Andrew Ray
Featured researches published by Andrew Ray.
Analytical Chemistry | 2008
Axel Mie; Andrew Ray; Bengt-Olof Axelsson; Magnus Jörntén-Karlsson; Curt T. Reimann
Recently, we introduced a new approach to chiral separation and analysis of amino acids by chiral complexation and electrospray high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry coupled to mass spectrometry (ESI-FAIMS-MS). In the present work, we extended this approach to the separation of the drug compound terbutaline. Terbutaline enantiomers were complexed with metal ions and an amino acid to form diastereomeric complexes of the type [M(II)(L-Ref)2((+)/(-)-A)-H](+), where M(II) is a divalent metal ion, L-Ref is an amino acid in its L-form, and A is the terbutaline analyte. When metal and reference compound were suitably chosen, these complexes were separable by FAIMS. We also detected and characterized larger clusters that were transmitted at distinct FAIMS compensation voltages (CV), disturbing data analysis by disintegrating after the FAIMS separation and forming complexes of the same composition [M(II)(L-Ref)2((+)/(-)-A)-H](+), thus giving rise to additional peaks in the FAIMS CV spectra. This undesired phenomenon could be largely avoided by adjusting the mass spectrometer skimmer voltages in such a way that said larger clusters remained intact. In the quantitative part of the present work, we achieved a limit of detection of 0.10% (-)-terbutaline in a sample of (+)-terbutaline. The limit of detection and analysis time per sample compared favorably to literature values for chiral terbutaline separation by HPLC and CE.
Analytical Chemistry | 2012
Lauren J. Brown; Robert W. Smith; Danielle E. Toutoungi; James C. Reynolds; Anthony W. T. Bristow; Andrew Ray; Ashley Sage; Ian D. Wilson; Daniel J. Weston; Billy Boyle; Colin S. Creaser
Miniaturized ultra high field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) is used for the selective transmission of differential mobility-selected ions prior to in-source collision-induced dissociation (CID) and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) analysis. The FAIMS-in-source collision induced dissociation-TOFMS (FISCID-MS) method requires only minor modification of the ion source region of the mass spectrometer and is shown to significantly enhance analyte detection in complex mixtures. Improved mass measurement accuracy and simplified product ion mass spectra were observed following FAIMS preselection and subsequent in-source CID of ions derived from pharmaceutical excipients, sufficiently close in m/z (17.7 ppm mass difference) that they could not be resolved by TOFMS alone. The FISCID-MS approach is also demonstrated for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of mixtures of peptides with FAIMS used to filter out unrelated precursor ions thereby simplifying the resulting product ion mass spectra. Liquid chromatography combined with FISCID-MS was applied to the analysis of coeluting model peptides and tryptic peptides derived from human plasma proteins, allowing precursor ion selection and CID to yield product ion data suitable for peptide identification via database searching. The potential of FISCID-MS for the quantitative determination of a model peptide spiked into human plasma in the range of 0.45-9.0 μg/mL is demonstrated, showing good reproducibility (%RSD < 14.6%) and linearity (R(2) > 0.99).
Analytical Chemistry | 2015
Robert B. Channon; Maxim B. Joseph; Eleni Bitziou; Anthony W. T. Bristow; Andrew Ray; Julie V. Macpherson
The quantification of genotoxic impurities (GIs) such as hydrazine (HZ) is of critical importance in the pharmaceutical industry in order to uphold drug safety. HZ is a particularly intractable GI and its detection represents a significant technical challenge. Here, we present, for the first time, the use of electrochemical analysis to achieve the required detection limits by the pharmaceutical industry for the detection of HZ in the presence of a large excess of a common active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), acetaminophen (ACM) which itself is redox active, typical of many APIs. A flow injection analysis approach with electrochemical detection (FIA-EC) is utilized, in conjunction with a coplanar boron doped diamond (BDD) microband electrode, insulated in an insulating diamond platform for durability and integrated into a two piece flow cell. In order to separate the electrochemical signature for HZ such that it is not obscured by that of the ACM (present in excess), the BDD electrode is functionalized with Pt nanoparticles (NPs) to significantly shift the half wave potential for HZ oxidation to less positive potentials. Microstereolithography was used to fabricate flow cells with defined hydrodynamics which minimize dispersion of the analyte and optimize detection sensitivity. Importantly, the Pt NPs were shown to be stable under flow, and a limit of detection of 64.5 nM or 0.274 ppm for HZ with respect to the ACM, present in excess, was achieved. This represents the first electrochemical approach which surpasses the required detection limits set by the pharmaceutical industry for HZ detection in the presence of an API and paves the wave for online analysis and application to other GI and API systems.
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry | 2014
Tony Bristow; Andrew Ray; Anne O’Kearney-McMullan; Louise Lim; Bryan McCullough; Alessio Zammataro
AbstractFor on-line monitoring of chemical reactions (batch or continuous flow), mass spectrometry (MS) can provide data to (1) determine the fate of starting materials and reagents, (2) confirm the presence of the desired product, (3) identify intermediates and impurities, (4) determine steady state conditions and point of completion, and (5) speed up process optimization. Recent developments in small footprint atmospheric pressure ionization portable mass spectrometers further enable this coupling, as the mass spectrometer can be easily positioned with the reaction system to be studied. A major issue for this combination is the transfer of a sample that is representative of the reaction and also compatible with the mass spectrometer. This is particularly challenging as high concentrations of reagents and products can be encountered in organic synthesis. The application of a portable mass spectrometer for on-line characterization of flow chemical synthesis has been evaluated by coupling a Microsaic 4000 MiD to the Future Chemistry Flow Start EVO chemistry system. Specifically, the Hofmann rearrangement has been studied using the on-line mass spectrometry approach. Sample transfer from the flow reactor is achieved using a mass rate attenuator (MRA) and a sampling make-up flow from a high pressure pump. This enables the appropriate sample dilution, transfer, and preparation for electrospray ionization. The capability of this approach to provide process understanding is described using an industrial pharmaceutical process that is currently under development. The effect of a number of key experimental parameters, such as the composition of the sampling make-up flow and the dilution factor on the mass spectrometry data, is also discussed. Figureᅟ
Journal of Chromatography A | 2013
Robert W. Smith; Danielle E. Toutoungi; James C. Reynolds; Anthony W. T. Bristow; Andrew Ray; Ashley Sage; Ian D. Wilson; Daniel J. Weston; Billy Boyle; Colin S. Creaser
The incorporation of a chip-based high field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) separation in the ultra (high)-performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) determination of the (R/S) ibuprofen 1-β-O-acyl glucuronide metabolite in urine is reported. UHPLC-FAIMS-HRMS reduced matrix chemical noise, improved the limit of quantitation approximately two-fold and increased the linear dynamic range compared to the determination of the metabolite without FAIMS separation. A quantitative evaluation of the prototype UHPLC-FAIMS-HRMS system showed better reproducibility for the drug metabolite (%RSD 2.7%) at biologically relevant concentrations in urine. In-source collision induced dissociation of the FAIMS-selected deprotonated metabolite was used to fragment the ion prior to mass analysis, enhancing selectivity by removing co-eluting species and aiding the qualitative identification of the metabolite by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of the fragment ions.
Journal of Chromatography A | 1995
David S. Ashton; C. Beddell; Andrew Ray; Klara Valko
Abstract Acyclovir and 18 of its esters have been investigated by systematic measurement of their reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic retention using differing mobile phase compositions. The methanol content of the mobile phase was varied between 5 and 95%. By linear least squares regression of the logarithmic retention factor (log k ′) against methanol concentration, the slope ( S )_and intercept (log k ′ 0 ) of the so obtained straight lines were calculated for each compound. The chromatographic hydrophobicity index ( φ 0,MeOH ) calculated from the S and log k ′ 0 values ( φ 0,MeOH = −log k ′ 0 / S ) showed significant correlation ( r > 0.96) to the calculated octanol-water partition coefficients (cLog P ). The albumin-binding properties of the compounds were characterised by the log k ′ HSA values obtained by using an immobilised human serum albumin (HSA) HPLC column and 1% propan-2-ol 99% aqueous 10 m M phosphate buffer pH 7.0 as mobile phase. The measured albumin-binding parameters showed significant correlations to the cLog P , φ 0MeOH , S and log k ′ 0 values, establishing the importance of hydrophobic properties to the interaction of the acyclovir derivatives with HSA.
Journal of Chromatography A | 1995
Arkan Almudaris; David S. Ashton; Andrew Ray; Klára Valkó
Abstract An analytical method has been developed for the detection of trace amounts of impurities in 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine referred to herein as AZT (Zidovudine). A sample extract was preconcentrated by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with subsequent on-line reversed-phase HPLC-thermospray mass spectrometry (TSP-MS). During the sample extraction and concentration step, carried out by semipreparative normal-phase chromatography, the preliminary separation of the impurities from the AZT takes place. The organic solvent (dichloroethane-acetonitrile, 40:60) is evaporated from the collected fractions and the compounds are redissolved in a smaller volume of the reversed-phase mobile phases for a further degree of concentration. The collected fractions are then subjected to reversed-phase HPLC-TSP-MS. The influence of acetonitrile concentration and pH on the reversed-phase separation together with the sensitivity of the TSP-MS detection have been examined to maximise detection levels. The 3′-azido-3′-deoxy-5′-O-tritylthymidine, triphenyl methanol and 3′-chloro-3′-deoxythymidine, which are route-indicative impurities formed during the synthesis can be detected in the 50–100 ppb (w/w) range.
Mass Spectrometry Reviews | 2018
Andrew Ray; Tony Bristow; Chris Whitmore; Jackie A. Mosely
The application of on-line mass spectrometry for direct analysis of chemical and other types of process continues to grow in importance and impact. The ability of the technique to characterize many aspects of a chemical reaction such as product and impurity formation, along with reactant consumption in a single experiment is key to its adoption and development. Innovations in ionization techniques and mass spectrometry instrumentation are enabling this adoption. An increasing range of ambient ionization techniques make on-line mass spectrometry applicable to a large range of chemistries. The academic development and commercialization of small footprint portable/transportable mass spectrometers is providing technology that can be positioned with any process under investigation. These developments, coupled with research into new ways of sampling representatively from both the condensed and gaseous phases, are positioning mass spectrometry as an essential technology for on-line process optimization, understanding and intelligent control. It is recognized that quantitative capability of mass spectrometry in this application can cause some resistance to its adoption, but research activities to tackle this limitation are on-going.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry | 2015
Claire Lewis; Andrew Ray; Tony Bristow; Stephen A.C. Wren
RATIONALE A current challenge for analytical chemists is the development of the measurement systems and approaches required to understand dynamic processes such as tablet dissolution. The design and development of oral tablets could be improved by the availability of detailed information about the rates of release of the individual tablet components. Small footprint mass spectrometry (MS) systems are gaining use for on-line reaction monitoring because of their ability to rapidly determine multiple reactant, intermediate, and product species. We have therefore assessed the utility of such MS systems to the study of dissolution processes. METHODS Aqueous dissolution media containing phosphate and other non-volatile buffer salts were pumped from a standard USPII dissolution vessel through an active splitter and back. The splitter sampled the dissolution stream and diluted it into a make-up flow which was pumped to a small single quadrupole mass spectrometer. Single ion monitoring was used to quantify the ions of interest. Three different bio-relevant dissolution media were studied to gauge the effect of the sample matrix. RESULTS Individual dissolution profiles were obtained from a tablet containing three drugs, and lactose as the soluble filler. This was successfully demonstrated with three different bio-relevant media designed to reflect the pH of the different sections of the human gastro-intestinal tract. Component concentrations as low as 0.06 µg/mL (representing 1% dissolution) were detected. The MS dissolution profiles correlated with the visual observation of tablet dissolution. MS gave linear responses with concentration for the individual components, although analysis of the tablet solution indicated that ion suppression is an area for further investigation. CONCLUSIONS An on-line MS system was used to determine the individual dissolution profiles of three drugs and lactose as they were released from the same tablet. The level of each of these components in solution was determined every 10 seconds, and each had a similar release profile. The dissolution profiles were determined using inorganic buffer solutions at three different bio-relevant pHs.
Journal of Chromatography A | 1996
David S. Ashton; Andrew Ray; Klára Valkó
Abstract The protonated molecular ion intensities of 15 nucleosides obtained by thermospray ionisation have been measured using 0.1 M ammonium acetate mobile phase at neutral and acidic pH. To explain the dependence of the molecular ion intensity on the mobile phase pH, the hydrophobicity, the pK a values and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic retention data (log k ′) at neutral and acidic pH values were studied. Significant correlations (above 95% probability level) were found between the change in the protonated molecular ion intensity and the hydrophobicity as well as the p K a values of the compounds. The reversed-phase chromatographic retention parameter (log k ′) obtained at pH 3.5, showed significant correlation together with the p K a values to the molecular ion intensity change caused by decreasing the mobile phase pH. None of the investigated nucleosides showed an increased molecular io intensity change at low pH when more than 5% methanol was present in the mobile phase.