
Journal of Resources, Energy, and Development | 2008

Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment

Martin Kaltschmitt; Wolfgang Streicher; Andreas Wiese

The heaps of solid waste found along the streets of major cities in Nigeria are worrisome. Apart from aesthetic considerations, the waste heaps serve as breeding grounds for disease carriers like rodents and flies. This work looks at the functional elements in an ISWM (integrated solid waste management). A three-way approach for successful handling of the problem is suggested. Problems identified include inadequate enforcement of existing legislations, poor funding, lack of private participation, and poor facilities for proper waste management. The integrated model proposed emphasizes proper policy formulation as a preventive tool to waste generation, reuse and recycling of waste, decentralization and private sector participation in waste management activities, as well as reorientation of all stakeholders in the sector. With proper implementation by the federal and state governments, the aims for a hazard-free environment will be realized. The government was advised to introduce the concept of cleaner production and its benefits to industries.

Renewable Energy Focus | 2009

Renewable power generation – a status report

Andreas Wiese; Patric Kleineidam; Kuno Schallenberg; Aike Jan Ulrich; Martin Kaltschmitt


Renewable Energy | 1994

Electricity generation from renewable energy sources in Germany — Potentials, costs and implementation strategies

Andreas Wiese

The objective of this paper is to analyse the technical potentials and the costs of renewable energy sources for electricity generation in Germany and to define and discuss possible strategies for a largescale implementation of such renewable sources into the German power generation system. Four renewable options are discussed: hydropower, windtechnical and photovoltaic electricity generation and the possible electricity production of biomass. First the technical potentials are identified for the present and future reference years. Then the specific costs are analysed, as well for the present and the future. Finally an exemplary implementation strategy is defined and discussed leading to a total renewable electricity generation in the year 2020 of about 86 TWh/a which would be a share of about 19 % of the total present electrical energy demand.

Archive | 1993

Nutzung der Erdwärme

Martin Kaltschmitt; Andreas Wiese

Die in der Erde gespeicherte Energie stellt ein unvorstellbar groses Energiereservoir dar, das — im Gegensatz beispielsweise zur Solar- und Windenergie — unabhangig von der Tages- und Jahreszeit, unabhangig von den meteorologischen Gegebenheiten und theoretisch auch unabhangig von der geographischen Lage immer zur Verfugung steht.

Biomass & Bioenergy | 1992

Technical potentials of a bioenergy production in a bundesland in the Federal Republic of Germany

Martin Kaltschmitt; Andreas Wiese

Abstract The objective of this paper is to analyze the technical potentials of an energy production from biomass. Thus, for every community in Baden-Wurttemberg, a state in the south-west of the Federal Republic of Germany, the corresponding energy potentials of this renewable sources of energy are calculated. The investigation is divided into two parts. In both parts the methodological approach to determine the technical potentials is presented first. Part one deals with the energy potentials of residues from forestry and farming. This shows that in Baden-Wurttemberg an energy potential exists of about 13,745 TJ/a from residual wood, of approximately 3610 TJ/a from energetic usable straw and of about 13,690 TJ/a from biogas. In part two the direct production of energy carriers on agricultural land is analysed. Hence an energy potential could produce between 10,370 and 25,858 TJ/a from plants for using as a solid energy carrier and between 8772 and 17,673 TJ/a from plants to be converted into plant oil or alcohol. The results are evaluated on a high spatial resolution and analysed taking the local differences into account. Finally, the calculated potentials are discussed with respect to the energy demand in the current energy system.

Energy Sources | 1994

Potentials and Costs of Renewable Sources of Energy in the Federal Republic of Germany

Martin Kaltschmitt; Andreas Wiese

Abstract The objective of this article is to analyze the technical potentials, the regional distribution, and the corresponding costs of all renewable energy sources that could be used in the Federal Republic of Germany. Therefore we distinguish among options for producing electricity (hydropower, wind energy, photovoltaic usage of solar energy), options for producing solid and liquid energy carriers (energy plantations), options for using residual products (residual wood, straw, biogas from animal wastes, other organic waste), and options for the direct covering of heat demand (solar and geothermal heating). For these different possibilities the technical energy potentials and the corresponding costs are presented and discussed on the background of the current energy system. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the current chances and the given restrictions of these renewable energy sources in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Archive | 1993

Solarthermische und photovoltaische Nutzung der Sonnenenergie

Martin Kaltschmitt; Andreas Wiese

Von der Vielzahl der Moglichkeiten, die eingestrahlte Energie der Sonne direkt zu nutzen, werden hier nur die Moglichkeiten und Verfahren diskutiert, die in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland technisch sinnvoll eingesetzt werden konnen. Darunter fallen solarthermische Systeme zur Niedertemperaturwar-megewinnung und photovoltaische Verfahren zur Stromerzeugung. Weitere Moglichkeiten, wie z. B. Parabolrinnen- oder Solarturmkraftwerke, Paraboloid- oder Solarteichanlagen, werden nicht betrachtet, da ein Einsatz dieser Techniken aufgrund der mangelnden (Direkt-)Strahlungsintensitat in Mitteleuropa nicht sinnvoll erscheint. Auch werden passive Systeme, d. h. im wesentlichen bautechnische und architektonische Masnahmen (u. a. transparente Warmedammung), nicht betrachtet, da ein nachtraglicher Umbau des gegenwartigen Gebaudebestandes nur in einem geringen Umfang zu erwarten ist.

Renewable Energy, Technology and the Environment | 1992

Technical Potentials of Renewable Energies at the Example of a Bundesland in the Federal Republic of Germany

Andreas Wiese; Martin Kaltschmitt

The objective of this paper is to analyze the technical potentials of renewable energies. Therefore, potentials for the different renewable energy sources are determined for every community in a federal state in Germany. The methodical approach for the investigation of the technical potentials is presented first. Then the technical energy potentials for every community in the state are calculated. The results are analyzed taking local differences into account. Next, the energy potentials per inhabitant for different districts are estimated and compared. Finally, the share of the currently given energy demand potentially available for renewable energies is calculated.

Archive | 2013

Grundlagen des regenerativen Energieangebots

Ernst Huenges; Klaus Jorde; Martin Kaltschmitt; Iris Lewandowski; Wolfgang Streicher; Andreas Wiese

Die Energiestrome auf der Erde speisen sich aus verschiedenen Quellen, die im Folgenden zunachst dargestellt werden. An der gesamten auf der Erde umgesetzten Energie hat dabei die Sonnenenergie einen Anteil von uber 99,9 %. Die von der Sonne auf die Erde eingestrahlte Energie wird innerhalb der Atmosphare geschwacht und teilweise in andere Energieformen (z. B. Wind, Wasserkraft) umgewandelt. Deshalb wird auf den Aufbau und die wesentlichen Eigenschaften der Erdatmosphare ebenfalls naher eingegangen. Diesem schliest sich die Bilanzierung der globalen Energiestrome an.

Archive | 1997

Stand und Perspektiven der Windkraftnutzung in Deutschland

Andreas Wiese; Martin Kaltschmitt

Von allen Moglichkeiten, regenerative Energien in Deutschland zu nutzen, war die Stromerzeugung aus Windkraft in den letzten Jahren durch die hochsten Zuwachsraten gekennzeichnet. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird im folgenden zunachst kurz der Stand der Technik der Windenergienutzung dargestellt. Darauf aufbauend werden kennzeichnende Grosen einer Windstromerzeugung (Flachenverbrauch, Materialeinsatz, Energieaufwands- zu Energieertragsverhaltnis, ausgewahlte Stofffreisetzungen) sowie die Kosten analysiert. Anschliesend wird auf die Potentiale eingegangen und die derzeitige Nutzung diskutiert. Schlieslich werden die Perspektiven einer weitergehenden Windkraftnutzung in Deutschland aufgezeigt.

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