Andreas Sievers
University of Bonn
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Featured researches published by Andreas Sievers.
Planta | 1991
Dieter Volkmann; Brigitte Buchen; Z. Hejnowicz; Martin Tewinkel; Andreas Sievers
During five rocket flights (TEXUS 18, 19, 21, 23 and 25), experiments were performed to investigate the behaviour of statoliths in rhizoids of the green alga Chara globularia Thuill. and in statocytes of cress (Lepidium sativum L.) roots, when the gravitational field changed to approx. 10−4 · g (i.e. microgravity) during the parabolic flight (lasting for 301–390 s) of the rockets. The position of statoliths was only slightly influenced by the conditions during launch, e.g. vibration, acceleration and rotation of the rocket. Within approx. 6 min of microgravity conditions the shape of the statolith complex in the rhizoids changed from a transversely oriented lens into a longitudinally oriented spindle. The center of the statolith complex moved approx. 14 μm and 3.6 μm in rhizoids and root statocytes, respectively, in the opposite direction to the originally acting gravity vector. The kinetics of statolith displacement in rhizoids demonstrate that the velocity was nearly constant under microgravity whereas it decreased remarkably after inversion of rhizoids on Earth. It can be concluded that on Earth the position of statoliths in both rhizoids and root statocytes depends on the balance of two forces, i.e. the gravitational force and the counteracting force mediated by microfilaments.
Planta | 1988
Dieter Hodick; Andreas Sievers
The intention of this investigation was to acquire more concise information about the nature of the action potential of Dionaea muscipula Ellis and the different types of cells generating and conducting it. It is shown by microelectrode measurements that, besides the sensory cells, all the major tissues of the trap lobes are excitable, firing action potentials with pronounced after-hyperpolarizations. The action potentials are strictly dependent on Ca2+. Their peak depolarizations are shifted 25–27 mV in a positive direction after a tenfold increase in external Ca2+ concentration. Perfusions with 1 mM ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) or 1 mM LaCl3 completely inhibit excitability. Magnesium ions only slightly affect the peak depolarizations but considerably prolong action potentials. Sodium azide and 2,4-dinitrophenol also abolish excitation, probably by reducing the intracellular ATP concentration. Furthermore, it is tested whether the sensory cells can be distinguished from the other cells of the trap by their electrical behaviour. The resting potentials of sensory cells (-161±7 mV) and mesophyll cells (-155±8 mV) are of the same magnitude. Changes in external ion concentrations affect resting and action potentials in both cell types in a similar way. Additional freeze-fracture studies of both cell types reveal similar numbers and distributions of intramembrane particles on the fracture faces of the plasma membrane, which is most likely the mechanosensor. These findings stress the view that the high mechanosensitivity of the sensory hair results from its anatomy and not from a specialized perception mechanism. It is proposed that trap closure is triggered by a rise in the cytoplasmic concentration of Ca2+ or a Ca2+-activated regulatory complex, which must exceed a threshold concentration. Since the Ca2+ influx during a single action potential does not suffice to reach this threshold, at least two stimulations of the trap are necessary to elicit movement.
Planta | 1989
Dieter Hodick; Andreas Sievers
The rapid trap closure of Dionaea muscinula Ellis has been explained by either a loss of turgor pressure of the upper epidermis, which should thus become flexible, or by a sudden acid-induced wall loosening of the motor cells. According to our experiments both explanations are doubtful. Objections against the turgor mechanism come from the determination by extracellular measurements from the upper epidermis of action-potential amplitudes before and after trap closure. Neither time course nor amplitude of the action potentials are altered by trap closure. In contrast a rise in the apoplastic concentration of K+ or Na+, which are the only ions present in the trap in osmotically significant concentrations, from 1 to 10 mM reduces the action-potential amplitudes by 25% and 15%, respectively. Furthermore, after trap closure the upper epidermal cells retain a considerable cell sap osmolality of 0.41 mol·kg-1 which equals that of the mesophyll cells as determined by incipient plasmolysis. A sudden cell-wall acidification causing movement is improbable since an acidification of the apoplast from pH 6 to pH 4 reduces action-potential amplitudes by 33% whereas the amplitudes measured extracellylarly from the mesophyll and lower epidermis remain unchanged by trap closure. In addition, buffering the apoplast at pH 6 does not prevent movement in traps which have been incised several times from the margin to the midrib to facilitate buffer diffusion into the mesophyll. Even an alkalinization of cell walls of plasmolysed leaf segments to pH 9 does not prevent considerable extensions of the mesophyll and subsequent movement of the specimens during deplasmolysis.These experiments make it very likely that the mesophyll cells are already extensible but are kept compressed in the open trap, thus developing tissue tension. The mechanism which prevents their extension as long as the trap is open can so far only be explained for traps which have been paralysed by a long-term incubation in 1 mM La3+. Leaf strips taken from stimulated, closed traps, comprising the lower epidermis and some mesophyll, prove to be highly extensible if they are stretched perpendicular to the midrib on a constant-load extensiometer. By contrast, strips taken from the lower side of paralysed traps are as rigid as those from the upper side of both stimulated and paralysed traps. From observations of semithin cross sections in a polarizing microscope, it is concluded that the extensibilities of these tissue strips are mainly determined by the cell walls of the upper epidermis plus a layer of adjacent mesophyll and by the lower epidermis, respectively, since these are the only cell walls with a preferential microfibril orientation in the direction of the applied stress.
Planta | 1971
Andreas Sievers; Dieter Volkmann
SummaryIn the root cap of Lepidium sativum a complex of multiple rough endoplasmic reticulum develops above the morphological lower transverse cell walls during ontogenesis of the columella cells (“statocysts”). The cisternae of the ER-complex are preferentially oriented parallel to the transverse walls. In normal vertical exposure of the roots the amyloplasts (“statoliths”) lie above the ER-complex. They do not touch the plasma membrane, but possibly they press against the ER-complex and thereby bring about geotropic equilibrium.In each storey of the root cap the transverse walls together with their ER-complexes have a parabolic shape. Therefore the surface areas of the central ER-complexes form a right angle and those of the peripheral ER-complexes an acute angle with the organ axis.Owing to the shape of the whole ER-complex within each storey, the amyloplasts in the physically upper peripheral columella cells do not press against the membranes of the ER in the case of horizontal exposition. On the other hand in the physically lower part the amyloplasts are still situated above the ER-complex and can press on the ER.Geoperception in roots may be a function of pressure exerted differentially by amyloplasts on the ER-complex.
Planta | 1985
H. M. Behrens; Dietrich Gradmann; Andreas Sievers
Membrane potentials were measured in lateral statocytes of vertically and nonvertically growing roots of Lepidium sativum L. using conventional glass-microelectrode techniques. Statocytes in vertically growing roots showed a stable resting potential of-118±5.9 mV without spontaneous fluctuations. Upon tilting the root 45° from the vertical, an electrical asymmetry was observed. Statocytes on the physically lower side of the root depolarized by approx. 25 mV. This depolarization occurred following a latent period of 8 s reaching a minimum (approx.-93 mV) after 170 s. This depolarization is the earliest event in graviperception ever recorded. After this depolarization, the cell repolarized within 60 s to a potential approx. 10 mV more positive than the original resting potential. Statocytes on the upper flank showed a slow hyperpolarization (t1/2h=half time for hyperpolarization=168 s) reaching a final, stable potential at a level 10 mV more negative. These effects of gravistimulation were statenchyma-specific, since cells in the cortex and rhizodermis showed no similar effects. The gravi-electrical responses were observed in 25% of all roots tested. Roots which showed no gravi-electrical response had a reduced elongation growth, lacked gravity-induced bending and lacked the typical structural polarity in punctured statocytes. This observed transition from a symmetrical pattern of resting potential in the statenchyma to an asymmetrical pattern following gravistimulation supports the results observed with external current measurements (Behrens et al., Plant Physiol. 70, 1079–1083, 1982) and extends these results to the cellular level and to considerably improved temporal resolution. The asymmetry in the gravi-electrical response extends the graviperception model of Sievers and Volkmann (Planta 102, 160–172, 1972) which comprises an asymmetrical sedimentation of the amyloplasts on the distal endoplasmic reticulum of statocytes. This generates an intraorgan signal which then must be transmitted to the growth zone.
Planta | 1989
Andreas Sievers; Simone Kruse; Ling-Long Kuo-Huang; Marina Wendt
Microfilaments have been demonstrated in rhizoids of Chara fragilis Desvaux by labelling of actin with rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin. Each rhizoid contains thick microfilament-bundles arranged longitudinally in the basal region. In the subapical and apical regions, much thinner bundles exist which contact the statoliths and encircle them in the form of a dense envelope. In root statocytes from Lepidium sativum L. the presence of an actin network is indicated by the fact that application of cytochalasin B (25 μg·ml-1 for 4 h) results in an approximately threefold increase in the rate of statolith (amyloplast) sedimentation relative to controls. It is concluded that in gravity-perceiving plant cells statoliths may trigger the transduction mechanism via actin filaments.
Planta | 1980
Wolfgang Hensel; Andreas Sievers
Statocytes of vertically growing roots of Lepidium sativum L. exhibit a strict polarity: The nucleus is positioned near the proximal periclinal cell wall, amyloplasts are sedimented on a complex of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) consisting of parallel cisternae near the distal periclinal cell wall.When 24 h old, vertically grown roots are rotated for an additional 20 h on a horizontal clinostat, this polarity is destroyed. Furthermore, the prolonged omnilateral stimulation leads to a damage of the statocytes, which in some cases ends in the self-destruction of the sensitive cells. The different components of the ultrastructural respones of the statocytes are: Displacement of the nucleus; changes in amount and distribution of the ER; loss of amyloplast starch; confluence of lipid droplets to large aggregates: a considerable increase of the lytic compartment. In addition, even anticlinal cell walls may be lysed up to small stumps. As all these effects are clearly restricted to the statocytes, only these cells are able to respond to the continuously changing direction of the gravity vector, thus perceiving gravity as such.After being exposed horizontally, the graviresponse of rotated roots is delayed as compared to the controls. About 20% of the rotated roots do not respond (curve) at all, but grow perpendicular in relation to the gravity vector. Perception of gravity is inevitably correlated with the polarity and the integrity of the statocytes.
Protoplasma | 1981
Z. Hejnowicz; Andreas Sievers
SummaryThe behavior of statoliths in rhizoids differently oriented with respect to the gravity vector indicates that there are cytoskeleton elements which exert forces on the statoliths, mostly in the longitudinal directions. Compared to the sum of the forces acting on a statolith, the gravitational force is a relatively small component,i.e., less than 1/5 of the cytoskeleton force. The balance is disturbed by displacing the rhizoid from the normal vertical orientation. It is also reversibly disturbed by cytochalasin B such that some statoliths move against the gravity force. Phalloidin stabilizes the position of the statoliths against cytochalasin B. We infer that microfilaments are involved in controlling the position of statoliths, and that there is a considerable tension on these microfilaments. The vibration frequency of the microfilaments corresponding to this tension is in the ultrasonic range.
Protoplasma | 1967
Andreas Sievers
Das Ziel unserer Untersuehungen, einen Yergleieh i~ der Anordnung der plasmat ischen S t ruk tu ren zwisehen geotropiseh ungereizten und gereizten t thizoiden ~eorzunehmen, -r zuniiehst eine genaue Kenntnis yon der Organisa t ion der n o r m a l waehsenden Zelle. In einer ersten Mittei lung (S i e ~e r s 1965 b) ha t ten wir bereits unter anderem tiber die Funk t ion des Golg i -Appara tes , den Fe inbau der Statol i then und tiber eine besondere Mikroves ike l -Komponente in den Rhizoiden beriehtet. Es liegen numnehr weitere Ergebnisse vor, die den ap ika len Teil der normal waehsenden Zelle als s treng polar organisiert erweisen und fiber die in dieser zweiten Mittei lung berichtet werden soll. Gegens iand weiterer Mit tei lungen (S i e v e r s 1967 a und })) wird dann die.. dureh die geotrope t~eizlage verursaehte U m o r d n u n g der Plasmakompe, nenten sein, aus der sieh Rtiekschliisse auf deren Funktions~inderung ergeben.
Protoplasma | 1993
Brigitte Buchen; Markus Braun; Z. Hejnowicz; Andreas Sievers
SummaryPrevious videomicroscopy ofChara rhizoids during parabolic flights of rockets showed that the weightless statoliths moved basipetally. A hypothesis was offered that the removal of gravity force disturbed the initial balance between this force and the basipetally acting forces generated in a dynamic interaction of statoliths with microfilaments (MFs). The prediction of this hypothesis that the statoliths would not be displaced basipetally during the microgravity phase (MG-phase) after disorganizing the MFs was tested by videomicroscopy of a rhizoid treated with cytochalasin D (CD) immediately before the flight. The prediction was fully supported by the flight experiment. Additionally, by chemical fixation of many rhizoids at the end of the MG-phase it was shown that all rhizoids treated with CD before the flight had statoliths at the same location, i.e., sedimented on the apical cell wall, while all untreated rhizoids had statoliths considerably displaced basipetally from their normal position. Thus, a dynamical interaction involving shearing forces between MFs and statoliths appears highly probable.