Anderson Corassa
University of the Fraser Valley
Featured researches published by Anderson Corassa.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Chiara Albano de Araújo Oliveira; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; Antônio Assis Vieira; Maria Izabel Vieira de Almeida; Anderson Corassa; Bruna Adese Lopes; Robert Macedo
Two assays were performed to evaluate the apparent digestibility of nutrients in horses diets, using the total collection of feces method and the markers chromic oxide, indigestible acid detergent fiber (iADF), indigestible neutral detergent fiber (iNDF), indigestible cellulose (iCEL), lignin (LIG), and insoluble acid detergent ashes (ADTA), as markers. In the first assay, five crossbred colts were used, fed five diets with different levels of crude protein, maintaining the relationship 50:50 concentrate to forage. The chromic oxide was used as external marker. In the second assay, four crossbred colts were fed diets composed by coastcross hay as forage and concentrate in the proportions of 40:60, 60:40, 80:20 and 100:00. In both assays, the cotents of indigestible acid detergent fiber, indigestible neutral detergent fiber, indigestible cellulose, lignin and acid detergent insoluble ash were obtained after in vitro incubation. In the first assay, the FDAi showed to be appropriate as internal marker to estimate the digestibility, and in both assays the CELi showed to be appropriate as internal marker for the estimate of apparent digestibility of nutrients of horses diets. The chromic oxide showed low fecal recovery in the first assay and the LIG showed low fecal recovery in both assays, underestimating the apparent digestibility coefficients of nutrients, and was inadequate to estimate the digestibility. ADIA, compared to the total collection of feces method, also showed to be inadequate to estimate the nutrient digestibility in equine.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004
Grasiele Coelho Cabral; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; C. R. Quirino; Luís Fernando Batista Pinto; Edson Mauro Santos; Anderson Corassa
This work was carried out to evaluate angular measures of foals, from birth to 12 months age, and mature animals of the Mangalarga Marchador horse. Eleven angular measures of 98 foals, 55 males and 43 females, were taken on the birth day and at each thirty days up to complete 12 months of age. Results of measures were submitted to analysis of variance and mathematical model included effects of sex, region, nutritional management, herd, month and year of birth. The variables studied were not influenced by sex, herd, nutritional management, month and year of birth. The values increases and decreases at each month, what can be result of unequal growth of bones that form the angles. Average values observed for shoulder-floor angle of foals varied from 58.3 to 63.40, for males, and from 58.1 to 63.10, for females. The average value of shoulder-floor angle was 66,8o for stallions and mares. There were observed a relative agreement between the angles of anterior and posterior legs comparing values of angles shoulder-humerus with coxae-femur, humerus-radius with femur-tibia, metacarpus-phalanx with metatarsus-phalanx and tibia-metatarsus with metatarsus-phalanx. In anterior leg was observed variation directly proportional of the angles shoulder-floor and shoulder-humerus, while in posterior leg the variation there were inversely proportional between the angles coxae-floor and coxae-femur.Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o crescimento de potros da raca Mangalarga Marchador por meio de suas medidas lineares. Foram mensurados 98 potros, sendo 55 machos e 43 femeas, ao nascimento e a cada 30 dias ate completarem 12 meses de idade. Os pais e as maes dos potros foram mensurados para obtencao dos valores medios das medidas lineares estudadas nos animais adultos. Os valores das medidas corporais dos animais foram submetidos a analise de variância e o modelo estatistico incluiu os efeitos de sexo, local, manejo nutricional, rebanho, mes e ano de nascimento. As caracteristicas de conformacao estudadas nao foram influenciadas pelos efeitos de sexo, rebanho, regiao, manejo nutricional, mes e ano de nascimento. A medida de altura na cernelha apresentou reduzida variacao, passando de 61,6% da media a idade adulta, ao nascimento, para 88% da media a idade adulta, aos 12 meses, nos machos, e de 63,2% da media a idade adulta, ao nascimento, para 90% da media a idade adulta, aos 12 meses, nas femeas. De forma similar, a altura na garupa passou de 63,3% da media a idade adulta, ao nascimento, para 89% da media a idade adulta, aos 12 meses, nos machos e de 64,1% da media a idade adulta, ao nascimento, para 91,1% da media a idade adulta, aos 12 meses, nas femeas. O comprimento do corpo dos potros apresentou valores de 68,1; 112,6 e 127,1 cm nos machos e de 68; 111,6 e 128,3 cm nas femeas, ao nascimento, 6 e 12 meses, respectivamente. Em relacao a idade adulta, os valores observados para comprimento do corpo foram 43,3; 71,6 e 86,6%, nos machos, e 45,5; 74,7 e 85,8%, nas femeas, ao nascimento, 6 e 12 meses de idade, respectivamente.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Chiara Albano de Araújo Oliveira; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Antônio Assis Vieira; Ângela Maria Quintão Lana; Robert Macedo; Bruna Adese Lopes; Anderson Corassa
Este trabalho foi conduzido com os objetivos de avaliar a cinetica de passagem da digesta no trato digestivo e estimar o balanco hidrico e de nitrogenio em equinos consumindo dietas com diferentes niveis de volumoso. Foram utilizados quatro potros nao castrados, mesticos, com idade de 18 meses, alojados em baias individuais e exercitados uma vez ao dia. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o quadrado latino 4 x 4, em que cada periodo experimental teve duracao de 14 dias de adaptacao a dieta e cinco dias de coleta fecal. As dietas foram compostas por feno de capim-coastcross e concentrado, fornecidos simultaneamente, duas vezes ao dia, nas proporcoes de 40:60, 60:40, 80:20 e 100:0. A cinetica de passagem da digesta foi estimada pelo tempo medio de retencao da digesta (TMR), da taxa de passagem (TxP) e do tempo de trânsito (TT), utilizando dois indicadores externos, o cromo fixado como mordente na fibra em detergente neutro (Cr-FDN) e o complexo cobalto-EDTA (Co-EDTA). O balanco hidrico foi avaliado de acordo com as quantidades de agua ingerida in natura e na dieta e excretada na urina e nas fezes. O balanco de nitrogenio foi avaliado de acordo com as quantidades diarias de compostos nitrogenados consumidos e excretados. As medias dos valores da cinetica de passagem nas fases solida e liquida da digesta foram 42,7 e 33,8 horas para TMR e de 2,4 e 3,1 %/hora para TxP. O TT da fase liquida da digesta apresentou efeito linear negativo, em funcao da inclusao de volumoso na dieta. O consumo medio de agua foi de 13,8 litros. O balanco hidrico variou de 7,9 a 1,8 litros para as dietas com 40 e 100% de volumoso, respectivamente, reduzindo de forma linear, com a inclusao do volumoso na dieta.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Rosane Barros da Silva Stein; Luiz Roberto Aguiar de Toledo; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Paulo Henrique Mazza Rodrigues; César Gonçalves de Lima; Anderson Corassa; Thiago Marques dos Santos
This research aimed to compare dry matter digestibility coefficient (DMDC) of horse diets by total feces collection (TC) and internal markers, indigestible cellulose (iCEL), indigestible acid detergent fiber (iADF) and acid insoluble ash (AIA). Sixteen adult mares of Mangalarga Marchador breed averaging from 3.5 to 18.4 years and 394.80 ± 46.22 kg were assigned to a randomized block design with four replicates. Diets were formulated to be isoprotein and isoenergetic and composed of coastcross hay (Cynodon dactylon cv. Coast cross) and 60:40 concentrate. Evaluation of DMDC estimated by the markers was performed by a model considering the bias, i.e., the difference between DMDC estimated by marker and by TC. No effect of animal age on DMDC. Among the evaluated markers, iADF was more accurate. Regarding precision, no differences were observed among markers. Concerning robustness, dry matter intake and DMDC affected iADF and iCEL estimates, whereas only DMDC affected AIA estimate. Markers recoveries were 98.49, 94.49 and 144.5% for iADF, iCEL e AIA, respectively and, only iADF recovery did not differ from 100%. Markers ranking concerning accuracy, precision and robustness were as follows: iADF, AIA and iCEL.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005
Edson Mauro Santos; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Antônio Assis Vieira; Luís Fernando Batista Pinto; Anderson Corassa; Róbson Ricardo Moreira Pimentel; Vinícius Pimentel Silva; Leandro Galzerano
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a producao e a composicao do leite de eguas Mangalarga Marchador e o ganho de peso dos potros lactentes. A producao de leite foi avaliada em oito eguas, pelo metodo da pesagem dos potros antes e depois das mamadas, em intervalos de duas horas, em doze observacoes diarias. A partir do somatorio da quantidade de leite produzido nas observacoes, obteve-se a producao diaria de leite. A producao de leite, analisado quanto aos teores de lactose, proteina, gordura e energia, foi avaliada aos 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 e 160 dias da lactacao A producao media de leite variou de 9,95 kg/dia no 40o dia a 7,48 kg/dia no final da lactacao. A producao total de leite estimada foi igual a 1405,56 kg. A producao de leite, expressa em percentual do peso vivo (PV) das eguas, variou entre 2,3% do PV no 20o dia e 1,8% do PV no final da lactacao, sendo similar as quantidades de leite produzidas nos periodos diurno e noturno. Nao foi observado efeito da idade das eguas na producao de leite. O ganho medio diario de peso dos potros ao longo do periodo de amamentacao foi de 0,77 kg, com maiores valores nos meses iniciais do periodo de amamentacao. O leite das eguas apresentou baixas concentracoes de proteina, gordura e energia e altas de lactose, alem de resposta quadratica decrescente, em funcao do periodo da lactacao.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2007
Anderson Corassa; Darci Clementino Lopes; Sérgio de Miranda Pena; Letícia Silva de Freitas; Graciane de Miranda Pena
A trial was conduced to evaluate the effect partial or total substitution of blood plasma for hydrolyzed of intestinal mucosa of swine (HI) in diets of pigs from 21 to 49 days of age. A total of 140 piglets weaned at 21.7 ± 2.9 days of age with average weight of 5.54 ± 0.65 kg were allotted to a randomized experimental block design, with five treatments, seven replications of four animals per experimental unit. The experiment was divided in the phases from 21 to 35 days and from 36 to 49 days of age. The treatments consisted of a diet with plasma and four diets with different levels of HI 50 and HI 62 products in substitution of plasma. The partial or total plasma substitution for HI 50 and HI 62 products did not result in differences for average daily feed intake, average daily weight gain and feed:gain ratio of piglets in the evaluated periods. The absolute and relative weight of the functional viscera was not affected by treatments. There were not effects of the treatments on the characteristics of intestinal integrity in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum of piglets with 35 days of age. The products HI 50 and HI 62 could substitute total or partially the plasma in diets of pigs from 21 to 49 days of age without significant effects.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Anderson Corassa; Darci Clementino Lopes; José Dagoberto Ostermann; Alexandre Mendes Sanfelice; Alexandre de Oliveira Teixeira; Gérson Fausto da Silva; Sérgio de Miranda Pena
A trial was conduced with to evaluate the levels of folic acid in diets supplemented with formic acid for piglets from 21 to 48 days old. 160 crossbred piglets were used with initial average weight of 5.67 ± 0,90 kg in a completely randomized experimental block design, with five treatments, eight replications of four animals each. Two basal diets with increasing formic acid levels (0.24 and 0.20%) were formulated (pre-starter I = from 21 to 35 days old and pre-starter II = from 36 to 48 days old) to meet the animal nutritional requirements. The treatments consisted of five dietary levels of folic acid: 0, 0.30, 0.60, 0.90, and 1.20 mg/kg. Piglets performance was evaluated at three periods: from 21 to 35 days, from 36 to 48 days and from 21 to 48 days. At 49th day, animals were fasted and blood samples of eight piglets from each treatment were collected for folate quantification. No effect of dietary levels of folic acid on daily average feed intake was observed in the analyzed periods. Increasing folic acid levels increased quadractlyaverage daily weight gain and affected feed:gain ratio only from 21 to 35 days. Hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cell values increased linearly with increasing folic acid levels. Serum folate values decreased as dietary folic acid levels increased. Diets with formic acid for piglets from 21 to 48 days old should be supplemented with 0.64 mg of folic acid per kg of diet.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2009
Anderson Corassa; Darci Clementino Lopes; Alexandre de Oliveira Teixeira
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of ractopamine and enzyme phytase on the performance and carcass characteristics of finishing pigs. Three hundred and fifty-four commercial type barrows were used from a single source with 94.1 ± 5.7 kg initial body weight in a randomized complete block design, with six treatments and five replications with 11 or 12 animals per experimental unit evaluated. The following feeds were: control diet based on tables of nutritional requirements; (A) diet control with nutritional adjustment for ractopamine; (FIT) diet A with phytase; (RAC) diet A with ractopamine; (RAC+FIT) diet A with ractopamine and phytase; and (RAC+FITe) diet A with ractopamine and phytase with part of the demands for calcium and available phosphorus met by the enzyme. The experiment lasted 21 days and at the end the animals were slaughtered for carcass evaluation. The results were compared by orthogonal contrasts. Feed intake was not influenced by the diets. The diet with adjusted protein and amino acid levels and without ractopamine did not improve performance compared with the control diet. There was effect of ractopamine on daily gain and feed conversion at the end of the 21-day period, and also on the pre-slaughter weight, hot carcass weight, carcass dressing, total fat-free lean and payment index. Phytase inclusion in diets containing ractopamin for calcium and phosphorus available levels above the finishing pigs´ requirements did not effect the weight gain, feed conversion and carcass traits. Ractopamine improved performance and carcass traits. The use of phytase in diets containing ractopamine in partial substitution of inorganic mineral sources made possibly to maintain performance and carcass traits.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005
Luís Fernando Batista Pinto; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; C. R. Quirino; Pedro Cezar Nehme de Azevedo; Grasiele Coelho Cabral; Anderson Corassa
This work aimed to evaluate body measures of colts and fillies of Mangalarga Marchador breed with principal components analysis. Measures were performed at birth week, in 55 colts and 41 fillies; at six months of age, in 35 colts and 37 fillies; and at twelve months of age, in 19 colts and 31 fillies. There were made 25 linear measures, including height, length, width and girth, and 11 angular measures. Evaluation of animals with 12 months of age was made with 19 linear and 11 angular measures. Analysis of linear measures in newly born reduced the number of measures from 25 to 7 and 9 in fillies and colts, respectively, while for angular measures the reduction was from 11 to 6 and 7 in the fillies and colts, respectively. Analysis of linear measures in animals with six months age reduced the number of measures from 25 to 8 and 9, in the fillies and colts, respectively, while for angular measures the reduction was from 11 to 6, in both sexes. At twelve months of age the reduction of linear measures was from 19 to 6 and 5, for fillies and colts, respectively, while for angular measures the reduction was from 11 to 6 and 5, for fillies and colts, respectively. Principal components analysis was efficient to reduce the number of linear and angular measures for morfometric evaluation of colts and fillies, with larger reduction among linear measures. The two first principal components, in the different evaluated ages, did not explained 80% of total variation available, and were not possible to judge at two-dimensional level
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2010
Anderson Corassa; Darci Clementino Lopes; Alexandre de Oliveira Teixeira
The experiment was carried out aiming at evaluate the effect of using ractopamine and phytase in diets for swines at the end of the finishing period on performance, carcass characteristics and mineral composition on the third metacarpus bone. It was used 240 barrows with initial weight 100.7 ± 3.9 kg in a random block design, in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, with two levels of ractopamine (5 ppm and 10 ppm) and three levels of phytase (0, 500, and 750 FTU) totalizing six diets evaluated in five replications of eight animals per experimental unit. The experiment was conducted for three weeks and, at the end, the animals were slaughtered for carcass evaluation. There was no interaction among the levels of ractopamine and phytase for any of the variables. Body weight, ration daily intake, farm to slaughter shrink, percentage of fat-free lean and contents of ash, phosphorus and fluoride in the bone were not influenced by the diets. The level 10 ppm ractopamine promoted the best results of weight gain, feed conversion, hot carcass weight, total fat-free lean, payment index, and content of calcium in the bone. The evaluated levels of phytase did not influence neither the performance nor the characteristics of the carcass, except the yield, which was higher for the animals fed 500 FTU diet than those that did not receive phytase. Diets 10 ppm ractopamine provided better performance and carcass characteristics than 5-ppm diets. Replacement of inorganic source by phytase (500 or 750 FTU) in the diet does not affect performance, characteristics of carcass neither mineral composition in the bone of swines fed diets with ractopamine.