
Featured researches published by André Luís de Gasper.

Journal of Systematics and Evolution | 2016

A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns

Eric Schuettpelz; Harald Schneider; Alan R. Smith; Peter Hovenkamp; Jefferson Prado; Germinal Rouhan; Alexandre Salino; Michael Sundue; Thaís Elias Almeida; Barbara S. Parris; Emily B. Sessa; Ashley R. Field; André Luís de Gasper; Carl J. Rothfels; Michael D. Windham; Marcus Lehnert; Benjamin Dauphin; Atsushi Ebihara; Samuli Lehtonen; Pedro B. Schwartsburd; Jordan Metzgar; Li-Bing Zhang; Li-Yaung Kuo; Patrick J. Brownsey; Masahiro Kato; Marcelo Daniel Arana; Francine Costa Assis; Michael S. Barker; David S. Barrington; Ho-Ming Chang

Phylogeny has long informed pteridophyte classification. As our ability to infer evolutionary trees has improved, classifications aimed at recognizing natural groups have become increasingly predictive and stable. Here, we provide a modern, comprehensive classification for lycophytes and ferns, down to the genus level, utilizing a community‐based approach. We use monophyly as the primary criterion for the recognition of taxa, but also aim to preserve existing taxa and circumscriptions that are both widely accepted and consistent with our understanding of pteridophyte phylogeny. In total, this classification treats an estimated 11 916 species in 337 genera, 51 families, 14 orders, and two classes. This classification is not intended as the final word on lycophyte and fern taxonomy, but rather a summary statement of current hypotheses, derived from the best available data and shaped by those most familiar with the plants in question. We hope that it will serve as a resource for those wanting references to the recent literature on pteridophyte phylogeny and classification, a framework for guiding future investigations, and a stimulus to further discourse.

Química Nova | 2012

Composição química e avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana do óleo essencial das folhas de Piper malacophyllum (C. Presl.) C. DC.

Thalita G. Santos; Ricardo Andrade Rebelo; Eduardo Monguilhott Dalmarco; Alessandro Guedes; André Luís de Gasper; Alexandre Bella Cruz; Ana Paula Schmit; Rosana Cé Bella Cruz; Mário Steindel; Rebeca Körting Nunes

This work reports the chemical composition as well as the antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic activities of the leaf essential oil from Piper malacophyllum. The oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-FID, GC-MS and polarimetry. Among the 28 compounds identified, (+)-camphor was the major constituent. The essential oil showed activity against most of the microorganisms tested, especially antifungal action, with a MIC of 500 µg mL-1 against Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Cryptococcus neoformans. This is the first study reporting the composition and biological properties of leaf essential oil from P. malacophyllum.

Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 2015

Ethnobotanical study of plants used for therapeutic purposes in the Atlantic Forest region, Southern Brazil

Bianca Tribess; Gabrielli Melatto Pintarelli; Larissa Alida Bini; Anderson Camargo; Luís Adriano Funez; André Luís de Gasper; Ana Lúcia Bertarello Zeni

ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE Atlantic Forest is a biome in dangerous situation and it lacks wider information on species with medicinal purposes used by people in this area. In this study an ethnobotanical survey was conducted in Apiúna district, Brazil with the goal of assessing traditional knowledge of medicinal plants used by rural communities in a region covered by Atlantic Forest. MATERIALS AND METHODS The ethnobotanical data were collected through semi-structured interviews and a free list of plants used for medicinal purposes. The respondents were selected by snow ball method. Therefore, the therapeutic use of plants was investigated and the species cited was collected and identified. Local plant uses were evaluated using ethnobotanical indices of diversity and equitability, and then compared with those obtained in other regions of Atlantic Forest in Brazil. Besides, the informant consensus factor (ICF) was calculated. RESULTS A total of 162 species belonging to 61 families were recorded, mainly Asteraceae and Lamiaceae. Furthermore, the species cited, 45.06% were native and 54.94% were considered exotic. The most frequently reported medicinal uses were the symptoms and signs (17.42%), digestive system (15.33%) and, infectious and parasitic diseases (12.73%). Although, the ICF calculation showed that mental and behavioral (0.85), respiratory system (0.79) and, digestive and genitourinary system diseases (0.78 for both) were the categories with higher values reached. Usually, the administration is oral from leaves preparations. CONCLUSIONS Folk medicine in rural communities in this region of Atlantic Forest is an important source of primary health care. The results indicate an available knowledge of medicinal plants uses in this area, when compared to other regions previously studied. The fact that this research was conducted next to a conservation area makes it possible to dispose the knowledge organized here into a tool for environmental education as well as preservation. Moreover, the pharmacological information will further contribute for the validation and the use of these species in Brazilian health programs benefiting the population.

Plant Ecology & Diversity | 2015

Climate-related variables and geographic distance affect fern species composition across a vegetation gradient in a shrinking hotspot

André Luís de Gasper; Pedro V. Eisenlohr; Alexandre Salino

Background: The Atlantic Forest biome is a top hotspot for conservation priorities, but the variations in fern species composition and the factors driving these are still poorly known. The vegetation gradient found in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, constitutes an interesting environmental model for examining such patterns. Aims: We analysed the variation in fern species composition across a vegetation gradient in the southern Atlantic Forest and the variables that might influence it. Methods: We applied cluster analysis (TWINSPAN and WPGMA), ordination (DCA), regression (OLS and GWR) and variance partitioning to species occurrence, environmental and spatial data in 40 sample units (50 × 50 km2), using metadata. Results: Bioclimatic variables, mainly those related to humidity (water being an essential medium for fern reproduction), and geographic distance were related to variation in fern species composition. Dispersal constraints, probably related to neutral processes, could be evoked to explain the significance of the geographic distance. Overall, a great deal of uncertainty remained with regard to the determinants of floristic composition. Conclusions: Our study emphasises, for the first time in the Atlantic Forest, a significant role of environmental determinism and dispersal constraints on the variation of fern species composition.

Rodriguésia - Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | 2013

Inventário florístico florestal de Santa Catarina: espécies da Floresta Ombrófila Mista

André Luís de Gasper; Lucia Sevegnani; Alexander Christian Vibrans; Marcos Sobral; Alexandre Uhlmann; Debora Vanessa Lingner; Morilo José Rigon-Júnior; Marcio Verdi; Anita Stival-Santos; S. Dreveck; A. P. Korte

Resumo estudo e resultado da amostragem sistematica da flora da floresta ombrofila mista em Santa Catarina, realizada em 155 pontos amostrais em toda a sua extensao e permite atualizar o conhecimento sobre a ocorrencia de especies. Foram registradas 925 especies de espermatofitas, distribuidas em 439 generos e 116 familias botânicas. A familia com a maior riqueza especifica foi Asteraceae (119 especies), seguida por Myrtaceae (88), Fabaceae (58) e Solanaceae (52). Dentre as familias restantes, 34 apresentaram somente uma e outras 27 tiveram duas especies registradas. Os generos com maior numero de especies foram Solanum (31 especies), Baccharis (27), Eugenia (23), Ocotea (21) e Myrcia (19). Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze, Butia eriospatha (Mart. ex Drude) Becc., Ocotea odorifera (Vell.) Rohwer e O. porosa (Nees & Mart.) Barroso sao as especies ameacadas de extincao registradas. Entre todas as especies do componente arboreo ou arbustivo/subarboreo, 56,5% sao comuns a ambos os componentes e dentre as 194 especies arboreas citadas para o planalto catarinense, 157 foram amostradas pelo IFFSC. O levantamento floristico extra registrou 474 especies de angiospermas a mais do que o levantamento nas unidades amostrais do IFFSC. O IFFSC amostrou um conjunto significativo das especies do Dominio Floresta Atlântica. Estas coletas georreferenciadas e realizadas com uma amostragem sistematica e consistente, representam um importante avanco e atualizacao do conhecimento da flora de Santa Catarina. Inventarios sistematicos desta natureza sao necessarios as demais regioes no Sul do Brasil, para que se possa compor um banco de dados consistente e atualizado e possibilitar a implantacao de politicas de conservacao e manejo. Palavras-chave: coleta botânica, diversidade, Floresta de Araucaria, lista de especies, Mata Atlântica.

Hoehnea | 2010

Lycophyta e samambaias do Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí, Vale do Itajaí, SC, Brasil

André Luís de Gasper; Lucia Sevegnani

Lycophyta and ferns from Serra do Itajai National Park, Vale do Itajai, Sc, brazil). In this paper we present a floristic survey of the Lycophyta and ferns from the Serra do Itajai National Park, Santa Catarina. The National Park has an area of 57,475 ha, altitudes varying from 150 to 940 m and is covered by Atlantic Forest. We have found 190 intraspecific taxa (185 species, three subspecies and two varieties), distributed in 24 families and 73 genera. the most representative genera were: Asplenium (17 species), Thelypteris (10), Blechnum (8), and Lindsaea (7), besides the richest families Dryopteridaceae and Polypodiaceae with 23 and 29 species respectively. Special mention is made to Terpsichore chrysleri (Proctor ex copel.) A.R. Sm and Polyphlebium hymenophylloides (Bosch) Ebihara & Dubuisson, which are first records for Santa catarina. Keys words: Atlantic Forest floristic, South Brazil RESumo - (Lycophyta e samambaias do Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajai, Vale do Itajai, Sc, brasil). Este trabalho apresenta o levantamento das especies de Lycophyta e samambaias do Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajai, Santa catarina. o Parque possui, no total, 57.475 ha, com altitudes que variam de 150 a 940 m, sendo coberto por Floresta Ombrofila Densa. Foram identificados 190 taxons infragenericos (185 especies, tres subespecies e duas variedades), pertencentes a 24 familias e 73 generos. Os generos mais representativos foram: Asplenium (17 especies), Thelypteris (10), Blechnum (8) e Lindsaea (7), alem da grande riqueza de especies de Dryopteridaceae e Polypodiaceae, com 23 e 29 especies, respectivamente. mencao especial deve ser feita para Terpsichore chrysleri (Proctor ex copel.) A.R. Sm. e Polyphlebium hymenophylloides (Bosch) Ebihara & Dubuisson que representam em novas referencias para Santa Catarina. Palavras-chave: floristica Mata Atlântica, Sul do Brasil

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society | 2013

Chemical characterization of essential oils from Drimys angustifolia miers (Winteraceae) and antibacterial activity of their major compounds

Thalita G. Santos; Jocinei Dognini; Iêda Maria Begnini; Ricardo Andrade Rebelo; Marcio Verdi; André Luís de Gasper; Eduardo Monguilhott Dalmarco

Essential oils have been extensively studied in recent years as a natural source of new antimicrobial agents. In this work, essential oils of leaf and branch from Drimys angustifolia growing in Southern Brazil were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatographies with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and with mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Drimenol and bicyclogermacrene were isolated by column chromatography from branch and leaf essential oils, respectively. Oils, isolated compounds and combinations of them were assayed against Gram-(+) and Gram-(-) bacteria. The oils showed to be more active against Bacillus cereus, with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 125 and 250 µg mL-1 for branch and leaf oils, respectively, strongly inhibiting bacterial growth. Bicyclogermacrene was more active then drimenol, providing a MIC value of 167 µg mL-1 against B. cereus. Synergism was not observed in any of the combinations tested.

Journal of Essential Oil Research | 2012

Antibacterial activity of high safrole contain essential oils from Piper xylosteoides (Kunth) Steudel

Jocinei Dognini; Emanuelle K. Meneghetti; Morgana N. Teske; Iêda M. Begnini; Ricardo Andrade Rebelo; Eduardo Monguilhott Dalmarco; Marcio Verdi; André Luís de Gasper

In our continuous search for naturally occurring compounds of scientific and technological relevance, the chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oils of two populations of Piper xylosteoides from Santa Catarina, Brazil, is described. Both oils showed a very high safrole concentration, being the highest value associated to the sample collected in Orleans (84.1%). As the second major compound, the monoterpene α-pinene was present with the highest concentration (15.3%) in the São Bonifácio sample. The antibacterial activity was examined towards both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The oils showed weak activity against the bacteria tested. This species can be considered a new economically important natural source of the arylpropanoid safrole.

Acta Botanica Brasilica | 2012

Pteridófitas de Santa Catarina: um olhar sobre os dados do Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina, Brasil

André Luís de Gasper; Alexandre Salino; Alexander Christian Vibrans; Lucia Sevegnani; Marcio Verdi; A. P. Korte; Anita Stival dos Santos; S. Dreveck; Tiago Joao Cadorin; J. L. Schmitt; Eder Caglioni

Santa Catarina is the first Brazilian state to complete its Forest and Floristic Inventory, and is considered one of the states with a well-known flora. This region is covered by evergreen tropical rain forest, Araucaria forest, seasonal deciduous forest and associated ecosystems, and shows high species richness. This paper presents a list of ferns collected in 563 sampling units. Altogether, 324 species were recorded (300 ferns and 24 lycophytes), which belong to 29 families and 94 genera. The most diverse families are Polypodiaceae (49 species), Pteridaceae (42), and Dryopteridaceae (38). Asplenium and Thelypteris are the most diverse genera, with 27 species each, followed by Blechnum (15). Of importance, too, are the 75 species considered endemic to the biome. Eighteen new records for the flora of Santa Catarina were made. The distribution of species according to the vegetation type is the following: 288 species occur in evergreen tropical rainforest (of which 128 are exclusive to this vegetation type); 177 species in Araucaria forest (30 exclusively) and 57 species in seasonal deciduous forest (3 exclusively). In addition, 17 species were recorded for restinga. A collection of Asplenium lacinulatum, from an area of intense development, is first record for Santa Catarina, and another of Alansmia senilis is the first record for the South Region of Brazil.

Acta Botanica Brasilica | 2011

Inventário de Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. em Santa Catarina

André Luís de Gasper; Lucia Sevegnani; Alexander Christian Vibrans; Alexandre Uhlmann; Debora Vanessa Lingner; Marcio Verdi; S. Dreveck; Anita Stival-Santos; Eduardo Brogni; Ronnie Schmitt; Guilherme Klemz

The intense exploitation of Dicksonia sellowiana has led this species to become endangered and to be included on the red list of threatened species. Therefore, this paper presents a study of D. sellowiana populations in Santa Catarina State, and points out the places where it occurs the most, the status of these populations and also evaluates the relationship between density, climatic variables and elevation. Two hundred and twenty-five sample plots, which were 4.000 m2 each, were located within the study area and based on a 10 x 10 km grid according to procedures of the Forest and Floristic Inventory of Santa Catarina. Dicksonia sellowiana was found in 94 of these plots, where it ranged from 1 to 391 individuals. The density of the species at higher elevations (above 1.000 m) seemed to be related to climatic data that directly influences the populations, as pointed out by the corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc). This study also found that the species populations exhibit high densities in the lower height and diameter ranges, reaching values up to 977 individuals/ha in some stands. The information obtained during this study makes it possible to suggest conservation measures for this species, such as areas to be conserved in a way that supports small farms.

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