Andrea E. Packham
University of California, Davis
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Featured researches published by Andrea E. Packham.
International Journal for Parasitology | 2002
Melissa A. Miller; Ian A. Gardner; C. Kreuder; D. Paradies; K. Worcester; David A. Jessup; Erin M. Dodd; Michael D. Harris; Jack A. Ames; Andrea E. Packham; Patricia A. Conrad
The association among anthropogenic environmental disturbance, pathogen pollution and the emergence of infectious diseases in wildlife has been postulated, but not always well supported by epidemiologic data. Specific evidence of coastal contamination of the marine ecosystem with the zoonotic protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, and extensive infection of southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) along the California coast was documented by this study. To investigate the extent of exposure and factors contributing to the apparent emergence of T. gondii in southern sea otters, we compiled environmental, demographic and serological data from 223 live and dead sea otters examined between 1997 and 2001. The T. gondii seroprevalence was 42% (49/116) for live otters, and 62% (66/107) for dead otters. Demographic and environmental data were examined for associations with T. gondii seropositivity, with the ultimate goal of identifying spatial clusters and demographic and environmental risk factors for T. gondii infection. Spatial analysis revealed clusters of T. gondii-seropositive sea otters at two locations along the coast, and one site with lower than expected T. gondii seroprevalence. Risk factors that were positively associated with T. gondii seropositivity in logistic regression analysis included male gender, older age and otters sampled from the Morro Bay region of California. Most importantly, otters sampled near areas of maximal freshwater runoff were approximately three times more likely to be seropositive to T. gondii than otters sampled in areas of low flow. No association was found between seropositivity to T. gondii and human population density or exposure to sewage. This study provides evidence implicating land-based surface runoff as a source of T. gondii infection for marine mammals, specifically sea otters, and provides a convincing illustration of pathogen pollution in the marine ecosystem.
International Journal for Parasitology | 2008
Melissa A. Miller; Woutrina A. Miller; Patricia A. Conrad; Erick R. James; Ann C. Melli; C.M. Leutenegger; H.A. Dabritz; Andrea E. Packham; D. Paradies; Michael D. Harris; Jack A. Ames; David A. Jessup; K. Worcester; Michael E. Grigg
Sea otters in California are commonly infected with Toxoplasma gondii. A unique Type X strain is responsible for 72% of otter infections, but its prevalence in terrestrial animals and marine invertebrates inhabiting the same area was unknown. Between 2000 and 2005, 45 terrestrial carnivores (lions, bobcats, domestic cats and foxes) and 1396 invertebrates (mussels, clams and worms) were screened for T. gondii using PCR and DNA sequencing to determine the phylogeographic distribution of T. gondii archetypal I, II, III and Type X genotypes. Marine bivalves have been shown to concentrate T. gondii oocysts in the laboratory, but a comprehensive survey of wild invertebrates has not been reported. A California mussel from an estuary draining into Monterey Bay was confirmed positive for Type X T. gondii by multilocus PCR and DNA sequencing at the B1 and SAG1 loci. This mussel was collected from nearshore marine waters just after the first significant rainfall event in the fall of 2002. Of 45 carnivores tested at the B1, SAG1, and GRA6 typing loci, 15 had PCR-confirmed T. gondii infection; 11 possessed alleles consistent with infection by archetypal Type I, II or III strains and 4 possessed alleles consistent with Type X T. gondii infection. No non-canonical alleles were identified. The four T. gondii strains with Type X alleles were identified from two mountain lions, a bobcat and a fox residing in coastal watersheds adjacent to sea otter habitat near Monterey Bay and Estero Bay. Confirmation of Type X T. gondii in coastal-dwelling felids, canids, a marine bivalve and nearshore-dwelling sea otters supports the hypotheses that feline faecal contamination is flowing from land to sea through surface runoff, and that otters can be infected with T. gondii via consumption of filter-feeding marine invertebrates.
International Journal for Parasitology | 2003
Kristen D. Arkush; Melissa A. Miller; Christian M. Leutenegger; Ian A. Gardner; Andrea E. Packham; Anja R Heckeroth; Astrid M. Tenter; Bradd C. Barr; Patricia A. Conrad
Toxoplasma gondii is associated with morbidity and mortality in a variety of marine mammals, including fatal meningoencephalitis in the southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis). The source(s) of T. gondii infection and routes of transmission in the marine environment are unknown. We hypothesise that filter-feeding marine bivalve shellfish serve as paratenic hosts by assimilation and concentration of infective T. gondii oocysts and their subsequent predation by southern sea otters is a source of infection for these animals. We developed a TaqMan PCR assay for detection of T. gondii ssrRNA and evaluated its usefulness for the detection of T. gondii in experimentally exposed mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) under laboratory conditions. Toxoplasma gondii-specific ssrRNA was detected in mussels as long as 21 days post-exposure to T. gondii oocysts. Parasite ssrRNA was most often detected in digestive gland homogenate (31 of 35, i.e. 89%) compared with haemolymph or gill homogenates. Parasite infectivity was confirmed using a mouse bioassay. Infections were detected in mice inoculated with any one of the mussel sample preparations (haemolymph, gill, or digestive gland), but only digestive gland samples remained bioassay-positive for at least 3 days post-exposure. For each time point, the total proportion of mice inoculated with each of the different tissues from T. gondii-exposed mussels was similar to the proportion of exposed mussels from the same treatment groups that were positive via TaqMan PCR. The TaqMan PCR assay described here is now being tested in field sampling of free-living invertebrate prey species from high-risk coastal locations where T. gondii infections are prevalent in southern sea otters.
Journal of Parasitology | 2001
Melissa A. Miller; Karen W. Sverlow; Paul R. Crosbie; Bradd C. Barr; Linda J. Lowenstine; Frances M. D. Gulland; Andrea E. Packham; Patricia A. Conrad
Two species of protozoans were isolated from a harbor seal with fatal meninogoencephalitis. Serologic reactivity was detected to both Sarcocystis neurona and Toxoplasma gondii. Parasites associated with brain inflammation and necrosis reacted only with immunohistochemical stains utilizing polyclonal antisera raised against Sarcocystis neurona. However, 2 distinct parasites were observed in cell cultures derived from the seals brain tissue. These parasites were separated by mouse passage and limiting dilution. Purified zoites from 1 isolate (HS1) reacted strongly with polyclonal antiserum to S. neurona and with the harbor seals own serum (1:2,560 for each) on indirect immunofluorescent antibody tests (IFAT), but weakly to antisera to T. gondii and Neospora caninum (1:40). Zoites from the second isolate (HS2) reacted positively with T. gondii polyclonal antiserum (1:81,920) and with the harbor seals own serum (1:640), but weakly to S. neurona and N. caninum antisera (1:80 or less). Amplification and sequence analysis of protozoal DNA encoding portions of the 18s ribosomal RNA (18s rDNA) and the adjacent first internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) were performed for both isolates, and resulting sequences were compared to those from similar protozoans. Based on molecular characterization, parasite morphology, serologic reactivity, histology, and immunohistochemistry, HS1 was indistinguishable from S. neurona, and HS2 was indistinguishable from T. gondii.
International Journal for Parasitology | 2000
A.G Andrianarivo; Joan D. Rowe; Bradd C. Barr; Mark L. Anderson; Andrea E. Packham; Karen W. Sverlow; L Choromanski; C Loui; A Grace; Patricia A. Conrad
Cattle immunised with a POLYGEN-adjuvanted killed Neospora caninum tachyzoite preparation were previously shown to produce interferon (IFN)-gamma at levels similar to those of tachyzoite-infected cattle. In view of the critical role of IFN-gamma in resistance of mice to N. caninum infection, these results prompted us to test the POLYGEN-adjuvanted preparation in pregnant cattle to determine whether it will be able to prevent foetal infection following an experimental tachyzoite challenge. Seven heifers were immunised at 35 and 63 days of gestation with the POLYGEN-adjuvanted preparation, while five heifers were inoculated with POLYGEN alone at the same days of gestation. Four weeks later, all heifers were challenged with a combined i.v./i.m. inoculation of tachyzoites. The same challenge was given to seven unimmunized heifers at the same stage of gestation. An additional unimmunized heifer was inoculated with uninfected monolayer cell culture material. All challenged heifers, immunized and unimmunized, had infected foetuses. Immunized heifers developed both parasite-specific humoral and cellular immune responses, characterised by increased IFAT titres, a predominant IgG1 response, elevated lymphoproliferative response and IFN-gamma production. Following tachyzoite challenge, they developed an anamnestic humoral response and produced similar amounts of IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies, but did not have an anamnestic cellular immune response. The lack of anamnestic cellular immune response and/or the large i.v/i.m tachyzoite inoculum may have contributed to the failure of the preparation.
Journal of Parasitology | 2002
Melissa A. Miller; Ian A. Gardner; Andrea E. Packham; Jonna A. K. Mazet; K. D. Hanni; David A. Jessup; James A. Estes; R. Jameson; E. Dodd; Bradd C. Barr; Linda J. Lowenstine; Frances M. D. Gulland; Patricia A. Conrad
An indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for detection of Toxoplasma gondii infection was validated using serum from 77 necropsied southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) whose T. gondii infection status was determined through immunohistochemistry and parasite isolation in cell culture. Twenty-eight otters (36%) were positive for T. gondii by immunohistochemistry or parasite isolation or both, whereas 49 (64%) were negative by both tests. At a cutoff of 1:320, combined values for IFAT sensitivity and specificity were maximized at 96.4 and 67.3%, respectively. The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve for the IFAT was 0.84. A titer of 1:320 was used as cutoff when screening serum collected from live-sampled sea otters from California (n = 80), Washington (n = 21), and Alaska (n = 65) for T. gondii infection. Thirty-six percent (29 out of 80) of California sea otters (E. lutris nereis) and 38% (8 out of 21) of Washington sea otters (E. lutris kenyoni) were seropositive for T. gondii, compared with 0% (0 out of 65) of Alaskan sea otters (E. lutris kenyoni).
Journal of Parasitology | 2007
Katlyn Wainwright; Melissa A. Miller; Bradd C. Barr; Ian A. Gardner; Ann C. Melli; Tim Essert; Andrea E. Packham; Tin Truong; Manuel C. Lagunas-Solar; Patricia A. Conrad
The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is increasingly recognized as a waterborne pathogen. Infection can be acquired by drinking contaminated water and conventional water treatments may not effectively inactivate tough, environmentally resistant oocysts. The present study was performed to assess the efficacy of 2 commonly used chemicals, sodium hypochlorite and ozone, to inactivate T. gondii oocysts in water. Oocysts were exposed to 100 mg/L of chlorine for 30 min, or for 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 hr, or to 6 mg/L of ozone for 1, 2, 4, 8, or 12 min. Oocyst viability was determined by mouse bioassay. Serology, immunohistochemistry, and in vitro parasite isolation were used to evaluate mice for infection. Initially, mouse bioassay experiments were conducted to compare the analytical sensitivity of these 3 detection methods prior to completing the chemical inactivation experiments. Toxoplasma gondii infection was confirmed by at least 1 of the 3 detection methods in mice inoculated with all doses (105–100) of oocysts. Results of the chemical exposure experiments indicate that neither sodium hypochlorite nor ozone effectively inactivate T. gondii oocysts, even when used at high concentrations.
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation | 2003
Paulo C. Duarte; Barbara M. Daft; Patricia A. Conrad; Andrea E. Packham; Ian A. Gardner
A serum indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was compared with a Western blot (WB) and a modified Western blot (mWB) for diagnosis of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). Using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, the area under the curve of the IFAT was greater than the area under the curves of the WB and the mWB (P = 0.025 and P = 0.044, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference between the areas under the curves of the WBs (P > 0.05). On the basis of an arbitrarily chosen cut-off titer for a positive test result of 1:80 for the IFAT and interpreting weak positive WB results as positive test results, the sensitivities and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of all 3 tests were identical and equal to 88.9% (51.8–99.7%). The specificities and 95% CIs of the IFAT, WB, and mWB test were 100% (91–100%), 87.2% (72.6–95.7%), and 69.2% (52.4–83%), respectively. The overall accuracy of the IFAT was shown to be better than that of the WBs and, therefore, the test has potential for use in the diagnosis of EPM caused by Sarcocystis neurona.
International Journal for Parasitology | 1999
A.G Andrianarivo; L Choromanski; S.P McDonough; Andrea E. Packham; Patricia A. Conrad
A killed whole Neospora caninum tachyzoite preparation was formulated with various adjuvants and tested for its immunogenicity in cattle. The adjuvants used were: Havlogen, a polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with polyallylsucrose; Polygen, a non-particulate copolymer; a mixture of Havlogen and Bay R-1005, which is a preparation of free base synthetic glycolipids; and Montanide ISA 773, a water-in-oil emulsion made with a mixture of metabolisable and mineral oils. Immune responses in immunised cattle were compared with those of cattle experimentally infected with culture-derived N. caninum tachyzoites. The overall mean serum IFAT titres were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in experimentally infected cattle compared with all immunised cattle. Nonetheless, the maximum antibody titres of the immunised cattle, which were obtained following the third immunisation, were within the range of titres previously described for naturally infected cattle. The overall mean serum IFAT titres were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in cattle immunised with the killed tachyzoite preparation formulated with Polygen and with the mixture of Havlogen and Bay R-1005, compared with cattle immunised with the Havlogen- and Montanide-based preparations. Two of the four adjuvant preparations were able to induce cell-mediated immune responses similar to those of the experimentally infected cattle. The Havlogen-adjuvanted tachyzoite preparation elicited N. caninum-specific proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells statistically similar (P = 0.095) to that of the infected animals. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from animals immunised with the Polygen-adjuvanted tachyzoite preparation produced interferon-gamma concentrations of similar magnitude (P = 0.17) to those from the infected animals. Polygen was one of two adjuvants that elicited the highest antibody responses, and was the only adjuvant that induced interferon-gamma levels similar to those of the infected heifers.
Journal of Parasitology | 1997
Michael S. Y. Ho; Bradd C. Barr; Joan D. Rowe; Mark L. Anderson; Karen W. Sverlow; Andrea E. Packham; Antoinette E. Marsh; Patricia A. Conrad
Neospora sp. can cause fetal abortion or neurological disease in congenitally infected calves. Latent tissue stages in infected cows may contribute to vertical transmission of Neospora sp. from dam to offspring in multiple pregnancies. In this investigation, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Neospora-specific assay were employed to detect Neospora sp. by amplification of nuclear small-subunit rRNA gene sequences in infected cattle tissues. Tissues from 11 cattle, including 6 experimentally and 2 naturally infected cows, 1 naturally infected newborn calf, and 2 uninfected control cows, were evaluated in this study. Neospora-specific PCR products were amplified from DNAs of different bovine tissues, including brain, spinal cord, heart, lung, kidney, diaphragm, skeletal muscle, and placenta, as well as amniotic fluid samples of infected cattle. The PCR-based amplification and probe hybridization system proved useful in assessing the location of tissue-stage parasites in naturally and experimentally infected cattle, even when Neospora sp. antibody titers fall below normal cut-off values by an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test.