
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2010

Idosos vacinados e não vacinados contra a influenza: morbidade relatada e aspectos sociodemográficos, Porto Alegre (RS, Brasil), 2004

Maria Aparecida Müller Vilarino; Marta Julia Marques Lopes; André Luis Machado Bueno; Maria Regina Varnieri Brito

This descriptive transversal epidemiological study had the objective of comparing the elderly population who took the influenza vaccine and who did not regarding the occurrence of events of diseases or hospital admittances within three months after the vaccination. It was not possible to work with probable sampling and the attempt of pairing the vaccinated and non-vaccinated elderly was not successful due to the high vaccine coverage observed (73% of the target population) and due to the short time available to make the interviews. The result of the descriptive analysis of the 1,130 elderly interviewed was quite interesting even not being possible to infer it regarding the universe of the elderly population from Porto Alegre. We found a higher proportion of vaccinated people in the age group of 70 to 79 years old (42%), and a prevalence of non-vaccinated among the age group of 60 to 64 years old (40%). The vaccinated elderly were mostly older; female, who have private health care insurance; with higher income; that perform physical activities and non-smokers. The non-vaccinated were mostly men; younger; with lower income; that do not perform physical exercises; and smoke. A lower percentage of pneumonias reports and hospital admittances was observed among the vaccinated in comparison to the non-vaccinated people.

Cadernos Saúde Coletiva | 2014

Mortalidade infantil e Saúde da Família nas unidades da Federação brasileira, 1998-2008

Roger Flores Ceccon; André Luis Machado Bueno; Lilian Zielke Hesler; Karina Schreiner Kirsten; Virgínia de Menezes Portes; Paulo Ricardo Nazário Viecili

Abstract Objective: To analyze the relationship between infant mortality and population coverage of the Family Health units of the Brazilian Federation. Methods: An ecological study the unit of analysis was composed by 26 Brazilian States, in the historical series from 1998 to 2008. The percentage of population coverage Family Health Strategy (FHS) were described, the rate of infant and built linear regression analysis of the variables studied mortality. The statistical association was performed using the Pearson corre -lation test and linear regression. Results: There was an increase of 857% in FHS teams, expansion of 43% in population cover -age and reduce infant mortality by 58% in Brazil. The expansion in coverage FHS was associated with reduced rates of infant mortality in 73% of Brazilian States (p<0.05). Conclusion: The findings explore a possible association between the increase in population coverage FHS with the reduction of infant mortality rates in Brazil.Keywords: infant mortality; family health; ecological studies; mortality; primary health care.

Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM | 2014

Internações por quedas no Rio Grande do Sul : intervenções de enfermagem partindo de fatores ambientais

Maíra Rosseto; André Luis Machado Bueno; Marta Julia Marques Lopes

Doi: 10.5902/2179769213641 Objective: to explore records of falls in Rio Grande do Sul, relating these to potential nursing intervention to reduce these events. Method: this is a descriptive ecological study, which presents data on hospitalizations for falls between the years 2008 to 2012, accessed at the Department of the Unified Health System. Results: falls at the same level caused by slipping, tripping or missteps amounted to 63.1 % of the records during the study period. The indications found in hospital mortality rates and mean hospital stay suggest reference to more complex demands for health services. Conclusion: the implementation of environmental measures such as reduction of carpets and stairs, adoption of rubberized material on the floor, grab bars, beds with protective guards and sensitive to motion lighting, combined with educational measures could reduce the number of hospitalizations with falls.

Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde | 2009

A morbidade por causas externas em uma região do município de Porto Alegre/RS

André Luis Machado Bueno; Marta Julia Marques Lopes

Saude E Sociedade | 2007

Saúde Pública é...: permanências e modernidades nas representações de universitários

Marta Julia Marques Lopes; André Luis Machado Bueno

12º Congresso Internacional da Rede Unida | 2016


Roger Flores Ceccon; Stela Nazareth Meneghel; Grabriela Arguedas Ramíres; Anelise Hanh Bueno; André Luis Machado Bueno; Virgínia de Menezes Portes

Archive | 2014


André Luis Machado Bueno; Marta Julia Marques Lopes

Archive | 2014

Mortalidade infantil e Saúde da Família nas unidades da Federação brasileira, 1998−2008 Infant mortality and Family Health units in the Brazilian Federation, 1998−2008

Roger Flores Ceccon; André Luis Machado Bueno; Lilian Zielke Hesler; Karina Schreiner Kirsten; Virgínia de Menezes Portes; Paulo Ricardo Nazário Viecili

Saude E Sociedade | 2007

Sade Pblica ...: permanncias e modernidades nas representaes de universitrios

Marta Julia Marques Lopes; André Luis Machado Bueno

Archive | 2007

Saúde Pública é...: permanências e modernidades nas representações de universitários Public Health is...: permanences and modernities in university students' representations

Marta Julia Marques Lopes; Bairro Santa Cecília; André Luis Machado Bueno

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