Andrew G. Nicholson
National Institutes of Health
Latest external collaboration on country level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots.
United States
National Institutes of Health
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Mayo Clinic
University of Colorado Denver
University of Michigan
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
University of Washington
Yale University
Cornell University
University of California, San Francisco
University of Mississippi Medical Center
University of Pittsburgh
Anschutz Medical Campus
Brigham and Womens Hospital
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Harvard University
New York University
University of Pennsylvania
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Duke University
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Heidelberg University
University of Maryland, Baltimore
University of Vermont
Columbia University
Michigan State University
St. Vincents Health System
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center
Cleveland Clinic
The Catholic University of America
University of California, Los Angeles
Boston Childrens Hospital
University of Chicago
Coventry Health Care
Stanford University
Baylor College of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
Childrens Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
Georgetown University
Kaiser Permanente
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
New York Methodist Hospital
Ohio State University
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
Tulane University
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of California, Davis
University of California, San Diego
University of Southern California
University of Texas Medical Branch
Vanderbilt University
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Carnegie Mellon University
Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
Childrens National Medical Center
Columbia University Medical Center
Emory University
Foundation Medicine
Geneva College
Houston Methodist Hospital
Indiana University
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Norwich University
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Childrens Hospital
Purdue University
Rush University Medical Center
Rutgers University
Saint Louis University Hospital
Spectrum Health
St. Johns Hospital
State University of New York System
Texas Tech University
University of Arizona
University of Florida
University of Louisville
University of Minnesota
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler
University of Texas at Austin
University of Utah
University of Virginia
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Washington University in St. Louis
Wayne State University
Wistar Institute
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
University of British Columbia
Mount Sinai Hospital
University of Calgary
McMaster University
University of Toronto
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Vancouver General Hospital
University of Newcastle
Flinders Medical Centre
University of Queensland
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Princess Alexandra Hospital
University of Western Australia
Alfred Hospital
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Austin Hospital
Canberra Hospital
Flinders University
Griffith University
Mater Health Services
University of Melbourne
University of Sydney
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
University of Paris
University of Lyon
Curie Institute
Paris Descartes University
university of lille
Institut Gustave Roussy
Joseph Fourier University
Paris Dauphine University
University of Picardie Jules Verne
Jean Monnet University
Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital
Paul Sabatier University
University of Lorraine
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
United Kingdom
Imperial College London
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Harefield Hospital
University College London
University of Cambridge
Kings College London
Papworth Hospital
University of Aberdeen
University of London
University of Oxford
University of Edinburgh
St Georges, University of London
Royal Hospital for Sick Children
St Georges Hospital
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
University of Manchester
Hammersmith Hospital
Western General Hospital
University of East Anglia
Institute of Cancer Research
John Radcliffe Hospital
Royal Free Hospital
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Queen Mary University of London
Queens University
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Royal Liverpool University Hospital
St Bartholomews Hospital
University of Leicester
University of Southampton
Cancer Research UK
Guys Hospital
Imperial College Healthcare
Northern General Hospital
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
University of Birmingham
University of Leeds
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Barts Health NHS Trust
Castle Hill Hospital
Derriford Hospital
Glenfield Hospital
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
North Bristol NHS Trust
Southmead Hospital
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
University of Glasgow
University of Liverpool
University of Nottingham
Wellcome Trust
Bristol Royal Infirmary
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Charing Cross Hospital
Churchill Hospital
Croydon University Hospital
European Bioinformatics Institute
Freeman Hospital
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Golden Jubilee National Hospital
Great Western Hospital
Health and Safety Executive
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
Keele University
Leeds General Infirmary
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Manchester Academic Health Science Centre
Medical Research Council
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Royal Surrey County Hospital
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St Marys Hospital
University Hospital of North Tees
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
University of Warwick
Weston Park Hospital
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
Brunel University London
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Chapel Allerton Hospital
Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Fairfield General Hospital
Francis Crick Institute
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
Health Protection Agency
Hull Royal Infirmary
Hull York Medical School
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Trust
Manchester Royal Infirmary
National Institute for Health Research
Public Health England
Royal College of Physicians
Royal Hampshire County Hospital
Royal Hospital Haslar
St Jamess University Hospital
UCL Institute of Child Health
University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
University of Bristol
University of Portsmouth
University of Salford
University of St Andrews
University of Sussex
University of Wales
Western Infirmary
William Harvey Hospital
Nagoya University
University of Tsukuba
Keio University
Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Osaka University
Kyoto University
Chiba University
University of Tokushima
Hokkaido University
Nippon Medical School
Kindai University
Saga University
Tohoku University
Tokyo Medical University
University of Tokyo
Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.
Fukuoka University
Fukushima Medical University
Hirosaki University
Kumamoto University
Nagasaki University
Tenri Hospital
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
University of Toyama
Yamaguchi University
Yokohama City University Medical Center
University of Duisburg-Essen
University of Göttingen
University of Kiel
University of Mainz
University Hospital Heidelberg
University of Jena
University of Düsseldorf
University of Würzburg
Hannover Medical School
University of Marburg
University of Ulm
Max Planck Society
Münster University of Applied Sciences
Ruhr University Bochum
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
University of Freiburg
University of Hamburg
Uppsala University
Karolinska Institutet
Lund University
Uppsala University Hospital
South Korea
University of Ulsan
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Samsung Medical Center
Seoul National University
Ajou University
Catholic University of Korea
Gachon University
Inha University
Kyungpook National University
Sungkyunkwan University
Yonsei University
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
National Taiwan University
Chang Gung University
National Cheng Kung University
University of Basel
ETH Zurich
University of Lausanne
University of Zurich
Tongji University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Guangzhou Medical University
Peking Union Medical College
Peking University
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
University of Milan
University of Turin
European Institute of Oncology
University of Siena
University of Parma
University of Padua
University of Pisa
Sapienza University of Rome
University of Bologna
University of Ferrara
Marche Polytechnic University
University of Verona
Fondazione IRCCS Ca Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
University of Florence
University of Insubria
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
University of Perugia
University of Barcelona
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Complutense University of Madrid
National Health Service
University of Helsinki
Helsinki University Central Hospital
Aalto University
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
Helsinki University of Technology
New Zealand
Boehringer Ingelheim
Auckland City Hospital
Christchurch Hospital
University of Auckland
University of Crete
Democritus University of Thrace
Sismanoglio General Hospital
University of Thessaly
University of Amsterdam
Erasmus University Rotterdam
VU University Medical Center
Leiden University Medical Center
Radboud University Nijmegen
Utrecht University
Maastricht University
VU University Amsterdam
Wageningen University and Research Centre
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
University of Antwerp
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Ghent University
Ghent University Hospital
Université libre de Bruxelles
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
University of Hasselt
Medical University of Graz
University of Vienna
Medical University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of São Paulo
Federal University of Paraná
University College Hospital
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
University College Dublin
Johns Hopkins University
Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong
Hamad Medical Corporation
Czech Republic
Charles University in Prague
Military Medical Academy
National Autonomous University of Mexico
University of Porto
University of Coimbra
Technical University of Denmark
University of Copenhagen
Sheba Medical Center
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Semmelweis University
South Africa
Stellenbosch University
University of Cape Town
University of Pretoria
Hacettepe University
United Arab Emirates
Paris-Sorbonne University
Equatorial Guinea
Instituto de Salud Carlos III