Andrea Belluscio
Sapienza University of Rome
Featured researches published by Andrea Belluscio.
Scientific Reports | 2015
Luca Telesca; Andrea Belluscio; Alessandro Criscoli; Giandomenico Ardizzone; Eugenia T. Apostolaki; Simonetta Fraschetti; Michele Gristina; Leyla Knittweis; Corinne S. Martin; Gérard Pergent; Adriana Alagna; Fabio Badalamenti; Germana Garofalo; Vasilis Gerakaris; Marie Louise Pace; Christine Pergent-Martini; Maria Salomidi
Posidonia oceanica meadows are declining at alarming rates due to climate change and human activities. Although P. oceanica is considered the most important and well-studied seagrass species of the Mediterranean Sea, to date there has been a limited effort to combine all the spatial information available and provide a complete distribution of meadows across the basin. The aim of this work is to provide a fine-scale assessment of (i) the current and historical known distribution of P. oceanica, (ii) the total area of meadows and (iii) the magnitude of regressive phenomena in the last decades. The outcomes showed the current spatial distribution of P. oceanica, covering a known area of 1,224,707 ha, and highlighted the lack of relevant data in part of the basin (21,471 linear km of coastline). The estimated regression of meadows amounted to 34% in the last 50 years, showing that this generalised phenomenon had to be mainly ascribed to cumulative effects of multiple local stressors. Our results highlighted the importance of enforcing surveys to assess the status and prioritize areas where cost-effective schemes for threats reduction, capable of reversing present patterns of change and ensuring P. oceanica persistence at Mediterranean scale, could be implemented.
Journal of Crustacean Biology | 1990
Giandomenico Ardizzone; Maria Flavia Gravina; Andrea Belluscio; P. Schintu
ABSTRACT The bathymetric distribution pattern of the rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) was analyzed in order to understand the life cycle and migratory behavior, and to construct the growth curve. Five research cruises were carried out in the central Mediterranean Sea (Latium, Italy). Parapenaeus longirostris was captured between 100-m and 508-m isobaths and the highest abundances were observed mainly between 150-m and 350-m isobaths. Recruitment of new generations to the epibenthos essentially occurred between 100-m and 180-m isobaths during the summer. A multivariate ordination method (factorial analysis of correspondence) was used to describe the relationship between the length of the shrimp and the depth. The benthic fraction of the population appeared to be linked to a migratory movement from the middle shelf towards the continental slope. By estimating the parameters of the Von Bertalanffy equation, it was found that the growth of males appeared slower than that of females. The life span of each generation time was about two years.
Aquatic Living Resources | 1999
Alvaro Abella; Andrea Belluscio; Jacques Bertrand; Pier Luigi Carbonara; Daniela Giordano; Mario Sbrana; Ada Zamboni
An assessment of the state of the fisheries of hake, red mullet and Norway lobster was carried out by using trawl survey data from the MEDITS research programme. The assessment was performed by means of the application of a composite model utilising the total mortality rate Z as a direct index of fishing effort. The studied area covered the whole western Italian coast (Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas) and the eastern coasts of Corsica. The area was divided into twelve sub-areas, considered to be of similar ecological characteristics with similar initial productivity but considered to experience different rates of exploitation. Available information on fishing fleets and their geographic distribution was used in creating sub-areas. For each one of these sub-areas, the total mortality rates and a mean catch per unit of effort were estimated. The estimation of Z was performed by analysing the size structure of the cumulated catch in each sub-area and for each year. Catch rates were estimated as the mean catch per one hour of tow. The positioning of the current values of Z for the different sub-areas relative to the Z at maximum biological production suggests that, in most of the sub-areas, hake is in general fully exploited and red mullet overexploited. In the case of Norway lobster, it was not possible to obtain a statistically acceptable result probably due to a lack of contrasting enough levels of fishing pressure among sub-areas. The results obtained for hake and red mullet are in good agreement with the available information on the consistency of the fleets operating in the different sub-areas.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | 2006
Paolo Carpentieri; Francesco Colloca; Andrea Belluscio; Alessandro Criscoli; Giandomenico Ardizzone
The evaluation of the daily ration and feeding periodicity in a Mediterranean demersal fish assemblage under natural conditions is presented. Data were obtained during four trawl surveys conducted on the shelf-edge of the central Mediterranean Sea. Recently, researchers have begun to consider this area an essential fish habitat due to its extremely high productivity and diversity. The species which typified the assemblage were the fish Macroramphosus scolopax, Lepidotrigla cavillone, Mullus barbatus, Serranus hepatus, Argentina sphyraena and Glossanodon leioglossus. Fish were collected at three hour intervals throughout four 24 h sampling periods representing annual seasons. The study was based on the analysis of catch data and stomach fullness per setting time. Results show significant variation of feeding periodicity among species within daytime. The amount of food consumed daily, calculated according to the Elliott & Persson model, is compared to the patterns reported in literature for Atlantic fish species with similar trophic habits. Higher values of daily consumption could be related to the reproductive period for most of the above mentioned species.
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science | 1989
Maria Flavia Gravina; Giandomenico Ardizzone; Andrea Belluscio
The development of a polychaete community over five years on a man-made reef was analyzed. The reef was composed of 280 concrete blocks (2 × 2 × 2 m) and located in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) 1.5 miles offshore and 12–14 m deep. Sixty-three species were collected—serpulids, nereids and cirratulids being the most abundant families. Ordination by Principal Components Analysis (PCA) technique showed three main stages in the colonization process: a pioneer phase, when mainly serpulids (Pomatoceros triqueter, P. lamarckii, Hydroides pseuduncinata) occurred; a second phase, characterized by mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) dominance and a more differentiated community structure with a lot of new species especially recurring on hard bottom (Serpula concharum, H. dianthus, Ceratonereis costae); and a third phase, with an alteration of the substratum through soft deposits and the polychaete community characterized by also the occurrence of soft bottom species (Heteromastus filiformis, Polydora ciliata, Dorvillea rubrovittata). From the trophic point of view, the structure of the community changed from dominance by filter feeders (97%) to a more differentiated situation with abundant detritic feeders (c. 20%). The rates of immigration and extinction and the colonization curve showed that an actual stable steady-state was not reached.
Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2016
Mohammed Kaed Hassan Ali; Andrea Belluscio; Daniele Ventura; Giandomenico Ardizzone
The demersal species Lethrinus borbonicus, Lethrinus mahsena, Lethrinus microdon, Lethrinus nebulosus, Lutjanus bohar, Lutjanus gibbus, Lutjanus kasmira, Epinephelus fasciatus, Epinephelus stoliczkae, Carangoides gymnostethus and Euthynnus affinis are important coastal fishes species of the northern coast of Socotra (Yemen), exploited by local fishery. The biology and feeding ecology of these species are poorly known in the area. A total of 1239 specimens were sampled from the main fishing landing site of the island (Hadibo). Total length and weight were measured, stomach contents were analyzed, diet overlap, Fultons Condition index, and trophic levels were estimated. C. gymnostethus, L. microdon and L. kasmira occupied the highest position (T=4.50), L. nebulosus occupied the lower one (TL=3.41). The role of the increasing abundance of small pelagic fish in the diet of many species after the upwelling event is evident, but also different feeding strategies are reported, according to fish ecology.
Remote Sensing | 2018
Daniele Ventura; Andrea Bonifazi; Maria Flavia Gravina; Andrea Belluscio; Giandomenico Ardizzone
Nowadays, emerging technologies, such as long-range transmitters, increasingly miniaturized components for positioning, and enhanced imaging sensors, have led to an upsurge in the availability of new ecological applications for remote sensing based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), sometimes referred to as “drones”. In fact, structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry coupled with imagery acquired by UAVs offers a rapid and inexpensive tool to produce high-resolution orthomosaics, giving ecologists a new way for responsive, timely, and cost-effective monitoring of ecological processes. Here, we adopted a lightweight quadcopter as an aerial survey tool and object-based image analysis (OBIA) workflow to demonstrate the strength of such methods in producing very high spatial resolution maps of sensitive marine habitats. Therefore, three different coastal environments were mapped using the autonomous flight capability of a lightweight UAV equipped with a fully stabilized consumer-grade RGB digital camera. In particular we investigated a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow, a rocky coast with nurseries for juvenile fish, and two sandy areas showing biogenic reefs of Sabelleria alveolata. We adopted, for the first time, UAV-based raster thematic maps of these key coastal habitats, produced after OBIA classification, as a new method for fine-scale, low-cost, and time saving characterization of sensitive marine environments which may lead to a more effective and efficient monitoring and management of natural resources.
Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science | 2017
Alessandro Criscoli; Paolo Carpentieri; Francesco Colloca; Andrea Belluscio; Giandomenico Ardizzone
AbstractRed Mullet Mullus barbatus is an important target of fishing activities in the central Tyrrhenian Sea, so it is essential to identify its critical habitats in order to manage this resource efficiently. Our research specifically focused on the identification and characterization of nursery areas. The use of spatial interpolation techniques enabled us to identify five nurseries that were highly persistent through time. Moreover, the estimate of juvenile density confirmed the strong aggregation effect of these nursery grounds, as a great portion of young individuals were concentrated in a relatively small surface of the study area. The environmental characterization of these areas showed that juveniles were mainly distributed on bottoms with a relatively high percentage of sand (>70%; P < 0.05). Shannon biodiversity index analysis indicated that the southern nurseries reached the highest values of habitat quality (P < 0.0001). Multivariate analysis showed that nursery grounds were divided into three ...
Ecological Indicators | 2005
Christine Pergent-Martini; Vanina Leoni; Vanina Pasqualini; Giandomenico Ardizzone; Elena Balestri; R. Bedini; Andrea Belluscio; T. Belsher; Joseph A. Borg; C.F. Boudouresque; S. Boumaza; Jean-Marie Bouquegneau; Maria Cristina Buia; Sébastien Calvo; Just Cebrian; Eric Charbonnel; Francesco Cinelli; A. Cossu; G. Di Maida; B. Dural; Patrice Francour; Sylvie Gobert; Gilles Lepoint; A. Meinesz; H. Molenaar; H. M. Mansour; P. Panayotidis; A. Peirano; Gérard Pergent; L. Piazzi
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science | 2003
Francesco Colloca; Massimiliano Cardinale; Andrea Belluscio; Giandomenico Ardizzone