Andrea Squartini
University of Padua
Featured researches published by Andrea Squartini.
Plant and Soil | 1997
Youssef G. Yanni; Rizk Rizk; V. Corich; Andrea Squartini; K. Ninke; Saleela Philip-Hollingsworth; Guy G. Orgambide; F. J. de Bruijn; Jon R. Stoltzfus; Daniel H. Buckley; Thomas M. Schmidt; Pedro F. Mateos; J. K. Ladha; Frank B. Dazzo
For over 7 centuries, production of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Egypt has benefited from rotation with Egyptian berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum). The nitrogen supplied by this rotation replaces 25- 33% of the recommended rate of fertilizer-N application for rice production. This benefit to the rice cannot be explained solely by an increased availability of fixed N through mineralization of N- rich clover crop residues. Since rice normally supports a diverse microbial community of internal root colonists, we have examined the possibility that the clover symbiont, Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii colonizes rice roots endophytically in fields where these crops are rotated, and if so, whether this novel plant-microbe association benefits rice growth. MPN plant infection studies were performed on macerates of surface-sterilized rice roots inoculated on T. alexandrinum as the legume trap host. The results indicated that the root interior of rice grown in fields rotated with clover in the Nile Delta contained ∼106 clover-nodulating rhizobial endophytes g fresh weight of root. Plant tests plus microscopical, cultural, biochemical, and molecular structure studies indicated that the numerically dominant isolates of clover-nodulating rice endophytes represent 3 – 4 authentic strains of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii that were Nod Fix on berseem clover. Pure cultures of selected strains were able to colonize the interior of rice roots grown under gnotobiotic conditions. These rice endophytes were reisolated from surface-sterilized roots and shown by molecular methods to be the same as the original inoculant strains, thus verifying Kochs postulates. Two endophytic strains of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii significantly increased shoot and root growth of rice in growth chamber experiments, and grain yield plus agronomic fertilizer N-use efficiency of Giza-175 hybrid rice in a field inoculation experiment conducted in the Nile Delta. Thus, fields where rice has been grown in rotation with clover since antiquity contain Fix strains of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii that naturally colonize the rice root interior, and these true rhizobial endophytes have the potential to promote rice growth and productivity under laboratory and field conditions.
Australian Journal of Plant Physiology | 2001
Youssef G. Yanni; Rizk Rizk; Faiza K. Abd El-Fattah; Andrea Squartini; Viviana Corich; Alessio Giacomini; Frans J. de Bruijn; J. L. W. Rademaker; Jaime Maya-Flores; Peggy Ostrom; Maria Vega-Hernandez; Rawle I. Hollingsworth; Eustoquio Martínez-Molina; Pedro F. Mateos; Encarna Velázquez; Judith Wopereis; Eric W Triplett; Mercedes Umali-Garcia; Juliet A. Anarna; Barry Rolfe; Jadish K. Ladha; James L. Hill; Rajni Mujoo; Perry K.W. Ng; Frank B. Dazzo
his paper summarizes a multinational collaborative project to search for natural, intimate associations between rhizobia and rice (Oryza sativa L.), assess their impact on plant growth, and exploit those combinations that can enhance grain yield with less dependence on inputs of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Diverse, indigenous populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii (the clover root-nodule endosymbiont) intimately colonize rice roots in the Egyptian Nile delta where this cereal has been rotated successfully with berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) since antiquity. Laboratory and greenhouse studies have shown with certain rhizobial strain-rice variety combinations that the association promotes root and shoot growth thereby significantly improving seedling vigour that carries over to significant increases in grain yield at maturity. Three field inoculation trials in the Nile delta indicated that a few strain-variety combinations significantly increased rice grain yield, agronomic fertilizer N-use efficiency and harvest index. The benefits of this association leading to greater production of vegetative and reproductive biomass more likely involve rhizobial modulation of the plants root architecture for more efficient acquisition of certain soil nutrients [e.g. N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), sodium (Na) and molybdenum (Mo)] rather than biological N 2 fixation.
Journal of Economic Entomology | 2009
Vincenzo Girolami; Luca Mazzon; Andrea Squartini; Nicola Mori; Matteo Marzaro; A. Di Bernardo; M. Greatti; Chiara Giorio; Andrea Tapparo
ABSTRACT The death of honey bees, Apis mellifera L., and the consequent colony collapse disorder causes major losses in agriculture and plant pollination worldwide. The phenomenon showed increasing rates in the past years, although its causes are still awaiting a clear answer. Although neonicotinoid systemic insecticides used for seed coating of agricultural crops were suspected as possible reason, studies so far have not shown the existence of unquestionable sources capable of delivering directly intoxicating doses in the fields. Guttation is a natural plant phenomenon causing the excretion of xylem fluid at leaf margins. Here, we show that leaf guttation drops of all the corn plants germinated from neonicotinoid-coated seeds contained amounts of insecticide constantly higher than 10 mg/1, with maxima up to 100 mg/1 for thiamethoxam and clothianidin, and up to 200 mg/1 for imidacloprid. The concentration of neonicotinoids in guttation drops can be near those of active ingredients commonly applied in field sprays for pest control, or even higher. When bees consume guttation drops, collected from plants grown from neonicotinoid-coated seeds, they encounter death within few minutes.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology | 2004
Yacine Benhizia; Hayet Benhizia; Ammar Benguedouar; Rosella Muresu; Alessio Giacomini; Andrea Squartini
The bacteria hosted in the root nodules of the three Mediterranean wild legume species Hedysarum carnosum, Hedysarum spinosissimum subsp. capitatum, and Hedysarum pallidum, growing in native stands in different habitats in Algeria were isolated. Bacteria were recovered on yeast-mannitol-agar or on minimal media from a total of 52 nodules. Isolates were analyzed by Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA) using the enzyme CfoI, and further sorted by RAPD fingerprinting. A total of ten different types were found and their amplified 16S rDNA was sequenced and compared to databases. The BLAST alignment indicates that all the species whose sequences share 98 to 100% identity to the bacteria found in these nodules belong to the class Gammaproteobacteria and include Pantoea agglomerans, Enterobacter kobei, Enterobacter cloacae, Leclercia adecarboxylata, Escherichia vulneris, and Pseudomonas sp. No evidence of any rhizobial-like sequence was found even upon amplifying from the bulk of microbial cells obtained from the squashed nodules, suggesting that the exclusive occupants of the nodules formed by the three plants tested are members of the orders Enterobacteriales or Pseudomonadales. This is the first report of Gammaproteobacteria associated with legume nodules. Despite the presence of the related crop plant Hedysarum coronarium, specifically nodulated by Rhizobium sullae, these three Hedysarum species demonstrate to have undergone a separate path in terms of endophytic interactions with bacteria. An hypothesis to account for differences between the symbiotic relationships engaged by man-managed legumes, and those found in plants whose ecology is independent from human action, is discussed.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology | 2008
Rosella Muresu; Elisa Polone; Leonardo Sulas; Barbara Baldan; Alessandra Tondello; Giuseppe Delogu; Pietro Antonio Cappuccinelli; Sara Alberghini; Yacine Benhizia; Hayet Benhizia; Ammar Benguedouar; Bruno Mori; Roberto Calamassi; Frank B. Dazzo; Andrea Squartini
A previous analysis showed that Gammaproteobacteria could be the sole recoverable bacteria from surface-sterilized nodules of three wild species of Hedysarum. In this study we extended the analysis to eight Mediterranean native, uninoculated legumes never previously investigated regarding their root-nodule microsymbionts. The structural organization of the nodules was studied by light and electron microscopy, and their bacterial occupants were assessed by combined cultural and molecular approaches. On examination of 100 field-collected nodules, culturable isolates of rhizobia were hardly ever found, whereas over 24 other bacterial taxa were isolated from nodules. None of these nonrhizobial isolates could nodulate the original host when reinoculated in gnotobiotic culture. Despite the inability to culture rhizobial endosymbionts from within the nodules using standard culture media, a direct 16S rRNA gene PCR analysis revealed that most of these nodules contained rhizobia as the predominant population. The presence of nodular endophytes colocalized with rhizobia was verified by immunofluorescence microscopy of nodule sections using an Enterobacter-specific antibody. Hypotheses to explain the nonculturability of rhizobia are presented, and pertinent literature on legume endophytes is discussed.
Microbiology | 1995
Riccardo Tombolini; Silvana Povolo; Alberto Buson; Andrea Squartini; Marco Nuti
Summary: Genes encoding β-ketothiolase (phaA), acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (phaB) and PHB-synthase (phaC) from R. meliloti 41, together with a fourth gene, referred to as ORF1, presumed to be involved in PHB biosynthesis, have been cloned and sequenced. phaA, phaB and ORF1 were identified by heterologous hybridization on a cosmid library, while phaC was isolated by cloning the transposon-tagged fragment from a R. meliloti PHB- Tn5 mutant. phaA and phaB were functionally expressed in Escherichia coli while phaC was able to complement a PHB- strain of R. meliloti 41. The three genes were sufficient to direct the production of polyhydroxyalkanoate in E. coli. The homology of ORF1 with an ORF located near the PHB genes in two phototrophic bacteria suggests its involvement in PHB synthesis.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology | 2001
Pedro F. Mateos; David Baker; Maureen Petersen; Encarna Velázquez; José I. Jiménez-Zurdo; Eustoquio Martínez-Molina; Andrea Squartini; Guy G. Orgambide; David H. Hubbell; Frank B. Dazzo
A central event of the infection process in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis is the modification of the host cell wall barrier to form a portal of entry large enough for bacterial penetration. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that rhizobia enter the legume root hair through a completely eroded hole that is slightly larger than the bacterial cell and is presumably created by localized enzymatic hydrolysis of the host cell wall. In this study, we have used microscopy and enzymology to further clarify how rhizobia modify root epidermal cell walls to shed new light on the mechanism of primary host infection in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. Quantitative scanning electron microscopy indicated that the incidence of highly localized, partially eroded pits on legume root epidermal walls that follow the contour of the rhizobial cell was higher in host than in nonhost legume combinations, was inhibited by high nitrate supply, and was not induced by immobilized wild-type chitolipooligosaccharide Nod factors reversibly adsorbed to latex beads. TEM examination of these partially eroded, epidermal pits indicated that the amorphous, noncrystalline portions of the wall were disrupted, whereas the crystalline portions remained ultrastructurally intact. Further studies using phase-contrast and polarized light microscopy indicated that (i) the structural integrity of clover root hair walls is dependent on wall polymers that are valid substrates for cell-bound polysaccharide-degrading enzymes from rhizobia, (ii) the major site where these rhizobial enzymes can completely erode the root hair wall is highly localized at the isotropic, noncrystalline apex of the root hair tip, and (iii) the degradability of clover root hair walls by rhizobial polysaccharide-degrading enzymes is enhanced by modifications induced during growth in the presence of chitolipooligosaccharide Nod factors from wild-type clover rhizobia. The results suggest a complementary role of rhizobial cell-bound glycanases and chitolipooligosaccharides in creating the localized portals of entry for successful primary host infection.
Plant and Soil | 2009
Paolo Carletti; Elena Vendramin; Diego Pizzeghello; Giuseppe Concheri; Augusto Zanella; Serenella Nardi; Andrea Squartini
The influences on soil chemical and microbial properties of parent material, north south aspect and time measured as stand age were investigated in six spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests located in the alpine range of Northern Italy. Soil samples from A horizons were analysed for humic substances and in parallel Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA) community profiles and microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen content were determined. Chemical data were analyzed by canonical discriminant analysis while the ARDRA fingerprints were ordered in clusters using image analysis software. The geologic parent material was the most determining factor and the aspect-dependent microclimate features also played a distinct role in defining both soil chemistry and microbial community composition; in contrast the composition of the deeper humus layers (OH, A) was stable and similar within a spruce forest cycle time. Most important variables in the construction of the discriminating models resulted soil pH, Dissolved Organic Carbon content and Dissolved Organic Matter phenolic compounds. Bacterial communities appeared to be shaped first and foremost by the substratum, secondly by mountain slope orientation, and thirdly by forest stage, thus confirming the CDA model.
Fems Microbiology Letters | 2009
Sara Alberghini; Elisa Polone; Viviana Corich; Milena Carlot; Flavio Seno; Antonio Trovato; Andrea Squartini
Cell-to-cell bacterial communication via diffusible signals is addressed and the conceptual framework in which quorum sensing is usually described is evaluated. By applying equations ruling the physical diffusion of the autoinducer molecules, one can calculate the gradient profiles that would occur either around a single cell or at the center of volumes of increasing size and increasing cell densities. Water-based matrices at 25 degrees C and viscous biofilms at colder temperatures are compared. Some basic consequences relevant for the field of microbial signalling arise. As regards induction, gradient-mixing dynamics between as little as two cells lying at a short distance appears to be sufficient for the buildup of a concentration reaching the known thresholds for quorum sensing. A straight line in which the highest concentrations occur is also created as a consequence of the gradient overlap geometry, providing an additional signal information potentially useful for chemotactic responses. In terms of whole population signalling, it is shown how the concentration perceived by a cell in the center is critically dependent not only on the cell density but also on the size of the biofilm itself. Tables and formulas for the practical prediction of N-acyl homoserine lactones concentrations at desired distances in different cell density biofilms are provided.
New Phytologist | 2010
Roberto Moscatiello; Andrea Squartini; Paolina Mariani; Lorella Navazio
• Legume-rhizobium symbiosis requires a complex dialogue based on the exchange of diffusible signals between the partners. Compatible rhizobia express key nodulation (nod) genes in response to plant signals - flavonoids - before infection. Host plants sense counterpart rhizobial signalling molecules - Nod factors - through transient changes in intracellular free-calcium. Here we investigate the potential involvement of Ca(2+) in the symbiotic signalling pathway activated by flavonoids in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae. • By using aequorin-expressing rhizobial strains, we monitored intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics and the Ca(2+) dependence of nod gene transcriptional activation. • Flavonoid inducers triggered, in R. leguminosarum, transient increases in the concentration of intracellular Ca(2+) that were essential for the induction of nod genes. Signalling molecules not specifically related to rhizobia, such as strigolactones, were not perceived by rhizobia through Ca(2+) variations. A Rhizobium strain cured of the symbiotic plasmid responded to inducers with an unchanged Ca(2+) signature, showing that the transcriptional regulator NodD is not directly involved in this stage of flavonoid perception and plays its role downstream of the Ca(2+) signalling event. • These findings demonstrate a key role played by Ca(2+) in sensing and transducing plant-specific flavonoid signals in rhizobia and open up a new perspective in the flavonoid-NodD paradigm of nod gene regulation.