
Journal of Proteomics | 2011

Snake population venomics and antivenomics of Bothrops atrox: Paedomorphism along its transamazonian dispersal and implications of geographic venom variability on snakebite management

Juan J. Calvete; Libia Sanz; Alicia Pérez; Adolfo Borges; Alba Vargas; Bruno Lomonte; Yamileth Angulo; José María Gutiérrez; Hipócrates M. Chalkidis; Rosa Helena Veras Mourão; M.Fátima D. Furtado; Ana M. Moura-da-Silva

We describe two geographically differentiated venom phenotypes across the wide distribution range of Bothrops atrox, from the Colombian Magdalena Medio Valley through Puerto Ayacucho and El Paují, in the Venezuelan States of Amazonas and Orinoquia, respectively, and São Bento in the Brazilian State of Maranhão. Colombian and Venezuelan venoms show an ontogenetic toxin profile phenotype whereas Brazilian venoms exhibit paedomorphic phenotypes. Venoms from each of the 16 localities sampled contain both population-specific toxins and proteins shared by neighboring B. atrox populations. Mapping the molecular similarity between conspecific populations onto a physical map of B. atrox range provides clues for tracing dispersal routes that account for the current biogeographic distribution of the species. The proteomic pattern is consistent with a model of southeast and southwest dispersal and allopatric fragmentation northern of the Amazon Basin, and trans-Amazonian expansion through the Andean Corridor and across the Amazon river between Monte Alegre and Santarém. An antivenomic approach applied to assess the efficacy towards B. atrox venoms of two antivenoms raised in Costa Rica and Brazil using Bothrops venoms different than B. atrox in the immunization mixtures showed that both antivenoms immunodepleted very efficiently the major toxins (PIII-SVMPs, serine proteinases, CRISP, LAO) of paedomorphic venoms from Puerto Ayacucho (Venezuelan Amazonia) through São Bento, but had impaired reactivity towards PLA(2) and P-I SVMP molecules abundantly present in ontogenetic venoms. The degree of immunodepletion achieved suggests that each of these antivenoms may be effective against envenomations by paedomorphic, and some ontogenetic, B. atrox venoms.

Current Pharmaceutical Design | 2007

Importance of Snake Venom Metalloproteinases in Cell Biology: Effects on Platelets,Inflammatory and Endothelial Cells

Ana M. Moura-da-Silva; Diego Butera; Isabelle Tanjoni

Snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) are widely distributed in snake venoms and play important roles in hemostatic disorders and local tissue damage that follows snakebite. The impact of SVMPs on hemostasis has been extensively studied showing diverse effects both on soluble factors and cellular components. The action of SVMPs involves catalytic and anti-adhesive properties, as well as direct cellular activation and/or the release of endogenous bioactive components. The purpose of this review is to overview the action of SVMPs on the inhibition of platelet functions; angiogenesis, particularly inducing apoptosis of endothelial cells; and regarding the pro-inflammatory reaction that follows snakebite. We discuss the structural features of the molecules that may be involved in such activities. The versatility and availability of SVMPs make them important tools for cell biology research into the mechanisms of action of endogenous metalloproteinases, for insights into cellular-matrix interactions and for clinical investigations into the treatment of snakebites.

Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | 2004

Clinical trial of two antivenoms for the treatment of Bothrops and Lachesis bites in the north eastern Amazon region of Brazil

Pedro Pereira de Oliveira Pardal; Suzana Medeiro Souza; Maria Rita de Cassia Costa Monteiro; Hui Wen Fan; João Luiz Costa Cardoso; Francisco Oscar de Siqueira França; S.C. Tomy; Ida S. Sano-Martins; Maria C.C. Sousa-e-Silva; Mônica Colombini; Nancy F Kodera; Ana M. Moura-da-Silva; Diva F. Cardoso; David Toledo Velarde; Aura S. Kamiguti; R.D.G. Theakston; David A. Warrell

The efficacies of specific Bothrops atrox-Lachesis and standard Bothrops-Lachesis antivenoms were compared in the north eastern Amazon region of Brazil. The main aim was to investigate whether a specific antivenom raised against the venom of B. atrox, the most important Amazon snake species from a medical point of view, was necessary for the treatment of patients in this region. Seventy-four patients with local and systemic effects of envenoming by Bothrops or Lachesis snakes were randomly allocated to receive either specific (n = 38) or standard (n = 36) antivenoms. In 46 cases (24 in the standard antivenom group, 22 in the other) the snake was identified either by enzyme immunoassay or by examination of the dead snake, as B. atrox in 45, L. muta in one. Patients were similar in all clinical and epidemiological respects before treatment. Results indicated that both antivenoms were equally effective in reversing all signs of envenoming detected both clinically and in the laboratory. Venom-induced haemostatic abnormalities were resolved within 24 h after the start of antivenom therapy in most patients. The extent of local complications, such as local skin necrosis and secondary infection, was similar in both groups. There were no deaths. The incidence of early anaphylactic reactions was 18% and 19%, respectively for specific and standard antivenoms; none was life-threatening. Measurement of serum venom concentrations by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) confirmed that both antivenoms cleared venom antigenaemia effectively. EIA also revealed that one patient had been bitten by Lachesis muta, although the clinical features in this case were not distinctive.

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | 2010

Mechanisms of Vascular Damage by Hemorrhagic Snake Venom Metalloproteinases: Tissue Distribution and In Situ Hydrolysis

Cristiani Baldo; Colin Jamora; Norma Yamanouye; Telma M. T. Zorn; Ana M. Moura-da-Silva

Background Envenoming by viper snakes constitutes an important public health problem in Brazil and other developing countries. Local hemorrhage is an important symptom of these accidents and is correlated with the action of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs). The degradation of vascular basement membrane has been proposed as a key event for the capillary vessel disruption. However, SVMPs that present similar catalytic activity towards extracellular matrix proteins differ in their hemorrhagic activity, suggesting that other mechanisms might be contributing to the accumulation of SVMPs at the snakebite area allowing capillary disruption. Methodology/Principal Findings In this work, we compared the tissue distribution and degradation of extracellular matrix proteins induced by jararhagin (highly hemorrhagic SVMP) and BnP1 (weakly hemorrhagic SVMP) using the mouse skin as experimental model. Jararhagin induced strong hemorrhage accompanied by hydrolysis of collagen fibers in the hypodermis and a marked degradation of type IV collagen at the vascular basement membrane. In contrast, BnP1 induced only a mild hemorrhage and did not disrupt collagen fibers or type IV collagen. Injection of Alexa488-labeled jararhagin revealed fluorescent staining around capillary vessels and co-localization with basement membrane type IV collagen. The same distribution pattern was detected with jararhagin-C (disintegrin-like/cysteine-rich domains of jararhagin). In opposition, BnP1 did not accumulate in the tissues. Conclusions/Significance These results show a particular tissue distribution of hemorrhagic toxins accumulating at the basement membrane. This probably occurs through binding to collagens, which are drastically hydrolyzed at the sites of hemorrhagic lesions. Toxin accumulation near blood vessels explains enhanced catalysis of basement membrane components, resulting in the strong hemorrhagic activity of SVMPs. This is a novel mechanism that underlies the difference between hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic SVMPs, improving the understanding of snakebite pathology.

European Journal of Immunology | 2003

Inflammatory pathogenesis of snake venom metalloproteinase-induced skin necrosis

G.D. Laing; Patricia Bianca Clissa; R.D.G. Theakston; Ana M. Moura-da-Silva; Mark J. Taylor

Local tissue damage, characterized by edema, hemorrhage and necrosis, is a common consequence of envenoming by many vipers. We have investigated the contribution of inflammatory responses induced by the venom metalloproteinase jararhagin (isolated from Bothrops jararaca venom) in the development of these lesions. Local venom effects (edema, hemorrhage and necrosis) were inducedexperimentally in knockout mice deficient in the TNF receptors TNFR1 or TNFR2, IL‐1βR, IL‐6 and iNOS. Jararhagin‐induced dermal necrosis was abolished in mice deficient in the TNF receptors TNFR1 and TNFR2, and the same activity was significantly reduced in IL‐6–/– mice. There was no significant difference in edema and hemorrhage activities following jararhagin insult between knockout and WT strains, indicating that these local venom metalloproteinase‐induced effects are independent of these pro‐inflammatory mediators. The contribution of both TNF receptors and IL‐6 in local tissue necrosis raises important therapeutic issues regarding the treatment of local envenoming.

Toxicon | 2001

The effect of jararhagin, a metalloproteinase from Bothrops jararaca venom, on pro-inflammatory cytokines released by murine peritoneal adherent cells.

Patricia Bianca Clissa; G.D. Laing; R. David G. Theakston; I. Mota; Mark J. Taylor; Ana M. Moura-da-Silva

The release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-6 and TNF-alpha) from murine peritoneal adherent cells (MPAC) was studied after exposure to jararhagin, a metalloproteinase/disintegrin isolated from Bothrops jararaca venom. MPACs were treated with LPS (lipopolysaccharide), jararhagin, or EDTA-inactivated jararhagin for up to 24h. Following incubation, the culture supernatant was assayed by ELISA for the presence of cytokines, while the cells were analysed for viability and cytokine mRNA expression. The cells exposed to native jararhagin released TNF-alpha and IL-1beta after 4 and 24h respectively. When MPACs were exposed to Jararhagin treated with EDTA, TNF-alpha and IL-1beta production was sustained throughout the culture period and IL-6 production was observed. TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-1beta mRNA were detected 4h after stimulation with either native or EDTA-treated jararhagin. Addition of jararhagin to LPS stimulated cells resulted in a dramatic decrease in the release of IL-6 and TNF-alpha. RT-PCR showed that this inhibition does not occur at the transcriptional level and further experiments showed that jararhagin degraded soluble cytokines by proteolytic activity. This study suggests that jararhagin induces TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IL-6 expression, which may be rapidly degraded by its proteolytic activity.

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2003

Evidence for heterogeneous forms of the snake venom metalloproteinase jararhagin: a factor contributing to snake venom variability

Ana M. Moura-da-Silva; Maisa S. Della-Casa; A.S David; Marina T. Assakura; Diego Butera; I Lebrun; John D. Shannon; Solange M.T. Serrano; Jay W. Fox

The reprolysin subfamily of metalloproteinases includes snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMP) and mammalian disintegrin/metalloproteinase. These proteins are synthesized as zymogens and undergo proteolytic processing resulting in a variety of multifunctional proteins. Jararhagin is a P-III SVMP isolated from the venom of Bothrops jararaca. In crude venom, two forms of jararhagin are typically found, full-length jararhagin and jararhagin-C, a proteolytically processed form of jararhagin that is composed of the disintegrin-like and cysteine-rich domains of jararhagin. To better understand the structural and mechanistic bases for these forms of jararhagin in the venom of B. jararaca and the source of venom complexity in general, we have examined the jararhagin forms isolated from venom and the autolysis of isolated jararhagin under the conditions of varying pH, calcium ion concentration, and reducing agents. From our results, jararhagin isolated from venom appears as two forms: a predominant form that is stable to in vitro autolysis and a minor form that is susceptible to autolysis under a variety of conditions including alkaline pH, low calcium ion concentrations, or reducing agent. The autolysis site for production of jararhagin-C from isolated jararhagin was different from that observed for jararhagin-C as isolated from crude venom. Taken together, these data lead us to the conclusion that during the biosynthesis of jararhagin in the venom gland at least three forms are present: one form which is rapidly processed to give rise to jararhagin-C, one form which is resistant to processing in the venom and autolysis in vitro, and one minor form which is susceptible to autolysis under conditions that promote destabilization of its structure. The presence of these different forms of jararhagin contributes to greater structural and functional complexity of the venom and may be a common feature among all snake venoms. The biological and biochemical features in the venom gland responsible for these jararhagin isoforms are currently under investigation.

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | 2013

Comparison of Phylogeny, Venom Composition and Neutralization by Antivenom in Diverse Species of Bothrops Complex

Leijiane F. Sousa; Carolina A. Nicolau; Pedro S. Peixoto; Juliana L. Bernardoni; Sâmella Silva de Oliveira; José Antonio Portes-Junior; Rosa Helena Veras Mourão; Isa Lima-dos-Santos; Ida S. Sano-Martins; Hipócrates de Menezes Chalkidis; Richard H. Valente; Ana M. Moura-da-Silva

In Latin America, Bothrops snakes account for most snake bites in humans, and the recommended treatment is administration of multispecific Bothrops antivenom (SAB – soro antibotrópico). However, Bothrops snakes are very diverse with regard to their venom composition, which raises the issue of which venoms should be used as immunizing antigens for the production of pan-specific Bothrops antivenoms. In this study, we simultaneously compared the composition and reactivity with SAB of venoms collected from six species of snakes, distributed in pairs from three distinct phylogenetic clades: Bothrops, Bothropoides and Rhinocerophis. We also evaluated the neutralization of Bothrops atrox venom, which is the species responsible for most snake bites in the Amazon region, but not included in the immunization antigen mixture used to produce SAB. Using mass spectrometric and chromatographic approaches, we observed a lack of similarity in protein composition between the venoms from closely related snakes and a high similarity between the venoms of phylogenetically more distant snakes, suggesting little connection between taxonomic position and venom composition. P-III snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) are the most antigenic toxins in the venoms of snakes from the Bothrops complex, whereas class P-I SVMPs, snake venom serine proteinases and phospholipases A2 reacted with antibodies in lower levels. Low molecular size toxins, such as disintegrins and bradykinin-potentiating peptides, were poorly antigenic. Toxins from the same protein family showed antigenic cross-reactivity among venoms from different species; SAB was efficient in neutralizing the B. atrox venom major toxins. Thus, we suggest that it is possible to obtain pan-specific effective antivenoms for Bothrops envenomations through immunization with venoms from only a few species of snakes, if these venoms contain protein classes that are representative of all species to which the antivenom is targeted.

Toxicon | 1991

Isolation and comparison of myotoxins isolated from venoms of different species of Bothrops snakes.

Ana M. Moura-da-Silva; H.P. Desmond; G.D. Laing; R.D.G. Theakston

Venoms of nine different snake species of the genus Bothrops were fractionated using fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). Basic proteins with phospholipase A2 and/or myotoxic activities were isolated from venoms of B. jararacussu, B. moojeni, B. neuwiedi and B. pradoi. B. jararaca venom possessed very low concentrations of these proteins, which were undetectable in venoms of B. atrox, B. alternatus, B. cotiara and B. erythromelas. Basic proteins from B. moojeni and B. pradoi venoms were isolated in pure form. All active fractions possessed a common band of 15,000 mol. wt which caused a rise in serum creatine phosphokinase levels and histopathological changes in muscle cells following i.m. injection into mice. Levels of phospholipase A2 activity were variable. The implications of the possession of varying levels of myotoxins and phospholipase A2 in these venoms are discussed.

Toxicon | 1998

Thalassophryne nattereri fish venom: biological and biochemical characterization and serum neutralization of its toxic activities

Mônica Lopes-Ferreira; Katia C. Barbaro; Diva F. Cardoso; Ana M. Moura-da-Silva; I. Mota

Envenomation by Thalassophryne nattereri fishes are an important medical problem in northeast of Brazil, causing in human victims considerable pain and edema followed by necrosis. Venom obtained from fresh captured specimens of this fish was tested in vitro or in animal models for a better characterization of its toxic activities. Intradermal injection of the venom in the foot pad of mice induced local edema and hemorrhage followed a few hours later by necrosis. Subcutaneous injection of the venom induced systemic effects consisting in jerking motions, paralysis of hind limbs, erection of hair, rotational movements and violent convulsions followed by death. Dead animals showed hyperemia of the small intestine and lungs. The venom showed distinct edematous, necrotizing and hemolytic activities, a low level of hemorrhagic, myotoxic and proteolytic activities and no detectable phospholipase A2 activity. SDS-PAGE analysis of the crude venom showed at least 17 components with the major band located around Mw = 19,000. Almost all proteins stained by amido black were also revealed by Western blotting with antibodies to T. nattereri venom. Fractionation of the venom by either gel filtration or cation exchange chromatography resulted in a few distinct peaks but in both situations the biological activities were located in only one of the peaks which corresponded to basic proteins with approximately Mw = 47,000. Heating of the venom at 56 degrees C for 60 min completely destroyed its biological activities. All venom toxic activities except edema were completely neutralized after in vitro incubation with anti-T. nattereri serum.

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