Andrew Kerr
University of Edinburgh
Featured researches published by Andrew Kerr.
Geology | 2004
Christopher J. Fogwill; Michael J. Bentley; David E. Sugden; Andrew Kerr; Peter W. Kubik
Concentrations of the cosmogenic nuclides 1 0 Be and 2 6 Al on bedrock surfaces in the Shackleton Range, Antarctica, indicate minimum exposure ages between 3.0 ′ 03 and 1.16 ′ 0.10 Ma. The isotope data indicate that the maximum long-term erosion rate is 0.10-0.35 m/m.y., and the ratios suggest no prolonged periods of burial by cold-based ice. The findings are important because of the location of the massif close to the junction of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and the landward extent of the Filchner Ice Shelf. These results point to three conclusions. First, the massif has not been overridden by the East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the late Quaternary. Rather, moraines 200-340 m above outlet glaciers are likely to represent the maximum thickening of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf during the Quaternary. Second, the high radionuclide concentrations on bedrock surfaces, one of which is striated, suggest that some glacial landforms were created in at least Pliocene or more likely Miocene time. Third, the exceptionally low erosion rates imply that the modern cold, arid climate has persisted for millions of years. These findings provide evidence of old, stable landscapes over a wider area of Antarctica than the Mc-Murdo Dry Valleys.
Climatic Change | 1994
Andrew Kerr; David E. Sugden
Inferred climatic changes in southern Chile during the Last Glacial Maximum are modelled to investigate the role of the southern Westerlies on the regions glacial history. This is accomplished with a numerical model of the surface energy balance which derives glacial mass balance profiles from existing climatic stations. This provides an independent measure of the regional snowline which is compared with palaeoecological evidence of former snowlines.The modelled snowline mirrors the latitudinal trend of current glacier equilibrium line altitudes. It is most sensitive to temperature changes in regions with high precipitation (46°–50° S) and to precipitation changes in regions with lower precipitation totals (south of 50° and north of 40°). This differential sensitivity with latitude implies that glacial expansion in the region depends on a delicate interplay between cooling induced by the equatorward movement of the oceanic Antarctic Polar Front and access to precipitation comparable to or greater than that of today. The main conclusion is that glacial expansion in southern Chile is associated with the migration of the southern Westerlies towards the equator. The importance of migrating precipitation belts in permitting glacier growth carries the implication that maximum depression of the snowline is unlikely to have been contemporaneous from latitude to latitude.
Global and Planetary Change | 1999
Andrew Kerr; Philippe Huybrechts
Abstract The landscape of the Transantarctic Mountains is the result of the coupled evolution of the West Antarctic rift system and the East Antarctic ice-sheet. Studies of this glacial–tectonic system generally assume that the evolving surface elevation of the Transantarctic Mountains is a key determinant of the changing East Antarctic ice-sheet dynamics between the Miocene and today. Here, we extend previous work [Huybrechts, Ph., 1993. Glaciological modelling of the Late Cenozoic East Antarctic ice-sheet: stability or dynamism? Geografiska Annaler Stockholm, 75A (4) 221–238.] by using numerical models of the ice-sheet and lithosphere to examine the impact of different bedrock surface elevations of the Transantarctic Mountains on ice-sheet dynamics. There are widely different interpretations of the evolution of the Transantarctic Mountains from the available data, so we explore bedrock surface elevations suggested by empirical evidence in recent papers about the sensitivity of the Late Cenozoic ice-sheet. The results show that the surface elevation of individual mountain blocks has only a very local effect on ice-sheet dynamics. The existing mountain blocks of the Transantarctic Mountains, which force inland ice to drain through troughs adjacent to the mountain blocks, were overriden by inland ice when bedrock elevations were 1 km lower. When the troughs through the mountains were less well developed, in the Pliocene or Miocene, inland ice was thicker and ice-surface gradients and ice-velocities across the mountains were higher. This led to more active and erosive outlet glaciers through the mountains and the further development of these troughs. From these results, the key determinant of East Antarctic ice dynamics appears to be the interplay between the development of major troughs through the Transantarctic Mountains and rising mountain elevations. The glacial history of the central Transantarctic Mountain ranges was very different to that of more peripheral mountain ranges, such as the Dry Valleys and Victoria Land. The development of independent ice centres in the latter regions and the overriding of these ice centres by the main ice-sheet is very sensitive to the timing of surface uplift and the particular climate profile of the period. Conversely, the ice-surface profile across the central ranges is similar under widely different climates. The limitations of such a study stem from the necessarily schematic bedrock elevations input to the model and simplifications within the models. At present, insufficiently detailed modelling of the impact of troughs on ice-sheet dynamics means this paper is necessarily speculative. However, this work points to the importance of the outlet troughs on ice-sheet dynamics, rather than simply the rising surface elevations of the Transantarctic Mountains along the rift margin upwarp.
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh | 2012
David E. Sugden; Alan Werritty; Janette Webb; Erica Caldwell; Colin D. Campbell; Andrew Dlugolecki; Nick Hanley; Andrew Kerr
ABSTRACT: In view of the challenge posed by climate change and the need to reduce depen-dence on fossil fuels, The Royal Society of Edinburgh Inquiry (2011) examined the barriers makingit difficult for Scotland to change to a low-carbon society. The single most important finding is that,whilst widely desired, change is held back by the lack of coherence and integration of policy atdifferent levels of governance. There is activity at the level of the EU, UK Government, ScottishGovernment, local authorities, local communities, households and civil society, but there is often adisconnection between policies at different levels. This impedes progress and also leads to mistrustamong the general public. This paper brings together the background to ten primary recommenda-tions featured in the Inquiry addressing the principal barriers. Above all, it is important to integratethe activities within city regions and to exploit opportunities in local communities. Reflecting on theInquiry findings, we stress the economic, social and environmental opportunities to be gained froma low-carbon society and outline the step changes that need to take place within governance, cityregions and local authorities and civil society.KEY WORDS: city regions, civil society, climate change, local authoritiesThe main conclusion from collecting evidence between Septem-ber 2009 and March 2011 was that there is a common desireat all levels of society for a change to a more sustainable life-style. Indeed, there is a positive vision of what Scotland couldachieve in a low-carbon future. But this enthusiasm is temperedwith puzzlement, or even frustration, that it is proving so diffi-cult to implement change. There is an abundance of discussionleading to policy recommendations that affect activities at thelevel of the EU, the UK Government, Scottish Government,Local Authorities, local communities, families and individuals.However, the integration of implementation strategies at alllevels from national to local is missing. The Inquiry team foundthat there is sometimes a clear disconnect between parallelpolicies in different spheres of interest and also between differ-ent levels of governance. Other problems arise when seeminglyprogressive low-carbon/equality policies interact in an unanti-cipated way with other existing or new policies.This paper explores the issues at a regional level. It bringstogether the findings from other papers in this Special Issueof EESTRSE and identifies the principal barriers that areholding Scotland back. The Inquiry Report (Royal Society ofEdinburgh (RSE) 2011) outlines the key recommendations(Table 1) and the purpose of this paper is to cover the back-ground to, and rationale for, action. We structure our analysisaround different levels of governance, further subdividingissues according to different groups of actors at each level.The purpose is to offer a coherent overview of actions neededfrom international/national to local level. Our hope is thattackling necessary change at all levels will add coherence andmomentum to the drive to a low-carbon society. Such coherencewill provide the joined-up approach necessary to garner thesupport and trust of the public.To what extent can Scotland, with its own Parliament anddemocratic traditions of governance, shape the unfolding ofevents associated with a changing climate? On the one hand,Scotland is an affluent country, with abundant natural resourcesand a history of innovation, enterprise and knowledge creationwhich shaped the Industrial Revolution. On the other hand, ithas a small population, a legacy of poverty and inequality, andfaces uncertainties (along with most of Europe) about its futureeconomic capacities and prospects. The Scottish Parliamentand Government are part of the system of devolved UK govern-ment, and the UK is in turn a member state of the EuropeanUnion. This means that Scotland’s opportunities to face climatechange constructively are made in the circumstances of multiplelevels of governance, which constrain policy and fiscal powers.The Parliament has legislative responsibility for significant policyareas on land use and forestry, environmental protection, waste
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh | 2012
David E. Sugden; Janette Webb; Andrew Kerr
This paper sets the wider global and Scottish context for this Special Issue of EESTRSE. Climate change is inextricably linked to wellbeing, security and sustainability. It poses a fundamental challenge to the way we organise society and our relationship to the exploitation of the Earths resources. Rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, linked to burning fossil fuels and land use, present a major risk of climate change, with serious but uncertain impacts emerging at a regional scale. A new industrial revolution is needed to achieve energy security and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with energy efficiency and energy production emitting low or no CO2 at its heart. At present, on a global scale, there is a mismatch between the emphasis on economic growth and the need to reduce emissions and achieve a sustainable use of resources. A more sustainable blueprint for the future is emerging in Europe and Scotland has much to gain economically and socially from this change. Scotlands ambitious emission reduction targets (42% cut by 2020 and 80% by 2050) are achievable, but require major commitment and investment. Despite success in cutting emissions from activities within Scotland, Scotlands consumption-based emissions rose by 11% in 1996-2004.
Boreas | 2008
David R. Marchant; George H. Denton; James G. Bockheim; Scott C. Wilson; Andrew Kerr
Terra Nova | 1993
Andrew Kerr
Area | 2007
Andrew Kerr
Energy research and social science | 2018
Ioan Fazey; Niko Schäpke; Guido Caniglia; James Patterson; Johan Hultman; Barbara van Mierlo; Filippa Säwe; Arnim Wiek; Julia Wittmayer; Paulina Aldunce; Husam Al Waer; Nandini Battacharya; Hilary Bradbury; Esther Carmen; John Colvin; Christopher Cvitanovic; Marcella D'Souza; Maja Gopel; Bruce Evan Goldstein; Timo Hämäläinen; Gavin Harper; Tom Henfry; Anthony Hodgson; Mark Howden; Andrew Kerr; Matthias Klaes; Christopher Lyon; Gerald Midgley; Susanne C. Moser; Nandan Mukherjee
Geomorphology | 2014
David E. Sugden; Christopher J. Fogwill; Andrew S. Hein; Finlay M. Stuart; Andrew Kerr; Peter W. Kubik