Andres Salumets
University of Tartu
Genome Biology | 2014
Kaie Lokk; Vijayachitra Modhukur; Balaji Rajashekar; Kaspar Märtens; Reedik Mägi; Marina Koltšina; Torbjörn K. Nilsson; Jaak Vilo; Andres Salumets; Neeme Tõnisson
BackgroundDNA epigenetic modifications, such as methylation, are important regulators of tissue differentiation, contributing to processes of both development and cancer. Profiling the tissue-specific DNA methylome patterns will provide novel insights into normal and pathogenic mechanisms, as well as help in future epigenetic therapies. In this study, 17 somatic tissues from four autopsied humans were subjected to functional genome analysis using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip, covering 486 428 CpG sites.ResultsOnly 2% of the CpGs analyzed are hypermethylated in all 17 tissue specimens; these permanently methylated CpG sites are located predominantly in gene-body regions. In contrast, 15% of the CpGs are hypomethylated in all specimens and are primarily located in regions proximal to transcription start sites. A vast number of tissue-specific differentially methylated regions are identified and considered likely mediators of tissue-specific gene regulatory mechanisms since the hypomethylated regions are closely related to known functions of the corresponding tissue. Finally, a clear inverse correlation is observed between promoter methylation within CpG islands and gene expression data obtained from publicly available databases.ConclusionsThis genome-wide methylation profiling study identified tissue-specific differentially methylated regions in 17 human somatic tissues. Many of the genes corresponding to these differentially methylated regions contribute to tissue-specific functions. Future studies may use these data as a reference to identify markers of perturbed differentiation and disease-related pathogenic mechanisms.
Clinical Biochemistry | 2014
Kadri Rekker; Merli Saare; Anne Mari Roost; Anna-Liisa Kubo; Natasa Zarovni; Antonio Chiesi; Andres Salumets; Maire Peters
OBJECTIVES Exosomes are small membrane bound vesicles secreted by most cell types. Exosomes contain various functional proteins, mRNAs and microRNAs (miRNAs) that could be used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Currently, a standard method for serum exosome isolation is differential ultracentrifugation, but a search for alternative, less time-consuming and labour extensive exosomal isolation method for use in clinical settings is ongoing. The effect of serum exosome isolation method on obtained miRNA profile is not yet clear. The aim of this study was to determine to which extent selected exosome isolation methods influence the serum exosomal miRNA profile. DESIGN AND METHODS Exosomes were isolated from blood serum of healthy individuals by ultracentrifugation and ExoQuick Precipitation methods. The expression profile of 375 miRNAs was determined by real time PCR using Exiqon miRCURY LNA™ microRNA Human panel I assays. RESULTS Although a strong correlation of exosomal miRNA profiles was observed between the two isolation methods, distinct clusters of miRNA levels between the used methods were identified. The detected levels of two miRNAs, miR-92a and miR-486-5p, were significantly influenced by the exosome isolation method used. CONCLUSIONS Both exosome isolation methods are suitable for serum exosomal miRNA profiling. Differences found in miRNA patterns between the two methods indicate that the observed exosomal miRNA profile is slightly affected by the extracellular vesicle isolation method.
Molecular Human Reproduction | 2010
Signe Altmäe; J.A. Martínez-Conejero; Andres Salumets; Carlos Simón; J.A. Horcajadas; Anneli Stavreus-Evers
Successful embryo implantation depends on the quality of the embryo, as well as on the receptivity of the endometrium. The aim of this study was to investigate the endometrial gene expression profile in women with unexplained infertility in comparison with fertile controls at the time of embryo implantation in order to find potential predictive markers of uterine receptivity and to identify the molecular mechanisms of infertility. High-density oligonucleotide gene arrays, comprising 44 000 gene targets, were used to define the endometrial gene expression profile in infertile (n = 4) and fertile (n = 5) women during the mid-secretory phase (day LH + 7). Microarray results were validated using real-time PCR. Analyses of expression data were carried out using non-parametric methods. Hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis showed a clear distinction in endometrial gene expression between infertile and fertile women. In total we identified 145 significantly (>3-fold change) up-regulated and 115 down-regulated genes in infertile women versus controls. Via Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery functional analysis we detected a substantial number of dysregulated genes in the endometria of infertile women, involved in cellular localization (21.1%) and transport (18.8%) and transporter activity (13.1%) and with major localization in extracellular regions (19.2%). Ingenuity Pathways Analysis of the gene list showed dysregulation of gene pathways involved in leukocyte extravasation signalling, lipid metabolism and detoxification in the endometria of infertile women. In conclusion, endometrial gene expression in women with unexplained infertility at the time of embryo implantation is markedly different from that in fertile women. These results provide new information on genes and pathways that may have functional significance as regards to endometrial receptivity and subsequent embryo implantation.
PLOS ONE | 2013
Tiina Drell; Lea Tummeleht; Jaak Simm; Anu Aaspõllu; Edda Väin; Ivo Saarma; Andres Salumets; Gilbert Donders; Madis Metsis
The application of high-throughput sequencing methods has raised doubt in the concept of the uniform healthy vaginal microbiota consisting predominantly of lactobacilli by revealing the existence of more variable bacterial community composition. As this needs to be analyzed more extensively and there is little straightforward data regarding the vaginal mycobiome of asymptomatic women we aimed to define bacterial and fungal communities in vaginal samples from 494 asymptomatic, reproductive-age Estonian women. The composition of the vaginal microbiota was determined by amplifying bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) regions and subsequently sequencing them using 454 Life Sciences pyrosequencing. We delineated five major bacterial community groups with distinctive diversity and species composition. Lactobacilli were among the most abundant bacteria in all groups, but also members of genus Gardnerella had high relative abundance in some of the groups. Microbial diversity increased with higher vaginal pH values, and was also higher when a malodorous discharge was present, indicating that some of the women who consider themselves healthy may potentially have asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis (BV). Our study is the first of its kind to analyze the mycobiome that colonizes the healthy vaginal environment using barcoded pyrosequencing technology. We observed 196 fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs), including 16 OTUs of Candida spp., which is more diverse than previously recognized. However, assessing true fungal diversity was complicated because of the problems regarding the possible air-borne contamination and bioinformatics used for identification of fungal taxons as significant proportion of fungal sequences were assigned to unspecified OTUs.
Reproductive Sciences | 2013
Signe Altmäe; J.A. Martínez-Conejero; Francisco J. Esteban; Maria Ruiz-Alonso; Anneli Stavreus-Evers; J.A. Horcajadas; Andres Salumets
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) act as important epigenetic posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression. We aimed to gain more understanding of the complex gene expression regulation of endometrial receptivity by analyzing miRNA signatures of fertile human endometria. We set up to analyze miRNA signatures of receptive (LH + 7, n = 4) versus prereceptive (LH + 2, n = 5) endometrium from healthy fertile women. We found hsa-miR-30b and hsa-miR-30d to be significantly upregulated, and hsa-miR-494 and hsa-miR-923 to be downregulated in receptive endometrium. Three algorithms (miRanda, PicTar, and TargetScan) were used for target gene prediction. Functional analyses of the targets using Ingenuity Pathways Analysis and The Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery indicated roles in transcription, cell proliferation and apoptosis, and significant involvement in several relevant pathways, such as axon guidance, Wnt/β-catenin, ERK/MAPK, transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), p53 and leukocyte extravasation. Comparison of predicted miRNA target genes and our previous messenger RNA microarray data resulted in a list of 12 genes, including CAST, CFTR, FGFR2, and LIF that could serve as a panel of genes important for endometrial receptivity. In conclusion, we suggest that a subset of miRNAs and their target genes may play important roles in endometrial receptivity.
Nutrition Reviews | 2010
Margit Laanpere; Signe Altmäe; Anneli Stavreus-Evers; Torbjörn K. Nilsson; Agneta Yngve; Andres Salumets
This review summarizes current knowledge of the effect of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism and related genetic variants on female fertility and pregnancy viability. Insufficient folate status disrupts DNA methylation and integrity and increases blood homocysteine levels. Elevated levels of follicular fluid homocysteine correlate with oocyte immaturity and poor early embryo quality, while methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene variants are associated with lower ovarian reserves, diminished response to follicular stimulation, and reduced chance of live birth after in vitro fertilization. Embryos carrying multiple MTHFR variants appear to have a selective disadvantage; however, the heterozygous MTHFR 677CT genotype in the mother and fetus provides the greatest chance for a viable pregnancy and live birth, possibly due to a favorable balance in folate cofactor distribution between methyl donor and nucleotide synthesis. The results of previous studies clearly emphasize that imbalances in folate metabolism and related gene variants may impair female fecundity as well as compromise implantation and the chance of a live birth.
Human Reproduction Update | 2011
Signe Altmäe; Outi Hovatta; Anneli Stavreus-Evers; Andres Salumets
BACKGROUND Nowadays, the use of IVF has improved the prospects of infertility treatment. The expected outcome of IVF depends greatly on the effectiveness of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH), where exogenous gonadotrophins are used to induce folliculogenesis. The response to stimulation varies substantially among women and is difficult to predict. Several predictive markers of COH outcome have been proposed (e.g. maternal age and ovarian reserve), but the search for optimal predictors is ongoing. Pharmacogenetic studies demonstrate the effects of individual genetic variability on COH outcome and the potential for customizing therapy based on the patients genome. METHODS MEDLINE, EMBASE, DARE, CINAHL and the Cochrane Library, and references from relevant articles were investigated up to February 2011 regarding any common genetic variation and COH/IVF outcome. RESULTS Several polymorphisms in genes involved in FSH signalling, estrogen biosynthesis, folliculogenesis, folate metabolism and other aspects influence the response to exogenous gonadotrophin administration, resulting in differences in COH and IVF outcomes. Nevertheless, the most studied polymorphism FSHR Asn680Ser is practically the only genetic marker, together with ESR1 PvuII T/C, that could be applied in clinical tests. CONCLUSIONS Although data are accumulating with evidence suggesting that the ovarian response to COH is mediated by various polymorphisms, the optimal biomarkers and the efficacy of the tests still remain to be evaluated.
Molecular Endocrinology | 2012
Signe Altmäe; Jueri Reimand; Outi Hovatta; Pu Zhang; Juha Kere; Triin Laisk; Merli Saare; Maire Peters; Jaak Vilo; Anneli Stavreus-Evers; Andres Salumets
A prerequisite for successful embryo implantation is adequate preparation of receptive endometrium and the establishment and maintenance of a viable embryo. The success of implantation further relies upon a two-way dialogue between the embryo and uterus. However, molecular bases of these preimplantation and implantation processes in humans are not well known. We performed genome expression analyses of human embryos (n = 128) and human endometria (n = 8). We integrated these data with protein-protein interactions in order to identify molecular networks within the endometrium and the embryo, and potential embryo-endometrium interactions at the time of implantation. For that, we applied a novel network profiling algorithm HyperModules, which combines topological module identification and functional enrichment analysis. We found a major wave of transcriptional down-regulation in preimplantation embryos. In receptive-stage endometrium, several genes and signaling pathways were identified, including JAK-STAT signaling and inflammatory pathways. The main curated embryo-endometrium interaction network highlighted the importance of cell adhesion molecules in the implantation process. We also identified cytokine-cytokine receptor interactions involved in implantation, where osteopontin (SPP1), leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and leptin (LEP) pathways were intertwining. Further, we identified a number of novel players in human embryo-endometrium interactions, such as apolipoprotein D (APOD), endothelin 1 (END1), fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF7), gastrin (GAST), kringle containing trnasmembrane protein 1 (KREMEN1), neuropilin 1 (NRP1), serpin peptidase inhibitor clade A member 3 (SERPINA3), versican (VCAN), and others. Our findings provide a fundamental resource for better understanding of the genetic network that leads to successful embryo implantation. We demonstrate the first systems biology approach into the complex molecular network of the implantation process in humans.
Fertility and Sterility | 2010
Signe Altmäe; Anneli Stavreus-Evers; Jonatan R. Ruiz; Margit Laanpere; Tiina Syvänen; Agneta Yngve; Andres Salumets; Torbjörn K. Nilsson
OBJECTIVE To investigate associations between folate-metabolizing gene variations, folate status, and unexplained female infertility. DESIGN An association study. SETTING Hospital-based IVF unit and university-affiliated reproductive research laboratories. PATIENT(S) Seventy-one female patients with unexplained infertility. INTERVENTION(S) Blood samples for polymorphism genotyping and homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folate measurements. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S) Allele and genotype frequencies of the following polymorphisms: 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 677C/T, 1298A/C, and 1793G/A, folate receptor 1 (FOLR1) 1314G/A, 1816delC, 1841G/A, and 1928C/T, transcobalamin II (TCN2) 776C/G, cystathionase (CTH) 1208G/T and solute carrier family 19, member 1 (SLC19A1) 80G/A, and concentrations of plasma homocysteine, vitamin B12, and serum folate. RESULT(S) MTHFR genotypes 677CT and 1793GA, as well as 1793 allele A were significantly more frequent among controls than in patients. The common MTHFR wild-type haplotype (677, 1298, 1793) CAG was less prevalent, whereas the rare haplotype CCA was more frequent in the general population than among infertility patients. The frequency of SLC19A1 80G/A genotypes differed significantly between controls and patients and the A allele was more common in the general population than in infertile women. Plasma homocysteine concentrations were influenced by CTH 1208G/T polymorphism among infertile women. CONCLUSION(S) Polymorphisms in folate pathway genes could be one reason for fertility complications in some women with unexplained infertility.
Human Molecular Genetics | 2013
John Perry; Tanguy Corre; Tonu Esko; Daniel I. Chasman; Krista Fischer; Nora Franceschini; Chunyan He; Zoltán Kutalik; Massimo Mangino; Lynda M. Rose; Albert V. Smith; Lisette Stolk; Patrick Sulem; Michael N. Weedon; Wei V. Zhuang; Alice M. Arnold; Alan Ashworth; Sven Bergmann; Julie E. Buring; Andrea Burri; Constance Chen; Marilyn C. Cornelis; David Couper; Mark O. Goodarzi; Vilmundur Gudnason; Tamara B. Harris; Albert Hofman; Michael P. Jones; P. Kraft; Lenore J. Launer
Early menopause (EM) affects up to 10% of the female population, reducing reproductive lifespan considerably. Currently, it constitutes the leading cause of infertility in the western world, affecting mainly those women who postpone their first pregnancy beyond the age of 30 years. The genetic aetiology of EM is largely unknown in the majority of cases. We have undertaken a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) in 3493 EM cases and 13 598 controls from 10 independent studies. No novel genetic variants were discovered, but the 17 variants previously associated with normal age at natural menopause as a quantitative trait (QT) were also associated with EM and primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). Thus, EM has a genetic aetiology which overlaps variation in normal age at menopause and is at least partly explained by the additive effects of the same polygenic variants. The combined effect of the common variants captured by the single nucleotide polymorphism arrays was estimated to account for ∼30% of the variance in EM. The association between the combined 17 variants and the risk of EM was greater than the best validated non-genetic risk factor, smoking.