trianto; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Retno Murwani

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences | 2006

Uji Keganasan Bakteri Vibrio pada Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)

Desrina Desrina; Arief Taslihan; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Suryaningrum Susiani

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences | 2012

Pengaruh Surfaktan dan Hidrokarbon Terhadap Zooxanthellae

Ambariyanto Ambariyanto


Sebaran spasial karang keras (Scleractinia) di Pulau Panjang, Jawa Tengah

Munasik Munasik; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto; Agus Sabdono; Diah Permata W Diah Permata W; Ok. Radjasa Ok. Radjasa; Rudhi Pribadi

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