
PLOS ONE | 2014

Comparison of the accuracy of voxel based registration and surface based registration for 3D assessment of surgical change following orthognathic surgery.

Anas Almukhtar; Xiangyang Ju; Balvinder Khambay; Jim McDonald; Ashraf Ayoub

Purpose Superimposition of two dimensional preoperative and postoperative facial images, including radiographs and photographs, are used to evaluate the surgical changes after orthognathic surgery. Recently, three dimensional (3D) imaging has been introduced allowing more accurate analysis of surgical changes. Surface based registration and voxel based registration are commonly used methods for 3D superimposition. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the accuracy of the two methods. Materials and methods Pre-operative and 6 months post-operative cone beam CT scan (CBCT) images of 31 patients were randomly selected from the orthognathic patient database at the Dental Hospital and School, University of Glasgow, UK. Voxel based registration was performed on the DICOM images (Digital Imaging Communication in Medicine) using Maxilim software (Medicim-Medical Image Computing, Belgium). Surface based registration was performed on the soft and hard tissue 3D models using VRMesh (VirtualGrid, Bellevue City, WA). The accuracy of the superimposition was evaluated by measuring the mean value of the absolute distance between the two 3D image surfaces. The results were statistically analysed using a paired Student t-test, ANOVA with post-hoc Duncan test, a one sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient test. Results The results showed no significant statistical difference between the two superimposition methods (p<0.05). However surface based registration showed a high variability in the mean distances between the corresponding surfaces compared to voxel based registration, especially for soft tissue. Within each method there was a significant difference between superimposition of the soft and hard tissue models. Conclusions There were no significant statistical differences between the two registration methods and it was unlikely to have any clinical significance. Voxel based registration was associated with less variability. Registering on the soft tissue in isolation from the hard tissue may not be a true reflection of the surgical change.

British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery | 2016

State-of-the-art three-dimensional analysis of soft tissue changes following Le Fort I maxillary advancement

Anas Almukhtar; Ashraf Ayoub; Balvinder Khambay; Jim McDonald; Xianyang Ju

We describe the comprehensive 3-dimensional analysis of facial changes after Le Fort I osteotomy and introduce a new tool for anthropometric analysis of the face. We studied the cone-beam computed tomograms of 33 patients taken one month before and 6-12 months after Le Fort I maxillary advancement with or without posterior vertical impaction. Use of a generic facial mesh for dense correspondence analysis of changes in the soft tissue showed a mean (SD) anteroposterior advancement of the maxilla of 5.9 (1.7) mm, and mean (SD) minimal anterior and posterior vertical maxillary impaction of 0.1 (1.7) mm and 0.6 (1.45) mm, respectively. It also showed distinctive forward and marked lateral expansion around the upper lip and nose, and pronounced upward movement of the alar curvature and columella. The nose was widened and the nostrils advanced. There was minimal forward change at the base of the nose (subnasale and alar base) but a noticeable upward movement at the nasal tip. Changes at the cheeks were minimal. Analysis showed widening of the midface and upper lip which, to our knowledge, has not been reported before. The nostrils were compressed and widened, and the lower lip shortened. Changes at the chin and lower lip were secondary to the limited maxillary impaction.

PLOS ONE | 2016

The Accuracy of Conformation of a Generic Surface Mesh for the Analysis of Facial Soft Tissue Changes.

Man Yan Cheung; Anas Almukhtar; Andrew Keeling; Tai-Chiu Hsung; Xiangyang Ju; Jim McDonald; Ashraf Ayoub; Balvinder Khambay

Purpose Three dimensional analysis of the face is required for the assessment of complex changes following surgery, pathological conditions and to monitor facial growth. The most suitable method may be “dense surface correspondence”. Materials and Methods This method utilizes a generic facial mesh and “conformation process” to establish anatomical correspondences between two facial images. The aim of this study was to validate the use of conformed meshes to measure simulated maxillary and mandibular surgical movements. The “simulation” was performed by deforming the actual soft tissues of the participant during image acquisition. The study was conducted on 20 volunteers and used 77 facial landmarks pre-marked over six anatomical regions; left cheek, right cheek, left upper lip, philtrum, right upper lip and chin region. Each volunteer was imaged at rest and after performing 5 different simulated surgical procedures using 3D stereophotogrammetry. The simulated surgical movement was determined by measuring the Euclidean distances and the mean absolute x, y and z distances of the landmarks making up the six regions following digitization. A generic mesh was then conformed to each of the aligned six facial 3D images. The same six regions were selected on the aligned conformed simulated meshes and the surgical movement determined by determining the Euclidean distances and the mean absolute x, y and z distances of the mesh points making up the six regions were determined. Results In all cases the mean Euclidian distance between the simulated movement and conformed region was less than 0.7mm. For the x, y and z directions the majority of differences in the mean absolute distances were less than 1.0mm except in the x-direction for the left and right cheek regions, which was above 2.0mm. Conclusions This concludes that the conformation process has an acceptable level of accuracy and is a valid method of measuring facial change between two images i.e. pre- and post-surgery. The conformation accuracy is higher toward the center of the face than the peripheral regions.

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2016

Effects of Le Fort I Osteotomy on the Nasopharyngeal Airway—6-Month Follow-Up

Mohammed Almuzian; Anas Almukhtar; Xiangyang Ju; Ali Al-Hiyali; Philip Benington; Ashraf Ayoub

PURPOSE The literature discussing the impact of a single Le Fort I osteotomy on nasopharyngeal airways is limited. This study assessed the volumetric changes in the nasopharyngeal airway after a single Le Fort I osteotomy and explored the correlation between these changes and 3-dimensional surgical movements of the upper jaw. MATERIALS AND METHODS This retrospective study was conducted in 40 patients who had undergone a single Le Fort I (maxillary advancement with or without impaction) to correct Class III malocclusion with maxillary hypoplasia. Preoperative (T1) and 6-month postoperative (T2) cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) scans of these patients were used for analysis. Maxillary surgical movements and volumetric changes in the nasopharyngeal airway were measured. The reproducibility of the measurements was evaluated using paired t tests and intraclass correlation coefficients. The Wilcoxon test and Pearson correlation coefficient were applied to evaluate the volumetric changes in the nasopharyngeal airway space and assess the correlations of these changes to the maxillary surgical movements. RESULTS Six patients were excluded from the study owing to major differences (>5°) in their head and neck posture between the T1 and T2 CBCT scans. The errors of the repeated measurements were insignificant (P > .05), with a high level of agreement (r = 0.99; P < .05) between the repeated digitization of the landmarks. There was a statistically significant impact of a Le Fort I osteotomy on the right maxillary sinus (decreased by 17.8%) and the lower retropalatal space (expanded by 17.3%; P < .05). The correlation between the change in airway volume and the magnitude of surgical maxillary movements was moderate (r = .4). Similarly, there was a moderate correlation between changes in the upper nasopharynx and those in the hypopharynx. CONCLUSION The single Le Fort I osteotomy was found to increase the retroglossal airway volume. This could be important for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with maxillary deficiency. A long-term follow-up assessment of a larger sample with a functional assessment of airway would be beneficial to confirm these findings.

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2017

Comprehensive analysis of soft tissue changes in response to orthognathic surgery: mandibular versus bimaxillary advancement

Anas Almukhtar; Balvinder Khambay; Xiangyang Ju; Ashraf Ayoub

This study was performed to compare soft tissue changes in response to mandibular and bimaxillary advancement osteotomy. Preoperative and postoperative cone beam computed tomography scans of 24 cases were analysed: 12 underwent bimaxillary advancement and 12 underwent mandibular advancement. The skeletal surgical movements were measured and soft tissue changes were displayed on a three-dimensional colour map. The intensity and shade of the colour indicated the magnitude and direction of the changes. In the bimaxillary advancement group, maxillary advancement was 5.5±2.7mm with anterior vertical impaction of 2.7±2.5mm; mandibular advancement was 4.6±3.2mm. Most of the mediolateral soft tissue changes were limited to the anatomical boundaries of the paranasal region - the columella together with the alar bases of the nose; these showed clear forward movement, which extended to involve most of the cheeks. In the mandibular surgery group, the mean advancement was 3.5±2.6mm. The chin region, lower lip, and inferior parts of the cheek showed forward shift with minimal changes at the vermilion border, which was only displaced in an upward direction. In conclusion, dense anatomical correspondence is a clinically meaningful method of producing a visual comprehensive analysis of the changes in response to orthognathic surgery.

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2017

The accuracy of three-dimensional prediction of soft tissue changes following the surgical correction of facial asymmetry: An innovative concept

T. Mundluru; Anas Almukhtar; Xiangyang Ju; Ashraf Ayoub

The accuracy of three-dimensional (3D) predictions of soft tissue changes in the surgical correction of facial asymmetry was evaluated in this study. Preoperative (T1) and 6-12-month postoperative (T2) cone beam computed tomography scans of 13 patients were studied. All patients underwent surgical correction of facial asymmetry as part of a multidisciplinary treatment protocol. The magnitude of the surgical movement was measured; virtual surgery was performed on the preoperative scans using Maxilim software. The predicted soft tissue changes were compared to the actual postoperative appearance (T2). Mean (signed) distances and mean (absolute) distances between the predicted and actual 3D surface meshes for each region were calculated. The one-sample t-test was applied to test the alternative hypothesis that the mean absolute distances had a value of <2.0mm. A novel directional analysis was applied to analyse the accuracy of the prediction of soft tissue changes. The results showed that the distances between the predicted and actual postoperative soft tissue changes were less than 2.0mm in all regions. The predicted facial morphology was narrower than the actual surgical changes in the cheek regions. 3D soft tissue prediction using Maxilim software in patients undergoing the correction of facial asymmetry is clinically acceptable.

Between | 2016

Direct DICOM Slice Landmarking” A Novel Research Technique to Quantify Skeletal Changes in Orthognathic Surgery 2015 2015-08-07 Public Library of Science 202381698 10 8 15 6 6 PLOS ONE 2016-06-24 2560423545 24794 10.22557/HG.2013.03.299.141 a study on the aspect of mutual intereference between ssi in ahjussi and ssi in honggildong ssiㆍhong ssi A Study on the Aspect of Mutual Intereference between ‘-ssi’ in ‘ahjussi’ and ‘-ssi’ in ‘Honggildong ssiㆍHong ssi’ 2013 2013-03-31 299 141 0 0 0 HAN-GEUL 2016-12-16 1933562067 25283 10.15027/26141 ヴィゴツキーの発達論における 補償 a アドラーの影響を中心に ヴィゴツキーの発達論における「補償」 : A. アドラーの影響を中心に 2008 2008-12-26 広島大学大学院教育学研究科 57 277 284 0 0 0 Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. 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Anas Almukhtar; Balvinder Khambay; Ashraf Ayoub; Xiangyang Ju; Ali Al-Hiyali; James MacDonald; Norhayati Jabar; Tazuko K. Goto

The limitations of the current methods of quantifying the surgical movements of facial bones inspired this study. The aim of this study was the assessment of the accuracy and reproducibility of directly landmarking of 3D DICOM images (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) to quantify the changes in the jaw bones following surgery. The study was carried out on plastic skull to simulate the surgical movements of the jaw bones. Cone beam CT scans were taken at 3mm, 6mm, and 9mm maxillary advancement; together with a 2mm, 4mm, 6mm and 8mm “down graft” which in total generated 12 different positions of the maxilla for the analysis. The movements of the maxilla were calculated using two methods, the standard approach where distances between surface landmarks on the jaw bones were measured and the novel approach where measurements were taken directly from the internal structures of the corresponding 3D DICOME slices. A one sample t-test showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the two methods of measurements for the y and z directions, however, the x direction showed a significant difference. The mean difference between the two absolute measurements were 0.34±0.20mm, 0.22±0.16mm, 0.18±0.13mm in the y, z and x directions respectively. In conclusion, the direct landmarking of 3D DICOM image slices is a reliable, reproducible and informative method for assessment of the 3D skeletal changes. The method has a clear clinical application which includes the analysis of the jaw movements “orthognathic surgery” for the correction of facial deformities.

Surgeon-journal of The Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland | 2016


Mohammed Almuzian; Xiangyang Ju; Anas Almukhtar; Ashraf Ayoub; Lubna Al-Muzian; Jim McDonald

JPRAS Open | 2017

-curvatures 2005 2005-01-01 American Mathematical Society, AMS 60030702 357 10 3971 3992 5 33 54 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2016-06-24 2546770116 22045 10.22564/rbgf.v33i4.756 gravity and magnetic integrated data interpretation of the corrego dos bois complex goias alkaline province central brazil GRAVITY AND MAGNETIC INTEGRATED DATA INTERPRETATION OF THE CORRÉGO DOS BOIS COMPLEX, GOIÁS ALKALINE PROVINCE, CENTRAL BRAZIL 2016 2016-08-26 33 4 599 610 0 3 3 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 2016-11-11 1961058568 21478 Patent quantum communication device quantum communication method and computer program product Quantum communication device, quantum communication method, and computer program product 2015 2015-01-06 35 2 2 2016-06-24 2560423615 24435 Journal estimate some of the aerodynamic characteristics of urban areas by using wind tunnel Estimate some of the aerodynamic characteristics of urban areas by using wind tunnel 2016 2016-06-06 2764769895 6 6 0 0 0 International journal of scientific and research publications 2016-12-16 1933562757 21770 Journal the epidemiology of murder and suicide involving scuba diving The epidemiology of murder and suicide involving scuba diving 2012 2012-01-01 Via Medica 2736572260 63 4 207 212 21 1 1 International Maritime Health 2016-06-24 2546770146 24944 Patent feuchtigkeits und staubgeschuetztes wanduhrgehaeuse Feuchtigkeits- und staubgeschuetztes Wanduhrgehaeuse 1971 1971-01-14 0 2 2 2016-11-11 1961058655 22275 10.1002/047147844X.ww1883 biological phosphorus removal in the activated sludge process Biological Phosphorus Removal in the Activated Sludge Process Water Encyclopedia 2005 2005-07-15 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0 1 1 Water Encyclopedia 2016-06-24 2560423626 24692 10.6084/m9.figshare.1128569.v1 robust and radial image comparison using reverse image search Robust and Radial Image Comparison Using Reverse Image Search 2014 2014-01-01 10 0 0 2016-12-16 1933562848 24590 aktivitas enzim amilase lipase dan protease dari larva hermetia illucens yang diberi pakan jerami padi AKTIVITAS ENZIM AMILASE, LIPASE, DAN PROTEASE DARI LARVA Hermetia illucens yang diberi pakan jerami padi 2015 2015-08-01 9 2 0 0 0 JURNAL ISTEK 2016-06-24 2546770147 23483 formation of non spherical hydrogel microstructures using non equilibrium aqueous two phase systems FORMATION OF NON-SPHERICAL HYDROGEL MICROSTRUCTURES USING NON-EQUILIBRIUM AQUEOUS TWO-PHASE SYSTEMS 2014 2014-01-01 2 0 0 2016-11-11 1961058732 24692 magnetism in frustrated nanostructures Magnetism in frustrated nanostructures 2014 2014-04-01 Imperial College London 0 0 0 2016-06-24 2560423627 24386 the study on the strategies of choosing music schools from the viewpoint of kansei engineering The study on the strategies of choosing music schools from the viewpoint of Kansei engineering 2015 2015-11-01 1 45 49 0 0 0 Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation 2016-12-16 1933562860 21070 10.1080/10253890701850239 Journal intergenerational effects of cocaine on maternal aggressive behavior and brain oxytocin in rat dams Intergenerational effects of cocaine on maternal aggressive behavior and brain oxytocin in rat dams 2008 2008-01-01 NIH Public Access 54143609 11 5 398 410 63 35 53 Stress 2016-06-24 2546770156 24590 visite au forum des sciences Visite au Forum des Sciences 2015 2015-06-22 0 0 0 2016-11-11 1961058767 24629 10.15587/1729-4061.2012.3433 Journal development of automated system tests of information protection in computer systems and networks Development of automated system tests of information protection in computer systems and networks 2012 2012-01-01 2764476468 1 11 16 0 0 0 Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2016-06-24 2560423629 24590 comparative analysis of local broadcast algorithms in wireless ad hoc networks reducing the number of transmissions COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LOCAL BROADCAST ALGORITHMS IN WIRELESS AD HOC NETWORKS: REDUCING THE NUMBER OF TRANSMISSIONS 2015 2015-01-01 10 0 0 2016-12-16 1933562865 25409 derecho de peticion n 7004334 se puede perder la calidad de subgerente frente a terceros sin que se registre el acta del organo competente en la camara de comercio Derecho de petición N° 7004334 ¿Se puede perder la calidad de subgerente frente a terceros sin que se registre el acta del órgano competente en la Cámara de Comercio? 2007 2007-03-08 Bogotá: Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, 2007 0 0 0 2016-06-24 2546770165 24448 10.1017/CBO9781316481080.015 BookChapter in the traces of terpsichore In the Traces of Terpsichore Dance and Drama in French Baroque Opera: A History 2016 2016-01-01 Cambridge University Press 411 445 0 0 0 2016-11-11 1961058834 24692 dano mecanico en la semilla de frijol phaseolus vulgaris l durante el acondicionamiento Daño mecánico en la semilla de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) durante el acondicionamiento. 2014 2014-01-01 0 0 0 2016-06-24 2560423631 24340 10.13125/2039-6597/2521 Journal intermediality and the aesthetic of the pastiche little me Intermediality and the Aesthetic of the Pastiche: Little me"

Anas Almukhtar; Balvinder Khambay; Xiangyang Ju; Jim McDonald; Ashraf Ayoub

Archive | 2015

Does rapid maxillary expansion affect nasopharyngeal airway? A prospective Cone Beam Computerised Tomography (CBCT) based study.

Mohammed Almuzian; Anas Almukhtar; Xiangyang Ju; Ali Al-Hiyali; Philip Benington; Ashraf Ayoub

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