
Featured researches published by Amon Ilakovac.

European Physical Journal C | 2008

Flavor physics of leptons and dipole moments

M. Raidal; A. van der Schaaf; Ikaros I.Y. Bigi; M. Mangano; Y. Semertzidis; S. Abel; S. Albino; S. Antusch; E. Arganda; B. Bajc; Subhas Banerjee; Carla Biggio; M. Blanke; W. Bonivento; G.C. Branco; D. Bryman; Andrzej J. Buras; L. Calibbi; A. Ceccucci; Piotr H. Chankowski; Sacha Davidson; Aldo Deandrea; David DeMille; F. Deppisch; M. A. Diaz; B. Duling; Marta Felcini; W. Fetscher; F. Forti; D. K. Ghosh

This chapter of the report of the “Flavor in the era of the LHC” Workshop discusses the theoretical, phenomenological and experimental issues related to flavor phenomena in the charged lepton sector and in flavor conserving CP-violating processes. We review the current experimental limits and the main theoretical models for the flavor structure of fundamental particles. We analyze the phenomenological consequences of the available data, setting constraints on explicit models beyond the standard model, presenting benchmarks for the discovery potential of forthcoming measurements both at the LHC and at low energy, and exploring options for possible future experiments.

European Physical Journal C | 2005

General formulation for proton decay rate in minimal supersymmetric SO(10) GUT

Takeshi Fukuyama; Amon Ilakovac; Tatsuru Kikuchi; Stjepan Meljanac; Nobuchika Okada

Abstract.We give an explicit formula for the proton decay rate in the minimal renormalizable supersymmetric (SUSY) SO(10) model. In this model, the Higgs fields consist of the 10 and

Journal of Mathematical Physics | 2005

SO(10) group theory for the unified model building

Takeshi Fukuyama; Amon Ilakovac; Tatsuru Kikuchi; Stjepan Meljanac; Nobuchika Okada


European Physical Journal C | 2008

Lepton flavor violating leptonic and semileptonic decays of charged leptons in the minimal supersymmetric standard model

Takeshi Fukuyama; Amon Ilakovac; Tatsuru Kikuchi

SO(10) representations in the Yukawa interactions with matter and of the 10,

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2004

Detailed analysis of proton decay rate in the minimal supersymmetric SO(10) model

Takeshi Fukuyama; Amon Ilakovac; Tatsuru Kikuchi; Stjepan Meljanac; Nobuchika Okada


Physical Review D | 2013

Charged lepton flavor violation in supersymmetric low-scale seesaw models

Amon Ilakovac; Apostolos Pilaftsis; Luka Popov

, 126, and 210 representations in the Higgs potential. We present all the mass matrices for the Higgs fields contained in this minimal SUSY SO(10) model. Finally, we discuss the threshold effects of these Higgs fields on the gauge coupling unification.

Physical Review D | 2005

Higgs masses in the minimal supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theory

Takeshi Fukuyama; Amon Ilakovac; Tatsuru Kikuchi; Stjepan Meljanac; Nobuchika Okada

The complete tables of Clebsch–Gordan (CG) coefficients for a wide class of SO(10) SUSY grand unified theories (GUTs) are given. Explicit expressions of states of all corresponding multiplets under standard model gauge group G321=SU(3)C×SU(2)L×U(1)Y, necessary for evaluation of the CG coefficients are presented. The SUSY SO(10) GUT model considered here includes most of the Higgs irreducible representations usually used in the literature, 10, 45, 54, 120, 126, 126¯, and 210. Mass matrices of all G321 multiplets are found for the most general superpotential. These results are indispensable for the precision calculations of the gauge couplings unification and proton decay, etc.

Physical Review D | 2009

Supersymmetric lepton flavor violation in low-scale seesaw models

Amon Ilakovac; Apostolos Pilaftsis

We consider the leptonic and semileptonic (SL) lepton-flavor violating (LFV) decays of the charged leptons in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with right-handed neutrinos. The parameters of the MSSM model are determined in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric SO(10) GUT model assuming the minimal supergravity model of supersymmetry breaking. The free parameters of the model are constrained adopting the WMAP cold dark matter constraint and adjusting the neutrino oscillation data. So constrained, the SO(10) GUT model gives a definite prediction for the Dirac-neutrino Yukawa matrix, which induces all LFV effects in the MSSM model through renormalization group equations of soft SUSY breaking parameters. A very detailed numerical analysis has been made to define numerically all MSSM parameters necessary for the evaluation of the LFV amplitudes. The basic LFV amplitudes in MSSM were rederived and improved. The formalism for the evaluation of all SL LFV amplitudes is given. Numerical results for dominant SL LFV branching ratios, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the ℓ→ℓ’γ branching ratios are given.

Physical Review D | 1999

Lepton flavor violation in the standard model extended by heavy singlet neutrinos

Amon Ilakovac

We consider the minimal supersymmetric SO(10) model, where only one 10 and one Higgs multiplets have Yukawa couplings with matter multiplets. This model has the high predictive power for the Yukawa coupling matrices consistent with the experimental data of the charged fermion mass matrices, and all the Yukawa coupling matrices are completely determined once a few parameters in the model are fixed. This feature is essential for definite predictions to the proton decay rate through the dimension five operators. Althogh it is not completely general, we analyze the proton decay rate for the dominant decay modes p→K + by including as many free parameters as possible and varying them. There are two free parameters in the Yukawa sector, while three in the Higgsino sector. It is found that an allowed region exists when the free parameters in the Higgs sector are tuned so as to cancel the proton decay amplitude. The resultant proton lifetime is proportional to 1/tan 2β and the allowed region eventually disappears as tan β becomes large.

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2011

On UV/IR mixing in noncommutative gauge field theories

Raul Horvat; Amon Ilakovac; J. Trampetic; Jiangyang You

The minimal supersymmetric standard model with a low scale see-saw mechanism is presented. Within this framework, the lepton flavour violation in the

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