
Featured researches published by András Kocsor.

text speech and dialogue | 2005

The szeged treebank

Dóra Csendes; János Csirik; Tibor Gyimóthy; András Kocsor

The major aim of the Szeged Treebank project was to create a high-quality database of syntactic structures for Hungarian that can serve as a golden standard to further research in linguistics and computational language processing. The treebank currently contains full syntactic parsing of about 82,000 sentences, which is the result of accurate manual annotation. Current paper describes the linguistic theory as well as the actual method used in the annotation process. In addition, the application of the treebank for the training of automated syntactic parsers is also presented.

Bioinformatics | 2006

Application of compression-based distance measures to protein sequence classification: a methodological study

András Kocsor; Attila Kertész-Farkas; László Kaján; Sándor Pongor

MOTIVATION Distance measures built on the notion of text compression have been used for the comparison and classification of entire genomes and mitochondrial genomes. The present study was undertaken in order to explore their utility in the classification of protein sequences. RESULTS We constructed compression-based distance measures (CBMs) using the Lempel-Zlv and the PPMZ compression algorithms and compared their performance with that of the Smith-Waterman algorithm and BLAST, using nearest neighbour or support vector machine classification schemes. The datasets included a subset of the SCOP protein structure database to test distant protein similarities, a 3-phosphoglycerate-kinase sequences selected from archaean, bacterial and eukaryotic species as well as low and high-complexity sequence segments of the human proteome, CBMs values show a dependence on the length and the complexity of the sequences compared. In classification tasks CBMs performed especially well on distantly related proteins where the performance of a combined measure, constructed from a CBM and a BLAST score, approached or even slightly exceeded that of the Smith-Waterman algorithm and two hidden Markov model-based algorithms.

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | 2004

Kernel-based feature extraction with a speech technology application

András Kocsor; László Tóth

Kernel-based nonlinear feature extraction and classification algorithms are a popular new research direction in machine learning. This paper examines their applicability to the classification of phonemes in a phonological awareness drilling software package. We first give a concise overview of the nonlinear feature extraction methods such as kernel principal component analysis (KPCA), kernel independent component analysis (KICA), kernel linear discriminant analysis (KLDA), and kernel springy discriminant analysis (KSDA). The overview deals with all the methods in a unified framework, regardless of whether they are unsupervised or supervised. The effect of the transformations on a subsequent classification is tested in combination with learning algorithms such as Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM), artificial neural nets (ANN), projection pursuit learning (PPL), decision tree-based classification (C4.5), and support vector machines (SVMs). We found, in most cases, that the transformations have a beneficial effect on the classification performance. Furthermore, the nonlinear supervised algorithms yielded the best results.

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | 2008

Large-Scale Maximum Margin Discriminant Analysis Using Core Vector Machines

I. Wai-Hung Tsang; András Kocsor; James Tin-Yau Kwok

Large-margin methods, such as support vector machines (SVMs), have been very successful in classification problems. Recently, maximum margin discriminant analysis (MMDA) was proposed that extends the large-margin idea to feature extraction. It often outperforms traditional methods such as kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFD). However, as in the SVM, its time complexity is cubic in the number of training points m, and is thus computationally inefficient on massive data sets. In this paper, we propose an (1 + isin)2-approximation algorithm for obtaining the MMDA features by extending the core vector machine. The resultant time complexity is only linear in m, while its space complexity is independent of m. Extensive comparisons with the original MMDA, KPCA, and KFD on a number of large data sets show that the proposed feature extractor can improve classification accuracy, and is also faster than these kernel-based methods by over an order of magnitude.

Nucleic Acids Research | 2007

A Protein Classification Benchmark collection for machine learning

Paolo Sonego; Mircea Pacurar; Somdutta Dhir; Attila Kertész-Farkas; András Kocsor; Zoltán Gáspári; Jack A. M. Leunissen; Sándor Pongor

Protein classification by machine learning algorithms is now widely used in structural and functional annotation of proteins. The Protein Classification Benchmark collection () was created in order to provide standard datasets on which the performance of machine learning methods can be compared. It is primarily meant for method developers and users interested in comparing methods under standardized conditions. The collection contains datasets of sequences and structures, and each set is subdivided into positive/negative, training/test sets in several ways. There is a total of 6405 classification tasks, 3297 on protein sequences, 3095 on protein structures and 10 on protein coding regions in DNA. Typical tasks include the classification of structural domains in the SCOP and CATH databases based on their sequences or structures, as well as various functional and taxonomic classification problems. In the case of hierarchical classification schemes, the classification tasks can be defined at various levels of the hierarchy (such as classes, folds, superfamilies, etc.). For each dataset there are distance matrices available that contain all vs. all comparison of the data, based on various sequence or structure comparison methods, as well as a set of classification performance measures computed with various classifier algorithms.

discovery science | 2006

A multilingual named entity recognition system using boosting and c4.5 decision tree learning algorithms

György Szarvas; Richárd Farkas; András Kocsor

In this paper we introduce a multilingual Named Entity Recognition (NER) system that uses statistical modeling techniques. The system identifies and classifies NEs in the Hungarian and English languages by applying AdaBoostM1 and the C4.5 decision tree learning algorithm. We focused on building as large a feature set as possible, and used a split and recombine technique to fully exploit its potentials. This methodology provided an opportunity to train several independent decision tree classifiers based on different subsets of features and combine their decisions in a majority voting scheme. The corpus made for the CoNLL 2003 conference and a segment of Szeged Corpus was used for training and validation purposes. Both of them consist entirely of newswire articles. Our system remains portable across languages without requiring any major modification and slightly outperforms the best system of CoNLL 2003, and achieved a 94.77% F measure for Hungarian. The real value of our approach lies in its different basis compared to other top performing models for English, which makes our system extremely successful when used in combination with CoNLL modells.

european conference on machine learning | 2004

Margin maximizing discriminant analysis

András Kocsor; Kornél L. Kovács; Csaba Szepesvári

We propose a new feature extraction method called Margin Maximizing Discriminant Analysis (MMDA) which seeks to extract features suitable for classification tasks. MMDA is based on the principle that an ideal feature should convey the maximum information about the class labels and it should depend only on the geometry of the optimal decision boundary and not on those parts of the distribution of the input data that do not participate in shaping this boundary. Further, distinct feature components should convey unrelated information about the data. Two feature extraction methods are proposed for calculating the parameters of such a projection that are shown to yield equivalent results. The kernel mapping idea is used to derive non-linear versions. Experiments with several real-world, publicly available data sets demonstrate that the new method yields competitive results.

Bioinformatics | 2006

Application of a simple likelihood ratio approximant to protein sequence classification

László Kaján; Attila Kertész-Farkas; Dino Franklin; Neli Ivanova; András Kocsor; Sándor Pongor

MOTIVATION Likelihood ratio approximants (LRA) have been widely used for model comparison in statistics. The present study was undertaken in order to explore their utility as a scoring (ranking) function in the classification of protein sequences. RESULTS We used a simple LRA-based on the maximal similarity (or minimal distance) scores of the two top ranking sequence classes. The scoring methods (Smith-Waterman, BLAST, local alignment kernel and compression based distances) were compared on datasets designed to test sequence similarities between proteins distantly related in terms of structure or evolution. It was found that LRA-based scoring can significantly outperform simple scoring methods.

knowledge discovery and data mining | 2006

Efficient kernel feature extraction for massive data sets

Ivor W. Tsang; András Kocsor; James Tin-Yau Kwok

Maximum margin discriminant analysis (MMDA) was proposed that uses the margin idea for feature extraction. It often outperforms traditional methods like kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFD). However, as in other kernel methods, its time complexity is cubic in the number of training points m, and is thus computationally inefficient on massive data sets. In this paper, we propose an (1+ε)2-approximation algorithm for obtaining the MMDA features by extending the core vector machines. The resultant time complexity is only linear in m, while its space complexity is independent of m. Extensive comparisons with the original MMDA, KPCA, and KFD on a number of large data sets show that the proposed feature extractor can improve classification accuracy, and is also faster than these kernel-based methods by more than an order of magnitude.

International Journal of Speech Technology | 2000

A Comparative Study of Several Feature Transformation and Learning Methods for Phoneme Classification

András Kocsor; László Tóth; András Kuba; Kornél L. Kovács; Márk Jelasity; Tibor Gyimóthy; János Csirik

This paper examines the applicability of some learning techniques for speech recognition, more precisely, for the classification of phonemes represented by a particular segment model. The methods compared were the IB1 algorithm (TiMBL), ID3 tree learning (C4.5), oblique tree learning (OC1), artificial neural nets (ANN), and Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM), and, as a reference, a hidden Markov model (HMM) recognizer was also trained on the same corpus. Before feeding them into the learners, the segmental features were additionally transformed using either linear discriminant analysis (LDA), principal component analysis (PCA), or independent component analysis (ICA). Each learner was tested with each transformation in order to find the best combination. Furthermore, we experimented with several feature sets, such as filter-bank energies, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), and gravity centers. We found LDA helped all the learners, in several cases quite considerably. PCA was beneficial only for some of the algorithms, and ICA improved the results quite rarely and was bad for certain learning methods. From the learning viewpoint, ANN was the most effective and attained the same results independently of the transformation applied. GMM behaved worse, which shows the advantages of discriminative over generative learning. TiMBL produced reasonable results; C4.5 and OC1 could not compete, no matter what transformation was tried.

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