Andrew Grimson
Cornell University
Nature | 2005
Lee P. Lim; Nelson C. Lau; Philip Garrett-Engele; Andrew Grimson; Janell M. Schelter; John C. Castle; David P. Bartel; Peter S. Linsley; Jason M. Johnson
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of noncoding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression in plants and animals. To investigate the influence of miRNAs on transcript levels, we transfected miRNAs into human cells and used microarrays to examine changes in the messenger RNA profile. Here we show that delivering miR-124 causes the expression profile to shift towards that of brain, the organ in which miR-124 is preferentially expressed, whereas delivering miR-1 shifts the profile towards that of muscle, where miR-1 is preferentially expressed. In each case, about 100 messages were downregulated after 12 h. The 3′ untranslated regions of these messages had a significant propensity to pair to the 5′ region of the miRNA, as expected if many of these messages are the direct targets of the miRNAs. Our results suggest that metazoan miRNAs can reduce the levels of many of their target transcripts, not just the amount of protein deriving from these transcripts. Moreover, miR-1 and miR-124, and presumably other tissue-specific miRNAs, seem to downregulate a far greater number of targets than previously appreciated, thereby helping to define tissue-specific gene expression in humans.
Science | 2005
Kyle Kai-How Farh; Andrew Grimson; Calvin H. Jan; Benjamin P. Lewis; Wendy K. Johnston; Lee P. Lim; Christopher B. Burge; David P. Bartel
Thousands of mammalian messenger RNAs are under selective pressure to maintain 7-nucleotide sites matching microRNAs (miRNAs). We found that these conserved targets are often highly expressed at developmental stages before miRNA expression and that their levels tend to fall as the miRNA that targets them begins to accumulate. Nonconserved sites, which outnumber the conserved sites 10 to 1, also mediate repression. As a consequence, genes preferentially expressed at the same time and place as a miRNA have evolved to selectively avoid sites matching the miRNA. This phenomenon of selective avoidance extends to thousands of genes and enables spatial and temporal specificities of miRNAs to be revealed by finding tissues and developmental stages in which messages with corresponding sites are expressed at lower levels.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 2011
David M. Garcia; Daehyun Baek; Chanseok Shin; George W. Bell; Andrew Grimson; David P. Bartel
Most metazoan microRNAs (miRNAs) target many genes for repression, but the nematode lsy-6 miRNA is much less proficient. Here we show that the low proficiency of lsy-6 can be recapitulated in HeLa cells and that miR-23, a mammalian miRNA, also has low proficiency in these cells. Reporter results and array data indicate two properties of these miRNAs that impart low proficiency: their weak predicted seed-pairing stability (SPS) and their high target-site abundance (TA). These two properties also explain differential propensities of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to repress unintended targets. Using these insights, we expand the TargetScan tool for quantitatively predicting miRNA regulation (and siRNA off-targeting) to model differential miRNA (and siRNA) proficiencies, thereby improving prediction performance. We propose that siRNAs designed to have both weaker SPS and higher TA will have fewer off-targets without compromised on-target activity.
Nature | 2008
Andrew Grimson; Mansi Srivastava; Bryony Fahey; Ben J. Woodcroft; H. Rosaria Chiang; Nicole King; Bernard M. Degnan; Daniel S. Rokhsar; David P. Bartel
In bilaterian animals, such as humans, flies and worms, hundreds of microRNAs (miRNAs), some conserved throughout bilaterian evolution, collectively regulate a substantial fraction of the transcriptome. In addition to miRNAs, other bilaterian small RNAs, known as Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), protect the genome from transposons. Here we identify small RNAs from animal phyla that diverged before the emergence of the Bilateria. The cnidarian Nematostella vectensis (starlet sea anemone), a close relative to the Bilateria, possesses an extensive repertoire of miRNA genes, two classes of piRNAs and a complement of proteins specific to small-RNA biology comparable to that of humans. The poriferan Amphimedon queenslandica (sponge), one of the simplest animals and a distant relative of the Bilateria, also possesses miRNAs, both classes of piRNAs and a full complement of the small-RNA machinery. Animal miRNA evolution seems to have been relatively dynamic, with precursor sizes and mature miRNA sequences differing greatly between poriferans, cnidarians and bilaterians. Nonetheless, miRNAs and piRNAs have been available as classes of riboregulators to shape gene expression throughout the evolution and radiation of animal phyla.
Molecular Cell | 2003
Tetsuo Ohnishi; Akio Yamashita; Isao Kashima; Thomas Schell; Kirk R. Anders; Andrew Grimson; Takahisa Hachiya; Matthias W. Hentze; Philip Anderson; Shigeo Ohno
Eukaryotic mRNAs containing premature termination codons (PTCs) are degraded by a process known as nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). NMD has been suggested to require the recognition of PTC by an mRNA surveillance complex containing UPF1/SMG-2. In multicellular organisms, UPF1/SMG-2 is a phosphoprotein, and its phosphorylation contributes to NMD. Here we show that phosphorylated hUPF1, the human ortholog of UPF1/SMG-2, forms a complex with human orthologs of the C. elegans NMD proteins SMG-5 and SMG-7. The complex also associates with protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), resulting in dephosphorylation of hUPF1. Overexpression of hSMG-5 mutants that retain interaction with P-hUPF1 but which cannot induce its dephosphorylation impair NMD, suggesting that NMD requires P-hUPF1 dephosphorylation. We also show that P-hUPF1 forms distinct complexes containing different isoforms of hUPF3A. We propose that sequential phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of hUPF1 by hSMG-1 and PP2A, respectively, contribute to the remodeling of the mRNA surveillance complex.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 1999
Michelle F. Page; Brian Carr; Kirk R. Anders; Andrew Grimson; Philip Anderson
ABSTRACT mRNAs that contain premature stop codons are selectively degraded in all eukaryotes tested, a phenomenon termed “nonsense-mediated mRNA decay” (NMD) or “mRNA surveillance.” NMD may function to eliminate aberrant mRNAs so that they are not translated, because such mRNAs might encode deleterious polypeptide fragments. In both yeasts and nematodes, NMD is a nonessential system. Mutations affecting three yeast UPF genes or seven nematode smg genes eliminate NMD. We report here the molecular analysis ofsmg-2 of Caenorhabditis elegans.smg-2 is homologous to UPF1 of yeast and to RENT1 (also called HUPF1), a human gene likely involved in NMD. The striking conservation of SMG-2, Upf1p, and RENT1/HUPF1 in both sequence and function suggests that NMD is an ancient system, predating the divergence of most eukaryotes. Despite similarities in the sequences of SMG-2 and Upf1p, expression of Upf1p in C. elegans does not rescue smg-2 mutants. We have prepared anti-SMG-2 polyclonal antibodies and identified SMG-2 on Western blots. SMG-2 is phosphorylated, and mutations of the six other smg genes influence the state of SMG-2 phosphorylation. In smg-1,smg-3, and smg-4 mutants, phosphorylation of SMG-2 was not detected. In smg-5, smg-6, andsmg-7 mutants, a phosphorylated isoform of SMG-2 accumulated to abnormally high levels. In smg-2(r866) andsmg-2(r895) mutants, which harbor single amino acid substitutions of the SMG-2 nucleotide binding site, phosphorylated SMG-2 accumulated to abnormally high levels, similar to those observed in smg-5, smg-6, and smg-7 mutants. We discuss these results with regard to the in vivo functions of SMG-2 and NMD.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2004
Andrew Grimson; Sean O'Connor; Carrie Loushin Newman; Philip Anderson
ABSTRACT Eukaryotic messenger RNAs containing premature stop codons are selectively and rapidly degraded, a phenomenon termed nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). Previous studies with both Caenohabditis elegans and mammalian cells indicate that SMG-2/human UPF1, a central regulator of NMD, is phosphorylated in an SMG-1-dependent manner. We report here that smg-1, which is required for NMD in C. elegans, encodes a protein kinase of the phosphatidylinositol kinase superfamily of protein kinases. We identify null alleles of smg-1 and demonstrate that SMG-1 kinase activity is required in vivo for NMD and in vitro for SMG-2 phosphorylation. SMG-1 and SMG-2 coimmunoprecipitate from crude extracts, and this interaction is maintained in smg-3 and smg-4 mutants, both of which are required for SMG-2 phosphorylation in vivo and in vitro. SMG-2 is located diffusely through the cytoplasm, and its location is unaltered in mutants that disrupt the cycle of SMG-2 phosphorylation. We discuss the role of SMG-2 phosphorylation in NMD.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2007
Lisa Johns; Andrew Grimson; Sherry L. Kuchma; Carrie Loushin Newman; Philip Anderson
ABSTRACT Eukaryotic mRNAs containing premature translation termination codons (PTCs) are rapidly degraded by a process termed “nonsense-mediated mRNA decay” (NMD). We examined protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions among Caenorhabditis elegans proteins required for NMD. SMG-2, SMG-3, and SMG-4 are orthologs of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and mammalian Upf1, Upf2, and Upf3, respectively. A combination of immunoprecipitation and yeast two-hybrid experiments indicated that SMG-2 interacts with SMG-3, SMG-3 interacts with SMG-4, and SMG-2 interacts indirectly with SMG-4 via shared interactions with SMG-3. Such interactions are similar to those observed in yeast and mammalian cells. SMG-2-SMG-3-SMG-4 interactions require neither SMG-2 phosphorylation, which is abolished in smg-1 mutants, nor SMG-2 dephosphorylation, which is reduced or eliminated in smg-5 mutants. SMG-2 preferentially associates with PTC-containing mRNAs. We monitored the association of SMG-2, SMG-3, and SMG-4 with mRNAs of five endogenous genes whose mRNAs are alternatively spliced to either contain or not contain PTCs. SMG-2 associates with both PTC-free and PTC-containing mRNPs, but it strongly and preferentially associates with (“marks”) those containing PTCs. SMG-2 marking of PTC-mRNPs is enhanced by SMG-3 and SMG-4, but SMG-3 and SMG-4 are not detectably associated with the same mRNPs. Neither SMG-2 phosphorylation nor dephosphorylation is required for selective association of SMG-2 with PTC-containing mRNPs, indicating that SMG-2 is phosphorylated only after premature terminations have been discriminated from normal terminations. We discuss these observations with regard to the functions of SMG-2 and its phosphorylation during NMD.
Molecular Therapy | 2015
Swaroopa Guda; Christian Brendel; Raffaele Renella; Peng Du; Daniel E. Bauer; Matthew C. Canver; Jennifer K. Grenier; Andrew Grimson; Sophia C. Kamran; James E. Thornton; Helen de Boer; David E. Root; Michael D. Milsom; Stuart H. Orkin; Richard I. Gregory; David A. Williams
RNA interference (RNAi) technology using short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) expressed via RNA polymerase (pol) III promoters has been widely exploited to modulate gene expression in a variety of mammalian cell types. For certain applications, such as lineage-specific knockdown, embedding targeting sequences into pol II-driven microRNA (miRNA) architecture is required. Here, using the potential therapeutic target BCL11A, we demonstrate that pol III-driven shRNAs lead to significantly increased knockdown but also increased cytotoxcity in comparison to pol II-driven miRNA adapted shRNAs (shRNA(miR)) in multiple hematopoietic cell lines. We show that the two expression systems yield mature guide strand sequences that differ by a 4 bp shift. This results in alternate seed sequences and consequently influences the efficacy of target gene knockdown. Incorporating a corresponding 4 bp shift into the guide strand of shRNA(miR)s resulted in improved knockdown efficiency of BCL11A. This was associated with a significant de-repression of the hemoglobin target of BCL11A, human γ-globin or the murine homolog Hbb-y. Our results suggest the requirement for optimization of shRNA sequences upon incorporation into a miRNA backbone. These findings have important implications in future design of shRNA(miR)s for RNAi-based therapy in hemoglobinopathies and other diseases requiring lineage-specific expression of gene silencing sequences.
Nucleic Acids Research | 2015
Nicholas Stepankiw; Madhura Raghavan; Elizabeth A. Fogarty; Andrew Grimson; Jeffrey A. Pleiss
Alternative splicing is an important and ancient feature of eukaryotic gene structure, the existence of which has likely facilitated eukaryotic proteome expansions. Here, we have used intron lariat sequencing to generate a comprehensive profile of splicing events in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, amongst the simplest organisms that possess mammalian-like splice site degeneracy. We reveal an unprecedented level of alternative splicing, including alternative splice site selection for over half of all annotated introns, hundreds of novel exon-skipping events, and thousands of novel introns. Moreover, the frequency of these events is far higher than previous estimates, with alternative splice sites on average activated at ∼3% the rate of canonical sites. Although a subset of alternative sites are conserved in related species, implying functional potential, the majority are not detectably conserved. Interestingly, the rate of aberrant splicing is inversely related to expression level, with lowly expressed genes more prone to erroneous splicing. Although we validate many events with RNAseq, the proportion of alternative splicing discovered with lariat sequencing is far greater, a difference we attribute to preferential decay of aberrantly spliced transcripts. Together, these data suggest the spliceosome possesses far lower fidelity than previously appreciated, highlighting the potential contributions of alternative splicing in generating novel gene structures.