Andreas Klügel
University of Bremen
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Featured researches published by Andreas Klügel.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
Andreas Klügel; Kaj Hoernle; Hans-Ulrich Schmincke; James D. L. White
The 1949 rift zone eruption along the Cumbre Vieja ridge on La Palma involved three eruptive centers, 3 km spaced apart, and was chemically and mineralogically zoned. Duraznero crater erupted tephrite for 14 days and shut down upon the opening of Llano del Banco, a fissure that issued first tephrite and, after 3 days, basanite. Hoyo Negro crater opened 4 days later and erupted basanite, tephrite, and phonotephrite, while Llano del Banco continued to issue basanite. The eruption ended with Duraznero erupting basanite with abundant crustal and mantle xenoliths. The tephrites and basanites from Duraznero and Llano del Banco show narrow compositional ranges and define a bimodal suite. Each batch ascended and evolved separately without significant intermixing, as did the Hoyo Negro basanite, which formed at lower degrees of melting. The magmas fractionated clinopyroxene +olivine±kaersutite±Ti-magnetite at 600–800 MPa and possibly 800–1100 MPa. Abundant reversely zoned phenocrysts reflect mixing with evolved melts at mantle depths. Probably as early as 1936, Hoyo Negro basanite entered the deep rift system at 200–350 MPa. Some shallower pockets of this basanite evolved to phonotephrite through differentiation and assimilation of wall rock. A few months prior to eruption, a mixing event in the mantle may have triggered the final ascent of the magmas. Most of the erupted tephrite and basanite ascended from mantle depths within hours to days without prolonged storage in crustal reservoirs. The Cumbre Vieja rift zone differs from the rift zones of Kilauea volcano (Hawaii) in lacking a summit caldera or a summit reservoir feeding the rift system and in being smaller and less active with most of the rift magma solidifying between eruptions.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1998
Hans-Ulrich Schmincke; Andreas Klügel; Thor H. Hansteen; Kaj Hoernle; Paul van den Bogaard
Gabbro and minor metabasalt fragments of MORB composition were found on three of the seven Canary Islands. On Gran Canaria, they occur as metamorphosed (greenschist facies) metabasalt and metagabbro clasts in Miocene fanglomerates and sandstones overlying the shield basalts. On Lanzarote and La Palma, MORB gabbros occur as xenoliths in Pleistocene and historic basanite scoria cones and lava flows. The MORB xenoliths are interpreted as fragments of layers 2 and 3 of the underlying Mesozoic oceanic crust, based on mineral compositions (An-rich plagioclase, Ti- and Al-poor clinopyroxene, ± orthopyroxene ± olivine), depleted major and trace element signatures, and Jurassic ages (ca. 180 Ma) determined on single primary plagioclase and secondary amphibole crystals using the 40Ar/39Ar laser technique. The Lanzarote gabbros are very mafic (mg# 87 to 89 in clinopyroxene), moderately deformed, and highly depleted. Gran Canaria gabbros are more evolved (mg# 69 to 83 in clinopyroxene) and texturally mostly isotropic. La Palma MORB gabbros have a range of compositions (mg# 68 to 83 in clinopyroxene), some rocks being strongly metasomatized by interaction with basanite magma. The occurrence of MORB fragments on Lanzarote provides definite evidence that oceanic crust beneath the Canary Island archipelago continues at least as far east as the eastern Canary Islands. We postulate that MORB gabbros on Lanzarote which are commonly associated with peridotite xenoliths, represent the base of oceanic layer 3 where gabbros and peridotites were possibly tectonically interleaved. Such tectonic mixing would explain the enigmatic seismic velocities in this area. Gabbro xenoliths from La Palma were derived from within layer 3, probably from wall rock close to magma reservoirs emplaced during the Pleistocene/Holocene growth of La Palma. The Gran Canaria xenoliths are interpreted to represent the metamorphosed layer 2 and upper layer 3. The abundance of lower crustal xenoliths emphasizes the importance of the lower crust and crust-mantle boundary zone as a major level of magma accumulation.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2006
Jörg Geldmacher; Kaj Hoernle; Andreas Klügel; Paul van den Bogaard; Frank Wombacher; Björn Berning
The Madeira-Tore Rise, located ∼700 km off the NW African coast, forms a prominent ridge in the east Atlantic. The age and origin of the rise are controversial. This study presents major and trace element, Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf isotope and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations from volcanic rocks dredged from different sites along the rise. In addition, isotopic compositions of rock samples from Great Meteor Seamount in the central Atlantic are presented. The new radiometric and paleontologically constrained ages identify two major episodes of volcanism: The first is the base of the rise (circa 80 to >95 Ma) and the second is seamounts on the rise (0.5–16 Ma). It is proposed that interaction of the Canary hot spot with the Mid-Atlantic spreading center formed the deep basement of the Madeira-Tore Rise and the J-Anomaly Ridge west of the Atlantic spreading center in the Mid-Cretaceous. Age and geochemical data and plate tectonic reconstructions suggest, however, that the recovered Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks represent late stage volcanism from the time when the Madeira-Tore Rise was still close to the Canary hot spot. Long after moving away from the influence of the Canary hot spot, the Madeira-Tore Rise was overprinted by late Cenozoic volcanism. Miocene to Pleistocene volcanism at the northern end of the rise can be best explained by decompression mantle melting beneath extensional sectors of the Azores-Gibraltar Fracture Zone (African-Eurasian plate boundary). The geochemical compositions of these volcanic rocks suggest that the magmas were variably contaminated by enriched material within or derived by melting of enriched material underplated at the base of the lithosphere, possibly originating from the Cretaceous Canary plume. Alternatively, these late Cenozoic volcanic rocks may have derived from decompression melting of enriched pyroxenitic/eclogitic material in the upper mantle. Isotopically more depleted Pliocene to Pleistocene volcanism at the southern end of the Madeira-Tore Rise may be related to the nearby Madeira hot spot.
Geology | 2014
Marc-Antoine Longpré; Andreas Klügel; Alexander Diehl; John Stix
Understanding magmatic systems feeding volcanoes is critical for accurate interpretation of monitoring data and, ultimately, eruption forecasting. Following 3 months of precursory unrest, the first historical eruption at El Hierro, Canary Islands, took place ∼2 km offshore from October 2011 to March 2012. Our detailed petrological analysis of lava samples reveals that at least two distinct magmas initially supplied from reservoirs in the mantle underwent hybridization at 15–25 km depth, i.e., also largely within the upper mantle beneath El Hierro. Diffusion chronometry applied to zoned olivine crystals indicates that magma mixing began during the period of preeruptive seismicity and continued for weeks after the eruption onset. Our data also capture a magma stagnation level at 10–15 km depth in the lower crust, consistent with lateral propagation of an intrusion over substantial distances before rapid magma transit to the seafloor. The remarkable spatial and temporal correlation of petrological and geophysical data at El Hierro suggests that the observed seismicity records magma mixing and forceful intrusion as well as subsequent reservoir dynamics. These results demonstrate that eruptions at El Hierro are controlled principally by deep-seated processes, with little influence from shallow crustal levels, and have important implications for monitoring of renewed unrest at long-dormant volcanoes.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 1999
Andreas Klügel; Hans-Ulrich Schmincke; James D. L. White; Kaj Hoernle
The compositionally zoned San Juan eruption on La Palma emanated from three eruptive centers located along a north–south-trending rift zone in the south of the island. Seismic precursors began weakly in 1936 and became strong in March 1949, with their foci progressing from the north of the rift zone towards its south. This suggests that magma ascended beneath the old Taburiente shield volcano and moved southward along the rift. The eruption began on June 24, 1949, with phreatomagmatic activity at Duraznero crater on the ridgetop (ca. 1880 m above sea level), where five vents erupted tephritic lava along a 400-m-long fissure. On June 8, the Duraznero vents shut down abruptly, and the activity shifted to an off-rift fissure at Llano del Banco, located at ca. 550 m lower elevation and 3 km to the northwest. This eruptive center issued initially tephritic aa and later basanitic pahoehoe lava at high rates, producing a lava flow that entered the sea. Two days after basanite began to erupt at Llano del Banco, Hoyo Negro crater (ca. 1880 m asl), located 700 m north of Duraznero along the rift, opened on July 12 and produced ash and bombs of basanitic to phonotephritic composition in violent phreatomagmatic explosions (White and Schmincke, 1999). Llano del Banco and Hoyo Negro were simultaneously active for 11 days and showed a co-variance of their eruption rates indicating a shallow hydraulic connection. On July 30, after 3 days of quiescence at all vents, Duraznero and Hoyo Negro became active again during a final eruptive phase. Duraznero issued basanitic lava at high rates for 12 h and produced a lava flow that descended towards the east coast. The lava contains ca. 1 vol.% crustal and mantle xenoliths consisting of 40% tholeiitic gabbros from the oceanic crust, 35% alkaline gabbros, and 20% ultramafic cumulates. The occurrence of xenoliths almost exclusively in the final lava is consistent with their origin by wall-rock collapse at depth near the end of the eruption. The volcanic evolution of the 1949 eruption is typical of La Palma eruptions generally. Considerable shallow magma migration prior to and during eruption is manifested by strong seismicity, intense faulting, and the almost unpredictable opening of specific vents which can be spaced three or more km apart.
Geological Magazine | 2006
Sebastian Münn; Thomas R. Walter; Andreas Klügel
Ocean island volcanoes frequently develop local rift zones associated with flank movement and flank collapses. The ocean island El Hierro grew by coalescence and collapse of three volcanic edifices, which are an elongated topographic ridge (the Southern Ridge) and two semi-circular volcanic cones (Tinor volcano, El Golfo volcano). During edifice growth and volcano coalescence, eruption fissures nucleated into rift zones that developed a complex triangle pattern. In scaled analogue experiments we could successfully reproduce the geometry of rift zones and unstable flanks as observed on El Hierro. The experimental results suggest that the rift configuration on El Hierro is the result of gravitational volcano spreading over deformable basal substrata, rather than of deep-seated magma updoming as thought previously. This paper elucidates the importance of the basal substratum and gravitational spreading, and the relationship to rifting and flank instability on El Hierro Island, and may help in understanding similar volcano architectures elsewhere.
Geology | 2006
Andreas Klügel; Frieder Klein
The formation of magma chambers is a significant phase in the evolution of large oceanic intraplate volcanoes and has strong control on melt composition. There is, however, little information about the earliest magma chambers because the pre-shield stage of a volcano is difficult to access. Here we present thermobarometric data from embryonic seamounts near Madeira that provide us with the rare opportunity to sample the earliest stage of an oceanic island volcano. The erupted magmas indicate crystal fractionation in reservoirs ca. 500–1000 MPa (the upper 15–20 km of the mantle) and polybaric magma ascent including mixing events. Depths and degree of crystal fractionation during the pre-shield stage basically resemble the subaerial shield stage of Madeira. This contrasts with Pacific hotspot-islands such as Hawaii or Tahiti, where magma chambers of the pre-shield and shield stages are more distinct. We propose that the different manifestations of early hotspot volcanism are related to plate velocities controlling thermal gradients in the lithosphere. Because of slower plate velocity, the lithosphere is compositionally and thermally more uniform beneath Madeira than beneath Hawaii. This results in only minor rearrangements of the magma plumbing systems during evolution from the pre-shield to the shield stage.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2012
Juan Carlos Carracedo; Francisco-Jose Perez-Torrado; Alejandro Rodriguez-Gonzalez; J. L. Fernandez-Turiel; Andreas Klügel; Valentin R. Troll; Sebastian Wiesmaier
El Hierro, the youngest of the Canary Islands (Spain), is no stranger to hazards associated with volcanic activity or to efforts to minimize the effects of these hazards on local communities. As early as 1793, administrative records of El Hierro indicate that a swarm of earthquakes was felt by locals; fearing a greater volcanic catastrophe, the first evacuation plan of an entire island in the history of the Canaries was prepared. The 1793 eruption was probably submarine with no appreciable consequences other than that the earthquakes were felt [Carracedo, 2008]; over the next roughly 215 years the island was seismically quiet. Yet seismic and volcanic activity are expected on this youngest Canary Island due to its being directly above the presumed location of the Canary Island hot spot, a mantle plume that feeds upwelling magma just under the surface, similar to the Hawaiian Islands. Because of this known geologic activity, the Spanish Instituto Geografco Nacional (IGN) has managed geophysical monitoring of the island since the beginning of the 1990s.
Geology | 2005
Tor-Sigvald Johansen; Folkmar Hauff; Kaj Hoernle; Andreas Klügel; Thomas F. Kokfelt
U-Th-Ra disequilibria of basanites, tephrites, and phonolites from the A.D. 1585 eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands, constrain magma differentiation times in an ocean-island rift zone. The insignificant difference in (230Th)/(232Th) implies differentiation from basanite to phonolite in <15 k.y. 226Ra has a half-life of 1600 yr, however, and permits higher temporal resolution; (226Ra)/(230Th) disequilibria are highest in the phonolites (46%–54%) and basanites (44%–47%) and lowest in the tephrites (38%–41%). The higher 226Ra excesses in the end-member compositions model basanite-phonolite differentiation within 1550–1750 yr at a rate of 0.04% fractional crystallization per year. Such a short time interval is in sharp contrast to the ∼200 k.y. proposed for phonolite differentiation on the neighboring island of Tenerife and could reflect different volcanic systems, with a mantle-fed rift system on La Palma versus a crustal magma reservoir on Tenerife.
Geology | 2011
Andreas Klügel; Thor H. Hansteen; Paul van den Bogaard; Harald Strauss; Folkmar Hauff
Seamounts can provide conduits for the entry and exit of hydrothermal fluids in ocean basins. However, only a few ridge flank hydrothermal systems that discharge through seamounts have been discovered, all located on relatively young crust. We have retrieved samples from 126 m.y. old Henry Seamount, an extinct volcano near the youngest Canary island of El Hierro, that provide evidence for Holocene low-temperature hydrothermal fluid discharge. This is the first documented finding of such activity at the Canary archipelago. The samples include shells from vesicomyid clams