Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013
Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira; Roberta Capalonga; Joice Trindade Silveira; Eduardo Cesar Tondo; Marisa Ribeiro de Itapema Cardoso
The scope of this article is to assess the main characteristics of the traditions and experiences of empowerment of users and family members in mental health treatment and services in Anglo-Saxon countries and in Brazil and the repercussions and strategies thereof in the field of evaluative and interventional research in mental health. Based on a brief bibliographical review of the literature, the aim is to compare how the empowerment tradition has developed in the two realities, based on the characteristics of the economic, political, social - and especially cultural - context. The review revealed how these contexts induce different perspectives on how to foster the autonomy and empowerment of users and family members in social policies and mental health, as well as their appropriation in the field of evaluative and interventional research. In Anglo-Saxon countries, this tradition has been vigorously promoted over the past four decades, and in Brazil the participative strategies emphasize mixed mechanisms - professionals, users and family members together - with the dominant presence of the professionals. The strategies in Brazil more directly designed for users and family members are recent and have been implemented from 2005 onwards.Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a presenca de microrganismos indicadores higienico-sanitarios em amostras de alimentos servidos em escolas publicas de Porto Alegre. Foram analisados todos os alimentos servidos na refeicao do turno da visita, quanto a presenca de Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva, Salmonella sp. e Shigella sp. No total de 196 alimentos analisados de 120 escolas, 4 apresentavam contagem de Escherichia coli acima do permitido e dois tinham a presenca de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva. Os generos Shigella e Salmonella nao foram encontrados. Foi observado que a maioria das escolas estudadas servia alimentos dentro de padroes higienico-sanitarios adequados. Foi evidenciado que somente escolas municipais contavam com a orientacao de responsavel tecnico pela alimentacao escolar. Das escolas estaduais 60% nunca haviam recebido visita de nutricionista nas quais foram encontrados procedimentos em desacordo com as exigencias da legislacao. Na maioria das escolas, os alimentos servidos estavam dentro de padroes adequados, porem os problemas detectados demonstram a necessidade da implantacao das Boas Praticas no ambiente escolar.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013
Elke Stedefeldt; Diogo Thimoteo da Cunha; Eneo Alves da Silva Junior; Sueli Maria da Silva; Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira
The scope of this study was to elaborate and validate an assessment tool for Best Practices in School Food and Nutrition Units. For this purpose a survey was conducted in the city of Santos (Sao Paulo - Brazil), in two stages: 1) Preparation of a Checklist for Best Practices in School Food and Nutrition Units (BPAE checklist). 2) Validation of the BPAE checklist. This checklist was applied in 76 public schools along with two other reference checklists. Sensitivity and specificity were estimated using the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Curve and the checklist was evaluated by application of the Likert scale. The thematic groups received weights to calculate the percentage of adequacy. After the application of the checklists in schools, the area under the curve value of 0.79 was found for the SS-196 checklist and 0.85 for the 542/2006 administrative checklist. These values indicate good suitability of the BPAE checklist to identify inadequacies, and it also received a positive assessment from the school food nutritionists. It proved that the checklist will assist in decision-making to ensure quality control. Once the BPAE checklist has been fully tested and validated it should prove an important tool for quality control in school nutrition.
Frontiers in Microbiology | 2016
Diogo Thimoteo da Cunha; Ana Lúcia de Freitas Saccol; Eduardo Cesar Tondo; Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira; Veronica Cortez Ginani; Carolina V. Araújo; Thalita A. S. Lima; Angela Karinne Fagundes de Castro; Elke Stedefeldt
In 2014, Brazil hosted one of the most popular sport competitions in the world, the FIFA World Cup. Concerned about the intense migration of tourists, the Brazilian government decided to deploy a food safety strategy based on inspection scores and a grading system applied to food services. The present study aimed to evaluate the results of the food safety strategy deployed during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. To assess food safety, an evaluation instrument was applied twice in 1927 food service establishments from 26 cities before the start of the competition. This instrument generated a food safety score for each establishment that ranged from 0.0 (no flaws observed) to 2565.95, with four possible grades: A (0.0–13.2); B (13.3–502.6); C (502.7–1152.2); and pending (more than 1152.3). Each food service received a stamp with the grade of the second evaluation. After the end of the World Cup, a study was conducted with different groups of the public to evaluate the acceptance of the strategy. To this end, 221 consumers, 998 food service owners or managers, 150 health surveillance auditors, and 27 health surveillance coordinators were enrolled. These participants completed a survey with positive and negative responses about the inspection score system through a 5-point Likert scale. A reduction in violation scores from 393.1 to 224.4 (p < 0.001) was observed between the first and second evaluation cycles. Of the food services evaluated, 38.7% received the A stamp, 41.4% the B stamp, and 13.9% the C stamp. All positive responses on “system reliability” presented a mean of 4.0 or more, indicating that the public believed this strategy is reliable for communicating risks and promoting food safety. The strategy showed positive results regarding food safety and public acceptance. The deployed strategy promoted improvements in the food safety of food services. The implementation of a permanent policy may be well accepted by the public and may greatly contribute to a reduction in foodborne diseases (FBDs).
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2014
Fernanda dos Santos; Patrícia Fogaça Fernandes; Fernanda Camboim Rockett; Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira
Organic food enables the promotion of Food and Nutritional Safety (FNS) and sustainable regional development. In this context, the National School Food Program (NSFD) seeks to comply with the requirements of FNS. This study evaluated the inclusion of organic food in school food in the municipalities of rural territories of the state of Rio Grande do Sul by means of interviews with local managers. Eight territories were visited, albeit of its 153 municipalities only 102 comprised the sample for this study. Of these, 20.58% said they buy organic produce from family farms. The Center South Territory revealed the highest percentage of purchase, in which 40% of the municipalities visited purchased organic produce, followed by the Center Mountain Territory with 33.3%, while the lowest percentage was 7.1% in the Countryside Territory. The study identified the need for intersectoral action to develop organic production, as well as stimulate the consumption of these foods in the school environment, in order to meet the requirements of FNS.
Journal of Water and Health | 2014
Mariana Kluge; Juliane Deise Fleck; Mayra Cristina Soliman; Roger Bordin da Luz; Rafael Bandeira Fabres; Juliana Comerlato; Joseane Vanessa dos Santos da Silva; Rodrigo Staggemeier; Andréia Dalla Vecchia; Roberta Capalonga; Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira; Andréia Henzel; Caroline Rigotto; Fernando Rosado Spilki
The effects of viral gastroenteritis are more devastating in children than in any other age category. Thus, children exposed to the consumption of low quality water are at an increased risk of infection, especially in regions where sanitation is inadequate. The present study aimed to provide a survey of the occurrence of representative enteric viruses: human adenovirus (HAdV), human enteroviruses (hEV), and genogroup A rotavirus (GARV) in tap water samples collected in public schools located at six municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Seventy-three schools were included in the study and tap water samples were analyzed by conventional PCR for the presence of HAdV, hEV, and GARV genomes. hEV showed the highest detection rate (27.4%), followed by HAdV (23.3%), and GARV (16.4%). New approaches to water monitoring should be considered to promote a better water quality and reduce the risk of waterborne diseases, especially considering drinking water to be served to vulnerable individuals.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013
Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira; Roberta Capalonga; Joice Trindade Silveira; Eduardo Cesar Tondo; Marisa Ribeiro de Itapema Cardoso
The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of hygienic and sanitary indicator microorganisms in samples of food served in public schools in Porto Alegre. All the food served in the meal of the session visited was analyzed for Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, Salmonella sp. and Shigella sp. Of the total of 196 food products analyzed in 120 schools, 4 contained and Escherichia coli score above the permitted level, and 2 contained coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. Neither Shigella nor Salmonella genus were detected. In the majority of schools studied, it was found that food was of an adequate hygienic-sanitary standard. However, only municipal schools had the supervision of a technician responsible for school food. In the state schools, 60% had never been visited by a nutritionist and in these schools several procedures failed to comply with legal requirements. In most of the schools studied, the food served to students was within adequate standards, though the problems detected revealed the need for the implementation of Best Practices in the school environment.
Cadernos Saúde Coletiva | 2014
Míriam Isabel Souza dos Santos Simon; C. Garcia; Nídia Daiane Lino; Gabriele Carra Forte; Ivete de Deos Fontoura; Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira
Abstract This study aimed to identify anthropometric and biochemical status and to analyze the weight gain of collaborators of nutrition and dietetics services of Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). This was a retrospective longitudinal study enrolled 190 employees. Nutritional assessment and clinical analysis was measurement. A structured questionnaire was applied all employ-ees. The prevalence of excess weight was 60.8%. Weight gain was significantly associated to length of service, working shift and physical activity. The study showed that an additional year of work was associated with weight gain around 500 g, the shift in average gain of 4 kg and physical activity with average weight loss of 3.3 kg. The association between weight gain, work-ing time and working shift in employees refers to the need to create nutrition intervention program aiming to promote healthy eating habits. Keywords: antropometry; occupational groups; weight gain. Avaliacao nutricional dos profissionais do servico de nutricao e dietetica de um hospital terciario de Porto Alegre
Food Control | 2014
Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira; Diogo Thimoteo da Cunha; Elke Stedefeldt; Roberta Capalonga; Eduardo Cesar Tondo; Marisa Ribeiro de Itapema Cardoso
Food Research International | 2014
Diogo Thimoteo da Cunha; Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira; Ana Lúcia de Freitas Saccol; Eduardo Cesar Tondo; Eneo Alves da Silva; Veronica Cortez Ginani; Fábio Tadeu Montesano; Angela Karinne Fagundes de Castro; Elke Stedefeldt
Food and Nutrition Sciences | 2012
Ana Beatriz Almeida de Oliveira; Ana Carolina Ritter; Eduardo Cesar Tondo; Marisa Ribeiro de Itapema Cardoso