
Energy | 2002

Evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective energetic and economic optimization in thermal system design

Andrea Toffolo; Andrea Lazzaretto

Thermoeconomic analyses in thermal system design are always focused on the economic objective. However, knowledge of only the economic minimum may not be sufficient in the decision making process, since solutions with a higher thermodynamic efficiency, in spite of small increases in total costs, may result in much more interesting designs due to changes in energy market prices or in energy policies. This paper suggests how to perform a multi-objective optimization in order to find solutions that simultaneously satisfy exergetic and economic objectives. This corresponds to a search for the set of Pareto optimal solutions with respect to the two competing objectives. The optimization process is carried out by an evolutionary algorithm, that features a new diversity preserving mechanism using as a test case the well-known CGAM problem.

electronic commerce | 2003

Genetic diversity as an objective in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

Andrea Toffolo; Ernesto Benini

A key feature of an efficient and reliable multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is the ability to maintain genetic diversity within a population of solutions. In this paper, we present a new diversity-preserving mechanism, the Genetic Diversity Evaluation Method (GeDEM), which considers a distance-based measure of genetic diversity as a real objective in fitness assignment. This provides a dual selection pressure towards the exploitation of current non-dominated solutions and the exploration of the search space. We also introduce a new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, the Genetic Diversity Evolutionary Algorithm (GDEA), strictly designed around GeDEM and then we compare it with other state-of-the-art algorithms on a well-established suite of test problems. Experimental results clearly indicate that the performance of GDEA is top-level.

Journal of Energy Resources Technology-transactions of The Asme | 2004

Parameter Setting for a Tubular SOFC Simulation Model

Andrea Lazzaretto; Andrea Toffolo; Frederico Zanon

Several empirical assumptions deriving from observations and measurements of the physical processes are involved in the modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs). An insight of the main models proposed in the literature is given to present the characteristics and limits of these assumptions for the various existing configurations. The basic structure and equations of the models are discussed in details, focusing particularly on the parameters that are to be set to achieve reliability and accuracy. According to this discussion, a zero-dimensional model for a tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) is then presented. The model demonstrates good capability in predicting SOFC characteristic curves as they appear in the literature.

Journal of Propulsion and Power | 2002

Development of High-Performance Airfoils for Axial Flow Compressors Using Evolutionary Computation

Ernesto Benini; Andrea Toffolo

An original multiobjective optimization method is used to support the generation of a new family of profiles for two-dimensional cascades suitable for subsonic compressors. The aim of the optimization is to maximize the pressure ratio and to minimize the profile losses of a cascade, while conforming to a functional constraint on the operating range. The method uses an evolutionary algorithm featuring a novel evaluation technique conceived for multiobjective problems and a blade-to-blade inviscid/viscous solver for calculating flow quantities. As an example, an excerpt of optimized profiles is presented, and their performances are compared with those of conventional NACA 65 profiles. The new profiles show superior design performances both in efficiency and pressure rise, as well as a tolerance to incidence angles comparable to conventional profiles. The reasons of this improvement are discussed in detail on the basis of rigorous loss analysis.

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A. Journal of power and energy | 2004

Cross-flow fan design guidelines for multi-objective performance optimization

Andrea Toffolo; Andrea Lazzaretto; Antonio Dario Martegani

Abstract More than one century has passed since Mortiers first cross-flow fan patent in 1891, but the design is still based on empirical considerations and on the re-adaptation of previously developed configurations. The complexity of the flow field inside the machine is the main reason for the lack of an established design procedure, because the characteristics of the eccentric vortex that forms within the impeller are deeply influenced by the geometry of the impeller and also of the casing. In this paper, the objectives that should be pursued in the design procedure are discussed and defined, and guidelines for cross-flow fan design are determined through the analysis of an experimental database of fan performance and efficiencies, which is obtained by the systematic variation of the most important geometric parameters of the casing in combination with different impellers.

Journal of Energy Resources Technology-transactions of The Asme | 2007

A New Thermoeconomic Method for the Location of Causes of Malfunctions in Energy Systems

Andrea Toffolo; Andrea Lazzaretto

Diagnosis procedures primarily aim at locating the control volumes where anomalies occurred. This is not a simple task since the effects of anomalies generally propagate through the whole system and affect the behavior of several components. Some components may therefore present a reduced efficiency, although they are not sources of operation anomalies, due to nonflat efficiency curves. These induced effects are a big obstacle in the use of thermoeconomic techniques for the search of the origin of the anomalies. On the other hand, the real cause of the alteration of component behavior is the modification of its characteristic curve, due to degradation or failures. According to this concept, a new approach, based on an indicator measuring the alteration of the characteristic curve of the component affected by the operation anomaly, is proposed and applied to a test case power plant.

Bioresource Technology | 2014

Black liquor fractionation for biofuels production - a techno-economic assessment.

Sennai Mesfun; Joakim Lundgren; Carl-Erik Grip; Andrea Toffolo; Rasika Lasanthi Kudahettige Nilsson; Ulrika Rova

The hemicelluloses fraction of black liquor is an underutilized resource in many chemical pulp mills. It is possible to extract and separate the lignin and hemicelluloses from the black liquor and use the hemicelluloses for biochemical conversion into biofuels and chemicals. Precipitation of the lignin from the black liquor would consequently decrease the thermal load on the recovery boiler, which is often referred to as a bottleneck for increased pulp production. The objective of this work is to techno-economically evaluate the production of sodium-free lignin as a solid fuel and butanol to be used as fossil gasoline replacement by fractionating black liquor. The hydrolysis and fermentation processes are modeled in Aspen Plus to analyze energy and material balances as well as to evaluate the plant economics. A mathematical model of an existing pulp and paper mill is used to analyze the effects on the energy performance of the mill subprocesses.

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy | 2001

A parametric method for optimal design of two-dimensional cascades

Ernesto Benini; Andrea Toffolo

Abstract A parametric method for optimal design of two-dimensional cascades, based on the coupling between a genetic algorithm and a commercial computational fluid dynamics code, is introduced. The results of cascade geometry optimization for a large range of inlet and outlet flow angle pairs are presented. The method is a simple as well as effective tool for the optimal design of cascades for axial flow pumps.

Journal of Energy Resources Technology-transactions of The Asme | 2013

Superimposition of Elementary Thermodynamic Cycles and Separation of the Heat Transfer Section in Energy Systems Analysis

Matteo Morandin; Andrea Toffolo; Andrea Lazzaretto

In a wide variety of thermal energy systems, the high integration among components derives from the need to correctly exploit all the internal heat sources by a proper matching with the internal heat sinks. According to what has been suggested in previous works to address this problem in a general way, a “basic configuration” can be extracted from the system flowsheet including all components but the heat exchangers, in order to exploit the internal heat integration between hot and cold thermal streams through process integration techniques. It was also shown how the comprehension of the advanced thermodynamic cycles can be strongly facilitated by decomposing the system into elementary thermodynamic cycles which can be analyzed separately. The advantages of the combination of these approaches are summarized in this paper using the steam injected gas turbine (STIG) cycle and its evolution towards more complex system configurations as an example of application. The new concept of “baseline thermal efficiency” is introduced to combine the efficiencies of the elementary cycles making up the overall system, which demonstrates to be a useful reference to quantify the performance improvement deriving from heat integration between elementary cycles within the system.

Volume 8: Energy Systems: Analysis, Thermodynamics and Sustainability; Sustainable Products and Processes | 2008

On the Benefits of Separating the Heat Transfer Section and Analyzing Elementary Thermodynamic Cycles in Energy Systems Analysis

Matteo Morandin; Andrea Toffolo; Andrea Lazzaretto

The search for increasing performance and efficiency in energy system analysis leads to complex and highly integrated systems configurations. In a wide variety of energy systems the high integratio ...

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