Ana Meijide
University of Göttingen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2016
Jochen Drescher; Katja Rembold; Kara Allen; Philip Beckschäfer; Damayanti Buchori; Yann Clough; Heiko Faust; Anas Miftah Fauzi; Dodo Gunawan; Dietrich Hertel; Bambang Irawan; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Bernhard Klarner; Christoph Kleinn; Alexander Knohl; Martyna M. Kotowska; Valentyna Krashevska; Vijesh V. Krishna; Christoph Leuschner; Wolfram Lorenz; Ana Meijide; Dian Melati; Miki Nomura; César Pérez-Cruzado; Matin Qaim; Iskandar Z. Siregar; Stefanie Steinebach; Aiyen Tjoa; Teja Tscharntke; Barbara Wick
Tropical lowland rainforests are increasingly threatened by the expansion of agriculture and the extraction of natural resources. In Jambi Province, Indonesia, the interdisciplinary EFForTS project focuses on the ecological and socio-economic dimensions of rainforest conversion to jungle rubber agroforests and monoculture plantations of rubber and oil palm. Our data confirm that rainforest transformation and land use intensification lead to substantial losses in biodiversity and related ecosystem functions, such as decreased above- and below-ground carbon stocks. Owing to rapid step-wise transformation from forests to agroforests to monoculture plantations and renewal of each plantation type every few decades, the converted land use systems are continuously dynamic, thus hampering the adaptation of animal and plant communities. On the other hand, agricultural rainforest transformation systems provide increased income and access to education, especially for migrant smallholders. Jungle rubber and rubber monocultures are associated with higher financial land productivity but lower financial labour productivity compared to oil palm, which influences crop choice: smallholders that are labour-scarce would prefer oil palm while land-scarce smallholders would prefer rubber. Collecting long-term data in an interdisciplinary context enables us to provide decision-makers and stakeholders with scientific insights to facilitate the reconciliation between economic interests and ecological sustainability in tropical agricultural landscapes.
Nature Communications | 2016
Yann Clough; Vijesh V. Krishna; Marife D. Corre; Kevin Darras; Lisa H. Denmead; Ana Meijide; Stefan Moser; Oliver Musshoff; Stefanie Steinebach; Edzo Veldkamp; Kara Allen; Andrew David Barnes; Natalie Breidenbach; Ulrich Brose; Damayanti Buchori; Rolf Daniel; Reiner Finkeldey; Idham Sakti Harahap; Dietrich Hertel; A. Mareike Holtkamp; Elvira Hörandl; Bambang Irawan; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Malte Jochum; Bernhard Klarner; Alexander Knohl; Martyna M. Kotowska; Valentyna Krashevska; Holger Kreft; Syahrul Kurniawan
Smallholder-dominated agricultural mosaic landscapes are highlighted as model production systems that deliver both economic and ecological goods in tropical agricultural landscapes, but trade-offs underlying current land-use dynamics are poorly known. Here, using the most comprehensive quantification of land-use change and associated bundles of ecosystem functions, services and economic benefits to date, we show that Indonesian smallholders predominantly choose farm portfolios with high economic productivity but low ecological value. The more profitable oil palm and rubber monocultures replace forests and agroforests critical for maintaining above- and below-ground ecological functions and the diversity of most taxa. Between the monocultures, the higher economic performance of oil palm over rubber comes with the reliance on fertilizer inputs and with increased nutrient leaching losses. Strategies to achieve an ecological-economic balance and a sustainable management of tropical smallholder landscapes must be prioritized to avoid further environmental degradation.
Plant and Soil | 2010
Ana Meijide; Laura Cardenas; Laura Sánchez-Martín; Antonio Vallejo
A field experiment was carried out in a non-irrigated barley crop (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Bornova) with the aims of evaluating the effects of applying organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes and assessing the residual effect of these fertilizers after the first rainfall events of autumn. Both soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes seemed to be dependent on temperature. The soils were a net sink for CH4 and the application of inorganic fertilizers reduced the sink potential. CO2 emissions increased following the application of fertilizers and after the first rainfall events in the autumn. The use of digested pig slurry caused a reduction of the CO2 equivalents produced per unit of crop yield.
Biological Reviews | 2017
Claudia Dislich; Alexander C. Keyel; Jan Salecker; Yael Kisel; Katrin M. Meyer; Mark Auliya; Andrew D. Barnes; Marife D. Corre; Kevin Darras; Heiko Faust; Bastian Hess; Stephan Klasen; Alexander Knohl; Holger Kreft; Ana Meijide; Fuad Nurdiansyah; Fenna Otten; Guy Pe'er; Stefanie Steinebach; Suria Darma Tarigan; Merja H. Tölle; Teja Tscharntke; Kerstin Wiegand
Oil palm plantations have expanded rapidly in recent decades. This large‐scale land‐use change has had great ecological, economic, and social impacts on both the areas converted to oil palm and their surroundings. However, research on the impacts of oil palm cultivation is scattered and patchy, and no clear overview exists. We address this gap through a systematic and comprehensive literature review of all ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations, including several (genetic, medicinal and ornamental resources, information functions) not included in previous systematic reviews. We compare ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations to those in forests, as the conversion of forest to oil palm is prevalent in the tropics. We find that oil palm plantations generally have reduced ecosystem functioning compared to forests: 11 out of 14 ecosystem functions show a net decrease in level of function. Some functions show decreases with potentially irreversible global impacts (e.g. reductions in gas and climate regulation, habitat and nursery functions, genetic resources, medicinal resources, and information functions). The most serious impacts occur when forest is cleared to establish new plantations, and immediately afterwards, especially on peat soils. To variable degrees, specific plantation management measures can prevent or reduce losses of some ecosystem functions (e.g. avoid illegal land clearing via fire, avoid draining of peat, use of integrated pest management, use of cover crops, mulch, and compost) and we highlight synergistic mitigation measures that can improve multiple ecosystem functions simultaneously. The only ecosystem function which increases in oil palm plantations is, unsurprisingly, the production of marketable goods. Our review highlights numerous research gaps. In particular, there are significant gaps with respect to socio‐cultural information functions. Further, there is a need for more empirical data on the importance of spatial and temporal scales, such as differences among plantations in different environments, of different sizes, and of different ages, as our review has identified examples where ecosystem functions vary spatially and temporally. Finally, more research is needed on developing management practices that can offset the losses of ecosystem functions. Our findings should stimulate research to address the identified gaps, and provide a foundation for more systematic research and discussion on ways to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts of oil palm cultivation.
Tree Physiology | 2015
Furong Niu; Alexander Röll; Afik Hardanto; Ana Meijide; M. Köhler; Hendrayanto; Dirk Hölscher
Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) water use was assessed by sap flux density measurements with the aim to establish the method and derive water-use characteristics. Thermal dissipation probes were inserted into leaf petioles of mature oil palms. In the laboratory, we tested our set-up against gravimetric measurements and derived new parameters for the original calibration equation that are specific to oil palm petioles. In the lowlands of Jambi, Indonesia, in a 12-year-old monoculture plantation, 56 leaves on 10 palms were equipped with one sensor per leaf. A 10-fold variation in individual leaf water use among leaves was observed, but we did not find significant correlations to the variables trunk height and diameter, leaf azimuthal orientation, leaf inclination or estimated horizontal leaf shading. We thus took an un-stratified approach to determine an appropriate sampling design to estimate stand transpiration (Es, mm day(-1)) rates of oil palm. We used the relative standard error of the mean (SEn, %) as a measure for the potential estimation error of Es associated with sample size. It was 14% for a sample size of 13 leaves to determine the average leaf water use and four palms to determine the average number of leaves per palm. Increasing these sample sizes only led to minor further decreases of the SEn of Es. The observed 90-day average of Es was 1.1 mm day(-1) (error margin ± 0.2 mm day(-1)), which seems relatively low, but does not contradict Penman-Monteith-derived estimates of evapotranspiration. Examining the environmental drivers of Es on an intra-daily scale indicates an early, pre-noon maximum of Es rates (11 am) due to a very sensitive reaction of Es to increasing vapor pressure deficit in the morning. This early peak is followed by a steady decline of Es rates for the rest of the day, despite further rising levels of vapor pressure deficit and radiation; this results in pronounced hysteresis, particularly between Es and vapor pressure deficit.
Ecology and Society | 2016
Jennifer Merten; Alexander Röll; Thomas Guillaume; Ana Meijide; Suria Darma Tarigan; Herdhata Agusta; Claudia Dislich; Christoph Dittrich; Heiko Faust; Dodo Gunawan; Jonas Hein; Hendrayanto; Alexander Knohl; Yakov Kuzyakov; Kerstin Wiegand; Dirk Hölscher
Conversions of natural ecosystems, e.g., from rain forests to managed plantations, result in significant changes in the hydrological cycle including periodic water scarcity. In Indonesia, large areas of forest were lost and extensive oil palm plantations were established over the last decades. We conducted a combined social and environmental study in a region of recent land-use change, the Jambi Province on Sumatra. The objective was to derive complementary lines of arguments to provide balanced insights into environmental perceptions and eco-hydrological processes accompanying land-use change. Interviews with villagers highlighted concerns regarding decreasing water levels in wells during dry periods and increasing fluctuations in stream flow between rainy and dry periods. Periodic water scarcity was found to severely impact livelihoods, which increased social polarization. Sap flux measurements on forest trees and oil palms indicate that oil palm plantations use as much water as forests for transpiration. Eddy covariance analyses of evapotranspiration over oil palm point to substantial additional sources of evaporation in oil palm plantations such as the soil and epiphytes. Stream base flow from a catchment dominated by oil palms was lower than from a catchment dominated by rubber plantations; both showed high peaks after rainfall. An estimate of erosion indicated approximately 30 cm of topsoil loss after forest conversion to both oil palm and rubber plantations. Analyses of climatic variables over the last 20 years and of a standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index for the last century suggested that droughts are recurrent in the area, but have not increased in frequency or intensity. Consequently, we assume that conversions of rain forest ecosystems to oil palm plantations lead to a redistribution of precipitated water by runoff, which leads to the reported periodic water scarcity. Our combined social and environmental approach points to significant and thus far neglected eco-hydrological consequences of oil palm expansion.
Nature Ecology and Evolution | 2017
Andrew D. Barnes; Kara Allen; Holger Kreft; Marife D. Corre; Malte Jochum; Edzo Veldkamp; Yann Clough; Rolf Daniel; Kevin Darras; Lisa H. Denmead; Noor Farikhah Haneda; Dietrich Hertel; Alexander Knohl; Martyna M. Kotowska; Syahrul Kurniawan; Ana Meijide; Katja Rembold; Walesa Edho Prabowo; Dominik Schneider; Teja Tscharntke; Ulrich Brose
The conversion of tropical rainforest to agricultural systems such as oil palm alters biodiversity across a large range of interacting taxa and trophic levels. Yet, it remains unclear how direct and cascading effects of land-use change simultaneously drive ecological shifts. Combining data from a multi-taxon research initiative in Sumatra, Indonesia, we show that direct and cascading land-use effects alter biomass and species richness of taxa across trophic levels ranging from microorganisms to birds. Tropical land use resulted in increases in biomass and species richness via bottom-up cascading effects, but reductions via direct effects. When considering direct and cascading effects together, land use was found to reduce biomass and species richness, with increasing magnitude at higher trophic levels. Our analyses disentangle the multifaceted effects of land-use change on tropical ecosystems, revealing that biotic interactions on broad taxonomic scales influence the ecological outcome of anthropogenic perturbations to natural ecosystems.Direct and cascading land-use effects alter biomass and species richness of taxa across trophic levels ranging from microorganisms to birds in a multi-taxon research initiative in Sumatra, Indonesia.
Frontiers in Plant Science | 2017
Afik Hardanto; Alexander Röll; Furong Niu; Ana Meijide; Hendrayanto; Dirk Hölscher
Oil palm and rubber plantations extend over large areas and encompass heterogeneous site conditions. In periods of high rainfall, plants in valleys and at riparian sites are more prone to flooding than plants at elevated topographic positions. We asked to what extent topographic position and flooding affect oil palm and rubber tree water use patterns and thereby influence spatial and temporal heterogeneity of transpiration. In an undulating terrain in the lowlands of Jambi, Indonesia, plantations of the two species were studied in plot pairs consisting of upland and adjacent valley plots. All upland plots were non-flooded, whereas the corresponding valley plots included non-flooded, long-term flooded, and short-term flooded conditions. Within each plot pair, sap flux densities in palms or trees were monitored simultaneously with thermal dissipation probes. In plot pairs with non-flooded valleys, sap flux densities of oil palms were only slightly different between the topographic positions, whereas sap flux densities of rubber trees were higher in the valley than at the according upland site. In pairs with long-term flooded valleys, sap flux densities in valleys were lower than at upland plots for both species, but the reduction was far less pronounced in oil palms than in rubber trees (-22 and -45% in maximum sap flux density, respectively). At these long-term flooded valley plots palm and tree water use also responded less sensitively to fluctuations in micrometeorological variables than at upland plots. In short-term flooded valley plots, sap flux densities of oil palm were hardly affected by flooding, but sap flux densities of rubber trees were reduced considerably. Topographic position and flooding thus affected water use patterns in both oil palms and rubber trees, but the changes in rubber trees were much more pronounced: compared to non-flooded upland sites, the different flooding conditions at valley sites amplified the observed heterogeneity of plot mean water use by a factor of 2.4 in oil palm and by a factor of 4.2 in rubber plantations. Such strong differences between species as well as the pronounced heterogeneity of water use across space and time may be of relevance for eco-hydrological assessments of tropical plantation landscapes.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2017
Nurul Amri Komarudin; Tania June; Ana Meijide
Oil Palm (Elaeis guinensis Jacq) has a unique morphological characteristics, in particular it has a uniform canopy. As the plant become older, its canopy coverage will completely cover the surface and influence characteristics of its microclimate. Sensible heat flux estimation of oil palm plantation could be used to identify the contribution of oil palm in reducing or increasing heat to its surrounding environment. Determination of heat flux from oil palm plantation was conducted using two methods, Aerodynamic and Penman-Monteith. The result shows that the two methods have similar diurnal pattern. The sensible heat flux peaks in the afternoon, both for two and twelve years oil palm plantations. Sensible heat flux of young plantation is affected by atmospheric stability (stable, unstable and neutral), and is higher than that of older plantation, with mean values of 0.52 W/m2 (stable), 43.53 W/m2 (unstable), 0.63 W/m2 (neutral), with standard deviation of 0.50, 28.75 and 0.46 respectively. Sensible heat flux estimated by Penman-Monteith method in both young and older plantation was higher than the value determined by Aerodynamic method with respective value of 0.77 W/m2 (stable), 45.13 W/m2 (unstable) and 0.63 W/m2 (neutral) and 0.34 W/m2 (stable), 35.82 W/m2 (unstable) and 0.71 W/m2 (neutral).
Ecohydrology | 2017
Furong Niu; Alexander Röll; Ana Meijide; Hendrayanto; Dirk Hölscher
The expansion of rubber cultivation in Southeast Asia raises concerns about the integrity of the hydrological cycle. From mainland Asia, high evapotranspiration from rubber plantations was reported. Our study was conducted in the Sumatran lowlands (Indonesia), where rubber is grown by small-holders under maritime climate. We assessed patterns of water use with sap flux methods, focusing on influences of tree age and size. We first tested a field measurement scheme in methodological experiments and subsequently applied it to 10 plots in mono-cultural rubber plantations. Among fully leaved, mature stands, maximum sap flux densities decreased with increasing tree diameter in 14- and 16-year old plantations, but not in 7- and 8-year old ones. Consequentley, tree water use increased more steeply with increasing diameter in the younger than in the older plantations. In contrast to this, among the same five mature plantations, stand-scale transpiration decreased with increasing mean tree diameter and height. This was due to a negative linear relationship between diameter and stand density. Among seven fully leaved plantations, stand age explained 95% of the site-to-site variability in transpiration. Temporally, rubber transpiration showed pronounced seasonality due to leaf shedding. Transpiration in our study was substantially lower than in rubber plantations in mainland Asia; reasons include differences in methods, management and climate. On Sumatra, rubber may be eco-hydrologically less concerning than e.g. oil palm plantations, due to low transpiration and periodical leaf shedding. Our study endorses the importance of considering age, management, climate and species in eco-hydrological assessments of tropical plantation landscapes.