Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva
University of São Paulo
Neurocomputing | 2005
Juliana Cristina Hashida; Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; Sérgio Souto; Ernane José Xavier Costa
This article uses adaptive Gabor transform (AGR) for drawing feature information from human electroencephalogram (EEG) signals aiming at the discrimination among mental tasks during gustatory stimulation. In this study, single-channel EEG records from eight healthy humans were assessed during the application of sweet, salty and distilled water tastes. Muscular, ocular and skin potential activities were controlled. Overall results show that AGR coefficient representations are able to reveal a significant EEG discrimination among sweet, salty and water tastes.
international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society | 2010
Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; Aldo Ivan Céspedes Arce; Adriano Rogério Bruno Tech; Ernane José Xavier Costa
Complexity measurement using Lempel and Ziv algorithm (LZ) has been used to analyze physiological data. This work shows that the Lempel and Ziv complexity measurement of EEG signals using wavelets transforms is independent of electrode position and dependent on cognitive tasks and brain activity. EEG database with 122 subjects from the public EEG dataset was used in this study. This database have spontaneous EEG and evoked potential (EP) data from a 64-multielectrode array under a variety of conditions collected at several centers in the United States, sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) project. Two experiments were performed with this database. The first experiment was to test the dependency of electrode positions into LZ complexity measures and the second experiment was to analyze if the LZ complexity was sensitive to the EEG acquired from control and alcoholic subjects. The results show that the complexity measurement is dependent on the changes of the pattern of brain dynamics and not dependent on electrode position.
International Journal of Food Engineering | 2013
Luiz Arthur Malta Pereira; Camila Nardi Pinto; Luciana Vieira Piza; Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; Ursula Gonzales-Barron; Ernane José Xavier Costa
Abstract Currently, food industries need rapidly available information related to food production while most lab-based instrumentation techniques are often complicated and expensive for real-time application. Studies show that the measurement of rheological characteristics of dough is a relevant control variable for the proper formulation of ingredients and bread-making additives. It is in this context that this work aims to present an alternative method for real-time monitoring of the evolution of the dough behavior during processing with telemetry form. The dough behavior is monitored through the changes in the electrical properties of the motor as affected by the properties of the machine torque that makes the mixture. Results of this work showed that it is possible to record dough deformation during mixing in real time and also demonstrated how wireless technology can contribute to the quality control of a food processing system.
Archivos De Zootecnia | 2009
Aldo Ivan Céspedes Arce; Adriano Rogério Bruno Tech; Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; Ernane José Xavier Costa
Se presenta el prototipo de un sistema proyectado utilizando tecnicas de instrumentacion electronica y tecnologia de comunicacion inalambrica pudiendo ser utilizado para recolectar datos fisiologicos y monitorizar rebanos de bovinos. La necesidad de desarrollar tecnicas de adquisicion de datos, que causen menos perturbaciones al comportamiento natural de los animales, de interes en la zootecnia de precision, fue la principal motivacion de este trabajo. Para probar la aplicabilidad de la tecnologia de las redes de sensores inalambricos en este campo, se construyo una infraestructura utilizando tecnicas de instrumentacion electronica y comunicacion por radio-frecuencia. La red fue proyectada con el protocolo floating base sensor network (FBSN) que implementa una topologia adhoc con seleccion aleatoria de nodos. Los prototipos construidos fueron utilizados para efectuar colectas de datos de la actividad electrica cerebral y temperatura corporal de seis novillas de raza Holandesa. A fin de optimizar la infraestructura, fue desarrollado un software que a partir de la simulacion del desplazamiento de un rebano bovino ayuda a determinar la mejor distribucion de esa infraestructura en el area monitorizada. Los resultados alcanzados mostraron que es posible utilizar redes de sensores inalambricas como tecnicas eficientes para obtener datos fisiologicos de bovinos.
Archivos De Zootecnia | 2010
Adriano Rogério Bruno Tech; Aldo Ivan Céspedes Arce; Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; L.A.M. Pereira; Ernane José Xavier Costa
O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever um sistema de gestao aplicado a pecuaria, atraves do monitoramento e identificacao de animal a distância utilizando tecnicas de comunicacao sem fio. Este sistema permitira o acompanhamento do animal durante o seu ciclo de vida, permitindo ao gestor inclusive, coletar dados telemetricos em tempo real. Esta coleta podera ser realizada localmente ou atraves de um acesso a internet, facilitando assim o gerenciamento e controle de produtividade e qualidade animal, pois o sistema podera gerenciar determinados elementos, tais como: temperatura, tempo de descanso, tempo em alimentacao dentre outros, formando assim um grande banco de dados (data warehouse) que podera ser acessado por varios pesquisadores criando um sistema e-science.
biomedical engineering systems and technologies | 2018
Ernane José Xavier Costa; Luciana Vieira Piza; Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva
One of challenge in physiological research is how to reconnect bioelectricity or turn on the transduction of signals in biological systems such as nerves and other tissues after some injuries or degenerative process. The electrical interactions in biological system can be understood by looking into the extracellular space between cells. In such spaces, contain ions and several charged organic molecules. Despite the fact that the common way to artificially link biological systems reported in the literature is by using metallic wires or bio-potentials electrodes, this paper present the hypothesis that an electrolytic conductor is more efficient to transmit information between biological systems when compared to the transmission carried out using electronic conductors. To test this hypothesis an experiment was conducted using two leaves of ornamental plant (Agave atenuata) connected by means of electronic and electrolytic wire and stimulated with electrical square waves with 1V of amplitude at 20Hz. The quality of signal transmitted using electronic conductor was compared to the signal transmitted using electrolytic conductor by measuring the distortion of the signal transmitted. The results shown that the transmission of stimuli using electrolytic wire is less disturbed than by using electronic
Archivos De Zootecnia | 2012
Adriano Rogério Bruno Tech; Aldo Ivan Céspedes Arce; Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; Ernane José Xavier Costa
portuguesEste artigo estuda a viabilidade de um sistema de monitoramento e coleta de dados atraves da WEB, com a construcao de um e-Science Zootecnico. Foram utilizadas tecnicas de modelagem orientada a objetos, linguagens de programacao php, C++, Java e banco de dados MySql para a elaboracao do ambiente compu- tacional. O sistema de hardware, o dispositivo eletronico de comunicacao e os protocolos de monitoramento foram desenvolvidos utilizando o protocolo Float Base Sensor Network e tecnicas de instrumentacao eletronica. Para testar o siste- ma desenvolvido, foi realizado um experimento com 6 animais da raca Holstein equipados com dispositivos de coleta de dados. O ambiente expe- rimental foi equipado com 6 antenas fixas e uma câmera IP. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a eficiencia do sistema de coleta e de recepcao dos dados atraves das antenas distribuidas na area. A metodologia usada no projeto, bem como os resultados do experimento, permitem concluir que o objetivo de gerenciar e monitorar o animal duran- te um experimento, com a coleta de dados telemetricos em tempo real foi alcancada, alem de possibilitar o deslocamento livre do animal durante a coleta dos dados. EnglishThis paper studies the feasibility of a system of monitoring and data collection via the web, with the construction of an e-Science Zootechnical. Object-oriented modelling techniques were used and programming languages: php, C++, Java and MySql database for development of the computing environment. The system hardware, electronic communication device, and monitoring protocols were developed using the Float Base Sensor Network Protocol and techniques of electronic instrumentation. To test the system, an experiment was conducted with six Holstein animals equipped with data collection devices. The experimental environment was equipped with six antennas and a fixed IP camera. The results showed the efficiency of the collection system and receiving data through the antennas distributed in the area. Considering the methodology used in the project, as well as the results of the experiment, is possible conclude that, with the telemetric data collection in real time, the management and monitoring the animal during an experiment can be done, in addition to allowing free movement of the animal during the data collection.
Archivos De Zootecnia | 2009
Adriano Rogério Bruno Tech; Aldo Ivan Céspedes Arce; Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; Ernane José Xavier Costa
The present article simulate the movement of bovine herd through the aleatory movements random walk and brownian, trying to analyze which of those predicts the movement better of bovine herd displacement, defining parameters and describing the algorithms used in both movements and using them in the construction of the events of the simulator. With the construction of the simulator it was possible the analysis of the movements, besides the understand that model of displacement better if apply of bovine herd displacement. Also it was possible an analysis of space acting for the construction of the location nets and identification of the herd through of wireless sensor network.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | 2005
Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; Aldo Ivan Céspedes Arce; Sérgio Souto; Ernane José Xavier Costa
Ciência Animal Brasileira | 2007
Aldo Ivan Céspedes Arce; Ana Carolina de Sousa Silva; Fernando José Schalch; Evaldo Antonio Lencioni Titto; Ernane José Xavier Costa