Andre Wilson Machado
Federal University of Bahia
Progress in Orthodontics | 2014
Matt MacGinnis; Howard Chu; George Youssef; Kimberley W. Wu; Andre Wilson Machado; Won Moon
BackgroundOrthodontic palatal expansion appliances have been widely used with satisfactory and, most often, predictable clinical results. Recently, clinicians have successfully utilized micro-implants with palatal expander designs to work as anchors to the palate to achieve more efficient skeletal expansion and to decrease undesired dental effects. The purpose of the study was to use finite element method (FEM) to determine the stress distribution and displacement within the craniofacial complex when simulated conventional and micro-implant-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) expansion forces are applied to the maxilla. The simulated stress distribution produced within the palate and maxillary buttresses in addition to the displacement and rotation of the maxilla could then be analyzed to determine if micro-implants aid in skeletal expansion.MethodsA three-dimensional (3D) mesh model of the cranium with associated maxillary sutures was developed using computed tomography (CT) images and Mimics modeling software. To compare transverse expansion stresses in rapid palatal expansion (RPE) and MARPE, expansion forces were distributed to differing points on the maxilla and evaluated with ANSYS simulation software.ResultsThe stresses distributed from forces applied to the maxillary teeth are distributed mainly along the trajectories of the three maxillary buttresses. In comparison, the MARPE showed tension and compression directed to the palate, while showing less rotation, and tipping of the maxillary complex. In addition, the conventional hyrax displayed a rotation of the maxilla around the teeth as opposed to the midpalatal suture of the MARPE. This data suggests that the MARPE causes the maxilla to bend laterally, while preventing unwanted rotation of the complex.ConclusionsIn conclusion, the MARPE may be beneficial for hyperdivergent patients, or those that have already experienced closure of the midpalatal suture, who require palatal expansion and would worsen from buccal tipping of the teeth or maxillary complex.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | 2013
Andre Wilson Machado; Won Moon; Luiz Gonzaga Gandini
INTRODUCTION Our objective was to determine the perception of smile esthetics among orthodontists and laypeople with respect to asymmetries on the maxillary incisor edges in a frontal smile analysis. METHODS Two frontal close-up smile photos of 2 women, 1 white and 1 Afro-Brazilian, were selected for this study. Both smiles displayed healthy maxillary anterior dentitions. The images were digitally altered to create tooth wear on the maxillary left central and lateral incisors in 0.5-mm increments. The final images were randomly assembled into a photo album that was given to 120 judges, 60 orthodontists and 60 laypersons. Each rater was asked to evaluate the attractiveness of the images with visual analog scales. The data collected were statistically analyzed with 1-way analysis of variance with the Tukey post-hoc test and the unpaired Student t test. RESULTS The most attractive smiles in both types of smiles were those without asymmetries and the 0.5-mm wear in the lateral incisor. In general, tooth wear was considered unattractive by both groups of raters following a pattern: the more tooth wear, the more unattractive the smile; tooth wear in the central incisor was considered more unattractive than in the lateral incisor. For both group of raters, 0.5 mm of wear in the central incisor was considered unattractive, whereas the thresholds for lateral incisor discrepancies were 0.5 mm for orthodontists and 1.0 mm for laypersons. CONCLUSIONS The result of this study corroborates the clinical assumption that symmetry between the maxillary central incisors is a paramount goal for esthetic treatments.
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics | 2014
Andre Wilson Machado
The search for esthetic treatment has persisted in the routine of dental professionals. Following this trend, dental patients have sought treatment with the primary aim of improving smile esthetics. The aim of this article is to present a protocol to assess patients smile: The 10 Commandments of smile esthetics.
Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry | 2013
Andre Wilson Machado; Ryan W. McComb; Won Moon; Luiz Gonzaga Gandini
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of smile esthetics among orthodontists and laypeople with respect to different upper central incisor vertical positions in a frontal smile analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS A frontal close-up smile photo of an adult Caucasian woman was selected. The patient had healthy upper anterior dentition and had no history of orthodontic treatment. Images were altered in order to create six different central incisor vertical positions in 0.5-mm increments. All images were assessed in three different views: full smile, gingival close-up excluding incisal edges, and incisal close-up excluding gingival margins. Images were randomly assembled in an album, which was given to 120 judges: 60 orthodontists and 60 laypersons. Each rater was asked to evaluate the attractiveness of the images using the visual analog scale. The data collected were then statistically analyzed. RESULTS The highest rated smiles showed two notable characteristics: the central-to-lateral incisal step was 1.5 mm; and the central incisor gingival margins matched the laterals, and both were 0.5 mm below the line of the canine gingival margins. The least attractive smile was the one with no step between the centrals and laterals, and with the central incisor gingival margins 1.0 mm above the canine gingival margins. CONCLUSION The results of this study indicate that slightly extruded upper central incisors are more esthetically preferred than intruded. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The upper central incisors are the key determinant in evaluating smile esthetics, and thus, the assessment of their ideal vertical positioning is an aspect of paramount importance.
Progress in Orthodontics | 2015
Won Moon; Kimberley W. Wu; Matthew MacGinnis; Jay Sung; Howard Chu; George Youssef; Andre Wilson Machado
BackgroundMaxillary protraction with the novel N2 mini-implant- and micro-implant-assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE) can potentially provide significant skeletal effects without surgery, even in older patients where conventional facemask therapy has limited skeletal effects. However, the skeletal effects of altering the location and direction of force from mini-implant-assisted maxillary protraction have not been extensively analyzed. In this study, the application of the novel N2 mini-implant as an orthopedic anchorage device is explored in its ability to treat patients with class III malocclusions.MethodsA 3D cranial mesh model with associated sutures was developed from CT images and Mimics modeling software. Utilizing ANSYS simulation software, protraction forces were applied at different locations and directions to simulate conventional facemask therapy and seven maxillary protraction protocols utilizing the novel N2 mini-implant. Stress distribution and displacement were analyzed. Video animations and superimpositions were created.ResultsBy changing the vector of force and location of N2 mini-implant, the maxilla was displaced differentially. Varying degrees of forward, downward, and rotational movements were observed in each case. For brachyfacial patients, anterior micro-implant-supported protraction at −45° or intermaxillary class III elastics at −45° are recommended. For dolicofacial patients, either anterior micro-implants at −15° or an intermaxillary spring at +30° is recommended. For mesofacial patients with favorable vertical maxillary position, palatal micro-implants at −30° are recommended; anterior micro-implants at −30° are preferred for shallow bites. For patients with a severe mid-facial deficiency, intermaxillary class III elastics at −30° are most effective in promoting anterior growth of the maxilla.ConclusionsBy varying the location of N2 mini-implants and vector of class III mechanics, clinicians can differentially alter the magnitude of forward, downward, and rotational movement of the maxilla. As a result, treatment protocol can be customized for each unique class III patient.
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics | 2016
Marília Spínola Azevêdo; Andre Wilson Machado; Inêssa da Silva Barbosa; Lucas Senhorinho Esteves; Vanessa Álvares de Castro Rocha; Marcos Alan Vieira Bittencourt
Introduction: It has been suggested that mandibular setback surgery, combined or not with maxillary advancement as a treatment alternative for patients with mandibular prognathism, can induce changes in upper airway space (UAS). Therefore, this study aimed to assess the response of the upper airway in the oropharynx region of patients with Class III skeletal pattern that underwent bimaxillary orthognathic surgery (maxillary advancement and mandibular setback) combined with mentoplasty. Material and Methods: The sample comprised 26 cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of 13 patients. The examination was taken before and after surgery. UAS volume, sagittal area, length and minimal axial area with its width, depth and location, were measured with the aid of Dolphin ImagingTMsoftware version 11.5 Premium. Data were statistically treated by applying Shapiro-Wilk test and Students paired t-test, considering as statistically significant the results of which p-value was lower than 0.05. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in any measurements evaluated. Conclusions: No significant changes were observed in the oropharynx after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery and mentoplasty.
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics | 2017
Erica Bretas Cabral Menezes; Marcos Alan Vieira Bittencourt; Andre Wilson Machado
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of smile esthetics among orthodontists and layperson, with respect to different maxillary central incisors vertical positions in full-face and close-up smile analyses. METHODS: Frontal photographs of the smiles of two adult women were used. Images were altered to create a symmetrical image with the gingival margin levels of the maxillary canines matching the central incisors and a 1.0-mm central-to-lateral incisal step. Later, the images were altered in order to create six different central incisor vertical positions in 0.5-mm increments. The images were randomly assembled in an album, which was given to 114 judges, 57 orthodontists and 57 laypersons, who were asked to evaluate the attractiveness of the images using the visual analog scale. The data collected were statistically analyzed by means of 1-way analysis of variance with the Tukey post-hoc test and the Student t test. RESULTS: The highest rated smiles showed two notable characteristics: a) the central incisor gingival margins matched or were 0.5 mm below the line of the canine gingival margins and; b) the central-to-lateral incisal step was 1.0 to 1.5 mm. The worst smiles showed two notable characteristics: a) the central incisor gingival margins were 1.0 mm above or 1.5 mm below the canine gingival margins and; b) no step between the centrals and laterals or a 2.5-mm step. CONCLUSION: The vertical position of the maxillary central incisors significantly affected the perception of the smile esthetics, whereas slightly extruded central incisors were more esthetically preferred than intruded.
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics | 2014
Sergei Godeiro Fernandes Rabelo Caldas; Alexandre Antonio Ribeiro; Hallissa Simplício; Andre Wilson Machado
This study aims at revising the biomechanical principles of the segmented archwire technique as well as describing the clinical conditions in which the rational use of scientific biomechanics is essential to optimize orthodontic treatment and reduce the side effects produced by the straight wire technique.
Anais Brasileiros De Dermatologia | 2011
Andre Wilson Machado; Tarsila Carvalho dos Santos; Telma Martins de Araújo; Luiz Gonzaga Gandini Júnior
In recent years, facial esthetics excellence has become a major focus in health professional offices and for the public worldwide. Among the main concerns of the patients is lip augmentation, since it has been associated with beauty and youth. This procedure has been increasingly performed and studied by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. Although good outcomes for lip augmentation have been achieved with different techniques, literature shows several complications and collateral effects. This paper demonstrates, through two clinical cases, how Orthodontics may be an excellent tool to assist in lip augmentation, highlighting the need for an interdisciplinary approach to enhance a more effective strategy to achieve facial esthetics goals
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics | 2017
Daniel Paludo Brunetto; Eduardo Franzzotti Sant’Anna; Andre Wilson Machado; Won Moon
ABSTRACT Introduction: Maxillary transverse deficiency is a highly prevalent malocclusion present in all age groups, from primary to permanent dentition. If not treated on time, it can aggravate and evolve to a more complex malocclusion, hindering facial growth and development. Aside from the occlusal consequences, the deficiency can bring about serious respiratory problems as well, due to the consequent nasal constriction usually associated. In growing patients, this condition can be easily handled with a conventional rapid palatal expansion. However, mature patients are frequently subjected to a more invasive procedure, the surgically-assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE). More recently, researches have demonstrated that it is possible to expand the maxilla in grown patients without performing osteotomies, but using microimplants anchorage instead. This novel technique is called microimplant-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE). Objective: The aim of the present article was to demonstrate and discuss a MARPE technique developed by Dr. Won Moon and colleagues at University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA). Methods: All laboratory and clinical steps needed for its correct execution are thoroughly described. For better comprehension, a mature patient case is reported, detailing all the treatment progress and results obtained. Conclusion: It was concluded that the demonstrated technique could be an interesting alternative to SARPE in the majority of non-growing patients with maxillary transverse deficiency. The present patient showed important occlusal and respiratory benefits following the procedure, without requiring any surgical intervention.