
Intervirology | 2002

RNA Bacteriophage Capsid-Mediated Drug Delivery and Epitope Presentation

William L. Brown; Robert Allan Mastico; Min Wu; Karen G. Heal; Chris J. Adams; James B. Murray; Jeremy C. Simpson; J. Michael Lord; Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson; Peter G. Stockley

Objective: To use our knowledge of the three-dimensional structure and self-assembly mechanism of RNA bacteriophage capsids to develop novel virus-like particles (VLPs) for drug delivery and epitope presentation. Methods: Site-directed mutagenesis of a recombinant MS2 coat protein expression construct has been used to generate translational fusions encompassing short epitope sequences. These chimeric proteins still self-assemble in vivo into T = 3 shells with the foreign epitope in an accessible location. Covalent conjugation has also been used to generate RNA stem-loops attached to the toxin, ricin A chain, or to nucleotide-based drugs, that are still capable of stimulating self-assembly of the capsid in vitro. These packaged drugs can then be directed to specific cells in culture by further covalent decoration of the capsids with targeting molecules. Results: Chimeric VLPs are strongly immunogenic when carrying either B or T cell epitopes, the latter generating cytokine profiles consistent with memory responses. Immune responses to the underlying phage epitopes appear to be proportional to the area of the phage surface accessible. Phage shells effectively protect nucleic acid-based drugs and, for the toxin construct, make cell-specific delivery systems with LD50 values in culture sub-nanomolar. Conclusion: VLP technology has potential for therapeutic and prophylactic intervention in disease.

International Journal for Parasitology | 1998

Immunoregulation of malarial infection: balancing the vices and virtues

Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson

Malaria continues to extract an incalculable cost on human morbidity and mortality throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and effective control measures are urgently needed. Despite considerable efforts in recent years to develop subunit vaccines targeted at various stages of the Plasmodium life-cycle, the commercial availability of a vaccine is still a distant prospect. One of the underlying difficulties hindering successful vaccine design is our incomplete knowledge of the precise type(s) of immune response to aim for, and then how to achieve it. A greater appreciation of the mechanisms of protective immunity, on the one hand, and of immunopathology, on the other, should provide critical clues on how manipulation of the immune system may best be achieved. Ten years have passed since the identification of the Th1/Th2 paradigm for distinguishing CD4+ T cells according to cytokine secretion patterns which determine their function. This review summarises our progress towards understanding the broad spectrum of immune responsiveness to the blood stages of the malaria parasite during experimental infections in mice and highlights the way in which examination of rodent malarias provides a powerful tool to dissect the interaction of Th1 and Th2 cells during an immune response to an infectious disease agent. It is proposed that the pliability of rodent systems for investigating immunoregulation provides valuable insight into the balance between protection and pathology in human malaria and throws light on the factors involved in the modulation of vaccine-potentiated immunity.

Immunological Reviews | 1999

A role for cytokines in potentiation of malaria vaccines through immunological modulation of blood stage infection

Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson; Elizabeth C. Smith

Summary: Malaria is the worlds major parasitic disease, for which effective control measures are urgently needed. One of the difficulties hindering successful vaccine design against Plosmodium is an incomplete knowledge of antigens eliciting protective immunity, the precise types of immune response for which to aim, and how these can be induced. A greater appreciation of the mechanisms of protective immunity, on the one hand, and of immunopathology, on the other, should provide critical clues to how manipulation of the immune system may best be achieved. We are studying the regulation of the balance between T helper I (Th 1) and T helper 2 (Tb2) CD4+ T lymphocytes in immunity to asexual blood stages of malaria responsible for the pathogenicity of the disease. Protective immunity to the experimental murine malarias Plasmodium chabaudi and Plasmodium yoelii involves both Th1 and Tb2 cells, which provide protection by different mechanisms at different times of infection characterised by higher and lower parasite densities, respectively. This model therefore facilitates a clearer understanding of the Th1/Th2 equilibrium that appears central to immunoregulation of all host/pathogen relationships. It also permits a detailed dissection in vivo of the mechanisms of antimalarial immunity. Here, we discuss the present state of malaria vaccine development and our current research to understand the factors involved in the modulation of vaccine‐potentiated immunity.

Vaccine | 1999

Expression and immunogenicity of a liver stage malaria epitope presented as a foreign peptide on the surface of RNA-free MS2 bacteriophage capsids.

Karen G. Heal; H.Rachael Hill; Peter G. Stockley; Michael R. Hollingdale; Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson

We have designed a novel vaccine strategy which enables display of short peptides expressed from chimeras of the gene encoding the coat protein of the RNA bacteriophage MS2 and inserted foreign DNA. MS2 coat protein has a beta-hairpin loop at the N-terminus which forms the most radially distinct feature of the mature capsid. The coat protein gene was modified to enable insertion of DNA at the central part of the beta-hairpin loop. Upon expression of the recombinant gene in E. coli, the MS2 coat protein subunits self-assemble into capsids, each comprising 180 copies of the monomer. This system was used to produce chimeras containing a putatively protective epitope, T1, from the immunodominant liver stage antigen-1 (LSA-1) of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The immunogenicity of the native MS2 capsid and the recombinant construct was investigated in BALB/c (H-2(d)) mice. The native protein appeared to elicit both humoral and cellular immune responses, observed as a predominance of type 2 cytokines but with a mixed profile of immunoglobulin isotypes. In contrast, the LSA-1 chimera stimulated a type 1-polarised response, with significant upregulation of interferon-gamma, a finding which corroborates naturally acquired resistance to liver stage malaria. These results validate RNA phage capsid display of immunogenic determinants as a basis for the development of novel peptide vaccines and indicate that further evaluation of MS2 coat protein as a vector for malaria epitopes is merited.

Immunology Letters | 1999

A dichotomous role for nitric oxide in protection against blood stage malaria infection

Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson; Elizabeth C. Smith

Nitric oxide (NO) is cytotoxic and cytostatic to blood stage malaria parasites in vitro, but the precise mechanism(s) by which it mediates an effect in vivo is not known. In particular, whether or not control of acute parasitemia depends on the presence of NO is unclear. We have shown previously that blocking NO synthesis at the time of its induction may cause an increase in peak primary parasitemia during infection of mice with Plasmodium chabaudi, suggesting that NO may be parasiticidal in vivo. However, as recent data indicate that NO suppresses Th1 cell proliferation in vitro by downregulating IL-2 production, we have investigated whether this immunoregulatory function of NO affects its capacity for anti-malarial activity. Treatment of P. chabaudi-infected mice with the iNOS inhibitor aminoguanidine hemisulfate (AG) starting just prior to the peak of primary parasitemia caused a significant elevation and extension of the acute infection and led to a partial but significant abrogation of the suppression of spleen cell proliferation to both mitogen and specific antigen observed when NO synthesis was not blocked. In the absence of NO, levels of IL-2, but not of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, or of any Th2-regulated cytokines examined, increased significantly. However, when AG treatment was brought forward to the early ascending phase of primary parasitemia, significantly increased levels of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, as well as of IL-2, were observed over those for infected control mice similarly treated with phosphate-buffered saline. Moreover, despite the absence of NO, parasitemias of AG-treated mice were not significantly elevated. The effect of AG therefore appeared to be dependent upon the timing of its administration in vivo. We propose that during malaria infections, there is a dynamic balance between the regulatory and anti-parasitic roles of NO. While the immunosuppressive function of NO leads to a downregulation in vivo of production of IL-2, and indirectly of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, this perceived weakening of the host cell-mediated immune response is in part masked by the protective anti-malarial effects of NO itself.

Experimental Parasitology | 2010

Regulation of immunity to Plasmodium: implications from mouse models for blood stage malaria vaccine design.

Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson

Malaria, a disease caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium, remains a serious healthcare problem in developing countries worldwide. While the host-parasite relationship in humans has been difficult to determine, the pliability of murine malaria models has enabled valuable contributions to the understanding of the pathogenesis of disease. Although no single model reflects precisely malaria infection of the human, different models collectively provide important information on the mechanisms of protective immunity and immunopathogenesis. This review summarizes progress towards understanding the broad spectrum of immune responsiveness to the blood stages of the malaria parasite during experimental infections in mice and highlights how examination of murine malarias sheds light on the factors involved in the modulation of vaccine-potentiated immunity.

Vaccine | 2001

Potentiation by a novel alkaloid glycoside adjuvant of a protective cytotoxic T cell immune response specific for a preerythrocytic malaria vaccine candidate antigen

Karen G. Heal; Nadeem A Sheikh; Michael R. Hollingdale; W.John W Morrow; Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson

We have recently demonstrated that the novel glycoalkaloid tomatine, derived from leaves of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium, can act as a powerful adjuvant for the elicitation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses. Here, we have extended our previous investigation with the model antigen ovalbumin to an established malaria infection system in mice and evaluated the cellular immune response to a major preerythrocytic stage malaria vaccine candidate antigen when administered with tomatine. The defined MHC H-2kd class I-binding 9-mer peptide (amino acids 252-260) from Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (CS) protein was prepared with tomatine to form a molecular aggregate formulation and this used to immunise BALB/c (H-2kd) mice. Antigen-specific IFN-gamma secretion and cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity in vitro were both significantly enhanced compared to responses detected from similarly stimulated splenocytes from naive and tomatine-saline-immunised control mice. Moreover, when challenged with P. berghei sporozoites, mice immunised with the CS 9-mer-tomatine preparation had a significantly delayed onset of erythrocytic infection compared to controls. The data presented validate the use of tomatine to potentiate a cellular immune response to antigenic stimulus by testing in an important biologically relevant system. Specifically, the processing of the P. berghei CS 9-mer as an exogenous antigen and its presentation via MHC class I molecules to CD8+ T cells led to an immune response that is an in vitro correlate of protection against preerythrocytic malaria. This was confirmed by the protective capacity of the 9-mer-tomatine combination upon in vivo immunisation. These findings merit further work to optimise the use of tomatine as an adjuvant in malaria vaccine development.

Infectious Diseases of Poverty | 2016

The global spread of Zika virus: is public and media concern justified in regions currently unaffected?

Narayan Gyawali; Richard S. Bradbury; Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson

BackgroundZika virus, an Aedes mosquito-borne flavivirus, is fast becoming a worldwide public health concern following its suspected association with over 4000 recent cases of microcephaly among newborn infants in Brazil.DiscussionPrior to its emergence in Latin America in 2015–2016, Zika was known to exist at a relatively low prevalence in parts of Africa, Asia and the Pacific islands. An extension of its apparent global dispersion may be enabled by climate conditions suitable to support the population growth of A. aegypti and A. albopictus mosquitoes over an expanding geographical range. In addition, increased globalisation continues to pose a risk for the spread of infection. Further, suspicions of alternative modes of virus transmission (sexual and vertical), if proven, provide a platform for outbreaks in mosquito non-endemic regions as well. Since a vaccine or anti-viral therapy is not yet available, current means of disease prevention involve protection from mosquito bites, excluding pregnant females from travelling to Zika-endemic territories, and practicing safe sex in those countries. Importantly, in countries where Zika is reported as endemic, caution is advised in planning to conceive a baby until such time as the apparent association between infection with the virus and microcephaly is either confirmed or refuted. The question arises as to what advice is appropriate to give in more economically developed countries distant to the current epidemic and in which Zika has not yet been reported.SummaryDespite understandable concern among the general public that has been fuelled by the media, in regions where Zika is not present, such as North America, Europe and Australia, at this time any outbreak (initiated by an infected traveler returning from an endemic area) would very probably be contained locally. Since Aedes spp. has very limited spatial dispersal, overlapping high population densities of mosquitoes and humans would be needed to sustain a focus of infection. However, as A. aegypti is distinctly anthropophilic, future control strategies for Zika should be considered in tandem with the continuing threat to human wellbeing that is presented by dengue, yellow fever and Japanese encephalitis, all of which are transmitted by the same vector species.

Parasite Immunology | 1996


Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson; Alison Severn; R. Stephen Phillips

We have shown previously that at the time of peak primary parasitaemia of P. chabaudi infection in NIH mice, significant levels of nitric oxide are produced, detectable as nitrate in the serum, and that these contribute to the protective immune response to infection. Here, we demonstrate that following reinfection, mice show a markedly diminished ability to produce nitrate. However, if mice are treated with L‐NG‐monomethyl arginine specifically to block nitric oxide metabolism during the primary infection, and are then reinfected, production of nitrate is restored to levels approaching those attained at peak primary parasitaemia. These experiments, together with others we have reported, indicate that whereas nitric oxide appears to play a significant role in control of the primary parasitaemia of P. chabaudi infection, it performs no such function during subsequent patent parasitaemias. Furthermore, they suggest that factors as yet unknown may regulate nitric oxide activity during malaria infection, such that under normal circumstances its production comes under strict control. This is exemplified by the observation that after the burst of nitric oxide activity that coincides with peak primary parasitaemia, there follows a prolonged period of immunological tolerance during which nitrate levels remain low even at secondary challenge infection. This tolerized state is lifted only several months after initial infection, when the nitric oxide activity at reinfection appears to correlate with the size of the parasite challenge and the presence of a patent parasitaemia. The implications of these findings for protective immunity to malaria, malarial immunosuppression, and immunoregulation in general, are discussed.

Parasitology Research | 2002

Parasite-specific immunoglobulin isotypes during lethal and non-lethal murine malaria infections

Elizabeth C. Smith; Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson

Abstract. Production of parasite-specific antibodies is an important component of immunity to blood stage malaria infection, as shown by several previous studies in rodent models. However, no study has addressed the induction of humoral immunity by different parasites in a genetically homogeneous host population. Here, levels of parasite-specific immunoglobulin isotypes were measured during primary infections of Plasmodium chabaudi and of Plasmodium yoelii in inbred NIH mice inoculated with cloned lines of either avirulent or virulent erythrocytic parasites. Non-lethal infections were characterized by early and late significant upregulation of IgG2a and IgG1, respectively. In contrast, for lethal infections, a slower, reduced IgG2a response correlated with a rapidly fatal outcome prior to any significant synthesis of IgG1. It is proposed that the sequential upregulated synthesis of parasite-specific IgG2a (cytophilic) and IgG1 (non-cytophilic) is associated with protective immunity to blood stage malaria infections in mice. This may provide an immunological framework for examining humoral immunity to malaria in humans.

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