
Featured researches published by Andrew Gall.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008

A photoactive carotenoid protein acting as light intensity sensor

Adjélé Wilson; Claire Punginelli; Andrew Gall; Cosimo Bonetti; Maxime T. A. Alexandre; Jean-Marc Routaboul; Cheryl A. Kerfeld; Rienk van Grondelle; Bruno Robert; John T. M. Kennis; Diana Kirilovsky

Intense sunlight is dangerous for photosynthetic organisms. Cyanobacteria, like plants, protect themselves from light-induced stress by dissipating excess absorbed energy as heat. Recently, it was discovered that a soluble orange carotenoid protein, the OCP, is essential for this photoprotective mechanism. Here we show that the OCP is also a member of the family of photoactive proteins; it is a unique example of a photoactive protein containing a carotenoid as the photoresponsive chromophore. Upon illumination with blue-green light, the OCP undergoes a reversible transformation from its dark stable orange form to a red “active” form. The red form is essential for the induction of the photoprotective mechanism. The illumination induces structural changes affecting both the carotenoid and the protein. Thus, the OCP is a photoactive protein that senses light intensity and triggers photoprotection.

Biophysical Journal | 2011

Molecular Adaptation of Photoprotection: Triplet States in Light-Harvesting Proteins

Andrew Gall; Rudi Berera; Maxime T. A. Alexandre; Andrew A. Pascal; Luc Bordes; Maria M. Mendes-Pinto; Sandra Andrianambinintsoa; Katerina V. Stoitchkova; Alessandro Marin; Leonas Valkunas; Peter Horton; John T. M. Kennis; Rienk van Grondelle; Alexander V. Ruban; Bruno Robert

The photosynthetic light-harvesting systems of purple bacteria and plants both utilize specific carotenoids as quenchers of the harmful (bacterio)chlorophyll triplet states via triplet-triplet energy transfer. Here, we explore how the binding of carotenoids to the different types of light-harvesting proteins found in plants and purple bacteria provides adaptation in this vital photoprotective function. We show that the creation of the carotenoid triplet states in the light-harvesting complexes may occur without detectable conformational changes, in contrast to that found for carotenoids in solution. However, in plant light-harvesting complexes, the triplet wavefunction is shared between the carotenoids and their adjacent chlorophylls. This is not observed for the antenna proteins of purple bacteria, where the triplet is virtually fully located on the carotenoid molecule. These results explain the faster triplet-triplet transfer times in plant light-harvesting complexes. We show that this molecular mechanism, which spreads the location of the triplet wavefunction through the pigments of plant light-harvesting complexes, results in the absence of any detectable chlorophyll triplet in these complexes upon excitation, and we propose that it emerged as a photoprotective adaptation during the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2008

Static and dynamic protein impact on electronic properties of light-harvesting complex LH2.

Oksana Zerlauskiene; Gediminas Trinkunas; Andrew Gall; Bruno Robert; V. Urboniene; Leonas Valkunas

A comparative analysis of the temperature dependence of the absorption spectra of the LH2 complexes from different species of photosynthetic bacteria, i.e., Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Rhodoblastus acidophilus, and Phaeospirillum molischianum, was performed in the temperature range from 4 to 300 K. Qualitatively, the temperature dependence is similar for all of the species studied. The spectral bandwidths of both B800 and B850 bands increases with temperature while the band positions shift in opposite directions: the B800 band shifts slightly to the red while the B850 band to the blue. These results were analyzed using the modified Redfield theory based on the exciton model. The main conclusion drawn from the analysis was that the spectral density function (SDF) is the main factor underlying the strength of the temperature dependence of the bandwidths for the B800 and B850 electronic transitions, while the bandwidths themselves are defined by the corresponding inhomogeneous distribution function (IDF). Slight variation of the slope of the temperature dependence of the bandwidths between species can be attributed to the changes of the values of the reorganization energies and characteristic frequencies determining the SDF. To explain the shift of the B850 band position with temperature, which is unusual for the conventional exciton model, a temperature dependence of the IDF must be postulated. This dependence can be achieved within the framework of the modified (dichotomous) exciton model. The slope of the temperature dependence of the B850 bandwidth is then defined by the value of the reorganization energy and by the difference between the transition energies of the dichotomous states of the pigment molecules. The equilibration factor between these dichotomous states mainly determines the temperature dependence of the peak shift.

FEBS Letters | 2008

The peripheral light-harvesting complexes from purple sulfur bacteria have different 'ring' sizes

Sami Kereiche; Laurent Bourinet; Wilko Keegstra; Ana A. Arteni; Jean-Marc Verbavatz; Egbert J. Boekema; Bruno Robert; Andrew Gall

The integral membrane light‐harvesting (LH) proteins from purple photosynthetic bacteria form circular oligomers of an elementary unit that is composed of two very hydrophobic polypeptides, termed α and β. These apoprotein dimers are known to associate into closed circular arrays of 8, 9 and 16 α/β‐mers. We report the existence of peripheral LH proteins purified from Allochromatium vinosum with two intermediate ring sizes and postulate that one is a 13 α/β‐mer. This shows that LH proteins are able to form membrane rings of continuously increasing diameter from 68 to 115 Å. The presence of these new ring sizes warrants further study, as it will help to further validate the structure–function models of LH proteins currently found in the literature.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 2006

Second Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of the Single Crystal of N-Benzyl 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline: Anomalous Enhancement of the d333 Component and Its Possible Origin

Masazumi Fujiwara; Kazuhiro Yanagi; Minoru Maruyama; Mitsuru Sugisaki; Kazuyoshi Kuroyanagi; Hironori Takahashi; Shinichiro Aoshima; Yutaka Tsuchiya; Andrew Gall; Hideki Hashimoto

A single crystal of N-benzyl 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline (BNA) whose dimensions were 8×10 mm (diameter × length) was grown using a vertical Bridgman method with sufficient optical transparency for spectroscopic use. Polarized reflection spectra of the crystal were measured in order to determine its linear optical parameters (refractive indices and extinction coefficients). The relative magnitudes of the d-tensor components of the crystal were determined to be d333=(17±9)×d322, d322>d311, d311~0 from polarization dependencies of the second harmonic generation. These results are in disagreement with previously reported theoretical studies, in which the effects of intermolecular interactions were completely neglected. Here, we have included these intermolecular interactions in the calculations assuming the presence of supra-molecular clusters. We conclude that the anomalous enhancement of d333 is due to the interactions along the direction of the hydrogen bonds in the crystal and the resonance effect.

Photosynthesis Research | 2005

Preferential Incorporation of Coloured-carotenoids Occurs in the LH2 Complexes From Non-sulphur Purple Bacteria Under Carotenoid-limiting Conditions

Andrew Gall; Sarah Henry; Shinichi Takaichi; Bruno Robert; Richard J. Cogdell

The effect of growing Rhodopseudomonas (Rps.) acidophila and Rps. palustris in the presence of different concentrations of the carotenoid (Car) biosynthetic inhibitor diphenylamine (DPA) has been investigated. Growth with sub-maximal concentrations of DPA induces Car limitation. The exact response to DPA is species dependent. However, both Rps. acidophila and Rps. palustris respond by preferentially incorporating the limiting amount of coloured Cars into their LH2 complexes at the expense of the RC-LH1 complexes. As inhibition by DPA becomes more severe there is an increase in the percentage of Cars with reduced numbers of conjugated C=C bonds. The effect of this changed Car composition on the structure and function of the antenna complexes has been investigated using absorption, fluorescence, CD and Raman spectroscopies. The results show that although the presence of Car molecules is important for the stability of the LH2 complexes that the overall native structure can be maintained by the presence of many different Cars.

Biochemical Journal | 2011

The light intensity under which cells are grown controls the type of peripheral light-harvesting complexes that are assembled in a purple photosynthetic bacterium

Tatas Hardo Panintingjati Brotosudarmo; Aaron M. Collins; Andrew Gall; Aleksander W. Roszak; Alastair T. Gardiner; Robert E. Blankenship; Richard J. Cogdell

The differing composition of LH2 (peripheral light-harvesting) complexes present in Rhodopseudomonas palustris 2.1.6 have been investigated when cells are grown under progressively decreasing light intensity. Detailed analysis of their absorption spectra reveals that there must be more than two types of LH2 complexes present. Purified HL (high-light) and LL (low-light) LH2 complexes have mixed apoprotein compositions. The HL complexes contain PucAB(a) and PucAB(b) apoproteins. The LL complexes contain PucAB(a), PucAB(d) and PucB(b)-only apoproteins. This mixed apoprotein composition can explain their resonance Raman spectra. Crystallographic studies and molecular sieve chromatography suggest that both the HL and the LL complexes are nonameric. Furthermore, the electron-density maps do not support the existence of an additional Bchl (bacteriochlorophyll) molecule; rather the density is attributed to the N-termini of the α-polypeptide.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2015

Vibrational techniques applied to photosynthesis: Resonance Raman and fluorescence line-narrowing ☆

Andrew Gall; Andrew A. Pascal; Bruno Robert

Resonance Raman spectroscopy may yield precise information on the conformation of, and the interactions assumed by, the chromophores involved in the first steps of the photosynthetic process. Selectivity is achieved via resonance with the absorption transition of the chromophore of interest. Fluorescence line-narrowing spectroscopy is a complementary technique, in that it provides the same level of information (structure, conformation, interactions), but in this case for the emitting pigment(s) only (whether isolated or in an ensemble of interacting chromophores). The selectivity provided by these vibrational techniques allows for the analysis of pigment molecules not only when they are isolated in solvents, but also when embedded in soluble or membrane proteins and even, as shown recently, in vivo. They can be used, for instance, to relate the electronic properties of these pigment molecules to their structure and/or the physical properties of their environment. These techniques are even able to follow subtle changes in chromophore conformation associated with regulatory processes. After a short introduction to the physical principles that govern resonance Raman and fluorescence line-narrowing spectroscopies, the information content of the vibrational spectra of chlorophyll and carotenoid molecules is described in this article, together with the experiments which helped in determining which structural parameter(s) each vibrational band is sensitive to. A selection of applications is then presented, in order to illustrate how these techniques have been used in the field of photosynthesis, and what type of information has been obtained. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Vibrational spectroscopies and bioenergetic systems.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2015

Mapping energy transfer channels in fucoxanthin-chlorophyll protein complex.

Andrius Gelzinis; Vytautas Butkus; Egidijus Songaila; Ramūnas Augulis; Andrew Gall; Claudia Büchel; Bruno Robert; Darius Abramavicius; Donatas Zigmantas; Leonas Valkunas

Fucoxanthin-chlorophyll protein (FCP) is the key molecular complex performing the light-harvesting function in diatoms, which, being a major group of algae, are responsible for up to one quarter of the total primary production on Earth. These photosynthetic organisms contain an unusually large amount of the carotenoid fucoxanthin, which absorbs the light in the blue-green spectral region and transfers the captured excitation energy to the FCP-bound chlorophylls. Due to the large number of fucoxanthins, the excitation energy transfer cascades in these complexes are particularly tangled. In this work we present the two-color two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy experiments on FCP. Analysis of the data using the modified decay associated spectra permits a detailed mapping of the excitation frequency dependent energy transfer flow with a femtosecond time resolution.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2015

Coherence and population dynamics of chlorophyll excitations in FCP complex: Two-dimensional spectroscopy study

Vytautas Butkus; Andrius Gelzinis; Ramūnas Augulis; Andrew Gall; Claudia Büchel; Bruno Robert; Donatas Zigmantas; Leonas Valkunas; Darius Abramavicius

Energy transfer processes and coherent phenomena in the fucoxanthin-chlorophyll protein complex, which is responsible for the light harvesting function in marine algae diatoms, were investigated at 77 K by using two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy. Experiments performed on femtosecond and picosecond timescales led to separation of spectral dynamics, witnessing evolutions of coherence and population states of the system in the spectral region of Qy transitions of chlorophylls a and c. Analysis of the coherence dynamics allowed us to identify chlorophyll (Chl) a and fucoxanthin intramolecular vibrations dominating over the first few picoseconds. Closer inspection of the spectral region of the Qy transition of Chl c revealed previously not identified, mutually non-interacting chlorophyll c states participating in femtosecond or picosecond energy transfer to the Chl a molecules. Consideration of separated coherent and incoherent dynamics allowed us to hypothesize the vibrations-assisted coherent energy transfer between Chl c and Chl a and the overall spatial arrangement of chlorophyll molecules.

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