
European Journal of Marketing | 2006

Antecedents of the difference in perceived risk between store brands and national brands

Celina González Mieres; Ana María Díaz Martín; Juan Antonio Trespalacios Gutiérrez

Purpose – The present study sets out to analyze the effects that a set of variables related to purchasing behaviour has on the difference in perceived risk between store brands and national brands.Design/methodology/approach – The methodology proposed to achieve the objective consists of analyzing the existing relationship between different aspects relating to purchasing behaviour of the consumer and the difference in perceived risk between the two types of brands through a causal and integrated model. Such a model covers both the direct effects and the indirect effects caused by these variables jointly. In order to do so data were obtained from two groups of people, which has allowed for cross‐validation of the methodology used, which, in turn, permitted a greater generalization of the results.Findings – The variables which have proven to be most relevant when explaining this difference are the perceived quality of the store as opposed to that of the national brands, familiarity with the store brands and...

Journal of Travel Research | 2007

Relationship Marketing and Information and Communication Technologies: Analysis of Retail Travel Agencies

Leticia Suárez Álvarez; Ana María Díaz Martín; Rodolfo Vázquez Casielles

The development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has had profound effects in goods and services marketing. In particular, the advent of electronic commerce has forced companies to face new types of competition and customer relationship management to survive in markets. This study analyzes the Internets effect as a new distribution channel on traditional retail travel agencies and evaluates the opportunities it offers them, dispelling the idea that it is a threat. The effect of ICTs on customers trust is also examined, and the results open ways to improve the management of business relationships with customers.

Service Industries Journal | 2005

Trust as a key factor in successful relationships between consumers and retail service providers.

Rodolfo Váquez Casielles; Leticia Suárez Álvarez; Ana María Díaz Martín

Previous research has shown that trust plays a key role in the development of stable relationships between a service provider and its customers, and many authors have devoted considerable attention to identifying its antecedents and consequences. The aim of this study is to investigate these issues in the context of retail travel agencies, a service setting where new information technologies are questioning personal relationships and where the concepts of service quality and customer loyalty have become critical for differentiating from competitors.

Journal of Marketing Management | 2010

Analysis of the role of complaint management in the context of relationship marketing

Leticia Suárez Álvarez; Rodolfo Vázquez Casielles; Ana María Díaz Martín

Abstract This research aims to contribute to the relationship-marketing strategy by studying the role of complaint management in long-term relationships. Two factors distinguish it from other studies: it takes into account two types of customers, consumers and firms, and the result variable selected is the probability of ending an ongoing relationship. Two questionnaires were designed for every population. One of them was auto-administrated to a sample of consumers in the north of Spain, and the other one was sent to a representative sample of Spanish firms. The data analyses were conducted using structural equation modelling. The findings confirm the importance that theory accords to the relationship-marketing strategy, and also provide evidence for the importance of complaint management. Thus having a good complaint-handling system and trained and motivated staff who are fully committed to the firms objectives are fundamental requisites for firms to be able to build a stable customer portfolio.

International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management | 2006

Influence of perceived risk on store brand proneness

Celina González Mieres; Ana María Díaz Martín; Juan Antonio Trespalacios Gutiérrez

Purpose – The purpose of the present study is to test that perceived risk is a multidimensional concept both when it is associated to the purchase of store brands and national brands and analyzes the effect of perceived risk on store brands proneness.Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve its objective the paper used a confirmatory factor analysis to validate the proposed perceived risk scale and three regression analysis were carried out to evaluate the effect of perceived risk on store brands proneness.Findings – The results of the study show significant differences between store and national brands and, on the other hand, it has been confirmed that these differences contribute to decrease store brand proneness, the latter being measured through three variables: actual store brands purchase, consumption intensity and future purchase intention.Originality/value – Previous empirical research has focused primarily on the perceived risk associated with store brands individually. On the contrary, ...

Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management | 2009

The Role of Commitment Perceived by the Consumer in Service Industries

Leticia Suárez Álvarez; Rodolfo Vázquez Casielles; Ana María Díaz Martín

The current work aims to analyze the role of commitment perceived by the consumer in the maintenance of long‐term relationships. The context of analysis chosen is the tourism sector, more specifically the relationships that retail travel agencies establish with their consumers. The study tests a conceptual model via a system of structural equations using the statistics package EQS 6.1 for Windows. The results corroborate the importance of the consumer’s trust in the travel agency and the consumer’s perception of the firm’s commitment, because this commitment acts as an antecedent of trust and creates the conditions for the firm to achieve a stable portfolio of customers.

Revista de análisis turístico | 2007

Análisis de la confianza y el compromiso percibido por el consumidor como variables clave en las relaciones entre los clientes y las agencias de viaje minoristas

Leticia Suárez Álvarez; Rodolfo Vázquez Casielles; Ana María Díaz Martín

En Espana el sector turistico ha desempenado un rol importante, desde la crisis financiera e inmobiliaria de 2008 es uno de los sectores que ha mostrado mejor comportamiento, es por ello que se ha de incidir en mejorar la competitividad turistica de las provincias espanolas y aprovechar asi la contribucion del turismo. Hemos seleccionado para este analisis las provincias del Mediterraneo por ser las que mayor cuota turistica acumulan respecto al conjunto nacional, y por sus caracteristicas comunes en el ambito turistico. La manera de analizar y posteriormente sugerir propuestas para mejorar la competitividad de los destinos turisticos del Mediterraneo, analizar a continuacion las valores de los indicadores que representan la competitividad de los destinos, para luego valorar mediante un panel de expertos la importancia de los factores en cada destino, y finalmente, sugerir actuaciones para aumentar la competitividad. ABSTRACT In Spain tourism sector has had a relevant role since financial and real state crisis in 2008, tourism is one of the few sectors that has helped to economic recovery and it is improving it performance year a year, so tourism competitiveness in the Spanish provinces must be enhanced taking advantage of the tourism good behavior. We have selected the Mediterranean area provinces because of their mayor acummulated tourism share above national, and because of their similar characteristics. The way of improving competitiveness, then to analyze the provinces which have worst performance on the indicators that form the factors, next to asses the factor importance through and expert panel, and finally to recommend actions for improving competitivenessExiste un convencimiento en la actualidad respecto a la importancia que posee la imagen como elemento de diferenciacion y como nucleo y motor del turismo. El objetivo de este trabajo reside, por consiguiente, en la identificacion de los componentes cognitivo-afectivos conformadores de la imagen percibida del turismo rural en Galicia mediante la combinacion de los ejes atributo- holistico, funcional-psicologico y comun-unico. La metodologia empleada y los resultados obtenidos reunen gran interes puesto que la combinacion de las tecnicas estructurada y no estructurada en la medicion de la imagen de destino turistico permite identificar las fortalezas y debilidades de este (Chen & Uysal, 2002), promover eficazmente el destino (Leisen, 2001) y garantizar su exito competitivo (Telisman-Kosuta, 1994). Palabras clave: Abstract There is now convinced of the importance that the image has as an element of differentiation and as the core and driving force of tourism. The aim of this paper is therefore to identify cognitive-affective components of perceived image shapers of rural tourism in Galicia by combining the axes attribute- holistic, functional-psychological and common-unique. The methodology and results meet great interest because the combination of structured and unstructured techniques in the measurement of tourist destination image identifies the strengths and weaknesses of this (Chen & Uysal 2002), effectively promote the fate (Leisen, 2001) and ensure its competitive success (Telisman-Kosuta, 1994). Key words: tourist image, cognitive and affective dimensions, formal and technical, xa0rural tourism. imagen turistica, dimensiones cognitivas y afectivas, tecnica estructurada y no estructurada, turismo rural.Numerosos estudios han demostrado que las redes sociales influyen en las intenciones de los viajeros de visitar un destino. Sin embargo, la literatura ha prestado poca atencion a la relacion entre el comportamiento de busqueda de informacion y el desarrollo de la fidelidad a los destinos. En este sentido, este estudio analiza este fenomeno, considerando como los turistas no solo comparten su tiempo entre varias fuentes de informacion, sino que estas estan tambien influyendo en el tiempo que los turistas estan compartiendo entre varios destinos, no solo repitiendo la visita a un unico destino, sino tambien haciendose mas fieles a multiples destinos al mismo tiempo (fidelidad horizontal). Sin embargo, este tema no se ha destacado adecuadamente en el contexto turistico. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es doble: 1) comprender mejor el comportamiento del turista con respecto al uso de las redes sociales, considerando las diferencias por nacionalidades, genero y edad; y 2) explorar la relacion entre el uso de las diferentes fuentes de informacion de los turistas (tradicionales y digitales) y su influencia en la posterior fidelidad (tanto a un solo destino como en la fidelidad horizontal), y considerando tanto la fidelidad conductual como la actitudinal. Estos resultados son utiles para tomar decisiones sobre estrategias de comunicacion digital y la gestion de los programas de fidelizacion por parte de los destinos turisticos. Palabras clave : Fidelidad Horizontal, Marketing Relacional, Fuentes de Informacion, Redes Sociales, Imagen ABSTRACT The visit to a tourist destination is influenced by the tourists use of social media. However, the literature has not focused its efforts on trying to understand the relationship between the use of social media and destinations loyalty. This study analyzes this phenomenon, considering how tourists not only share their time between several sources of information, but these are also influencing the time that the tourists are sharing between several destinations, not only repeating the visit to a single destination, but also becoming more loyal to multiple destinations at the same time (horizontal loyalty). However, this topic has not been adequately highlighted in the tourism context. This study tries to analyze the differences in the use of social media by nationalities, gender, age and income; and to shed light on their relationship with loyalty. These results are useful for making decisions about digital communication strategies and the management of loyalty programs by tourist destinations. Keywords : Horizontal Loyalty, Relationship Marketing, Information Sources, Social Media, ImageEn tiempos actuales, el modelo de Desarrollo local contempla un proceso de construccion social consecuente de cuestiones diversas como la priorizacion de las necesidades de los actores locales, las capacidades y recursos territoriales de la comunidad. La actividad turistica se conjuga como una actividad economica y social que dinamiza el territorio; y la planificacion estrategica como la herramienta que contribuye a la implementacion del proceso. En el caso de Argentina, se desconoce la existencia de un registro sistematizado de los planes estrategicos provinciales, como asi tambien el analisis de los mismos desde la perspectiva del “desarrollo local”. Considerando este contexto, se ha realizado un analisis de la region turistica Norte aplicando la metodologia de los interrogantes fundamentales desarrollada por la Fundacion DEMUCA-CEDET (2009). Palabras clave: Planificacion estrategica, Turismo, Desarrollo local, Desarrollo endogeno, Metodologia de los interrogantes fundamentales. ABSTRACT In modern times, the Local Development model contemplates a process consequent social construction of various issues such as prioritizing the needs of local actors, skills and territorial community resources. Tourist activity is conjugated as an economic and social activity that energizes the territory; and strategic planning as a tool that contributes to the implementation process. In the case of Argentina, the existence of a systematic record of the provincial strategic plans is unknown, as well as analyzing them from the perspective of local development. In this context, we have performed an analysis of the North Touristic region applying the methodology of the fundamental questions developed by the DEMUCA-CEDET Foundation (2009). Key Words: Strategic planning. Tourism, Local development, endogenous development, Methodology of fundamental questions.Actualmente, los destinos de sol y playa afrontan la necesidad de renovacion y, en el Partido de Necochea, Argentina, se elaboro el Plan Estrategico de Turismo Sustentable de Necochea para responder a esta necesidad. La implementacion requiere analizar y evaluar de modo pragmatico y programatico las intervenciones territoriales para alcanzar las estrategias definidas de reposicionamiento. El articulo propone identificar las unidades de gestion del espacio, los modelos de intervencion para un escenario estrategico que contribuya a la gestion sustentable y reorientacion turistica y proporcionar bases para la reestructuracion territorial como eje transversal de politica publica ambiental y turistica. Para ello, respecto de la unidades se delimita el espacio turistico en funcion de las particularidades fisico-espaciales, los recursos turisticos y oportunidades recreativas y las disfuncionalidades o problematicas detectadas. Luego, se definen los contenidos concretos de los tipos de intervencion propuestos que reorienten la renovacion. Y por ultimo, se enuncian las bases para las actuaciones de reestructuracion territorial en funcion de un escenario estrategico. La renovacion ambiental de Necochea debe basarse en estrategias conducentes a la cualificacion del espacio turistico, la diferenciacion basada en la naturaleza, la potenciacion del entorno urbano y la inclusion de lo ambiental en la gestion turistica.Este documento analiza la investigacion academica del ecoturismo en Costa Rica, considerando los aportes conceptuales, las tendencias tematicas, geograficas y metodologicas y los retos de la investigacion en esta modalidad. Metodologicamente se localizaron, en las revistas universitarias de las universidades publicas costarricenses, los articulos sobre el ecoturismo y luego se elaboro un estado del arte. Los resultados senalan que las caracteristicas del ecoturismo son muy dinamicas e implican una incorporacion de nuevos espacios geograficos y de nuevos temas como el estudio de los encadenamientos o cluster que se desarrollan a partir de la actividad de ecoturismo y la oferta educativa en ecoturismo que ofrecen las universidades publicas. Metodologicamente, la mayor parte de las investigaciones son descriptivas. Como resultado se apunta que no existe una amplia produccion intelectual tendiente a fomentar un analisis critico del estudio y practica de la actividad. El reto es formar una comunidad cientifica que dialogue sobre la produccion y difusion del conocimiento en el area del turismo en general y para el caso especifico, sobre ecoturismo. Como conclusion, se observa la necesidad de avanzar hacia estudios criticos del ecoturismo e iniciar una reflexion academica que permita la produccion de teoria y revision de conceptos. Palabras clave: ecoturismo, turismo, Costa Rica, investigacion academica, universidades estatales Abstract This document analyzes the academic research on ecotourism in Costa Rica, considering the conceptual contributions, the thematic, geographic and methodological tendencies, and the challenges of this kind of research.xa0 Articles on ecotourism were located in university journals of the Costa Rican public universities and their contents analyzed. The results point out that the characteristics of ecotourism are very dynamic and imply the incorporation of new geographic spaces and topics, such as the study of clusters developed from the activity of eco-tourism and the curricular options on ecotourism in public universities.xa0 Methodologically speaking, most of the research is descriptive.xa0 As a result, we can say that there is no comprehensive intellectual production trying to nurture the critical analysis on the study and practice of ecotourism.xa0 The challenge is to form a scientific community to discuss on the production and distribution of knowledge in the field of tourism and in the field of ecotourism in particular.xa0 As a conclusion, we point out the need to advance toward critical studies on ecotourism and start an academic reflection that allows the production of theory and the revisioning of concepts. Keywords: ecotourism, tourism, Costa Rica, academic research, public universities

Archive | 2005

Márketing: Estrategias y Aplicaciones Sectoriales

Ignacio Alfredo Rodríguez del Bosque Rodríguez; A Trespalacios Gutiérrez; Rodolfo Vázquez Casielles; Ángel Agudo San Emeterio; Begoña Álvarez Álvarez; Luis Ignacio Álvarez González; Francisco Javier de la Ballina Ballina; Asunción Beerli Palacio; Laurentino Bello Acebrón; Jesús Collado Agudo; Ana María Díaz Martín; Águeda Esteban Talaya; María del Mar García de los Salmones Sánchez; Santiago González Hernando; Celina González Mieres; Jesús Gutiérrez Cillán; Ángel Herrero Crespo; Víctor Iglesias Argüelles; Miguel Martín Dávila; Pablo Antonio Muñoz Gallego; José Luis Placer Galán; Agustín V. Ruiz Vega; Héctor San Martín Gutiérrez; Ana Suárez Vázquez; Juan Antonio Trespalacios Gutiérrez

Papers de Turisme | 2015

La calidad percibida del servicio en establecimientos hoteleros de turismo rural

Agustín V. Ruiz Vega; Rodolfo Vázquez Casielles; Ana María Díaz Martín

Documentos de trabajo ( Universidad de Oviedo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas ) | 2001

Marketing de relaciones: el proceso de desarrollo de las relaciones comerciales entre comprador y vendedor

Rodolfo Vázquez Casielles; Ana María Díaz Martín; Ana Belén del Río Lanza

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