
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1969


André Deprit

The concept of a Lie series is enlarged to encompass the cases where the generating function itself depends explicity on the small parameter. Lie transforms define naturally a class of canonical mappings in the form of power series in the small parameter. The formalism generates nonconservative as well as conservative transformations. Perturbation theories based on it offer three substantial advantages: they yield the transformation of state variables in an explicit form; in a function of the original variables, substitution of the new variables consists simply of an iterative procedure involving only explicit chains of Poisson brackets; the inverse transformation can be built the same way.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1981

The elimination of the parallax in satellite theory

André Deprit

When the perturbation affecting a Keplerian motion is proportional tor−n (n≥3), a canonical transformation of Lie type will convert the system into one in which the perturbation is proportional tor−2. Because it removes parallactic factors, the transformation is called the elimination of the parallax.In the main problem for the theory of artificial satellites, the elimination of the parallax has been conducted by computer to order 4. The first order in the reduced system may now be integrated in closed form, thereby revealing the fundamental property of the first-order intermediary orbits in line with Newtons Propositio XLIV.Extension beyond order 1 leads to identify a new class of intermediaries for the main problem in nodal coordinates, namely the radial intermediaries.The technique of smoothing a perturbation prior to normalizing the perturbed Keplerian system, of which the elimination of the parallax is an instance, is applied to derive the intermediaries in nodal coordinates proposed by Sterne, Garfinkel, Cid-Palacios and Aksnes, and to find the canonical diffeomorphisms which relate them to one another and to the radial intermediaries.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1994

Frozen orbits for satellites close to an Earth-like planet

Shannon L. Coffey; André Deprit; Etienne Deprit

We say that a planet is Earth-like if the coefficient of the second order zonal harmonic dominates all other coefficients in the gravity field. This paper concerns the zonal problem for satellites around an Earth-like planet, all other perturbations excluded. The potential contains all zonal coefficientsJ2 throughJ9. The model problem is averaged over the mean anomaly by a Lie transformation to the second order; we produce the resulting Hamiltonian as a Fourier series in the argument of perigee whose coefficients are algebraic functions of the eccentricity — not truncated power series. We then proceed to a global exploration of the equilibria in the averaged problem. These singularities which aerospace engineers know by the name of frozen orbits are located by solving the equilibria equations in two ways, (1) analytically in the neighborhood of either the zero eccentricity or the critical inclination, and (2) numerically by a Newton-Raphson iteration applied to an approximate position read from the color map of the phase flow. The analytical solutions we supply in full to assist space engineers in designing survey missions. We pay special attention to the manner in which additional zonal coefficients affect the evolution of bifurcations we had traced earlier in the main problem (J2 only). In particular, we examine the manner in which the odd zonalJ3 breaks the discrete symmetry inherent to the even zonal problem. In the even case, we find that Vintis problem (J4+J22=0) presents a degeneracy in the form of non-isolated equilibria; we surmise that the degeneracy is a reflection of the fact that Vintis problem is separable. By numerical continuation we have discovered three families of frozen orbits in the full zonal problem under consideration; (1) a family of stable equilibria starting from the equatorial plane and tending to the critical inclination; (2) an unstable family arising from the bifurcation at the critical inclination; (3) a stable family also arising from that bifurcation and terminating with a polar orbit. Except in the neighborhood of the critical inclination, orbits in the stable families have very small eccentricities, and are thus well suited for survey missions.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1970

The main problem of artificial satellite theory for small and moderate eccentricities

André Deprit; Arnold Rom

Perturbation techniques based on Lie transforms as suggested by Deprit were used as the theoretical foundation for programming the analytical solution of the Main Problem in Satellite Theory (all gravitational harmonics being zero exceptJ2). The collection of formulas necessary and sufficient to construct an ephemeris is given in the exposition. Short and long period displacements, as well as the secular terms, have been obtained up to the third order inJ2 as power series of the eccentricity. They result from two successive completely canonical transformations which it has been found convenient not to compose into a unique transformation. Division by the eccentricity appears nowhere in the developments-neither explicitly nor implicitly. The determination of the constants of motion from the initial conditions has been given an elementary solution that is both complete and explicit without being iterative. The program was developed by Rom from MAOs package of subroutines forMechanizedAlgebraicOperations. Reliability tests have been run in two instances: in-track errors for ANNA 1B are only 20 cm after 210 days in orbit, while for RELAY II, they are 2.4 m, even after 350 days in orbit.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1986

The critical inclination in artificial satellite theory

Shannon L. Coffey; André Deprit; Bruce R. Miller

Certain it is that the critical inclination in the main problem of artificial satellite theory is an intrinsic singularity. Its significance stems from two geometric events in the reduced phase space on the manifolds of constant polar angular momentum and constant Delaunay action. In the neighborhood of the critical inclination, along the family of circular orbits, there appear two Hopf bifurcations, to each of which there converge two families of orbits with stationary perigees. On the stretch between the bifurcations, the circular orbits in the planes at critical inclinmation are unstable. A global analysis of the double forking is made possible by the realization that the reduced phase space consists of bundles of two-dimensional spheres. Extensive numerical integrations illustrate the transitions in the phase flow on the spheres as the system passes through the bifurcations.

The Astronomical Journal | 1967


André Deprit; Jacques Henrard

Abstract : In reference to any solution of a conservative dynamical system with two degrees of freedom, Hills equation is generalized to encompass non- necessarily isoenergetic displacements as well as the isoenergetic displacements caused by a variation of a parameter. This new variational equation is made the foundation of a methodical procedure for continuing numerically natural families of periodic orbits. The method consists of two steps-- an isoenergetic corrector and a tangential predictor. Although the algorithm makes no assumption of symmetry on the periodic orbits to be continued, special attention is paid to the symmetric orbits, but only to show how in these cases the method can be simplified substantially.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1991

The Lissajous transformation I. Basics

André Deprit

A new canonical transformation is proposed to handle elliptic oscillators, that is, Hamiltonian systems made of two harmonic oscillators in a 1-1 resonance. Lissajous elements pertain to the ellipse drawn with a light pen whose coordinates oscillate at the same frequency, hence their name. They consist of two pairs of angle-action variables of which the actions and one angle refer to basic integrals admitted by an elliptic oscillator, namely, its energy, its angular momentum and its Runge-Lenz vector. The Lissajous transformation is defined in two ways: explicitly in terms of Cartesian variables, and implicitly by resolution of a partial differential equation separable in polar variables. Relations between the Lissajous variables, the common harmonic variables, and other sets of variables are discussed in detail.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1983

Elimination of the nodes in problems ofn bodies

André Deprit

In application of the Reduction Theorem to the general problem ofn (>-3) bodies, a Mathieu canonical transformation is proposed whereby the new variables separate naturally into (i) a coordinate system on any reduced manifold of constant angular momentum, and (ii) a quadruple made of a pair of ignorable longitudes together with their conjugate momenta. The reduction is built from a binary tree of kinetic frames Explicit transformation formulas are obtained by induction from the top of the tree down to its root at the invariable frame; they are based on the unit quaternions which represent the finite rotations mapping one vector base onto another in the chain of kinetic frames. The development scheme lends itself to automatic processing by computer in a functional language.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1991

The Lissajous transformation II. Normalization

André Deprit; Antonio Elipe

Normalization of a perturbed elliptic oscillator, when executed in Lissajous variables, amounts to averaging over the elliptic anomaly. The reduced Lissajous variables constitute a system of cylindrical coordinates over the orbital spheres of constant energy, but the pole-like singularities are removed by reverting to the subjacent Hopf coordinates. The two-parameter coupling that is a polynomial of degree four admitting the symmetries of the square is studied in detail. It is shown that the normalized elliptic oscillator in that case behaves everywhere in the parameter plane like a rigid body in free rotation about a fixed point, and that it passes through butterfly bifurcations wherever its phase flow admits non isolated equilibria.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | 1983

The secular acceleratons in Gylden's problem

André Deprit

In a two body-problem, any type of variation in time of the Keplerian parameter μ (product of the constant of gravitationG by the reduced massm) causes a mean secular acceleration in the mean anomaly, but leaves the mean argument of perigee stationary. All asymptotic estimates for mean marginal rates of variation in the osculating elements, that Vinti established in the case whenG is inversely proportional to the time, are now extended to the most general kind of Gylden systems, and made into exact relations. The role of a Gylden system in explaining the marginal acceleration in the moons mean motion is clarified. In addition, separable Gylden systems are classified from a physical standpoint by the integrals that they admit.

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